Timmins Branch, Saving is a most beneficial habit, and an easy one to acquire. Place a certain amount of your income in this Bank at regular intervals. Deposits have a marvelous way of growing and in a short time you will have a Savings Account of four lee wrea s o ts o i s A e e s ~s ~ t t e ETT s es ad 2 uh. Branchesn atso at K +m 4C OPF â€"CANADA es : Et y\C.9 Anprew Wirsone 1. ¢ ma t Lake, South Porcupine, Liskeard artd Matheson. Still the Most for the Money H. C. McDonald, Manager. * The National Smoke" j Yalt BESRLED T icAtâ€" KEPT SMALL LOAKNS T0 RELP WORKERS 1N FUROPE One Mi â€"â€" Help After announcement had been made in The Advance of the Committee orâ€" canized here to assist in this district in the campaign from April 19th to April 22nd for funds forâ€"the Canâ€" adian Jewish War Relief, many wishâ€" ed particulars of for just what putâ€" poses the money would be expended and some of the plans of the Fund. In former issues it was pointed out that eonditions are very serious .inâ€" deed in wide stretches of country in Europe and the sufferings of <the people are almost beyond deseription. The Canadian Jewish War Relief has been relieving immediate cases of _poverty and want, and wishes to conâ€" tinue and extend this good work. In addition there are several definite plans under way for more permanent assistance. The rebhabilitation of, Poland‘s middle class of mechanies, artisans and cmall tradesmen, ruined by the war. by exvending $1,000,000 through small foans, is the pian of Dr. Boris D. Bogen, Directorâ€"General of Jewish Relief work in Poland. ‘‘Perâ€" feet â€" administration ready to carry this work on,"‘ Dr. Bogen has cabled to the Canadian Jewish Relief Comâ€" mittee headquarters. ‘This is wonder ful â€" opportunity â€" for constructive service. llv ulinf.: a unit of 25 skilled relief workers, which recently arrived in Poland, Dr. Bogen, with headquarters in Wargaw, through his unit has lhis relief organizations covering practicâ€" ally every part of stricken Poland, he reports, while couriers are covering the country, delivering remittances from Canadians to their destitute reâ€" latives in Poland. In line with Dr. Bogen‘s reconstruetion policy, an appropriation of $250,000.00 for use as small loans to aid in the March exâ€" penditures of $710, 000.00 for Poland, by the Joint Distribution Committee, relief disbursing organization of the Canadian Jewish W allied bodies. Tho Haileyburian last week says Miss Jessie Macfie, of Timmins, visiting Miss E. Mitchell." The Annual Cieneral Meeting of the Yorthern Ontario Football Associaâ€" on will be held at Timmins on Friâ€" day, April 16th 1920, commencing at one o‘clock p. m. sharp. All Clubs in the Association last year are expected to send representatives to this meetâ€" ing, while new eluhs are cordially inâ€" vited to join: the Association in time for this meeting. Meeting in the Council Chamber [immins. ; Special attention is called to Byâ€"la w To. 2, which provides that the yearly ubscription fee of $2.00 for cach ‘lub must be in the hands of the Seâ€" retary by the 15th of April of each ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Northern Ontario Football Association. VCP Million Dollars Will Be Spent to »lp Mechanics From Canadian Relief Fund. Attention is also directed aw No. 9 which directs that â€" retary of each Clab shall se 'x!llowiug particulars not late April 30th in each year:â€"â€"N: Club; nams and postal address ‘retary ; color o1 All Football Clubs in the are cordially invited to join v rear, and no ‘Club shall hay entative at General vhose subseription is unpa urre® yvear. Northern Ontario Footiball Asso« tion in msking the coming Foot] Season as big or a bigger suceess last season. Send reépresentatives the Annual General Meeting, and cet tocrether for a successful foot! Timmins, 10(:. NY §JM mï¬@jo ETe TCl IELD, Pre 2. 1020, Relief and its THE PORCUPINE ADVANOR to byâ€"iaw the yearly for ecach ot the Seâ€" ril of each ve a repreâ€" l Meeting uid for the send the iter than Name of iss of Seâ€" «d1str1c1 with the Football Nilt WANTS IMPROVED PDal OFFIGE SERVIGE HERE th Mr. Paddy Rowe Suggests That Council or Others Take up the Question. The following letter speaks self :â€" to all ill UNEXPECTED DEATH OF MRS. E. G. HAND, COBALT There will be sincere sympathy exâ€" tended by all who know him to Mr. E G. Hand, of the Northern Miner €o.. Cobalt, in the sudden death last w eek f his wife. The late Mrs. Hand vassed away suddenly at her forme aome in Fenelon Falls where she had zone on a visit after undergoing nedical treatment in Toronto. Mrs Hand had been suffering with nervous for some months, but it was believed that a complete eure had ‘been effected, and she was expected back to Cobalt in a few days. Instead +f this, however, Mr. Hand on Friday evening received the news of his wife‘s sudden death, which came as a decided shock to him and to their friends in the North Land. Mr. Hand left at onee for Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Hand had been married less than fifteen months. wWHY ONE LADY VOTED FOR ANGUS McDONALD. was lad x only that our interests and olUP 11\ this country from the 34 ‘‘Oh, yes, I think h« man, without doubt.:"" ‘*‘Then, I suppose yo him to * am gong )l!'l)nnill(l.†* wiy Pullen such E+ But wihiy, at Yyou ; tIH Pullen such an excéllent ma g’nin}_." to vote for Mr. }I(' the lady eanvasser asked. ‘‘Because Mr. MeDonald EB 1 votei think that enough fotr 11 id J verV A <Â¥ery pleas.m[ Social â€" l Home was given by the local lc the Rebekahs in their lodge ro the basement of St. Matthew‘s on Thursday evening last. The a large attendance and all h had enjoyableé cvening. \n 118 4 this line of rjority of" the en the neus MeDonal: W ell 11 biblical const 1y , No _ earpent Saviour at surely )1 erv or at ind our dlive 1 to vote tot replied the WVas meluded vou will vote tor 111 idy canvasset the dady vots rseas to protsel ves and to savyse barbarians."" e is a splendid irpen Cc\ rimed tl» A N‘il\l think Ma man, are ) MeDonald beilal â€" and Ioncal lodge odge rooms 11 ¢ fol' it- I1 \MUr,. Angus this riding .-d' 1)\' .\ll (':lrl)(‘lltl 1y YyOteI id v can Tl( €HUre! Te Viis A~ POOLEY, WM. FIELD Secondâ€"hand furniture of all kinds thoroughly renovated and _ in firstâ€" ‘dlass condition, as good as new af nuch less cost. Also many other arâ€" icles. Call and see us no matter what want, we likely have it. We pay â€"ash for secondâ€"hand _ furniture or anything else. _ What have you t« sell? E. La SALLE, 40 and 40% Third Avenue. Meets every first and fourth Wednesday evenings in the baseâ€" ment of St. Matthew‘s Anglican Church. â€" Visiting brethren alâ€" ways welcome. Graduate McGill Medical Coll. Reed Block, Timmins. Has resumed practise after C years service overseas. Phones: Offico 202A. Res. 202B TV PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Iloip us supply our tremendous aemangaoL an4 ail other Furs from your distric. + r~TREMELY HIGH PRICES quoted bow: You‘ve got to ship your Furs to a reable House to get the "most money" for them. "SHUBERT" has been satisfing Fur shippers for "more than a third of a century"â€"since 1883. That‘s ;record that speaks for itself. Take no riskâ€""THE SHUBERT GUARANTE" protects you absolutelyâ€"bundle all the Furs you have on hand and HIP TO * SHUBERT * TOâ€"DAY. SHIP ALL _ YOUR GiRLWLE __ ild ) @/mIYED hss IN THANORLD DEALING EXCLUSWELY 1N NORTH AMERCAN RAW FUR Fine, Dark Brovm Pale NoRTH AMERCAN P 4 *Donald St Spring NMinter wWI N NIPPEG CcAaNLDBIAH HOYSE, FOR FUR SHIPPERS FOR SALE Ho1EXTRA LARGE £xTHA TO AVIRAG® | EK 2500010 1730010 150.00 125.00t0 100.00 60.00 to 50.00 5.90 to 6.50 to YOU‘LL BE MIGUTY CLAD YOU DID P ALlL YOUR ‘UVRS._DiRECT To tremendous demandfor MUSKRAT, FISHER, BEAVER, from your distric. "SHUBERT" will pay you the T15 74E R 175.00to0 1500 125.00t0 1000 $000to 600 45.00 to 353 | 32.90 to 28.00 | 25.00 to 18.00 {25.00 to 12.00 5.90 to 5.21 450 to 345 | 350 to 275 [ 350 to 2.00 500 to 404 350 to 275 | 250 to 200 1250 to 1.50 ENTE | A Toh +a a TO AVCLRAC EIXIRA TO AVERAGE TIMMINS 100GE, 1.0.0.f. No. 483 Will meet, until further notice, every Tuesday evening in the basement of St. Matthew‘s Church. Visiting Brothers quested to attend. . A. H. Cooke, W. G. Smith, Fourth Ayenue and Cedar Strents, Pubiic Worship, 11 a.m. and © p.m. Sunday School, 10 a. m A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. (Anglican). Tamaratk Street and Fifth Sund â€" Services, 11.00 a.m p.m. / V Sunday School, 3.00 p.m. Baptisms, 4.15 p.m. Holy Communion:â€"1st. Sunday of month, 11.00 a.m.; 3rd Sunday of month, 7.30 p.m.; Festivals, 8.30 a.m, mCV ev P.l S. Cushing, B.A., L.3 { Phone 81. Resifence, No. 1 Hemlocl Revy. J. D. Parks, B.A., Minister. Phone 138 ST. MATTHEW‘S CHURCH, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1250010 160.00 90.00to 70.00 55.00to0 45.00 EFTAA TO 20.00t0 70.00 .00t040.00f 650010 45.00 30.00 40.00to 3000 1490.001020.00 CA â€" «LIC AS40 AquarR®tT Avenue. ind ector 00