.. 11!: 20mm ADVANOI 'I‘II- m THANKSGIVING DAY TO from hasiness and other V'i11VV111111'1ts‘1 FIVE-1101331111) 11111131". FOR SALE BB MONDAY OCT. 13th. was 1121111111 11111111. Then. .\11'. 1‘1111- S . 1111 Sixth Avenue; corner 1111. House ' - 1 utclitie Neelamls -â€"-- lâ€â€œ"" 1’1†“"1" 131‘?“ 11’“ '5“ â€1"“11‘5 size 211x24: VV'11ll-tiinish111l; water. \1111'11111V 111-1. 111111. “111 1111 '1'11anl<.~'- 1“â€511' 11!“ "â€1“ ““1112 71" 1†7'11 T'I‘l‘ CIVIL ENGINEERS AND ON' light, 1111'. .\11111V' 111 Box .\1. .\1l- _.'l\lll' 11aV' 111 1'1111111111 1511>.V1-a1'. .\1'- 1â€â€œ “11'†â€1 1'11““! 1\"“â€1"11W “1‘." TARIO LAND SURVEYORS 1.11111 (1111 1 11111111111 1 '1 111, .V'. 11-1'11111111-11’1V' 511111111 as 11 llaV' 111' Xa- - - l '. - i 311111111111111 111111 Power Work :1 11'1'51'V'1'1Ial 11111111‘ 11111115 111111 111111111 |,)ol‘ti(1:lll\ 'lertiiiii â€INI)II ('11111121" \\1‘1‘1.1 111,111.] lilillll\.‘!l\lll: 111 (‘iliiiiilil “ii." . ' i . “ ’ . I i ' 1 . 11111110 111111 L‘\"11111111ll\ .‘1'111‘12111‘11 11;â€.- ~1tlt‘1l1lt‘lV1'11, 111111 1111 1;â€, \pur .\11|llâ€" " I r11-s11l111-111l. 1’11.V_V111lV 1‘1 111-stltit‘y 11111. 131111 W111 1111 ll..111lV~«11\11111' l I specialty. All forms 111' 3111111 111111 1.111111 8111113111; 11111'1'111'1111111 | Ofï¬ce: New Empire Theatre i Block. :: :: Timmins 1 ' ‘ ' )1. " 0 1 1 .\ 1111a :111\':1ll1'1'1l 1111' 11 11111'111111111111 1111111 “'15- l “HP-N “H‘Jll’t‘: â€1 11 1111' l'liatilV'szriViitu' MW 111 (,'1111111la V111'1111111111 1111111111 111 1111V11 111111111111â€" ' \'llli_."l’1'l'\'ttll 111111311111111V' V11111'1111aus11 P.0. Box 24, Phone 5 , 1 ' :1; 1 «on MH. WILSON tTEMlSKAMINll1 .‘\tli111"1V"its. Marriage 1.111111s11s 1111111111}: 111111 '1'1'1111111111.r 111â€" 111111.V'11.V' 111 Season. 'l'ypc- “1111113.: Special 11111111111111 111 11111'1'11s1111111l11111-111111.11 311111119: 1'1112'11111111's Reports. All \\'111‘l{ 11115111111111V' 1111111111111111111. Bruce Avenue. Opp King George Hotel. P O Box 102 SOUTH PORCUPINB. Ont OOOWOOGOOOOOOOONOGOOOO \\ as 111'1111111V111'1111'1l 1)} MI“. 1. 1'1. l’1'1lâ€" __ -_-~m 1...“ \[ [1. 1'.,~ 5,1,1}, 11’1'111'1'1111'. 11,-.1ti-11V'1111111V 1111111111111'111'1111111111'11111113 .,-- __.----. 1’11111111' >111.:'1_1'1-~'t1-1T 111111 a 1'111'111111 11:1V, .-\1t “'1†"' “l’in‘l. 4â€â€œ1 1‘“ 11111" 1“, :1111111\'l!11:1-'111, 11:11-11 \'i';ll' 111 11111 11111111 311111 1"" l""‘l'l" “l†â€"1 "1' "" '1' "' COTTAGE HOSPITAL Man ufactu rers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring and ' Millwork of all kinds, We carry in stock a full line of Builders Supplies Let us quote you on your next bill of material 1)“ \\'111':1111' 511111112'1’1'111“ .\l.1111.‘111'-" 1V“ 111.1111\\. .\1 “ll" i'Vt‘lll \\ 111 l"; .....1 111.... m 1111V. 1111 :11 11111111 1.. 1.. |l11111*<-:1\'111:' 11:11 11 111111 1111' 113‘ _\‘1'.'11'. 11V 1'11111111‘1111111‘. 111111 1111' 1111:1111: ,1: 1 1.1113101111131111 1"11111111 -'.\V11 TIMMINS, ONT. “11111::-~l’1'iV'11111. 154211.111) 11111' \V'1‘1‘lV’. S11111iâ€"l’1'1V'11t11. $18,111) 11111' weal; 3111.1111'1111V' Vases. $137) per week. 1 '1‘ . ‘NO HE R BOOZE CHARGE lSpacious Accommodation. 1111 111111V'1' 1111111 was 1111 11111111111111111 111 AGAINST BILL ROMANCHUK i Efï¬cient Attention. 11111.V.'111.~I.11'111t'.\ 1'111' l1it$11.1-~s 11?.11, â€"â€" 1111111111111 1laV' 111'111111111's1_11V'1111.:. 1111 0 11111111111>1211l 1.111 11111.V.V11V 1111' 11 V11ltl11111"1‘l"""â€1‘"l "1' 1\Y'â€11'll"1‘ “it“! Hi“ \1’1'.‘ 1 11'111‘1111'111151111'~> 111111 1111111'1‘1'11V1111.,31'11“"1'111313 1"1' 11" 1"1111'15 l omoouownummwo£ 111 111'-11111111111111.1111}:11111111111111111111l1~-. "'\1111' l;-~li1l;1.\ 11111'11 >11}1111‘1111' ‘111-111' .. . Graduate Nurse in Attendance "' “' """“"“" 1" “"Wlm; “ 1â€" '7 1"â€â€˜1""' l""““‘“~ "1' \11111111111' 3111111'1111V'11as'11s (‘flWt‘ltlllV S11111‘1191i. 1 1111111 '11 1111111 1111 111111'11 11111-1-121111111-111111 3171‘ :112' 1':::11"_'1' 11 1'111111' 1111 1.1»1 Mills and Warehouses at New , Liskeard ;]1 11'1111111'1; 111‘ 11.1\' 111111 11 1111 1'1111s1'11 111:113 111111'1'11‘.\ 1111.1111‘1 l'1‘ll liHlllzllltltlllV'. mwmmwmmm l I 1'11 ""1 "1‘ “ '111“ 11 1111‘ 1\l'1111>11<'1' '1'-.;1V . Thu 1- 191'le .1'411 ( '1111s11111l11 111111111111 1 ' . " T , 1 " i . . 1 ' - >1211111l. '\l"" 1"" l"’1“11"1â€111 111111 1111s.111:1111' .1 111111'1-l11V111'1-11111.1 111 Hm" I he C l l I I l . . . I ‘ ,Vt‘iH' “EH 1111' _\‘11;11' 111 .V'1111111 11111 1111111111“. 1 HWY! “'11†‘\\'1't'11 111 a 1111;:‘2'V 11111111.! with O 01]. S t 16 01116 O l 111 11111 1111111111111111. 1111VV'11V'111', 11111 1111-, W' W l , 1†11111111111V' 111 111111111'. 11111V'1a 1111 cook 5* Mitchell 1 GAUT HIER BROWN 1'1-1'1111111111 111111 11111-1111111 111 111111111 111-1.111111111111 .V'aVV 11111 111111 1l1'iV11 1111 11 11â€"11111 1 Healtllâ€"Keep It C1631]! . . ' "(‘ r it 0 r S. .. ! ,.,‘ . . - 1 . 1 Barr‘°te 3’ SOlcorS’ N ta ie 1.1111 as l:1111111.<1.:'1\'111'_' l)aV 1111s V1 111. 111. 1\ 111111 .V11V'11111111: that 111:_\ 1111111 1 . . BHMSnggARggé'ICITORS’ ’l'i111111itts 11111.] South 1’111'1'11111111'. 1.\11'. 1’1111111VV' 111111111111 11111 111.- 11 Sir‘lsminthinz: 111 111111- 1111 made 11'5 \\ ;_'1V 1 ALL 1101191". Clal‘iAl-VlNG is at hand. It's a hard . . . i . l .\11'. A. (1. â€NW†1111-11111'1r11 '111111111' 1111111111 11111 promised 11111 hiVidoVVn 11111 1111111 11'11111 :11111111111' 1111'-111 111111. 1Ub1 1111191511 Bl†(71’1151111'1' 11111" an “nil“ï¬ll’lt‘ tilï¬k 1t Timmtns, 80111111 Porcupine i ‘ ,. 11 (. '1'111111111' ()111'1 VJ“, 1111111 111 ll:l\'lll‘_' .\1'1111.Vt11'11 llaV' 11V 11111 g .\.V' .V'111.11 as 11111 1111111 saw 11111 111111111'1 l . would he 11 the house hadn 1 beat getting 115 regular Toronto 11'11111'11'11 'l"1,(,.,[:(, ’11'11'1'11" 11111111111111 'l'l1111111s.1.:'i\'1111.:‘ l)11_V' V11111111lltl111V' 11:11 11111 11111.:1.:V' 111111- 11'11111 111 1.:11 daily ClC'dIlan all 111‘-'5‘? months" ‘iâ€â€™WMMMA'M'ï¬AAM’M/~W’w ' i I i ' i "H' [11'1‘51'111'11 1" [HH'lltllllt'lll [1111‘ ,\'('-'ll""l\\'1'l,\'- ("’ll-‘iill1lt‘ l'N‘Illlt.‘11, 1111\\1"".\1l 14011111.“ 1“f()r11[hisâ€0()n((()uld hilVW't’lHCdlll 11. 1'111'111‘1‘u111ulatc11 "’"l"""' 1"“ “â€11‘1‘0' “1‘“ 111111111 11'1. 111'111au'111.’ ï¬rst 111 51111111'11 11 1111111 11111111111 ‘ dust and dirt, V1111 1'h is fairly 1asy to down day by d 11 Would m†M 1111' (i11V1-1'111111-11t («111111111111 that S11 ‘1 1111111 111111 V1111l 11111111111711111 11111 11111.:uV havt 8011111510111 the quarters that th1V Would h1- llnlnhabitublo “â€1â€â€ 11'1'111‘11 11‘-‘11th 311111111 1111111! 111,111'11111'3'11 to l111111111111hnl.. 11111 11111111' Your Colon is the house where Your health lch1V.1t has ,. â€Hm-"*1 1‘ “11“â€â€œ111‘1‘515111111111: 111111 :11'151111i111'11111 1.11111l1'. \\‘1111111 1111 ltttt'w, .V-t. 1V l)\' (llffcrt‘llful'()()lll.\“' 111 which Yourdail‘f Physicalwelfare "liV'sc . e on y ac lne 1'1'2'411'111â€! 131'“ ‘1â€â€œ111111. l1111 11111111111111â€"i11111 1111::V', VV'111111 1111 1'1111s111l 11111111111â€"l 'I‘hcgc “rooms" are long and nun-0w. 81) they are easily "V ""5 1.11.1111 "'1' "l" 1'1"" â€HIM“ â€1 411111 “1W“ l""-"‘1""â€"“l “H 11'“ 111-.1111 Clogged A1111VV'11111 (‘1)18‘11D11111Hl (111031111111, yourhcalth has to get alon1r tht 111 st it can in a home that 1.911 1111 to 11V e111, any more than a house (loggncd up with dust and dirt is fit for you and your family to liV'c 111. NUiOI 1“ 1111' hrooin that will keep this “111111111 111' health†111 perfect order all the time. Nuiol 151111 11111V 1111111.: that VV1: 1 do this VVith1111t tt1r111111rtl1i111.V11111))- turVy 111111 upsetting all 1111 “11111111V ’-â€"j11st aV housr- 1"1111111111; 11111V~ .\lt'. l’111ll11VV".V' 1111111. 111 11111'1111111111 111111 {111'1112'111‘2 111111 11111111 111 1111111 1111111111111. 1: '111 1'11111111'V' 11111 s11_1.:j1_"11.V111111 .V11.11111~1l 1"111' ill11u'allV ll;1\'l!lf.." 11111 111111111' H... _ ~ .- 111111 111111111111' 1'11V'111'. 11111 11V'1111111allV'1111:1111-211th VV'a.V 11111111 34211111111 :11111 posts . â€"-o v 11 was .V'11l1-11'111111'1-1l as 111111111 111111V'11.la 1-111111111 111' VV'1111lV'.V' 11:11. Last -VV1111lV 11'11‘51. NoV'. 11111 VV';1_V {1111111111 11111111 115'1'1111511111111 111111111111 111111111111111111‘1'11111‘2'11 1111-11111111'111'11.1.V' V'11111': 1111111. 13111 511111111 1121111151 1111111:11111111th. 11 11111111111V' 111' .\l11111laV' 111 .\'11\'(‘lll‘l)1'l‘ 111' 11111-11 V11111"li1|11111'11111111:111111111 111 111s111111s11. 'l'.1i.V' VV'1111'11 \V111111l 1111111'11x111111111 111 .\1'111i.~'~ 11111111' 1'11111'2'11 VVill 1-1111111 1111 111-1'111'1- Made Bread in Camp Assuring you well-mixed, clean, sanitary bread of high quality, made under expert supervision BREAD: 8 "$35“ $1.00 By (1 111V 1m of N11on you 1' '111 fro-1 yourself from all 1111 d1scas1-rin distomfort .11111 111e1111'11'1111' 111 at 1111111 11'11111 .11'l11gg-11l 11111311. Nujol 1s 1111111111111111'1111. i\ot 1111 least par'ti1 11 111' it is al1.V11r1111l 111111 the system. It 1V ;11'11111r, tastclcVV', Htlt)l‘lt'.\$.1111\1111111‘1)‘il.‘\l{.\11.l‘:ss V111't1-111-1' :1111111111ri1'1111t.\ 11:111V 1'.111 t111 it with p1rf11 t 311'1-tV. It 111111 Vn’t 1111V1 t ~A 11-1' l)aV'.11111l also 1111 more 1-11111'1111111111 '.\l111_11.~'11'at11 .\111'111.V'1111 111~111111'1'11‘1\'. MOOWOOOOOOOOOMWGOMOOWO¢000900000000†the st11111a1h or .111th11111 11 1' 11.1111111le 111'-1111111: 11111111 111V11111 111-11111. .- .--. ._-m- -- mo--.__.-.â€"..._ _ 300006000666090696660©60¢OOOâ€OOâ€OWNO“OO OWOOOONOO“WOO.“Mâ€â€OO§“â€Wâ€â€ O 3 3 (L19, AN 111111(t)\1l'()l\1 \1111'. Standard loaf Of the hlghESt Standâ€" i§ ALL Kl'iï¬ï¬s @E g. [0‘31â€th311111111l:::tyll\111};1cltfr1f11i1)aVn1;£1crr1'l’r11ggin. 111-1laV', :11111 .V1'111l for 111'.- . I. ! 1 â€" u . ard quallty. l: g 1 NUiOl Laboratories, s't'AVnARn 1111. 1'11. (NEVV 1:115â€). 511 11.031111†111w 11.11 ' . '9 l N11511: 1.11.1 11:111' 11. 11311.1 1-R.gu;.,,.(w 1. Q ' 0' 11. 1.. canâ€; 111- N11‘111 :1.» work†. CAKES AND PASTRY l: Cellar digging, well digging, cessnoois, 91' c. 3; W031??? 211:1. 1..., 1.11.:1,...3‘bfï¬tg....ï¬'.",.“â€â€˜â€œâ€œ"" ' k 1% Connections made to houses for sewers, etc. g 1 Nu†1 ' lo ,1 J..-â€"â€"- O . .. JOHN WA IT 1.. 1 . . . . 1° C MELLEF g , For Constipation _ ‘9 o 6 . Back at the Old Stand Th'rd Avenue, Timmms 1% Gillier Lake Shore Road §l Sickness Prevention ' 1 o 55555555555555§§5§1Wuaamaï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬ï¬nï¬uï¬nmamï¬aaaama' a:3a-saeangax$wa1 :5 1 , E FEM-11% 1’. Etecrmc £5 .. -~ . ’ '3' . 5; 1.1111: rs g 1 g LaMPS «:1 % oooeeoowooomowg geeeeeoeeee-eoooeooeco 1' 1.39 1"?11'1'1 11":1 e: {:1 “’23 .1'} 1.15 '11" 1'.: £8 1 .513" 13 Universal 11.31.11?" ‘ â€21 and £31.00 each . . '- -. . . Universal Bre.-ct 13.11161" Remington and Savage Rifles 101' 11130: and I‘rIcosc. ....eac'.=1 13-10 to 3.371 ' , ' : ‘- 1 1 c: M 1 1151’) â€'1 '1 ' '. M ' "g" (11 ( - 22 caliber Single Rifles. each ....... ' ......................... 1.10.01) 1 1 0’ ’) 1 _1. 12:31 caliber Single Rifles. each ................................ 814.00 . 01%- ELPING 1. Univev ., 31%,} 3111131111. “.32 Caliber Repeat: ng Rifles. each .......................... 82.2.00 .â€" 1 .3. 1. V , 01’ . l 13.. â€") Ho. 1. Pa' 11 Sacks. each ...................................... 85.00 . when 11‘-8 ElECUIC 10115161“ 13 USCd 5 W‘" O) " 0.39,“. No. : Pack Sacks. each ....................................... 84. 00 at the breaklas 131310. 1†ven the ‘ 111111111111 1} he» "1 Sacks. each .................................. 1.00 to 8121 morni" 18 paper “1161151 3"“? ’ 15“ ‘he 1 ' Hunting knives ............................................ 82.00 pleasure '01 â€61%“?th 11‘-5‘ €115?» , Hunting Axes .............................................. 81.25 801d? brown "'31 â€11“"? 31" may 1 Bread Boxes, neat 3' tin- R1119 Cacancr’s, all $1208. each ............................. (50 cents watc.. 113 13108145510 perrectiou 10.51.31 3175', t') 311,90 each I; 111 1 Gun 011. each .................................... lâ€) and 251‘ U FEE .1‘/(L. Kw R1“) 61‘" in Rifle Covers. each ........................................... 81.271 1 A a Flash Lamps. ....................................... Si :30 to 83.10 Batteries. each ......................................... 35c to 50c give the bread an even {.112ch 01 brown withoutun .dcrdoae or "113 11111111 pornons because the heat 15 CV 3111; distnhutecl over the entire surface. 1 1 i g l 11 l 1 Le v e I s UNIVERSAL Toasters operate in; Resw-mm 1x'1ain1ii:g L‘iijSCt 311d ‘30 Disston Levels. ....Sl.00 to 81.00 _ .. . aws inch Oren. 1.: 3C7)'1-j_1'1';l} good value at a saving of nearly half the cur- rent used with any other make. producing uniformly better results in much less time. made with heavy steel bodies plain 3.1-1.1. taller grates ~Good assortment 1:1 select from. 31f}. to $25 Stove Boards [51.50 to $3 7" Stove Pipes 2711;. We Vhiectric tea sters l l Stanley Levels ..... $1.50 to 313.710 at g 7». Tee Pipes. each 601,- Stanley Braces. . . .33.:30 to 815.00 Atkins Hack Saw Frames. each. ..:1c . _ , J 7" Damper Pipes. . . .50c Disston Saws. . . 33.25 and 83.50 Disston Hack Saw Frames... 31.7.") . Taper Pipes, all sizes, 3:31: House Brooms. litâ€"3.1 great Simond Saws... 2.00 and $3.50 Disston Hack Saw Frames....82.73 90C and 81.1.3 011,31. Queen Heaters 93‘ 87.30 - 211-. Watch this ‘advt. each week for speciais that will save you money i he Geo. Taylor Hardware Co. Ltd. PHONE 179. Timmins Cobalt New Liskeard Cochrane MOOâ€. MOOOâ€â€O YALE LOCKS Hiï¬tï¬ï¬‚itï¬tï¬tï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚itï¬tï¬tï¬ï¬‚iflï¬tï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬111'.-55511535155! it‘ifliiï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬tï¬ï¬ifliiï¬ï¬ï¬‚ikï¬ï¬‚iflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚iï¬wi ppâ€" â€GOMOOOO