Great Life and Sickness West Life Assurance Eggâ€"D Baking Pow der T. Moseleyâ€"Williams INSURANCE Box 52, Schumacher Representing ce Co. General Accident Assurance Co. and Accident Insurance Limited, Hamilton, Canada |¢’ 33 D. BERTRAND DROPPED OUT OF RACE Messrs. Angus McDonald, A. G Slaght and E. F. Pullen the Only Ones Nominated. Despite the fact that it was anâ€" nounced only a few days before that Mr. David Bertrand, of South Poreuâ€" pine was in the field to stay until the ballots were counted in the Dominion Byâ€"clection in this riding, thore were only three candidates nominated for the election at the formal proceedings at Haileybury on Wednesday of last week. (Mr. Bertrand, is a farmer at South Poreupine, and he had announâ€" ced himself as an Independent Liberal candidate, one of the chief planks of: his platform being a policy of the secession of the North Land from the rest of Ontario (but he was going to include Ottawa, for example, in hs new North Province). â€" He was said to be in Haileybury ‘last Wednesday but his name was.not put forward in nomination. Friends suggest that he was too good a Liberal to run against the party candidate when it came to the final show down, but that may be, as it may be. In any event, he did not run. NN t dih t d The followm" are the three formal nominations duly made, and in the order in which they were made:â€" Angus MeDonald, of the Town of Cobalt, carpenter. . (Independentâ€" ~Laâ€" bor Party and U.F.O. candidate. Ernest Fleetwood Pullen, of Por- Ernest Fleetwood Pullen, ot Horâ€" quis Junetion, mining engineer. (Inâ€" dependent Conservative candidate). Arthur Graeme Slaght, of the City of Toronto, barristerâ€"atâ€"law. (Liberal Candidate. The formal nominations were quiet and there was no excitement, and no speeches after the legal forma.ities were concluded. JUST TOUCHING FRINGE OF MINERAL WEALTH In supporting his duill to ereate a separate department Tor Mines in the Ontario‘ Governinent, Premier Drury last week is reported as having said that Ontario was merely touching the fringe of its minoral wealth and that it would be necessary to know more about the great mining industry to ncrease the revenue from it. Tlus sounds a litble as if the Premer viewâ€" ed the mining industry too much in the light of ‘simply an incidental means of giving revenue fto the Proâ€" vince. This has been too largely the attitude of governments in the past in regard to mining matters. They have looked upon the industry as unl_\ method for raising revenue for the Province. When be was visiting the North Land a prominent mine manâ€" ager gave the Premier a gentle hint against the tendeney to look upon the mining industry as no more than “]ust a cow to be milked.‘‘ The industry should bear its share z_ L000 000 ces ce ie ooo c that Ontario fringe of its it would be about the g increase the sounds a litt ed the mint a cow L0 mining industry in the contvibut treasury. â€" But simply a means the Governmen more along general lines and in reâ€" gard to the revenus the workers, the business mon, the investors and the general public would derive from inâ€" creased interest in and attention to mining. It is to be hoped so. Hgwever, Premier Drury was on unassailable ground when he advocâ€" ated the creation of a new departâ€" ment of mines for the Province,. . He pointed out that the Department of Mines and the Department of Lands and Forests (previously under the one department) were of sufficient importance to warranit a separate deâ€" partment and a minister for â€" each. There was practically no opposition to the proposal. Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Minister of Lands, â€" Forâ€" ests and Mines, in the late unlamentâ€" ed Hearst Administration, wished the new departments all success and sugâ€" gested that they had plenty of opporâ€" tunity for effective work. The Govâ€" erument will do well to follow up the interest evidenced up to date in North Land affairs. With skilful and. inâ€" telligent encouragement‘ and piloting this North Land, with its immense reâ€" sourees in forest, field, stream, and mine, maxy become a mighty factor in the progress and prosperity of the {Province.â€"incidentally â€" providing a | not.eworth;.- measure of revenue for Athe agaministration of the day. gested tuha tunity for ernment m interest ey Land ailfa (No Personal Lisbility.) A dividend of 1 per cent. upon the outstanding capital stock has been deâ€" clared payable 21st April, 1920 on which date cheques will be mailed to shareholders of record at the close of business on 10th day of April, 1920. D. A. DUNLOP, Treasurer Dated 1st April, 1920. the contributions to the t‘rovincal asury. â€" But it is much more than ply a means of giving revenue to Government. Its iumportance as actor in the development and proâ€" ss of the country should not be c oTt "ha« the #eneralâ€"adâ€" HOLLINGER CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES LIMITED. f the average industry, il special advantages of its iaps, Mr. Drur@ws 1doa was r general lines and in reâ€" e revenus the workers, the ion, the investors and the blie would derive from inâ€" â€" +. rOLOUPINE avuVÂ¥ ANOE r its share Provincial morse than Do not forget to file your Department of Finance Dominion of Canada to be used in filing Forms returns on or before the 30th of April, 1929. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T 14. CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must use Form Penalty Every person required to make a retixn, wao fails to do so within the time limir, shalil be subject to a penalty of per entum of the amount of the tar payable. Any person, whether or ajherwine, who fails to make a return or provide in{forms â€" tlion duly required according to the provision wf | the Act, ahaill be liable on summary coumviction to a penalt;y of $190 for each dAagzg during which the defauit continues. Also any paerson making a faise statement in any returs or in any informatioan required by the Minister, ob be liabile, on summary coenviction, to ® pu-‘ky not erceeding $19,809, or to i1 months‘ impnison â€" ment or to both Aine and ment of â€" Like cvcrv otaer Bâ€"H product, the Bâ€"H Shingle Stain is first choice acm ng people who know good paint. << PIF®~C" SONS, LIMITED, * us "NS, ONT. Income Tax Retarn BRA : # o o\.g‘ t Ari. HMHEOICIWNL HAY ALL persons residing in Canada, emâ€" ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a ta» on income, as follows:â€" 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, Of widower, without dopendants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 recoived or earned $1,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919. 2. All other individuals who during calendar year 1919 received or egrned $2,000 «more. before the 30th of April, * ingle Stain who | Safeguard Your Roof 63‘73 S h all" W General Instructions. Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or Postmasters. Form before filling it in. ments forwarded by Taxation. Make your returns promptly and avoid penalties. Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION, OTTAwWA, ONT. Obtain Fo rms from the Inspectors or Read carefully all instructions Prepay postage . BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation. irface wd on letters and docuâ€" mail to Inspectors of from «) the or