6W 9 All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in ï¬rstâ€"class condition. WNW N“MMOWMâ€OWWW m M â€VA!“ A Good Assortment of All Lines of Stationery, Fancy Goods Glass, China Ware, Etc. at reasonable prices Also Victor Records. Come and hear them at ERNEST H. BRIDGER’S HOTEL. ...- â€WWW†l ‘ C 0 shall of tho “'1. I «mmowemwmuouoommoomwwu pi" i 51â€"’ i'iwi ii'iili‘ anil i'i'vi‘i' Mm wit. ..i ;.:i izifsiilo on“. 'l‘ilt' liiiililiii:.'l‘lioso two s‘airwai's. howl-tor. l'i'om. H l.) iii:il'.o it. lli‘i-i'y room elm. W. Fogg Lumber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, Nine and Mill Supplies AGENT FOR Colonial Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL l 0“““06660000†loilois, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, otc. Hoar] Office TIMMINS Phone 78 SCHUMACHER Phone 95 B "m â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ “mmwmfl _. lufw “f | 3 ' jswitch board operating hy holl with ovory room in tho house. There will (From the Broke Hustler.) IROQUOIS FALLS’ NEW Sim-o tho huruin;r of“ tho lroqiioisn'ooins. sitting room and bath room: lllatol on tho liltli ot' Soptoinlior last ialso a lailios' parlor and lit hoilro ins. l\‘-'Eioii live lives woit; lost. wo “ill all .yllll this tlon' also More will he l’iibli0~ llil's'i’ iiotii'oil \‘itii {With} the inassin'ilairatoi‘ios :i‘iiil liatiis plaooil i'oiivoni-l strut-turo wliirli is being t'l'Pt'll‘ll toioiiiiy t‘oi' hoih lailios auil irontloiuon. take its plaoo. 'l‘ho sito ot‘ tho Now‘ilin tlio thiril lloor thoro will ho Ii" ll.iti-l Building: is soinowiiat north (ili'illt‘ll rooms and tho not-ossai'y toilots the old sit“. faring. as it «loos. ahoutl 'l‘lio main stairway from tho rotun- «liio wos: and is tho ï¬rst i. oatolzos tho oyo in Mining into town go straight to tho 151ml Hour and will and whoti it is all lit up it «piito a spootaolo. 'l‘iio niw huililin: ' “'l†rillillit‘ll and on tho t'ront moa- «MWOMâ€WWOOâ€:! 'uros ltITi t'oi't hy llll toot wiilo on thoato .lllil this will ho pritn'ipally ll‘~(‘tl l'larli li'g' (it tho tor tiio holp oi' tlio inaiils iinj: that will lii' ‘ lii' t'lllll'i‘l)’ t';i2l.~ll'llt'li‘il (ll. ivâ€"(‘lll'iit'i'i-il . . - - . I ~- zs lawn: put up with tho Itll'll ol ll':‘.l~;â€" tho sot-onil storoy will ho :i\':i:lalilo . . ‘ "i - l ‘ ’ I I I I mu it as Mint“ (15' is .illlilillliy [izisszliiti Iii :ill fwti-slv Using: the iiiittsti, will plastoi'oil and how (‘Hi‘lt‘tl and be! lit“ floors throughout lilt' liziililing- (-Voi'ylwill l-o ol' liai'ilwooil in tho rotunila st.iirx\'a_‘.‘. I’iom liasoniotit t i tliii'il ll-mi' illt'l in all oorriiloi's. ‘.'llll(’ tho hotl- will no of onnoi‘oti'. in Ho luisoinrnt li'uoiiis will ho ot' Douglas hit“. The illt‘l‘i' will llt' (i310 t'.“.ll},1~* (ll. liiltt‘ thumps ii tor ;:'Zli*:'l~~' anil antitln'r ol' nino rooms ranilziii with a i'i'oiitag'o ot' lit by 5†ti. li.‘ llotol liilp. ln llit‘ i't‘iiii'o of tiio liasoniont tho lioatinu' equipment and i l’ai‘loi' on tho Sl‘i'tlllll lloor oponiiia' out liiillt'l' room is installoil illltl is inailo'l'i'om a li‘i'onoli \‘Cinilow onto tho sooâ€" up ol' a :33 h. p. return 'l‘iihular lioilor. onil storo)‘ ol' tho \'(‘l'tlll(l.‘lll. 'l‘lio triiii 'l‘lioro is also in tho i-oiitro ot' the lizisolol' tho hoili'ooins will ho in whito. inont a (‘Hlll stoi‘:i;_io plant and ])lll)ll(‘ whilo the trim in (‘L)l'l‘l(lt)l'.‘s‘. rotunila liavzitzu'ios that will ho ï¬nished in and Dining liooiii and all pitlilir whito tilo. ()n tho groiiiiil lloor, grip-frowns will ho oi Yard and “'nreliouse iiig in l'i'oiii tho Htroot tlioi'o will ho a i-oloi‘. will .\t :ho out] of ovory (‘1)l'l'ltltil' tlioro ('onnoot. willi tiltI llitiii‘rj: liooin lllililln' it (looi' whirli Will open (Hilliard oliâ€" 'l'holto a platt'orin ('Hllllt’t‘lt'll with tho liro largo rotunda :1 Hi tzzis rotunila will si-at' .13†guests at a sitting. Dining Roam will he divided from tho. rotunda by large chipped glass parti- 1y oinpticil at any limo in ('1‘..‘.i‘ oi ('nt- ltioiis made up ol‘ :1 window in tho oi'g'onoy. oontro 7 foot 6 int-hos h): 5 feet high h...â€" also ho on this floor. \Vritiug Room. ‘l’uhlio Lavatorios and bath rooms and itit'nion "bedrooms. (hi the somiid tloor will ho t'our suites ol' two hoil rooms oao‘i illltl hat‘i bolt-won; a suito for tho iiiainnror oonsistin}: of two hoil ..-â€"-... .. - .... _. - ! l i . - . 'tlil will roiniuonro in tho liaisoiiiont and I Eï¬!ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬mtï¬ï¬lï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚itï¬lï¬ï¬bï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬‚iï¬mï¬m l . . . , (‘LHIt'l't‘lt‘. \Vllllt' ti'nu tho lilit‘lt it More will ho a similar oiio hut not so olahoi'- twin. l.iol\' :ilii-I' this i‘o:iiii:~. --.â€"m - -i llliltilll‘i‘ will iio tlt't‘illtllt‘ll \Vitli a \‘t.’l'â€" land will ho two stoi'oy. 'l‘ho lanlios' natural or ohostnut osoapo so that tho liouso t'llll ho quit-l:- ~_._<..~,.________ .... .\ol :1 single part ol' tho t'tlllrill'llt'l-' I I I I I I I I I l I I I l i I I I I I I I I I ‘I OOOOMOO of Repairs. Satisfaction guaranteed 66666029909 00¢¢¢00099N000¢W6M060069006 06¢O®O¢¢0¢€ ..__ ‘4 ... ~.-.\.( .0. ...ui ..‘Lnl.n.".-.:L.V.kj.l.\, ..Lzï¬fflk‘tf‘ili»; s '5 “I: ' . ‘1 . . ‘l _' , I I a. . v ' Ellill (liltll‘.\tl.\5 on oat-.i siiilo‘ion ot tho liotol was lot on i-ontraot. :) loot o inrhos wiilo li)‘ h‘ l'oot liigiit.;tiio wholo lit-inn; «hour by our own nion . . V .1 .° I I . .I } ‘ . . ._ 1. ( ()llllt‘t‘lti witii t.io olhoo \\i.l lo a [lllltlt‘l' our own siipor\'isioii, notinng ho imp; lol't unilono whit-Ii Would iltlll to ' ‘lllC oriinl'ort. sai'oty or oom'onionro ol Ni . -l . I ' . ‘ ' . . ltho pozipio who will lllt‘ in ll. 0 . g. D ‘ . ~ s,’- r 1.9.. 'C I ,'~'.' ‘4. ‘ ' ’ WW": "' " '- s..‘ .v ' " - ‘ - c v I 0 s. " ' D; ‘l .f...-j'-'-;9t.l.,.,t5;..3‘5.:;_t£3~3:£§?$:£2f3 :91W‘zfï¬; ;:.f;-i53§;£;.7f§lif.;_g. x\llH“_{t‘l lit'l lilt't (‘ .ll :’ t lgill} -( “Lilli l: "5. . . . ., ‘. i . .' v . | u ' I‘ . ‘\:?\/‘:/7 V'fflét‘C/{7 (m itiziitis.-~-->.U.(‘11:) si.\ iloiihlo .iial l\\(1- \ _‘ s‘ v /\./’ ‘.~4\ "‘ ..' a 9- 45. ‘ ‘ . " ~ 5‘“§<:ï¬,f§ Ki}? U\£4«"“’:~‘- ii'o siiig'lo roszii.t.~ lor tho iiso on an) .ahlo to. soix'o iilt‘ ï¬rst tllilllt‘i' in ll on 9 J,“ illil' lTlli ol' Klaroli. Willt’ll \\'lll l.o oxâ€" : up. . '.‘ .aoii‘i' lix'o roars limit liit‘ tznio tho 9 ,r . i i , ‘ . ‘ . ‘ , O r ' lll'rl iliiinor was rlt‘l'X't‘ll in lllt‘ oil ll'â€~ z . . ‘ ' i ' l ‘ | .3. ... l v. iipiois llolol. \‘x';'.l(‘il was .‘laiiai elialu H. , . l ' 3:? l 7.7“ lint-l. i“! G N: ' f‘i ". . ‘i‘ â€VA- :3; .i‘i" ! lno :ii'z'niioi-s ol mo now h'nioinu . dé} : . ' ' . . .: rt 1%, ‘,‘.\ iifl'i' .".li'â€"‘~‘i‘.~'. l’nll'lill alto l;.il(‘l\.‘liltlt"" til i: ii 5‘ 5 .‘~. ERl-‘iiill't‘fll. will†tho Prim: l'ifilf‘litltll‘e '0 'i :} "i l" l , , . . ,. .... ' .... ’2 ill ,) ii†i ii Ito Wu: it is .1». l.!:iiill;:s‘ Mil-3 i: ll hi 1'†93‘ l 6 - 2 ,, g .. : ~-â€"â€"»-~â€" ls l '- L' ‘ 1-"- ' T“ v- ’7" -.“. - .1 iii ' .ri £32132: iii-oft; “* : [U1 - “I" "t 7 b3 flex :5“! 11‘ ’3 t 0‘. '1 I ' i ‘ {5.313. ' *3 “'1 '7 - I x . . . ' 4' ’ - . ‘. " . v . J ‘ .‘ 4-» “..--... \ -â€" .'"‘."'".‘ "“ Tâ€? â€T .77. 5}. . :1] ... VI..}S t. â€199011..th that)“ O DIVE lea . . â€31, i . i" r: ['1 \l 50:; i .tf..':..‘-L.-..‘ 1:. till 1-3L .u‘uimas. . r. s org}: Ri‘ ;ao....s dam... t W kw '. to » 9 «5 03.15 3 ion. -Cll, 1217:, .iaJOl all IL. turgi’an mmâ€"mâ€" â€"~~â€"-â€"~â€"\ 9 \, -: i W'“ l ..A ....-.†ti "el ,3: .. .t .1. ; C, '1-..“ - a ‘~: '1’. i . , . 2 “{0an 1Lv‘-; 1,“. .39. av C -.Cu u: LIIOLCV fictvctna *~~~ ---- .- -_,_,.,. *1 . 551- ' l ‘ ll . o (,l ’ i. .t ‘ ~l it l i 1 i ‘ ‘..~. 9 .‘ L ' ‘ ’7; \ ‘ l I‘?‘ l _ l lCE‘ti. ‘ “ ‘ l -- 7' "- l it“ a: . i . . t . 7} ' i. 'l - - .2 . -.-.~â€"-.--.-_---.--... -.. , .-.? L's'l :i am 3. ti, i; 11. "x 't - Kill. " j - - . - _t J .....-'t -....~.r.~-- ~.. :3.-. :9; 7 ‘i ' - ' " " â€Wu ‘ ‘ * ~ " '.i l\l o‘ i .i t ~ii'41iiti'i'. iii . f“. - ‘:‘ ' 1;†. ' -- .1». . ~ [n {‘5‘ ‘L'Irtl;nl;.\_ I : 1 L6,â€! ' ‘ ‘ l - i t~v ~3 ' ’ ' " I 3 .‘ iffy-IE?){‘3371"'v‘?i“.. -‘- ï¬ll). . l' ‘ i' ‘ l“ \ ‘ i 'l .1. I: r .. ~ ’ “ 3 "; -' - . “1".§’~*3:‘â€EVPT"‘"“".“."'.".~1:"’--"-7"?‘1“i7?â€I r . 4;: . . ‘ .- -. . . if . . s .2. atom... ..-ai- .. 1.7;.L‘VJL‘.'~-<; I ..- «4...- .". -..} :-‘.L'; 4’.:..m.3;}L-xyrd -£--L.é£o.{~81‘::it.£_eh-E-e.â€...i-.;:;.;’_;:Jdr.-;:fï¬;i£.Ll;:.-.iâ€"‘{:’ I .H\ I ll “I i ' U ' U ( ’l' ‘ 'l 1 "‘ «'l .. 'I‘ l . ' I4 .' ‘xli i.‘ ‘ ‘ lit' " \V ‘ll RWYW'MW1mm3.tmII¢IZ .m:x=m.-:-m.»uwm*anammamazmmm.m mm : l All twill (\l f.\ ..l.i . .. .lill lc\l.( l I ,. I ' ‘ i'... . - l"! l.l(“"\' (‘il‘ii‘fh ....iii'i' . . ;.'.t :l‘ lâ€| “l -- mm.†~::'_;.'__.._._._...... .....-W::_._._:.:..::.: 7:: I =ihlo. mixing; in or thlt‘ll Li'.ii:'('l'ill'.1-" (O {‘4 fl:ï¬7“';.""~"« 7* 3'7“? W . r._' ,_ I.103 . .54: 1'. l \v‘ begin-.3 \‘ v. \‘w-fllslu 5... l- ...; 73 .. .7 i. a «...... rs" . 22': is ..e .‘i... ‘vfar Worn and .f-titeru tile... w on. oi. he-.. sawaricn vii: “FIRST TO 515;: VE-rLAST TO AP. .3... . The Salvation Army has for 53 years been. organized on a military basisâ€"inured to lands 3.3, sacriï¬ce and service. It is always in action, day and night. It has iaintained Military Huts, Hostels and Rest Rooms, providing food and rest for tens .of thousands of soldiers each day. 1,2»“0 uniformed workers and 43 ambulances have been in serv_ so at the frontâ€"in addition to taking cars: of the needs {soldiers’ families here at ionie, assmting the widows and orphans, and relieving distress arising from the ahseuce ot the soldier head or the family. . . . Notwithstanding all the Cox'crnrnent is planning to do, notWithstazzding the pensmns and t.- relief work of other organizations. hundreds of cases of urgent human need are constantly de- manding the practical help the Salvation Army is trained and equipped to render. llie Savatioii troy iii â€ieii January 1 9th to 25th While it could do so, the Salvation Army has carried on without any general appeal. ‘Now the crisis is arising with the return of the 300,000 soldiers. The budget for essential work during the coming year has been prepared. A million dollars must be raised to continue the after-thc-war activities, which include: Hostels for Soldiers Salvation Army Hostels are daily necessary for the protection and comfort of the soldier .at the many stop- ping places betueon lanes and his home hereon Canada. 'l‘hese Hostels-mar inilita'y hotel-.m-mronde good food. clean beds. ultoiosmnc entei'taznmciit at a inlet: the soldier can atloril ta tax. It the boys (lid not ‘ personal he!» alone is of avail. Conriler, too. the vast and l l u ‘ ’ '0 complex problems arising out at the cat: of mini rs widows and orphans. Keeping the Family Unit Intact The womc-ri of the Salvatwu Army 0.: tliiir Vi~iting rounds :i‘compli h the apparintly itit};.1‘~-Llil" ls the discharged \Jltlltl' out of a in-li†'l‘hif {will “fin one. Is the wife sick. the ll~‘l?lt' nor}: piling "p. tho children ~~ ~- ‘ .. .7 . a . p, . ‘ ht'NC 3 LJSl-Cl {0 g†t": “ JUVKL‘ \.ot..d the) go. neglect‘dD '1 hi 3' nziisi- the v :ie. mint-r? : e . i lren. ‘ . ' . . . . ' . . t .i the ‘N' '.‘ . p0 wash and scrim. ls thi 'o :rh-iit l':\ f i 'u. I, can 0f IVCS, ‘V .dOVcS, DC “dents and clothes or pawl-Trixie? '1 hey me sup; 3.. :i. it takes orphans Of 801(11ch ni“â€".‘~'- 0f C(illtit‘. loft nmr-g important i~ ti-m i’)\l.li; Foores and hi'ndrtds of ca~r~ ocm'iddbi; cited where 501- Sfdll’ of SUV,“ in mgr}: the Ivor}: I: dorzc. “ ‘ '\ been Coiziiour iy Ilt‘ assurance ,, . ‘ : fligstligcéiil:dtigd f‘xrm)’ has stoma-d in it. niiex'o their 'when the Soldier Needs a Snead ‘ . ‘ families from dire need. .\~ a"- instance a :iiotlzcr with “13- Sat-aunts ,ï¬-‘my 1.3.1:â€. papal}- tn- 0“... w“... if: 1'.“ children if located â€â€œ7 "'Wl. “9532‘â€! fi""‘1iilÂ¥. food colice. the I'i(-s.‘Ciii.-c-il:ite. muxari'ir s. “l‘iiilll! illitit“.l3.“. rut} .t’imds exhausted by sickness and othor (tumbles. and the spiritua. comfort which xiv- lm: - in Khaki i'r-rii, 'i“i~~*' we taken to Salvation .\m:v Emergency Receiv- I'ntil ilit. la-t homeua'd-houral 'nJllli"? i~ ie-i staiili.;.e.1 "‘1‘ â€W \\';:itrr MHI 31M â€Uh soldiors t"'I'.i""-i'i'z in Ci\ll':‘.i‘. life. will you not lit'ip t‘x' S.'l\'.‘lli-l'. \rmj. 1") A . .5; ‘ " ‘ ‘ .. .. ‘_ . I: A . 1", .‘ H .‘1 L". h. .' ~ ' u ‘ ‘ht; Lw thc dL‘IIlalids U‘I 1L: >‘JVQIL in [er113 . \I hug. (101110.11 ll“? L. ToplnI‘J! ..2 (Lil C\ ... l A.’. la; ‘ -L I . PHIL . The service of the Salvation Army, founded on sacriï¬ce. demonstrates the true spirit of the Mac:- 1er. It is directed to the extension of the Kingdom of Christ. For taro generations the Salvation Army has stood out and out for God. . v . ' n . 1t approaches practical problems in a practical way and achmvcs FESJil‘b. .t cooperate-.3 sizzli allâ€"overlaps none. It recognizes neither color, race nor creed. It is always 1:1 action, day and night. No organization does greater work at less cost. To carry on its great -r2: it must have 5 ~ancial help, and on its behalf members of the Dominion Government, bus:. ess rncu and returned 2:.idiers endorse this a‘ipeal for funds. - L “LET YOUR ORA TITUDE FIND EXPRESSION IN SERVICE†THE SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLAR FUND COMMIT??? ‘4 l.’ Headquarters: W lillltl i‘nilo:i\'oi' to got i» air at all titnos. luko into of In:- slight "("lilï¬u until tlri‘ illlt'i'.ll :1â€" lllilllllli', oi. l:i_\.;tli‘.t* 3';'(‘:i‘,‘.i'illi_‘.‘. \lill'rr I'ililllitill is a :;'>-:l pi'oxt-I.iati\'o am. will lio :l‘llllllllr- t'i't’ll l'i'i-o l') :1ll:l}i;i;_‘.‘ in; 21,;- s.iii;o. Although. i» ilzito. 13.:- ontliroak (loos not warrant pi'oiiihiiâ€", in;r ol' ainusoiriorii plat-oz. poaplo aro- sti'onu‘ly :Hl\'ist-<l t i hoop to lhomsoh os as llilH'll as possihlo aiiil :lllin' all. to‘ hoop thoii' t'illltll‘t‘il iron: l!li.\ill_‘.1' l'i'orx~ .{l\' with Millet“ i-T.ihli'oii. Although 1 io il't‘t't'lil i-piiloinio is iaiililoi' than tho 1 . . ‘ ‘ .'l V ilast ono. ii is appzii'ontly inoio easiii li-ontraruul hi. oximsnro t.» t..o «lisoaso. ’ Q l . ‘ i'l‘lto 117;“ of “HE'S": :::‘.<l n;i~‘:il r.';;s;:os l l l l inf}; all Ililltllt' ~‘iit'ioi'iiig;<. and tho elm-i l l l l i l l l its soul llil'll’llVllli'li“ ti‘oatinont. Aliâ€" ls iliito :ilisliilt‘imz‘ l'rorzi l'mul il-irinf: an 1 tin l'ai-t. sox‘oi'al i'olzipsos run he «lii'oi-I- flv ti'aooil to takingr t'ooil bol'oro toni- autziol: has ho 3'. I’oiinil l‘t‘lll‘lit‘llll illlil. iiioi‘atiit‘e lioi-oiiios normal. l l i l 'l‘ho (‘H-Hlit‘l'illltiil ot‘ the oitixons ini *trying to stamp out this recent opi- ll('llll(‘ will ho approriatoil and it is only hy sat-h i-oâ€"opoi':i.:ion that. ro- i-ourso to inoro stringont. methods! such as previously usoil, will not he 1l(l\'lSill)l(', suoli as rinsing all pulilio 2 shows anal again isolating: the town. l'l‘lio l'aot that tho \Vyo. so liar, hoon ‘llllllllllll‘ is no roason why resiiloiits of ;that looaliiy s'ioulil not talu- as grout l i l l i protuiinioii :is ‘.::""| ri-siiloiit in town tor :iii otithi'oal: at t‘io \\"\'o cannot hol \l) iI-l'i‘."l'\l'i_'\ i' il.li'olli'il. Hllt'i' ll li:‘~' l"‘iii\' l.2t'l'i‘. 'l‘lll‘ i-ii-iiit'l'uii'ill of :ill it‘.illl'l‘?“ti'il i rupiosu-«l in tho iiia‘itoi' ‘ot' o licii'nf ~iipni'yisl-in of all (llii$i(l“l". 3(‘iil'tlll‘,’ lii. xxx.» might i-ziii'y l'i'os'i iiiâ€"l il'm'tioii \‘~illi liil'lll. l l ’ ‘* ' ' l .‘liv Norman J -l::.: .:. _\ in» ...‘i:~' lwf lit ist't'u'nl 2iili'~" .11 l-i- lliisi-ilnl l'wl' till I it .it‘l' nonio in. ;l\:lllf.'"'iii‘l oLi lloiiclo‘ las. Silo \‘x‘ill :lw Sill‘t'l‘t“lt"l lo. .\li\s .\l.‘:!:ii(‘ l‘ll‘uot'l‘. ginght sit. to iiit.:s. um": I s l illilll i":.".l':c' ot tiii- l‘inii-i'wiuy â€min-l 'tal at ;'.:o W‘n- ;s 13'. pi'osi-nt on (“Qty t lat the ll-a~pit;;l aml will siioooetl Miss llmttliviu. it! i";if'f_'i‘. -ll!ll'il_V. )llSS :l.(‘lll.l .~ it .' . 3.: 1' -.' ‘i‘.';:;:;3p«;g v’ ï¬ri)‘ lit} if i‘ iii't'sz'ift Lu‘ii'i‘n benefits and enioyment of this Sealed tight â€" Kept right ...gI I . e-r -‘ FOR SURE RESULTS YOU SHOULD TRY The Porcupine Advance ' Want Ads One Insertion costing you 25 cents in advance will bring you what you require I. oil- 'PPPPPPP*--yr- dd-dq-t-r-r-q .4 Insert One Next Week EEWEEESWW i i i i 2 i i OU will find satisfaction and profit in buying your Clocks Watches, Jewelry, Etc. at this store. we make a specialty ti. l‘ioRWi’t’Z - Jeweller - Timmins {text Canadian Bank of Commerceâ€, “MONO OOOWOOOOOOO O 990 o.â€" ' . 4 . , l. . 4 -‘ l U A ' ' d, . :‘ ' . I’- 'f“ ‘A _‘ 1‘ . - I . L ’. _ 0') .- . , .' . ‘ ., . _ '. ' . . '4. ‘ a. , .. .3 . :2 I . ~ 3 : . v. ,_ t . ' v . 0 l l ‘i‘ .q ‘ " c K‘ '1) i I \ t ‘ . - 3.3 - '1' . ’ .' . ~“ . ' ‘. .--'-'“=" ‘W ‘ Ilia! o ‘f‘ t .1 i. 'l‘t‘ \ '-" 0 F? Céq'w \‘1:;“ It. I ‘5} - ,- 1 rye,†g _ "(J ' , k ‘ï¬'; km 1: 5‘ ..Tâ€"T'ï¬ 2;: v , h x 'h - 2‘3; _.. l.,.. J‘} '5‘ ' {J}? shut-1;“ 3‘ ' .K '. 3' ~ ( xv '.‘ - '\ ,_‘J.V: F Ia, ' 1 v tag; \ f' ‘E'{ l , \\ {\ï¬ l 1- ‘ \‘ I ‘ ' ‘ I“ “ ‘3‘»?d'f. ‘ ("2- I / ~ '1 l .1 'I . ‘4 j 'V g ' ‘I f ‘5. ~ \ , I? ‘35 l f \v- ! . .',’..'.‘â€"'i v; \1..,'._"_v .‘ - .v ~ -_' air-“E 3. d at! ' I I} ‘ ‘5 l l g. i“ '3‘} ‘3 L! 1‘. ‘ 9‘ . a ' I 4 -“ ' y “ "I ‘ g \ . ‘ . ' ‘.._ \ y‘-. :1 l e I "-k u I -t J l V" ' ". ' ' '7â€! t. -“ I . ' (23," I I 2*“ ‘9 . .. \‘ 0‘, / q. K ‘3‘ r1) . _ . o. a ‘3. , ' _ ~ . . . ‘ 1'. ~ -:: " c i .. . . "a ~ . I ‘ l\ I .. , you will find WREGLEY’S. Everybody thinks of WREGLEY’S when chewing gum is mentioned. This is the result of years of effort to give mankind the low-cost sweetmeat. WRIGLEY’S helps appetite and digestionâ€"attests tiiirst- renews vigour. MODE {N CONGOR .. ':mw;¢‘nAW‘-M a... . 2. 5‘." w*~’x‘uqti;.~.ï¬, .ï¬iï¬'gak- .. ,,. ‘ .- ï¬v- . "I." â€.2