Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 19 Mar 1919, 1, p. 3

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WONQO“GWQWQW”W’W: The Flavour Lasts ME waxâ€"wrapped sealed package with WRIGLEY‘S The largest chewingâ€" gum factories in the world â€"the [argest selling sgum in the world: that is what WRIGLEY®‘S means. upon if is a guarâ€" antee of quality. SEALED TIGBT KEPT RIGHT NEWEST NAME FOR BOOZE GIVEN AS ‘‘*MACHINERY. Four large boxes labelled ery,"‘ were last week taken off . a Montreal train at Mattawa. The pohvc were suspiciouns of the cases as ) Mattawa firm was expecting any new machinery or parts, and: there was no person known by the name on the address labels on the boxes. When the boxes were opened by the auttorâ€" ities, it was found that they did conâ€" tain a certain amount of old and worn machine parts, and a number of cases of modern rye w ns!\c\. The number and ingenuity of the melans ar nd meth ods used for bringing liquor into New Ontario knock the spots off the O.T.A A returned soldier in Timmins, for instance, has a plan all worked out for the bringing in of liquor from Montreal by airships. _ All Ite asks beâ€" fore going into the game in as acroâ€" plane and about $2000 capital. â€"â€" He would have a landing place in Mountâ€" joy, he says, and bring the liquor up town â€" afterwards. Apparently he does not know the peoâ€" ple of Mountjoy if he imagines that they would thus allow their township to be used as a landing place for liâ€" quorâ€"and the liquor to be taken aâ€" way later. missioner terson vs qpment ( Mr. T. E. Godson, KC, Mining Comâ€" missioner, will be at Haileybury toâ€" morrow (Thursday) for the hbearin«® of a number of cases in dispute. Five caryes will be before the Mining Comâ€" misstioner, these including Horace Pat tersim vs. R. A. P.: Mining and Develâ€" GOVERNMENT CRi«â€"ICIZED REGARDING NORTH LAND. In the Ontario Legislature onto last week, Mr. C. M. | Clhief Liberal Whip for the J made a strenuous speech in v (GGoverniment was strongly, atta its expenditures in the Nor "Out of a total of somet: five million dollars expende the present time in New C said Mr Bowman, ‘tover fou: appear to have been spent u} exelusivelxÂ¥. â€" Milos and miles Company building tRE. THME POROCUPINE ADVANCOE and miles of roads here there are no there will} not he U tat rt n« Sownan PuVlint 11@A fario, mullto: U LN Mr, Bowman‘s eriticisms and shown that the Government has trmed honestâ€" ly to .do all possible to help along the great North Land. It will he recogâ€" m/.ml that it is much eagier to eritiâ€" cize than to do things nnht but at the same time Mr. Bowman‘s address was worthy of special consideration for the one idea at least that it contained revarding settlement in restricted a During digestion certain kinds of food containing proâ€" tcins, such asâ€"meat, egg white, milk casein, wheat gluten, etc., are split into many different substances. Some of these the body uses to rebuild damaged or dead tissues; some, however, are not only useless and harmâ€" ful but in some cases actually poisonous. Regular, thorough bowel evacuation geis rid of the latter. Constipation perimits stagnaâ€" tion and absorption of these poisons into the blood, with injury to the whole body. Taking castor oil, pills, salts, mineral weters, etc., in order to foree the bowelis to move does notâ€"cannot cure conâ€" stipation â€"but makes it worse. On the other hand Nujol overcomes constipztion and brings about the habit of easy, thorough bowel evacâ€" uation at regular intervais, because Nuyjol is not a drug, does not act like any drug. to the food you eat? reas. Years ago The Advance advoâ€" cated some such plan for the North Land. ‘The method used for the setâ€" tlement of returned soldiers at Kapuskasing has the right foundaâ€" tion. settlers are grouped withâ€" in a reasonable area, and so there are enough of them that the cost of mainâ€" taining roads, schools, ete., is not too burdensome. _ In many o%f ‘the disâ€" A/Z »«â€" Nujol is sold only in sealed Warning: TS vadee ie Haml Trade Mark. All druggists in U. S. and Canada. Icsist on Nujol. You mey sufer from substitutes Nuyjol brings about a return to Nature‘s methods of supâ€" plying necessary lubrication of the bowel contents, by facilitating intestinal muscuâ€" lar action, by absorbing poiâ€" sonous matter, and thus seâ€" curing necessary cleansing of the intestinal canal and protection of the .def‘c'nsive pri')gvsâ€"c'r'ties of the blood itself. Nujol has no deleterious after effects, produces no bad habits, makes the boweis regular as clockwork. Nyjol i§ efhicient at any age â€"under any conditionsâ€"is satisfactory and safe. How and Why Nyjol overâ€" comes constipstion is deâ€" scribed in an interesting and authoritative booklet, "Thirty Feet of Danger" {ree on request. Send for it and get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today. Nujol Laboratories ANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) 50 Broasdway, bew York tricts of the North Land, however, the settlers are so widely separated that it is beyond the power of the Few to keep up sechools or roads. ‘The comâ€" munity plan of settlement, as at Kaâ€" puskasing, would have simplified the problems of roads and schools for this country. And roads and schools are the two most pressing needs of. the North Land. *\ «l i

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