Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 4 Nov 1919, 1, p. 2

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Sun ()1 the fixed in lm TDIMIXS I} lla’ BOIL THE WATER! prcwutimx at this sea- uu‘ lmuscholders are ud- lll \vato)x"bei.'t)1'o using; GA R1) 01“ III"..\ L'l‘H lUcz’J UdJ EEE§EE§§$§§EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWE§EEEEEE SEE O SEGUIN, No 9Maple Street for a Singer Sewing Machine, also selling Pianos, Gasoline Engines, Truck Scales, Cream Separators, Saws and Saw Frafnes Easy Terms IIMMINS lflflBE, l.fl.fl.f. N0. 459 Meets every Tuesday even- mg in their lodge room on Third avenue. Visiting bro- thers requested to attend. Morrison, W. G. Smith, THE POROUPINB ADVANCE. Mr. J. L. Englehart Asks To Be Re- lieved of Duties on Account Of Poor Health. BESIBNATIBN llf THE BHMHMAN [If 1.81M]. \\'(‘( hut lllt spent the. sumnw returned some wc‘ fitted in health. mm ho was here inspeetion, and t'rieuds here at that time. noted t'hat while no douht. his holiday in the south had benelitted him..sti!l he was far from heing in the best ol' health. ()n the reeeipt ot' the resignation last. week Sir William ll'arst issued the ‘l'ollowing pulilie statement :â€"â€"~ " “Owing to ill-health. )lr. linglehart has for some months paisl been urging the (,ltn'ernment to release him from his duties as Chairman of the 'l‘. N. (l. Railway (‘ommissimn However, the Government was most anxious that. he should continue in olliee,’hop- ing that his health 'Wullld iumrove. Mr. I‘Inglehart has now |)l21(‘e(l his l'ormal resignation in the hands of the Government, and has been asked to eontinue in ollieu tor the present. He has been a most eapahle and faith .l'ul lmhlie servant and .l'or .t'ourteen years has devoted himsell" unreserv- edly to his work as (‘hairman ol.’ the (‘ommission and to the work of deve- loping and building up Northern ()n- tario in whieh his heart was eentred. The l’rovinee and the muse ot' puhlie MI The l’mvinoo and the muse ut‘ pub ownership 'hm'u f'l'H‘lth hmwh’tt’ i'mm his energetic and able Work". ll H way (‘nnnnissiun slmrtly al'IM' the \Yllll‘lll‘)’ (lm‘m'umvnl (filllll' into Imwvr. in 1.005, aml lid has held the lmsl‘ over SlHN‘. 'lluring' 'tlial' lime llw 'i'ailwa)’ has “been mnsidoi'alily extend ml. \Vllllt‘ the li'alllv and usefulness ul.‘ llui survive have ini-iioasml in most: unusual way. fb'im-o Alix lingloliart look charge as 1-l1aii'man. llu‘ railway ll:1~‘.'l)(‘(‘ll. (*xtcmleal tn (‘m'ln'ania in tap the Natiunal ’l.‘i'1111.s'(-0111inental‘; the lirani-lws 'tu Timinins. li'oqiiuis Falls, ('l(‘.. aiming: ullwrs, have. 'lwvn built; aml a vast exlonl nl' mining and llllll‘lfl’l'lllu' munti'y llius lawn Falls, ete., among others, have. been built; and a vast extent of mining and lumbering eountry thus been hrought into toueh 'with the rest‘ot' the l’rovinee. For a Government. railroad. thevwork of railway service to the North Land has been eonduetâ€" ed with unusual eeonomy and ellieien- ey, though. of course. Mr. linglehart must share the. eredit t‘or this with the splendid stands in all departments of this railway. The Mail Empire, for example, also eredits Mr. I'Ingle- hart with “never losing sight of the t’aet that the railroad was projeeled as a \eolnnization medium" The Noifh land may not mianimously give a wholehearted agreement to this suggestion. ‘Mr. l‘Invglehart was al- ways apparentiy anxious to do any- thing to further the requests of the North Land it' representations were ways apparently anxxous to do any- thing: to further the requests ot' the North "Land it' represrmtations were made direet to him, yet it has been often very ditlienlt and very tedious to secure very desirahle additions to the serviee or extensions to the line. If Mr. lingl'ehart' never forgot what The Advanee and other newspapers here eonstantly emphasized.-â€"-â€"â€"that the 'l‘. N. 0. should not he l'orever eonsidered in the light ot' a revenue producer. hut 'ather as a eolonization t'aetor, as it was intended at the time of its eonstrnetiim,--tlien some~others in power must have forgotten the truth time and time again and over~ ruled Mr. linglehart in his efforts for this GPHIt North. In any use. the North Land still needs railway serviee along: several lines, while for H North Land still newls railway service alongr several lines, while for the pleasure of tho penplo ”1' Old (m- lario the earning powers of the rail- way are when referred tn. la a new country like this the idea regarding : railroad might be sumuml up almut as follows :-â€"~'l'lw purpose of this rai'l- railroad might be summed up almnt as follows :-â€"~'l'he purpose of' this rail- road 'is chiefly and firstly to open up and aid in the country 's development, but if in that process it. also makes an honest. dollar or two there 's no harm done. In regard to the 'l‘. N. 0.. however, the ‘idea as it seemed too often to work out in actual practice was:â€"The purpose of this railroad is chiefly and firstly to get on a payingr basis, but if in that process the coun- try is aided in development or conve- nience, well, so much the better. How ever, all will be ready to give. Mr. En- gielzart full credit for his sincere in- terest in the railroad and his efforts : Lie North Land, and to wish him H :11 ll “110 Ill Ml M u me weeks :12.) muvh Iwnv- zllth. A (‘uuplv .nl' wevks hvrv ()ll ~21 formal trip of and friends hoi‘e at that that whilu 1m (hmht his the suuth had honotittml (* was 1311' Hum hoing‘ in health. ()1) tho rowipt ut' imi last week Sir \Villimu (‘11 the fulhnving' puhliv rt l\ \'( tn “pen up dex olopment, .150 makes an rc's no harm H Iv any- f the \vore been diuus (In 0. WHYTE’S - Golden Ave., South Porcupine § 9904 WOOMODWWWWW 090900000099990900oo6§0¢o¢oo¢oo¢ooeooooooooo¢9900909 Columbia Grafanolas and Records “'0 have the agency fur the cvlcbratul DUTCH (JUF'FI‘II'I. Thusc who appreciate :1 coffee will find it in the famous Blond ul' “0 ut.‘ which equals 2% lbs. of otlwr kimls,~~«75v CONFECTIONBRY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, FANCY GOODS DRUGGISTS, SUNDRIES, STATIONERY inumumummmmmmnnuummmmmummnusmummmnmummfi The Flavour Lasts WRIGLHD good. we must KEEP it good until you get it. T’S Hence the sealed package â€"â€"impurity-proofâ€"2uardine. preserving the delicious con- tentsâ€"the beneficial goody. SEALED TIGHT m ceuaoa WRIGLEYS 200d. M606 ('vlcbl'a t ( appreciat: Blond HI. kinds,le Q «mmuoooowoo WOOOWOOMNOOW BUNSULT US ABOUT YOUR MINING INVESTMENTS We make a specialty of Por- cupine, Cobalt, Kirkland Lake, and West Shiningtree mining properties, and our expert advice is at your dis- posal at any time. We will be glad to give you reliable information regarding any of the mining stocks. BLOCK, TIMMINS Phone 185. PO. Box 823. lsbell. Plant 8: Co. EMPIRE THEATRE E. H. flUIHEflfflflfl Three flavours. KEPT RiGHT Helps appetite and digestion. :1 «cup ‘ ()ld Duh brand representing 'l‘l' pound ul rlmim ()l‘l) H W

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