Te ofe wie oBe ols ie ote ols vhe oTe Te ols ate ole ale ohe she the the ty h *ouo; i Ten Thousand F reasonable price allingford Bros. â€" Mattagami Heights of twoâ€"inch White Wood and Poplar Lumber for sale. Very 2e ote oï¬o.onboooofon- the «Te ols ofe ds ste ote ate ote ie +t Dr. Melnnis in announcing the Tag Days to be held on Monday and Tuesâ€" day of this week for the Canadian Jewish War ftelief Fund, said he hopâ€" ed the public would give generously as the need was great, The work of the Canadian Jewish War Relief had been endorsed by the leading statesmen of all the Allied Countriecs, and it was undoubtedly a noble, as well as a necessary work that was heing earriâ€" ed on, without distinetions of race or creed, but all for humanity. Dr. Me Innis also read from literature of the eampaign to show how much could hbe done even with small eontributions. in give to the very limit."‘‘ Rev. Mr. Parks went on to show that many million dollars would be required to provide for the suffering peoples of 'hurope, and he believed that all in ‘I‘lmmm., only required to realize the need to respond with the ufmos wenorisity. He referred to the broad and charitable basis on which the Jewish lRNelief was doing its great work for humanity, and on behalf of those who suffered he asked the peoâ€" ple of Timmins to give as generously as they could that lives might be sayâ€" ed and children redeemed from want and starvation. rreG pDartecuiarty To tie sullerings uf the women and children, and aaskâ€" |ed for the people of Timmins to give all they could to relieve the situation. Itey. J. D. Parks, pastor of the Timmins Presbyterian Church, was the only other speaker. He made out an Ceffective ease for the strongest and most earnest support from all to the Canadian Jewish War Relief. Referâ€" ring to the children in"the audignee before him, he said that in Europe just such dear children were starving to death at present. In "lltl.l] .m«l‘ E urope there were hmnnuulw of children, who not only had no sue h! pleasures is â€" motion picture enterâ€" tainments, but toâ€"day lacked ovcp‘ food and clothes. There were children five or six years old who did not even know the taste of milk, that article bmond the means of all poor people|! since the war began. Thera wore thousands of onphans and helpless peo ple to beâ€" carned. for.. you could only ses the staring and| suffering children I know vyonu would| w tm ts omm e mm mm o With practically no opportunity for preparations or arrangement, a conâ€" cert was staged for Sunday evening in the New Empire Theatre after the ehurch services, the event having the double purpose of giving publicity to the campaign in progress this week for the Jewish War Relief Fund and of securing something towards the fund at the same time. The attendâ€" One Hundred Dollars Netted by Sunâ€" day Evening Concert. GONCERT FOR J:WISH RELIEF FUND i € tC ind purposes, on top of mill tor the hospital frontage â€"tax, land Sepmrate. _ school rateds exnected to 4 rang and mlittc } r At the poilee court here last week Magistrate Atkinson impressed upon Steve and Bob Ruberick the evil of kicking a cop. He gave them each six months in North Bay jail to conâ€" sider the matter further at the leisure of the state. â€" Officer Bennett was takâ€" ing an Austrian to the cooperina when Bob and Steve stopped him to tell him to stop. They started in to kick the oflicer and get the prisoner free, but Officer Bennett being Scotch held on to what he had. In the meantime Mr. Elliott of Schumacher happened along and with his assistance not only_the original prisoner but the two who atempted to interfere with the police were sately locked up. Bob and Steve pleaded guilty to the charge of obâ€" structing an officer in the discharge of his duty and they will have six montlhs cach of quiet communion in the North Bay jail to memorize the lesson that they sghould have better manners. Some drunks and disorderâ€" lies were fined at the same court, and much time taken up with the preâ€" iiminary hearing of Geo. Breen on nine charges of theft from the Hollinâ€" Mrs. W. Brown, well known as a woman prospector in the North Land is building a bungarlow for her own home at Swastika. Mrs. Brown, who came to the North Land from New York has done considerable prospectâ€" ing work in the North Country and the oldâ€"timers often meet her on the trail. At present Mrs. Brown is specially interested in prospecting work on a property at Beatrice Lake. The building of the bungalow at Swas tika suggests that‘she is planning to remain. permarently in the North as one of the three or four women prosâ€" pectors that are here. IT COSTS SIX MONTHS TO KICK A POLICEMAN. 2â€"UOsPECTOR BUILDING HOME IN NORTH. outt Department of Finance Dominion of Canada Do rot forget to file your Any person, whether tazable, or otherwise, who faills to make a return or provide inanformaâ€" tion duly required according to the proviasion of the Act, ashall be liable on summary conviction to a penairr of $100 for each day during which the defauit centlnouvues. Aiso any person making a Talse statement in ant return or is any inferrmmatien required by the Minister, shall be liable, on summary convriction, to a penaritry not erceeding $19,880, or to sitx months imprison â€" mont ar is bock Lhe ond imprisentnsnat. Erery persan required to make a return, who fails to do so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penasity of Twentyâ€"#Hre per centum of the amount of the tat payable. Penalty CORPORATIONMNS and joint stock companies must use Form FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T 1A. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. Forms * the 30th of April, 1920. rial To «4)( IOPr this year milis for general which will be 14 , 4 mills for water the ‘Public ate. â€" The school ce a heavy oune. rCiA C will c wire to for this veatr returns on or before as â€"COm the nns« be used in filing up D aken Representing Great West Life Assurance Co. General Accident Assurance Co. «â€"scribe to your local paper or before the 3Gth of April, Pastes for Black, Tan, O:-:Hboc], Brown Leather Shoes White Cake and Liquid for White Shoes i THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., HAMILTON, CANL en uenc en ue t e en on ts We mm CY Y% K J Tt NJ wommmsenme n n ie on m en t BUFFALO â€" Daily, May lst to Nov. 15th â€"CLEYVELAND Ieare Burraro _ â€" 9:00 P. M. RAastrrx Arrive CLEYVrrAND 7:80 A. M. Sranxparo Tt Arrive BUPPALO * "7:30 A. XL Connectionsa nt Cleveland for Cedar Poinc Putâ€"inâ€"Bay, Toledo, Detront and other points, Rnflmd txckota Ves eading b:twczn Bufl'.loEand }eveAhndt?m moodt k {:r 3 Er;taLtton ox;qocgo'r your ticket agent or American xpress Agent for tickets via ine ow onnat Antoâ€" mobflo Rateâ€"$10.C0 Round Trip, with 2 days return limit. for cars not 17 M.h- Leave 9:00P. M. hyA uioi c ..A a 4. 42 fve eents Also usk for o The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" â€""CITY OF ERIE" â€" "CITY OF BUFFALO" Beastifally colored sectional puzzle chart of The Great Ship "SEEAN DBEE’; eent on ra-c;ipt €ve conts.. A‘snuck far AaAnn 2narma miaknamin!t Aa. _i i Eo ioi 3. Bwery corporation and joint stock compa whose profits excecded $2,000 during the !is year ended in 1919. 2. All other individuais who durins the calendar year 1919 received or earned §2.050 or more. 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependanits as defized by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 receoived or earned $1,000 or more. ALL persons residing in Canzd: ployed in Canada, or c:‘u*z';;i; business in Canada, are lakls to on income, as follows:â€"â€" Life and Sickness and Accident Insurance 0 MAGCGNIFICENT STEAMERS 3 R. W. BREADNER, ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Make your returns prompily and avoid penalties. Form before filling it in. Assistant Inspectors of Tazation or from Postmasters. General Instructions. \Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATI0N OTTAWA, ONT, . Moseleyâ€"Williams Prepay postage on letters and docuâ€" Obtain Forms from the Inspector Read carefully all instruction: ESE ie 2Mâ€"page piectorial and ducnptive booklet (m Box 52, Schumaches an ixpress Agent tor tickets via C B Line, New Tourist Autoâ€" Â¥ip, with 2 days return limit, for cars not exceeding 127 in. whecibase Commissioner of Tazation. OmMIpany "** L1 £+} CXA