XQQQGQMMMOOWOWOQOGQMW“ d200007%009090000000 200886 #99090006000000909§090000000000000060000080000000000000686 The Haileybury Business Collqgt HA!LEYSURY, ON TARIO -‘1"1 | aA “ n | ® "“"~ b 4 e * % Ni !) 1 41 M.’l_'H‘ .r t * 6% “‘ s)‘( ‘.\ * -l_gu“c he 01* Jï¬ L1 U YÂ¥ . J 11 maths, â€" eleetne . and s ingle rooms, + {qone l)(tulllnl which â€"wi “ be d will accommoâ€" 2 | s | KQ1 Al z Phoue 10 B Phont 40 B € i «w@%%WO« mmmo 008 46 © 4# 0@ E « *# OOOW n m snn utw ons ces o0 6666 C 0@“: Watchmaker Jeweler Luimber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies AGENT Colgnia! Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL Cl B.C. Fir. SJoodâ€"Stave Pige and Tanks of all descriptions Head Office State course de%red ard de it now-â€"â€"-â€"â€"TOâ€"DAY Wmter Torm begins Jannary S5th. On or about January 12th, will move from my present stand in the Reed Block to the Store What does the New Year mean to you / Is it to be another year of standing still while you watch others get the advancement YOU hoped to get? : Or will you make it a Year of real achievement? Will you realize now that the better job goes only to the man or woman who have the Training that the better job requires. For the ambitious and earnest, six months will work wonâ€" ders... WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. The coming year is the most important in your life. QGet a real start NOW.â€" Is it to be the same old grind of hard work, uncongenial employment and small pay? We hare many emnuditim® from Ladies in Hailoybury, askâ€" ing for young lbadies to stay with them. They will give room and board free faor a few sarritam© after: fouw. ~ If you really want the coming year to count for something ict THE HAILEYBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE help you to make your progress sure and tangible. cinds secsond hand Mining Machinery in firstâ€"class condit Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, cetc. XPERIENCE NEhay ~C" _ Offices: Reed Block (first floor) QUIPMENT â€" Timmins, Ont. ; Telephone 66 ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR Between the Hollinger Stores Yard and Warehouse 0 30006 9000600000086 08 Timmins, Ont. to hhave any pel Shelter statfons geood â€" condition irst, public secut UI 1186 ORELTER STATILAS To 6b PLCED MONXG 1. N. 8. viIOn, made. from wit Mr. Geo, W. Lee, Ac the "F.â€"â€"N..0O., was Gistrict and noted t form of shelter stat Drinkwater Pit and . Accommodation for the Travelling Public at Varicus Small Stations On This Branch. such station p Intosh Springs, water . Pit an shelter stations attention of 1 was drawn t change A1nNe 1. W N. ly completed placing of sm pi containing shower _ baths, elecetne lizhts, steam bath, and single rooms, with single for one oceupant aonly. The building, which will be HUGE MODERN BOARDING HOUSE BEGAN AT THE PAS Heraidl work bas cot huve moderm» boardin relters, ‘avellin tihceat VC iC ul 10 Toun« 1( 14 o1 indt dateo net Constaut decid U( )11 Thest ind I1¢ ewspaper put V t In the a n G lteo 111 M ese points would not ir accommodaâ€" neat shelters have been will â€" eive â€"protection nt 1000,.00 LV lotr M »A PD@I Dome )11 will byv hnoyv ) W U :n# nhouse jor (he lumber eamp. _The very modern structâ€" ig, of **L"‘ shape, 01 <give profect1on snow and rain and rovement from the d( tter C ul wa y A\n s N. 0. officials matter, but. no ‘ently, however, ns Chairman of up through this > need for some ns at Fielding, 11( l) 158 )t timm{( s at rarber‘s me Minc pipe ol peace with a speeci me stations. cwould allow t lhow trains these st O1] 6 static Fieldin 1 ¢ of â€" entries. rs are being arge cities to Indian â€" _Pow > «listineumshâ€" DBayVy, Mine five s 1) t 1 (Manitoba) IH ‘‘picking uncertain 1 election man will intainued shelter certain oppin le an g, Mi Drink ecent ndd ns »r the OV J D ;21.\" lIDnsSs \ 111 it Repré othe: 9 \a. daily jects pl€ T t f‘ull in from the is bheing (Oll Cultivation, Seedq Inspec 1011 (C School : Mareh April 10 ‘The s 1 hC iC price of than that IA¢C]} 15 NVOLUL Cilil y «4 SILZUCL 11 almost any price. This does not mean a‘ difference in stitehing quality. ;A%â€" though you have the choices of five different types, there /s but one quality of machineâ€"THE BEST. The difference in price is entirely due to the woodwork, This you can have plain or expensive as you may prefer. You can make terms to suit your conâ€" venience and I make a fair allowance for al} machines taken in exchange. We make a specialty of repairing and â€" renovating for all makes of machines. Jf your machine annoys you by breaking thread, loose stitch, or running hard, a postal will bring an expert to your home.. We charge nothing for examination. You are told the cost before the work is begun and we guarantee our work. Call or send postal und I wil} rall on you. eld tta w a lt ibtedly wilo late method acrieculture particulars w to‘ takir E3 tlms ®eC Aetricul isant tl direc buildn o _ {sentatli ulture, LN S (uest 20 mMe Lumbe pi 1spe 11(01 Kit ned) PIEI I Mount; iming : in# S2CCOon C ulture. 4“51 l'i( SUpPt. nteith Ontatio,. ‘ant Mines Departm r nermit to bul .\lnll APPLICAT PSE 9 AFaple street, TIMMINS I8( 12 to make l profitable eatu ubli ninlo Bake 111 \\HJ ems to preva t1l1 i1 *Â¥ ind CC( ma k« NIXON Depau lt JuUurst l Dist: ind is mort while the nOt th iOoron xtend l iC TTA . t YE Wives riget tr (‘s Double Actingâ€" Doubly Saving 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins Wholesale Tobaccos and GConfectionery Eaking Powder Eggâ€"O EBaking Powder Co., Limited, Hawilton, Cama Secretly, every wife is Lercely ambitious for her husâ€" bandâ€"his surccéss, appearance, strengthâ€"his standâ€" ing among his fellow men. Beâ€" worthy of that wife of yours. IKeep healthy! Strength, appearance, success cdepend on Realth. Living habits today are largely artificia‘â€"indoorâ€" sedentary. To be â€"healthy, we must rezerd Nature‘s laws. And one of the first of her laws is "Avoid Constipation. Keep the poisons of intestinal matter moving out of your body." By an entirely new principle Nujol w.ll keep the poisonous waste inovicg out of the body. Every other form of treatment either irritates or forces the system. Nujol works on the waste mautter instead of on the system. | _ Nujol prevents constipation by keepimg ihe food waste soft, thus helping Nat=se establish easy, thorâ€" ough bowel evacuation at regular intervalsâ€"the healthiest habit in the world. It is absolutely harmless ard pleasant to takeâ€"try it. Nujolis sold by all dnï¬'i:to in sealed on% bearing 1Â¥1.;«.. t rade merk. Write Nujel Laborat , Brandard Oil) Co. (New Jersey,, it New York, for bookict *"*Thirty Feet of Danger." Soid Everywhere A New Method of Treating an Old