zQ“O“QQOOOQOWWC“ 0“““00060000000“0000â€â€˜% VI*xIOr # mm .. LO LAKE SHORE SHOWS FRODUCTION OF $45,000. The usual montbly statement issued by the Lake Shore Mine shows that for the month of March the company milled 1682 tons of ore of an average value of over $26.00 per ton, the total production totalling $45,133.18 for the month. â€" Much development work was done on the 200, 300 and 400 foot levels. AFTER THE IRON ORE ON BELCHER ISLAND. Apparently much prospecting and exploring work is to be done this year in connection with the discovery of iron ore deposits on Belcher Island and other islands in the James Bay region. Last week Mr. E. Leduc left Cochrane for Pagwa en route for Belâ€" cher Island where he expects to reâ€" main until next Mareh. He . took along with him the necessary machine ry for drilling and other exploratory work in connection with the find, and also gasolene launches for comâ€" munication with the main land. During the month of June two parties representing large interests are expect ed to leave Cochrano for Moose Harbour and proceed to the Beleher Islands. The parties will be accomâ€" panied by an experienced geologist. As will be noted by the announeceâ€" ment elsewhere in this issue, an Order inâ€"Council has been passed under the Fire Protection ~Act vhanging the Close Season from April 15th to comâ€" mence May 15th in this Division after which date permits to burn must be secured from the Fire Ranger. As a precautionary measure against the bush firs menace, no one is allowed to burn slash, etc., in the bush after April 15th in the ordinary year. The weather, however, has been such ts year that the time has been extended to May l5th. After the latter date this year no one can do any burning in the bush without a written permit from the fire ranger. Severe penalties are provided for those breaking this reculation, and last:â€"year theére was a dcecid«l disposition shown to enforcee this and other precautionary rules. CLOSE SEASON UNDER FIRE PROCTECTION ACT. FUKR MARKET AT THE PAS GETS A BUMP OR TWO. The fur market at the Pas, Manitoba has hbeen a pleasant one during the past few months, but a week or so ago it got a severe jolt. Npsaking of the matter, The Pas Herald says :â€"â€" The $90,000 fur offering in The Pas was mostly withdrawn when the bids were opened on Wednesday, and it was found that the bidders were under the expected prices by 25 per cent. â€" Wires from fur centres advised that all furs had dropped in price almost by half. Muskrats wereâ€"priced at $3.00, $3.75 and $4.00, and the sellers refused to let their holdings go. Beaver came down with a bang, and other offerings were.similarly treated. But very little of thé hugs number of pelts put up were sold at the prices tendered. It is the opinion of some fur men that an attempt to depress the market is being made by capitalâ€" ists, but it will not have the desirad effect at all. So long as everything else remains high, so will furs,1s what they say.‘‘ CLIFTONâ€"PORCUPINE LOCATING GOOD TONNAGE. Very satisfactory results have come {rom the Gevelopment work at the 200â€"foot devel of the Cliftonâ€"Porâ€" cupine. The good values encountered on the 100â€"foot level are being equallâ€" ed at the lower level and this means that a good.tonnage of better than just commercial ore has been put in sight. In view of the faet that sp(wml developments are helieved to be olpâ€" tainable north of the present workâ€" ings, a drive is being made north on the ‘mu- foot level on No. 6 vein. Inâ€" teresting results are expected from this. In the meantime the other deâ€" velopment work is proceeding and the rosults are inore than promising. | Mr. Jas. D..Cockburn recently showed The {.\d\':nuro a uumber of samples picked ceasualiy from the property from some of the workings made carlier in the ‘vear. All these samples show a proâ€" fusion of free gold,. whilt some of l Mr. E. Grant, of the Dmopam.ment staff of the Pape-' Co., Irsquois viszitor to over tue {)t~â€"course, C‘ said Mr i1 IHM Nes 0 asized Iacl s the larges tout hal at AC tn< Ak4 :A \F .1 iL + Employment Abitibi Power Y Y â€"€ alls. HULTl . cuilInlo? V 144 Nleeciy acular A 11 OO PA OPEN SEASON CHANGED BACK FOR THIS DISTRICT. Last week The Advance made mention of the action of the Fish and Game â€" Committee of the Ontamo Legislature in changing the dates for the open season for deer and moose. Many people looked upon the change as most objectionable for many reaâ€" sons, and Mr. Mac Lang, M. P. P., for this riding interested himself in the matter on behalf of the people of the district. Others also took part in an effort to stop the change and the final result is that the open season for deer and moose in this district will remain as in previous years. In referring to the matter ‘The Northland Post, of Cochrane, says:â€"**In econnection with the change of the open season for moose and deer in our country from October 1st the Fish and Game Comâ€" mittee of the Legislature in spite of carnest protests from representatives of railways, the Cochrane Board of Trade was appealed to by Mr. Armâ€" strong, Sportsman‘s Guide of the C. N. R. here with a view to having the decision reconsidered by the Comâ€" mittee and let the opening date for the season remain OQctober lst as owing to climatic conditions the later season would be detrimental to bringâ€" ing in sportsmen from outside, and therefore kill this business for this part of the Province completely. Through the good offices of our Memâ€" ber, Mac Lang this matter has been reconsidered, and in a message to the Secretary of the Board of Trade, Mr. Mac Lang confirms that the season is left the same as last year."‘ To supply a longâ€"felt want we have stocked a complete line of the latest and best designs in Wallpaper and invite the inspection and considerâ€" ation of the qualities and prices. Oome and see. E. M. ALLWORTH Pine Street â€" Next Imperial Bank TIMMINS. CHAS; PIERCE SONS, Cco LT}J., TIMMINS, ONT. f Furniture, Old FURMITURE ard All Now Beautlfy Your Home _Clothing, Etc. BOUGHT AND SOLD Your RAoors, furniture, woodâ€" work can be finished quickly, essily and sttractively if you use Especially made to resist the scuf and tread of grinding hees os Boor, it is for that very reaâ€" son the best finish for _ Eitker the clear varsish or e‘gt! basutitel colors from Light Osk ts Dark Mabegessy. Come inâ€"let us show you whet Lpanimâ€"wil} 4s. TKrLanize CANOE POR SALEâ€"Peterborough, 16â€"foot, good eondition. For sale ; at a . bargain. Apply |Mrs. H. Brooks, Schumacher. »17 p. h, LUMBER WANTED®â€"Spruce, Jack le| Pine and Poplar. For further inâ€" 1.| formation write 3 Harry Towne, p. | Cochrane. 6 p.