Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Jul 1919, 1, p. 3

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ooo c LOSTâ€"GOLDâ€"FILLED WALTHAM WATCH . Reward, on returning to Box C., Advance Office. GREAT WAR VETERANS ASGOGIATION * TIMMINS A HEARTY WELCOME AND ALL POSSIBLE ASSISTANCE CIVEN ALL RETURNED MEX > ib Rooms:â€"Over King‘s Amâ€" ment Partors. Secretary :â€"â€"H. _ C. _ Garner, Government Employment Buâ€" reau, opposite the Post Office. Office hours, 9 to 5 each day exâ€" cept Sunday. Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Galâ€" on sizes and in both the Jam Jar and Perâ€" fect Seal. Preserving Kettles, Graniteware, etc. hedc .A mE P 8. PE PR J.P., (TEMISKAMINC) Lmdlvits, Marviage Licenses Hunting and Trapping Liâ€" censes in Season. Typeâ€" writingâ€"Special attention to ;ormpondenoe and Mining Reports. All work absolutely confldential. Bruce Avenue , Opp King George Hotel. P O Box 102 sOUTH PORCUPINE, Ont Rooflings,Felts, Fibres, Asphalts, Shingles, ‘Carey‘s Ceil Board, Bishopric Stucco Board, Lime, Plaster, Cement, N alls, (Glass, Brick and Builders‘ Hardware. We have two styles of the most approved type of construction and fully guaranteed. The element, or heater, in each one is so firmâ€" ly boited down with two â€"bolts through the Pressure Plate, and the contacts being so atâ€" tached and insulated that Burnouts are pracâ€" tically impossible. Prices $5 and $5.50. Our stock is complete with all the hotâ€" weather household needs,â€"Screen Doors, Winâ€" dow Scréens, Refrigerators, Iceâ€"Cream Freezâ€" ers, BRlectric Fans, Electric Irons, Electric Grills, Electric Toasters, New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves. NORTHERN CANADA SUPPLY CO. LTD. To make comfortable homes and life worth living Exclusive Agents for Sherwinâ€"Williams Paints and Varnishes PHQONKES 20.â€"88 COLDFIELDS BRANCH For the Fruit Time Electric [Irons Friend "J. €.** of the Soldiers‘ and Sailors‘ Colony at Kapuskasing sends the following description of the hours when Kapuskasing was threatâ€" ened by last week‘s fierce forest fires:â€" 8. 8. Colony, July 1, 1919 The sun shone down like a ball of eopper through the haze of smoke, and our eyes were smarting and full of tears as we watched a great column of fire and smoke coming across the tree tops in the woods at the other side of the clearing. "Ba‘ gosh she‘s some fire, eh? said Henri, ‘‘thow long you thml».~sho tak‘ to come here?" "Tt the wind keeps up,""‘ I replied it will be chere before very ‘*Well, then, I purty soon dig the hole,"‘ saÂ¥d Henri, and suiting the action to the word he started in with pick and shovel and dug a hole about three feet square aud the same depth. * What m’e y®u digging the hole for, Frenchy?" a,sl\ed the man from Toronto . "To bury my clothes,"" said Henri. "When I leave this Camp I shall carry â€" my clothes with ame,"‘ said Totonto . ‘"‘Maybe you glad to throw your clothes away and save â€" yourself,"‘ replied Hentri, ‘‘"Me I save myself and come hack for the clothes after the fire is over. _ C‘est plus facile, ech?"‘ The wind was getting stronger and we could feel the seorch of the fire in ‘our very faces as we anxiously watchedâ€"the advancing flames come nearer to the edge of the clearing. We have large stocks of the bestâ€"grade Building Materials, having catered to the largâ€" est contractors in this district who demand the best that can be procured, and with our differâ€" ent branches we are enabled to buy at the very ‘lowest figure. If you are contracting or buildâ€" ing it will pay you to look ove@ our stock and get our prices. The New Perfection is an allâ€"purpose stove, suitable for every kitcken requirement, roasting, toasting, boilirg, baking, frying. it supplies heat for every purpose,â€"as much or as little as you require, and it is ready whenever you are. No wood, no coal, no ashes, or dirt, to handle. Burns safe, lowâ€"priced coal oil. Touch a match to the wick and in less than a minute you have the full heat of the flame. Made in two, three and four burners, prices $18.75, :25 and $30.75 respectively . Also glassâ€"door Overs, in two sizes, $5.75 and $7.25. See our Fencing and Gate; A few dollars spent on a lawn fence adds many dollars to the value of your property. Comse in and see samples and get prices. Keep your lawns and gardens cared for. We have lawn hose, plain or corrugated, lawn sprinklers, lawn mowers, grass shears. Lawn fence, enamelled green or galvanizâ€" ed, with fancy scroll gate to match. Building Suppiies ‘‘Dig a hole and bury that dyna mite,‘"‘ { commanded, pointing to sij cases of stumping powder. ‘"Rightâ€"O,""â€" said the boys; after which we stood to with pails of water and shovels to try and keep the fire out of the piles of dry stumps on the homestead we were clearing. ‘"Good job the railroad is between us and that fire,‘‘ said Toronto, as he pounced on a spark and buried it with as much care as he would have buried the man who fell and broke the rum jar in France. And so we stayed all day until evenâ€" ing. ‘Then the wind had died down, and leaving one man on guard we went to a wellâ€"earned supper. "Guess she‘s all right for toâ€" night,"" said Toronto. . Yes,"" 1 replied, * but take Henri‘s advice and dig a hole and bury your clothes in it, for if this wind gets up avain in the morning you won‘t be able to travel fast evrougch earrying a suitâ€"case."‘ JUNE PROMOTIONS AT S. S$. NO. 1, WHITNEY Jr.. HT to St. Davis, Carl Hart, Ian W att. Second to Jr. III.â€"Myrtle Hart, Rejanne Gervais, Clara Wilson, Eveâ€" lyn Young. First to Secondâ€"Doris Giraid. Primer â€" to Firstâ€"Clara â€" Gervais, Irvin Wilson. ' y Co. Ltd. â€"J . C., Kaspuskasing.. . M. Crone, Teacher. PHONES 20.â€"â€"88 uauet _â€"The Committee in charge of the !‘Big Day All Day*‘‘â€"July 1stâ€"met on Thursday evening to wind up the affairs of the event.~ It was found that the total receipts for the oceasion totalled $1305.75 and the expenses were §14.10, leaving a balance to the good of $891.65. The Committee deâ€" cided to send a cheqre for $300.00 to. the Athletice Gérounds Committee. The grounds were fenced in for July lst, the men at the work keeping on until llate on Monday ecvening to complete ! the fence. Not only in aiding to some extent in the sale of tags, but also < in giving â€" more businessâ€"like control of the grounds, the fence was of material assistance for the day‘s sports. ‘The Committee asked the Secretary to write the Miners‘ Union, Fire Chisf Borland, Mr J . T. Eastonr, Mr. Geo. Liake, and several others for specially generous ‘asgist ance given in making the day the sueâ€" cess it was. In addition there is the general appreciation of the coâ€"operâ€" ation shown by the mines, the merchâ€" ants and the public in so many ways in helping on this ‘*Big Day All Day .‘ I The following is a statement up to date of the receipts and expenditures: Timmins, July 3rd, 1919 ?eceiptsâ€"From _ stands on the crounds, 40.00; from sale of tags on the street and at the gate, $1015.75; ‘ash donations by tlie mines, merchâ€" ants, etcel,/ $250.00;, total, $1305.75. Expendituresâ€"Basebalil, 75.00;â€"laâ€" crogsso, .$50.00: tugâ€"ofâ€"war, â€"25.00,; band. 75.00;, printing, advertising, street sign, ete., 79.50;, prizes for Football, â€" Junior Baseball, â€" Jumor Football, etce., $72.10; tag selling, $20.00; incidental expenses, $17.50; cheque to Grounds Committee, $300. 00 ; balance $591.065 ; total, $1305 .75 . Committee:â€"â€" (t. A. Maedonald, Chairman J WV. Faithful, Treasurer H.. (C. Garner, Secretary, J . Thomas E. H. Bridger ' The balance on hand will be turnad over to the Timmins Football Club. There is one rental fee booth priviâ€" leges (10.00) =yét to be in to the Secretary, or Treasurer. â€" All aceounts have ‘been settled, prize mowey paid out, and practically all the prizes given to .the winners. Any prize winners who liive not received their prizes may have same by calling at Mr.â€"E. H. Bridger‘s store. â€"As the Cominittee had less than three weeks to arrange everything in preparation for the **Big Day All Day," they thoucht that everything â€" should be cleared away and wourd up within three days of the time the event was over and so made a special effort to make this record on both â€"ends. ATLAS GCLD MINES IN THE WEST SHININGTREE CAMP The Atlas (told Mines now Rold a commanding position among the leadâ€" ing properties of West Shiming Tree. Thet Company â€" entered ts proâ€" I!!iSJ?;{' field _ before the recent groal advarco in values, when many choice properties were available. (It owns outricht orâ€" controls, under option, azreement; about 475 acres in three separate pareels, in the richest porâ€" tions of the eamp, and now that it is adequately financed, all the conditions point to marked success. Amone the properties of the Comâ€" pany are 140 acres immediately adâ€" joining the rich Holding mine, and ip the wellâ€"known Wasapika, or Northâ€" ern, section of Shining Tree the Atlas hbas alsoâ€" a large group containing altozcther 260 acres, including mineâ€" ral rights under that portion of Wasaâ€" pika Lake, which adjoins its land area. Samplées from â€" this property woere exbihited at the National Exinâ€" tition in Toronto and attracted much attertion. â€" Preparations are now beâ€" ing made for diamond drilling .on an extensive seals; a large number of veins have uncovered. Then the Company is fortunate in the possession of â€" 80 acres between the West ard Wasapika Gold Mines. Some very fine ore has just been disâ€" covered on this portion of the Atlas properties . Charles S. Hirshman, M. E. B. Se., who has had extensive experience in the Westorn States, is if charge of the work. _ He is very enthusiastic as to the prospects. He does not hesiâ€" tate to say that he has seen nothing equal to the Atlas in any other part of the World. on military service, returned to the Camp on Sunday‘s National and was weleamed back the town by bis old friends here. Pte. Jas Saloman, formerly on the staff of the New Empire Theatre, but for the past couple of years overseas OMMQOWOMNWOMMMOWWMWM @

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