Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Jul 1919, 1, p. 8

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EL The Bannoer of the Temiskaming . Volunteer Firemon‘s Association put|. At theâ€"last meeting of Cochrane (G. up each year for the Wagon Race| W . VÂ¥ . A. reference was made to the contest lias now been won twice by the|need for a Government Employment Timmins Fire Brigado. There are|Bureau in Cochrane. It was pointed spaces on the banner for only fi\'e’uut that ‘Cochrane being a junction names and counting the present year|point suci an employment branch three of the.names are filled in, Timâ€"| was needed there more than at Timâ€" mins having two of the spaces. When| mins where there is a brarch. This all the spaces are filled the team|is aâ€" poor way of putting it. Cochrane [ whose name appears the most times may need the employment branch all f is winner of the Banner takes the‘ right, but thers is no necessity for unâ€" Itrophy‘ jermanently. If Timmins|founded references to the: needs of l wins the Banner one more year it| Timmins. At Timmins the Governâ€" )4 comes thus permanently to this town. ‘ment Employment Bureau has more j The_Firemen here have the idea justified its founding here, for i|the Bannezr would look well in thejit has filled a great need in most deâ€" 4 Hall here and for this and other reaâ€"|sirable way ind has been of great . BQVIH 1 sons fuily intend that it will find a service . to returned soldiers and C l lb aAanaAAAAAatcmea aR‘) permanrent homnt in Timmins. . others,. ' Buy where your money goes the farthest: you pay less here â€" ~_ PHONE 562 TIMMINS. . | ‘"â€" g6a SOHUMACHER | . 8. PORCUPINE Mrs. Frank Evans is \1sxtmg in Cobalt. w Mrs. D. Laprairie and children left last week for a visit rocrelatives at Penetanguishene, Ont. ~Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dorway are visiting at Arnprior and other points east. Mrs. R. J. Jemmett and daughter, Miss Marion, left for Toronto and other points south on Tuesday mornâ€" ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Burke left on Saturday‘s _ noon train for. a few weeks‘ holihay in Toronto and other points south . The Twelfth of July is being celeâ€" brated also at Cochrane, where there will be a of sports, speeches, etc. Rev. J. D. Parks and Mrs. Parks are expected back from their two week‘s vacation on Friday of this week. Rev. Mr. Parks will conduct the services on Sunday as usual. Mr. Jos. Mortenson recently sold his house, furniture, esc., complefe, to Mr. J. Massie, and last week the latter in turn sold the handsome little home and equipment to Mr. J. Tierâ€" ney, who is moving in this week . , Mr. Harold Webb is attending the Grand Lodga meeting of the A. F. A. M. in Toronto as the representaâ€" tive of Golden Beaver Lodge and Mr. J . Mason, of the Dome, for Poreupine Lodge. Evangelist Smith has been conductâ€" ing services in the big tent at the south end of Balsam street, near the ball grounds, the services being held every weekâ€"night‘ exeept Saturday at 8 o%clock. Sunday services at 3 and 7 p.m. commencéd last Sunday. After the heavy rain on Friday, the rainbow â€" appearing was one of the most remarkable and beautiful ever seen here in this land where rainbows and Northern Lights are noted for special distinction. The rainbow on Friday night was a beautiful arch running across *the eastern sky, The blending of colors gave a beautiful showing while there was also someâ€" thing unusual about the double effect appearing. Timmins and Iroquois Falls playing ‘"ere on Wednesday {toâ€"night); Porâ€" cupineâ€"Dome and Melntyre playing at South Poreupine on Friday; Poreupâ€" ineâ€"Dome and Iroquois Fallsâ€"at South Porcupine on Wednesday, July 16th; and the protested game between Timâ€" mins and Mélntyre to be played here at a date not yet decided upon. ry*> e # « * There ars four games yet to play in the District Football League series, Chiecf of Police J. E. Wilson left on Wednesday evening‘s National on a two weeks‘ léeave of absenee. The Chief says that this is the first regular holiday he ‘has had in four full years and that he intends to make the most of it accordingly. Wilson and children algo went to Cobalt last week, and the family will spend the vacaâ€" tion in the Silver City and other points south. Officer P. Collins is acting Chief during Mr. Wilson‘s absence. ‘ e At the Anglican Chureh, Timmins, last week Miss Lilian Neal, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jolhn Neal, af" Englehart, and Mrs W. James Grey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gray, also of Englehart, were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Cushâ€" ing. |Bhe wedding was a quite one, only the immediate friends and reâ€" "atives being present. Friends and acquaintance will extend sincere good wishes to Mr and Mrs. Gray, who will take up wsesidence in Timmins, where Mr. Gray is employed by the Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines. Mrs. B. E. Martin and children loft last week for » holiday in t’xe south. j Timmins News i Mr. D. Steward, of New Liskeard, was a visitor to town this week. Mr. +W. E. McCoy left on Friday morning for a visit to Toronto, Mr. Curtis, of Barrie, is visiting his son, Mr. D Curtis, town. evening. The regular meeting of the Town Council is dated for next Monday Mrs. E. H. Bridger and children left on Thursday morning for a visit to relatives and friends in Ottawa. The boys of the Hollinger Staff House are giving an At Home in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening, July 18tlhr. Work has commenced on the crownâ€" ing of Dhird Avenue and Pine Street in preparation for the oiling of the streets. Miss Laura Peters returned last week from a visit to ‘Toronto where she attended the Grand Lodge sesâ€" sions of the Rebekahs. The sixâ€"foot sidewalk to the Mataâ€" gami is now*‘ connected up, and the improved walk thus made to the rtiver is much appreciated by the many who use this pleasant route for a stroll. Mr. Robert Simpson, brother of Mrs. A. Roberts, and soluâ€" tion man at the Vipond, has won high honor in the Great War. He was with the United States army, and for bravery and special coolness in the field he has been awarded ‘the Distinâ€" quished Service Medal of the U. S. Army. # At the recent meeting of the Grand Lodge of the I: 0. O. F. held at Toronto, Bro. W. H. Pritchard, of Timmins, was appointed one of the Grand Lodge officers, being â€" made Grand Herald for the ensuing term. At the South Endâ€"Police court Jast week Chief Melnais had a fighting case, a drunk case and a drunk and fighting case. The fighting â€" case arose from ‘a squabble ‘between some men at the Dome and was settled by a payment of costs and an agreement to squabble no more. The drunk and the drunk and disorderly each paid fines and costs. The young ladies of the town have planned to hold a baseball match in the near future and the event will be looked forward to with much interest.. The young ladies have two good teams chosen and expect to show the boys how baseball should be played. Last year the young ladies had a couple of baseball matches and the spectators voted the lady baseball as among (the best events of the season .. A new generalgtepair and machine shop has been opened by Messrs. La Casse and Bouchard in Moneta, oppoâ€" site the Union Coal Co. They are adâ€" vertising in this issue to repair anyâ€" thing from a gramophone to an autoâ€" mobile, and specialize, in machine work. Carriage repammy office and stores fixtures, and furniture trepairâ€" ing are other®lin»s of their business. The special at the New Empire Theatre for Friday and Saturday this week is Douglas Fairbanks in * Fix It.‘"‘ The name of Douglas Fairâ€" banks and the name of the play assure something specially enjoyahlie, Dougâ€" las F aubanl\% will make the greatest Fix It"‘ that could be imaginâ€" ed. Anything that his Smile could not fix would not fix at «11. For the information of returned soldiers and members of the G. W. V . A. coming to the Camp from other places, it is pointed out that; the Club Rooms of the Veterans may be found over King‘s Amusement Parlors and that all returned men are welcome there. Nr. H. C. Garner is the Seerctary. of the Goldfields Branch of the G. W. V. A., Timmins, and may be founrd at his office, Government Employment Bureau, opposits the post office, Pine Street, Published by THE CURTIS DRUG CO., Timmins TENNIS SUPPLIESâ€"New Rackets in stock, all weights from 12 to 14‘/2 oz. Prices from $5.00 up . GOLF *GOODSâ€"Supplies of goilf goods now in stock. Bathing Caps, Shoes, now, in all varieties. Dr. Culverhouse, the celebrated opâ€" tometrist, is here now, and will be with us for 2 weeks. If you are sufâ€" fering from eye trouble come in and consult him. I’Ils advice in matters of the eye is worth having: Sporting Goods Optical News stock Montserrat Lime Juice, Cooling and refreshking, easily made and keeps inâ€" | definitely, per bottle....60c and $1 See Dr. Culverhouse ‘Consulting Eyesight Specialist FAMâ€"LYâ€"ADE The new orange drink, made with pure orange extract and syrup. A small tubke makes 32 glasses of excelâ€" lent orangeadé, per tube......... 35¢ Black Cherry Wineâ€"Port Wine, both unfermented, botlle ......... ~~.. 700 For Sunburn. and Tan use Garden Court double combination Cream; Removes tan and sunburn. Soothâ€" ing to the skinâ€"No grease nor §t1ck- iness, one size only, ........... . .50¢ Summer Sunburn Summer Drinks He is with the Curtis Drug Go. this week. about your eye trouble. Eun

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