_ ced se V TE L c ic h + i‘g!g}ep%lii , | 1|Â¥3 se‘ us m . 95 02@00@00002†MOGOOM@MOWW@OOMMQOMOOQQOMOW WW@@O%O Opposite the CGoldfields THI M MINS I¢f your appoint: then get a watch fro be sure to be there If" your eyes are thetime, ithen call correct the defeets ability and to youtr leweler ard Exclusive agent for Royal Crown Derby China, all patterns ; also Limoges China Waltham and Elgin watches of all kinds F. MILES WALLINGFORD Do your appointments are timed, et a watch from us and you wall S1IMM®S HOOKER Mining Contracts â€"â€" Mining Claims Shaftâ€"Sinking a Specialty in Logs, Lumber, and W (Successors to on tiine. not perfect to see 141 and we will to the best of our e satisfaction. NC INSURA NCE G. Dickson ; Jeweler and ~Optician Next the Post Office Timmins â€" Phone 141 L. HALPERIN PHONE 64 Rsidence PHLONH 118. ONTARIO on«Lhe iw;;:s in ue churehn basement. Then they turned on the light on the queatmn u* **I1mmmgration,"‘ and had a generally interesting . and. profitâ€" whle time, deciding when the hour for closing came to «ontinue the discussâ€" ion on Thursday evening of this week ‘‘Give me a nice, good, large whisâ€" keyy please, and qui@ekly,"‘ he said dryly, but with a smile for the wine clerk. Sn room. Up came t and the soldier re ous fluid. ‘*Awfully sorry, boy, ‘‘Dut we can uiniHforin. "lt‘s ag L Ccan lo wed "Thie Llavidl Stuart A certain popular soldier home to the Poreupine on leave went down to Montreal one time not so long ago to see wbhout his final discharge. _ He entered Montreal with pleasant visiâ€" ons of joy, and hurried into the first hotel bar that showed itself. V ulCC ‘T} ho‘te Ther A SOLDILR‘S NIGHTCAP NOT MADHE BY D.Y.B peat â€"you_ do, but withou The bartender smiled in sympathy. Then a Jlook of pathos touched the face of the man behind the bar. SNa n( Mary Once more the soldier | r upon his honored uni Aw ul BOLHG1er <sSecured .«A I and went up there ordered a bottle Up came the botti is f ) NV i own,. Quiteen dd CORMAN, Teac â€"Roland iBarnes, gorry, ‘sit;"~ No Sald, ve you. â€" We are n rve ‘a man an unifor er looked at ns ut rPAYLOR er, OTt 1 R|} @Ken nrn‘a Caildare Iman, â€" Willi Melville Cox Cvhele $A C 113 Kiu Willitan arnes,. USCaI Marti Waino _ Anderson, +0 k € nowcver, a ie Tunomins and turned i1 basement. iwht on the ‘‘ and had nd. profitâ€" Id q l1 1e1 Feldman m aln C1 H1l} iQ 111 Oscar tl y Ln~â€" 67 PER CENT. OF ONTARIO‘S GOLD FROM HOLLINGER. one ol GOVERNMENT MAY OPEN EMPLOYMENT OFFICHE HERE one is necessary that the right types of workers be secured for the work conâ€" cerned, as well as that employment be secured for all coming in here. It is understood that the Government has considered the situation and that an official. employment office ,will he established at Timmins for this disâ€" This office will ikely be placed in eharge of a returned soldier comâ€" petent to handle the work with efficiâ€" eney and satisfaction g#generallyv. triGE. . = 4A (-(‘)Illillï¬," in cerned, as ‘Well be secured for It is understood wr} LA VC ldiers.â€" The mps require recessary various Jeadin the only place NA «LCO DC of these that th 2cSsQ 11 ecat iT v 6. ol nmnen â€" â€" are y to this Camp and the include many returned mines and the lumber many men here, but it hat the right types of ured for the work conâ€" O03€ 1¢C€ 1( sen as Ltnhno c2nUr ces, and ithis po reupine has an d usefulness for than the Cobalt number of men to this Camp an SQ0. â€"TEARL ceKres )vernment * 2 amun»s 4 o 7 communs +1 «carca> Nt Ontario The Adimi )lovim A ; or enuncilat every word. sod old ones, the « onjuring up pictures i ighest qualities of a 11 it re rom )11 1las reâ€" oflices Cobalt 1{ csired). Ask for ncyclopedia listing ictrolas from $34 up to lume but he can one *A (liS"' evVen nte tiie 000 ind 90 cents '..for 1#â€"inch, doubleâ€"sid ral‘s Broomâ€"andâ€"Up From airal‘s Broo 0@00000$000000009000000000600000000000060660000000680 004068 0000000009000 00000004600 ‘His Madter‘s V orce‘ n at any "His Master‘s Voice" dealer‘s / isvery person wh{ was employed in Ca corporations and joint Postage must be prepaid on letters and other documents forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Address of Inspector of Taxation for this District : OTTAWA DISTRICT. Forms may be obtained from of Taxation and from th8 Postma Returns should be filed imme FORM FORM FORIM FORM FORM FORNM T5 Exclusive Privato Wire Connecting All Offices Stocks Bought and Sold for Cash or Margin mMal children under t 1918 received or All othercindividu $2,000 or more. Every corporatio: durinaz t! HAMILTON B. WILLS All returns must FORMS TO BE FILLED IN AND FILELED. Mr Ruthven MecDonald Favorite CanaZian Bassoâ€"Cantanto By corporations and )o,nt stock compa'uo By trustees, executors ,aimwm strators of estates and ass By employers to make return of the names of all dir officials, agents or other employees to whom was paid or more in salarvies, bonuses, commission or other rem tion during the calendar year 1913 By corporations, joint stock compan‘es, association syndicates to make return of ati dividends and bonuse Inspector of Taxation, tion during the calendar year 1913 By corporations, joint stock compan‘es, associations syndicates to make return of ati dividends and bonuses to shareho‘lders an4 meinbers during 1918. : Individuals comprising partnerships must file returns in individual capacity. 597 (sold on easy payments, : opy of our 620â€"page Music 10 "His Master‘s Voice"" Record: First Recording PHONE 100, Use PORCUPINE COBALT TORONTO NEW YORK ROCHNESTER I m A t‘h it be filed IN DUPLICATE 1CA fisc ten#tr sbleâ€"sided WHKOM M APPLICA VC NCOME wAR TAXxX _A 36 E:mk Stfc C, OTJ.rx v M G by M the Inspectors and Assist; ters at all leading centres latsly. J caiendar ock com of CGWwW eE T ear 1918 O 3 Lt {{\ who UI Assistant Inspectors Ont n the