FOR SALEâ€"Bungalow; six rooms and bath; all conveniences; well located. Bargain for cash. Apply Box Advance Office, Timmins. /An organization meeting of the Timmins Golf Club will be held at the Council Chambers at the Town Hall, Timmins on Saturday, the 10th day of April, 1920, at 8 p. m., for the election of officers for the eurrent year. All persons dosiring to be present, or reâ€" persons ( presented are®hot n (zolf Clul lfln for n Treasure Thursday TIMMINS GOLF CLUB. Ir memDders irrent year. All e present, or reâ€" eeting, and who : of the Timmins y make applicatâ€" ta the Secretaryâ€" on or of April 192 TAILLON, reasure oT wWOMAX WAXNTED FOR PLAIN SEWING. Apply Hotel Goldâ€" FOR REBNT or FOR SALEâ€"Two houses in Golden City ; one partially furnished. Apply to Wm. M. F. MacGregor, Poreupine. â€"13 fields. Detached Cottage on the IHMiH, 4 rooms and bath room, water, concrete cellar, Electricâ€"Light, with outbuildâ€" ings suitable for Contractor, large eorner lot, Apply to R. F. Argles, Room 10, Reed Block, Timmins. â€"14 THE PORCUPIHE ADVANXOR BIG LOGAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT THIS WEER Attractive Prizes and Lively Comâ€" petition Promised for Events Thursday and Friday On Tharsday and week there will be a ling tournament here loceal bowlers are sh liest interest, Not o usual friendly spirit for the honors of the with an attractive art the events, hbut there ohbhject of the presen from Cochrane, L perhaps from othe trict, will be here Timmins naturally line on the best avy ent so as to gave and a good run were. The big local tournament this week (lhmsday and Friday} will include six 5â€"men teams. The events will inâ€" clude 5â€"men events, 2â€"men events and individual events. The teams will be as follows :â€"â€" Two teams from â€" the Hollinger, captained by John MelLean and Chas, White, respectively. A T. N. 0. Team, eaptained by Chas. Alton. Two Merchant teams, one captainâ€" ed by J. Porrault and the other by A. Brazeau. 1,e@g0. ‘There will be three teams bowling three events on Thursday night and three teams bowling events on Friâ€" day night. There will be a cash prize for the best 5â€"nen team, and a cash prize for the second best 5â€"men team. There will be five eash prizes for the first leading teams in the and ten prizes for the ten leading individuals. Also there will be a prize for the single seore, and also a prizc for the man bowling the best averâ€" age for the nine f;f'um«:q of the tournaâ€" ilm-nt. There is much in this bowling ion promises to SHOWED CONSIDERATION FOR T. N. 0. RAILWAY There is a growing group o men who live in Timmins but who have business or occeupations at the smaller centres along the line, and who use the early morning train An Italian team, captained by to Db in 1I11T is 1 and Friday of this be a big local bowâ€" here, in which the e showing the liveâ€" ot only is there the pirit of competition £ the together JC. interest being showI event and competit e keen and exeiting V is1tors Parn 1¢ inpete inotneyv il leet matâ€" ament to a month. nt teams it tTeams lls, and 1 the dis es oT nother as ] week aIH hown tal or from here to reach their places of business each lawful day, returning on the afternoon train to their homes here. This growing group honded together in the unbreakable ties of T. N. 0. trials and tribulations, must have some amusement. And it thas. Recently, they have been centering thir shafts of humour upon Mr. H. M. Martin, simply because one day a week or two ago the train stopped for him at the erossing at South End when he did not have time to reach the station before the flieer deft. "*©Wish I had that much pull with the T: N. 0."‘ one man would say. ‘*Why, the T. N. 0. will hardly stop at the stations long enough for me to ilII1 11 vith 1 I1 IK t Ollt * The quality of 2 in1 Shoe Polishes is recognized the world oven'fl\i?y â€"are the best Polishes made. We want to improve the box~and ooo any oe Poligh h opener adopted by us.Write for mformatione« THE E. F. DALLEY CORPORAIIONS LTD. HAMILTON, CAN. SHOE ES ay or anot bull on t 311 Mr. A 11 1 m not in if Al dail Willt a Qi ours who is here,"" said Mr. Martin, ‘*‘The other day,"‘ continnegd My. Martin, ‘‘this friend was awakenaod by his wife begging him to get up beâ€" cause it was 6.20 and he would mss his train. ‘But the train goes at 6.20, and if it is 6.20 now what is the use of up?‘ The man asked. ‘‘Bui Charlie, Charlie, what will you dol‘‘ the lady exclaimed. ‘‘Oh,‘"‘ said Charlie, as he settled himself for anâ€" other good nap, *‘*just telephona the station, and tell the T. N. O. not‘to wait for me this morning!*" . W. War T. W. Warren broke the tradl tomobile passage from Soutb t woek, coming out here safety from the neighboring town. utos will soon be following in tsteps, as it were, but he had tinction of being the first over in it at all with a friend o