Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 22 Oct 1919, 1, p. 7

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O‘k hifi 1e Barristers, Solictors, Notaries. ‘Timmins and South Poreupine,. Mr,. A. C. Brown in charge of the Timmins Office, New Empire Theatre Block. GAUTHIER BROWN oralors ArC o givÂ¥On: *~as Josephine Kelly, stenographer; L. Ql:in!:u'l, company seeretary, N ypaâ€" Palls> O Macdonald,;â€" 4 Company of Boston UreeK] Lamited, with â€"2,000,000 shares of $1.00 each par value. This new company is apâ€" parently an incorporation of the form er K. A, P. syndicate that has been working in the Boston Creek area for considerahle time past. The incorpâ€" orators are given «as â€" :â€"Mayne Among the new mining companies recently incorporated is the Hiesha Mines of Poreupine Limited, a priâ€" vate Ontario Company with a capitalâ€" ization of $40,000 ; head office, Toronâ€" to; authorized to do business as miâ€" ners. The Ontario Feldspar, Limited is another recent incorporation, with a (-a.pit-ulizafi(m of ~$100,000.00, and a very compzehensive charter. Still anctlhier is the R. A. P. Gold Mining NEW MINING COMPANIES RECENTLY INCORPORATED. Last week the announcement. was made by the Hollinger Stores that effective at once: the stores would be open for business with the general public. _ Pending arrangements in connection with the charter of ‘the ecompany the stores had .]»rb\'inusl.\' been open only to employees of, the Hollinger and the Melotyre Mines. The announcement that ‘the _ stores are now open to the general public will be received with general satisâ€" faction, as the publke have _ missed the service of these two stores (forâ€" merly the Gordon and â€" MeLaughlin stores.) The employees of the Holâ€" linger Mine will continue to receive special advantage from the Hollinâ€" ger Stores. The â€" Hollinger Stores have made their prices as low or lowâ€" er than any of the other stores .in town, and from these general prices the Hollinger employees receive a straight discount of 15â€" per cent. through a eoupon system. ~The couâ€" pons are sold at the mine to employâ€" ees and by this coupon plan the emâ€" ployees ecan purchase a_ dollar‘s worth of merchandise at the stores for 85 cents. Employees of Hollinger Mine Given Special 15 per cent. Reduction By Coupon Plan. ROLLINGER STORtS NOW DPEN TD GENERAL PUBLIG risters o ‘Poronto, and Toronto, student TE PORCUPTINE ADVANK aâ€" per cent. m. ~‘The couâ€" ne to employâ€" plan the emâ€" a â€" dollar‘s at the stores managed to medical att now well on lhuis serious 35 years of health and and persistence of _ the prospsetor, and the resourcefulnessâ€" developed from having to depend upon eneself, Mr. Browne did not‘give up the proâ€" blem, and after several hours of careâ€" ful effort was able to stop the flow of blood sufficiently to enable him to reach lus canoeâ€"after a hard journey thfough the bush. In his eanoe he Mr. Rt. H. Browne, an old prospectâ€" or of this North Land, recently met with a fearful accident in the Maâ€" tatchewan bush. He was out working on some claims he has in Matachewan many miles away from settlements or people, and while chopping â€" some wood for his camp fire the axe slipâ€" ped and the blade struck him in the ankle. One of the arteries was sever ed and it looked as if ‘Mr. Browne was doomed to die from loss of blood. However, with the courave, patience ~lI‘he lattéer is _the Maritfimeé Provinces champion, and has ons over Mickey Maclntyre, of Glace Bay, Billy: Parson, of Nidney, N.S., Harry Jones, of Halifax, and a host of others. There will also be a local preliminary between experts in the Camp. â€" A local Referee and Timeâ€" keeper will conduect the event. Ladies AXE SLIPPED AND ARTERY WAS SEVERED. The announcement is made thus week of a Championship Wrestling andBoxing Tourrament to be held in the New Empire Theatre â€" Basement on â€"Thursday, October 23rd. The doors will open at 7.30 and the first bout begins at 8.30 p. m.â€" Wrestling, best two out of the three falls, catehâ€" asâ€"catchâ€"can, between the Man in the Golden Mask, of Ottawa, and Gentleâ€" man Joe, the Arizgna cowboy wrestlâ€" er, late of Brooklyn, where he created quite a sopsmiun. In the boxing, 10 rounds, Kid Wilkie, of New â€" York City, will meet Young Reeves, of Hal fax. The latter is the Maritime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING AND WRESTLING BOUTS. are anvited a y 1sS reâ€"CVIHC perienes (ln('l OI, ow, th UTA the burning question of Did you lose vour vote? herently to enable him to ‘anoeâ€"after a hard journey he bush. In his canoe he to make his way to help and ittention. Mr., Browne. is on ‘the way to receovery from is3 injury. He is a man of wil but hed the strong c prospector, : and spector, and ic came train andâ€"stress of diis res of miles away from rour dlosing his ealm or as the ruggod nstitution of nd heâ€" ceame Rates:â€"Private, $20.00 per week. Semiâ€"Private, $18.00 per week Maternity Cases, $25 per week. Spacious Accommodation. Efficient Attention. Graduate Nurse in Attendance Maternity Cases especially solicited. Municipal and Power work a specialty. _ All forms of Mine and Land Surveying performed Office: New Empire Theatre Block, 3 §# Timmins CIVIL ENGINEERS AND ONâ€" TARIO LAND SURVEYORS Cor. Cedar and Fourth Ave. ;Vaiary ;Yl cz * Nujo! is sold only in sealed bottles bear ing the Nujol Trade Mark. Ail drug gists. â€" Incist on Nujol. You may s«fer from substitutes. For valuable heaith boockietâ€"‘‘Thirty Feet of Danger"‘â€"free, write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) 50 B‘ way, N. Y. A National Problem Solved Sutcliffe Neelands Pure, Wholesome Food â€"{â€" Nujol = Health TIMMINS, ONT. URE, wholesome food is necessary, but it is not enough. The purest, most food will hinder rather than help health if allowed to clog the colonâ€"the large intestine. And doctors agree that about 90% of our ailments are caused or intengihed by constipation. Some part of even the purest and most wholesome food is waste. _ If this waste is not kept moving out of the body, it stagnates and breeds poisons which saturate the system and cause or nourish disease. The old, wrong way to attack such stagnation was to force a passage through the impacted mass. The new, right way to overcome it is to let Nujol induce easy selfâ€"elimination. And since health is as a matter of how we eliminate waste as how we assimilate foodâ€"fuel, it must become evident to every thinking person that the use of a natural, drugless lubricant is as sensible and necessary as the cating of purc, wholesome food. j The three vital processes upon which health is based are Mastication, Assimilation, Elimination. Therefore, the perfect recipe for health is thorough Masticaâ€" tion; Pure, wholesome Food, and Nujol. T ry this trinit Nuyjol Foy Constibation s Prevention e 12 £ h. J y 22 N Nl.u k U U.S. â€" FaAT,. O Getabottle of Nujolfrom yourdruggisttoâ€"day CHAS. sMITH, BOX 150, SCHUMâ€" ACHER, representing the Martinâ€"Orâ€" me Piano for the Poreupine Distriet. Used pianos for sale or to rent, on easy terms. â€"p3JQâ€" Apply to 20 Rirch Street, Timmins.

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