Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 19 Nov 1919, 1, p. 4

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Q! N ‘1 ) NEW MINISTER PROMISES MORE ATTENTION TO MINES inu- w 0M Hutu: .Nurth Ha Hhould In- flt 3mm: 11 the \‘isitnr \‘Plttlntl is to have every 11111111e1pal1t} aunt every «listriet in the North repreâ€" sented lelti aetively interesleil. Mem- 31ers ol.’ hoth the Dominion a1nl l’ro I‘ineial parliaments will he speeially invited to the ('onvention, as well as amlhlates in the list (Wlution o1 tuo, heads ol 111nni1ipalities . 111en1hers ot hoards of t ade, l ading“r business men and other prominent eitizens. Mining, liunhering, immigration, rel'orestrz- 114m. separation into a separate pro- Vim-e, and all other topies ol.’ speeial interest will ‘he before the (‘onvention .‘l'or discussion and eonsideration. The suggestion is also made that the new Minister of Mines and the new Minis- ter of Lamls, Forests and Mines the tspeeially rm'lnested to he present at the (.‘onvention. The present inten- tion is to have this first eonvention at North Bay. Il' t‘his is done there Hhonhl he another convention called .at some plaec further north so that the visitors may have the proper“lo- 2:11 colour." Indeed, it is not. much out ol.‘ the way to say that North Jay’s problems are not similar to 'liiose ol' other \‘1'l(l(,' (listriels in the North Land. The miningr -a1.11ps should he speeially emphasimul and also emphasis given to the represent- ation of settlers on sneh stretehes as ‘lhese east and west of ('oehrane. (7o- mam 1hr ( Juvots null)‘ busim mu! uxpn Till PflflBUPINE M1451? WEDNESDAY, NOVEB TIMMINS ORGANIZING TO BOOST THE NORTH COUNTRY nt Canada United States Office 26 Published every Wednesday by ll mm ll FOUR [US Geo. Lake, Publisher 1' (-vmmwmg‘ Hm spmt and Is ui' the grunt Ilm'th. Nurth gmmtivvly speaking. is an md mow 01' the type 01' ()Id . 111 Hu- lusl 1111-0111111 111' two, inunii-ipnlitivs 1110111110125- 01' I'mlu, lo 1(1111w business men 111'0111i11011t vitizcns. Mining, innnig'ntinn, 1'ui'1:11'estx':1- "ation into :1 separate pro- M ll ubscription Rates “'33 “(:0 TELEPIIONES : C‘ l'( )l puhli tm‘ H H'V H 1t mum um (lospalchcs l‘H't‘i his week, “on. svlovtml Ministm thc ('Insvst nth-m n tn the needs. unt l( (I(‘( or va Liskmrd, than North Hay as wing: thv spirit and H‘ Ft punt: I‘(. ll rt the needs hilitim n nmu’s we” uu‘nt H'W Resulence 112 ll .ll $2.00 a year $3.00 a year It H -ld in 1 m and tr» 1H the sptwiully n, as well as (*tiun ()1‘ two, members of MBEF ll]! needs ll l\'( ONTARIO lttvntic ll l‘(‘('(‘l\'(.‘( on. 311‘ m H l\ ll rvsid 1' t. N .1 V OQOOOOOWQONOOO6‘ $0“¢MNW¢OO¢@M”W99 bOOWOMOOWMMWNOW 900M“ :Office Supplies and Statianery g 1"[0375, Fancy Gaods g China '1 . magma-:â€" 9 WWW” OWMWW” 90M60W¢0WMMWW¢®WQW®¢ONWW ‘WNWWQ’OOMWWW QMOWOWONMWW”OWWOOMWQ OWWWQOWO OOOWW WWMWOMOO¢M4 In Mk HID! MI I! I'( ll !'( )ll 1' 11‘ ()n .ll ERNEST H. BRIDGER ll U (ii Miss Maltais Millinery Parlors, 3rd Ave. Timmins Special Sale Ladies and Childrens Hats It will pay all to call and see the displays and bargains offered MlSfi. L. MALTAHS H H H ll llm Ill I] H ulvzmcc 100th 111 Hus IUWIT rit-t during: the past sunmwr 1;: “10 presentatinn, Mr. J. K. mdv fitting refervncc- tn the wt um] uti'urt given tn the in~ 1' H10 Puntball Club by .;\"[L*ssm ,1 N (‘N huds failing to opportunity f'll d a separah, [1 1eg the people about the no H ['11 IV t 1t ldministration I] 1 have reached ll N\’IHR:{.{\I V L Ofices: Reed Block (first floor) EQUIPMENT Timmins, Ont. : Telephone 66 .- the people of this cc mt the neglect and the North Land's wr. lities. The people of have reached the posi‘ realize the wealth of e land the)“ 'have pion 'ull)‘ determined that ministration it Shall I] “11355 nu ll .11!) m “ppm-ma: l"uutbul| ( shown and w by Hum 50 football «uf )thu ll ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR ml "00“)31“ ‘ 11 Mr. \\‘ detormim H t'ul urt th u secure justice 'he North Land province shows [9 of this coun- oglect and in- l'lllll R. F. ARGLES Ill \'. Field with muff links and 21 guld scarf as small mo- .itinn felt 'by Iluli fur the _ the work so . two gentle- in this town nn tn the m- lu' Messrs ile that it work and o pioneer- I that un- s’hull have :purtunity not secure It: Ontario is having a mectmg ' of the )osition “'0 m this )1 I‘C 10 nmrriugu. h’ov. W. Armos. 017 South I’m-vupine, nflivinted at the wronmny. at whieh nnly the innuuliuto t'rivuds and relatives 01' the ('uuph' were pro- sont'. After the wedding Nipper and a pleasant swim evening at the home nt' Mrs; Wilson. Mr. :mers. McInnis value over in Timmins. whore they hun- takvn up residence in the house A! the residuum «if the bride's xi» m. Mrs. Hurry Wilson. Snuth Purvu~ pine. 1111 Wednesday ai'lm'umu. Nuv. 113111 H1011! was :1 quiet but wry pretty wedding. 11311011 1W0 111' the 1111151 11111111- ]:11' mum: pcupln 111' the district, \Il'. ]) lenuis. [)Uii(e()fli(‘01'thillilllins and Miss lifzi Landon, “cw united in 111:11'riugu. lx‘ov. W. Armos. oi.’ South [)1110, 1) 12th th wmldi n POPULAR COUPLE WEDDBD AT SOUTH END LAST WEEK Timmins Branch, TiMMlNS IMPERIAL BANK A Savings Account is like a weedâ€"once started you can’t stop it growing. Don’t run risks by keeping money around the house. Place it in a Savings Account with this Bank, where it will always be safe. Interest paid at current rate. Bianchcs also at Kirkland Lake. South Porcupinel New Liakcard and Mathenon. THE Ponc' OF CANADA fallH‘U-H Ull by Mrs. frivnds in. Wild in NI \V H; (.3._‘McD0nald, Manager. Lire! M 1‘. and M r :‘nml wishes. ('lllH o 'I'nrnwrly mm 1‘ ' ' l‘hmr 11111111111 )\\'11 and distrit lennis vupiod wrahlo \'('I'N Medical Wonder. 0mm STREET. mums WMWM i uwenuem uemurv l awnn, MGMILLAN‘S BLACKSMITH snap E WWW” ‘ éééé¢é颢ééééé¢%*é%¢%%%éé¢9¢ Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 52 TIMMINS J. T. EASTON «ééééé颢¢ééé%é¢é%é$éé+ééé [if Agent for Hayes Bros. Tombstones

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