W ThE FOACUPRE AOVARLL For some time past it has been a matter of common knowledge in the North Land that a large number of the aliens in this country intended to return to their European homes at the earliest possible monment. They have simply been waiting for ‘"‘the : war ‘to be over." Many of them very naturâ€" ally are desirous of returning to see how it has fared with near relatives in the~â€"warring countries. Some of them have lost all communication with their families and friends since the war ‘began. Others believe that conâ€" ditions will be better for them now in their old homelands. A few see opâ€" portunity for warldly advantage in the conditions that will obtain overâ€" seas after the war. All of them have beer aided in the possibility of return ing by the money that could be made in Canada during the past few years. There is every indication that a large number of aliens will feave Canada in the pbear future to return to the lands from whence they came. Advertisements â€" inserited written instructions will appe written orders for their ance shall have been received fto Lng ALYA} socially and finaneially aft the North. ’ wWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1"9th 11 Published QOffice Canada ~ United States /) MHC SCHUMACHE THREE CA SUGGESTED TAX ON EMIGRATING ALIEN®S shed every Wednesda; Geo. Lake, Publisher, Subseription Rates : a â€" $2.00 a [ â€" .â€" .$0.00 a rVIn TELEPHONES : AV them. in PNhelr imadian t ni the enigration~â€"Q1 the Etra d.’e«l the vdmnl\l atâ€" : Torento Mail" Empire, l' mpire says that in Torâ€" have beean making from IH S anve income idvantagt Residence 112 rtifhicat most ol ces will be other British age, morally, ot© the â€"camps ma c 1 â€"without ppear until discontinuâ€" ONnTARIO du year year nad othel iWUM} 11 3 L CA £ may 00 6 in‘ 1y t onl the \latdl('he\ | |is now owne CGtold Mines, eontrolling s1 Colorado oi Otisse, the st a nfater ll S The Presbyterian Church will be open for divine worship on Sunday, December 22nd., when Rev. Mr. Parks will con‘duct the services‘at the usual hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Sabbath School will reâ€"open on the first Sunday in the New Year, January 5th. Arrangements are under way. for the holding of a Christmas Tree. EKnâ€" terta®ment for the benefit of the Sun (]:l.\’ School Scholars on .\Imula_\' evenâ€" ing, December 23rd., at 7.30 $.m. Deâ€" finite information will be given by iur timation on Sunday. CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH conditiens. ‘Ihe reâ€"opemng OL Li other mines is a matter of a f¢ months, while the opening of sever new properiies will also be an est blished fact in the near future. pine Crown Mine will reâ€"open at the beginning of the new year. Preparaâ€" tions for this are already under way. The @rown will thus have the honor of being the~first to reâ€"open of the mines in‘ the district that found it necessary to c«lose on account of war econditions. ‘The reâ€"opening of the wWOEK AT MATATCHEWAN TO REâ€"OPEN VERY f mas, Elk n« ol operations Wil $ he Matatchewam distmct s now owned by the told Mines, Limited, « ontrolline spirit is 4. sebk C1 lC rdi: about PJleave 11 burvy and other staker of the p terial shareholde V C WO dGone nd 1nd( peace 1§S.< wA )1 war, why not hayve L1A | EARL® ril nmnever ( > matté true me ha in a furnace eoal. No, ived . some hard ne; so has Cobalt t other places, acâ€" Aâ€"of people from towns. What has to be sidetracked r is it that Timâ€" ; of one disgusted ense ha Yna{C. of the p:1 the grea peace ) M es al dGone not roperty wirid after Christâ€" mation from re discontinu ut 4000 feet with upie est need i\ NCG COON. no 11 l § wWaLr the few 11 11 110( i 11 cactCt @1 STORES OPEN EVENINGS FROM NOW TILL CHRISTMAS The stores in Timmins will be open every evening (except Sunday evenâ€" ing) from now until Christmas. The advertisements in this issue of The Advance suggest the fine stocks and the attractive lines of goods on play in local stores, but a visit to any or all of the stores will please and profit all. It is necessary to see some of ‘the big stocks to realize that such evening. of_ oftheers present. attractive variety is oblaini town like The Advar all, for their own sakes an« merchants‘ sakes, to do. th caciiâ€" Christmas The regular meeting of the Timâ€" mins L.O.L. will be held on Monday evening. _ Election and installation of offhicers. Al members urged to be ping time day. time and as early as possible in the day, but for tlfiose who céan find no other time, an evening visit to the stores will be wellâ€"repaid. The byâ€" law regarding carly closing provides for the keeping open of the stores each evening in the week hefore SAon.â€" e in in en s ./: Through arrangements made by the Timmins Board of Trade, citizens of the town who wish to cut their own wood for this winâ€" ter‘s fuel may be able to secure a few acres of good standing timâ€" ber in the Fire Area around the town. â€" As in this area all timâ€" ber must be cleared off before May ist, in accordance with the regulations regarding the protecâ€" tion of North Land towns from the forest fire menace, the owners would be willing to allow the cutting of the wood at a low figure per acre. The Government has also agreed to refund all timâ€" ber dues when the slash is cleared away, etc. a 1 Further particu]ars may be obtained from Mr. Fred Hamilton, Moneta, Ghief Fi{e Ranger for this district, or from Dr. J. A. Melnnis, President of the Timmins Board of Trade. | MJ enensnangat2n necessary to see some s to realize that such v is obhtainable in a The Advance urges n sakes and for. the , to do. their shopâ€" possible in the day FOR SURE RESULTS Porcupine Advance THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. YCU SHQVULD TRY The GET OUT OF THE DEBT LINE BEFORE CHRISTMAS â€" Quite a ftew subser this time of year, an« seription money rolls i the joyous Christmi everyvbodvy. The si better whet of receivin otherâ€"yvear rule of The scriptions must Uniess tions we®" have that they really tions we‘have‘no: way °Of KnowIlng that they really wanht the paper conâ€" tinued. Look at your label. If it reads **12â€"18,"" it means that you are paid to the t\\"f*lt'th month of the year 1918. and so should pay now to keep the paper coming your way. As one of our advertisers said receently about another matter ** You will do it evenâ€" tually; why not NOW!* Miss Nellie Richardson, who has been in charge of a school in the Rainy River district, is expected home this week for the holidays. ns must subsceribht few subscriptions fall due £f year, and when the subâ€" oney rolls in it helps to give Christmas _ feelingâ€" for The subscriber _ feels n he knows that he is sure his local paper for anâ€" . and The Advance feels vcim knaw the rest. The e rest. that all suwhâ€" in advance subsceripâ€" knowing SSSRntACACA 44 000 _ 44846 Q000000008000006 Wmooowwmo«»momooo i n MILES . * ty MMOW“WOOâ€@MWO‘MOOMO 0’036002000 9000006000000003006000000003020009000 hA A Aath Pb PA B PA L dn Pn Pn Pn in Pn nA mEA D = S uliPal BA ul ind * e ons ds ind td 2 NA : crocertes | § "~A mm AALLAR L T ARLIMATA®: t ts o mm 00090000000000000000000000000000000000000060000006060 0 @000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bud 4406 000†@ H. C %’0"00’00:000‘0 004404484 9048008080648 0000 CAPITAL PAID UP $7.000,000â€"RESEAVE FUND £7000,.000 IMPERIAL BANK Build up a savings account as a reserve against possible adversities. Every t of this bank has a savings department. â€" Interest allowed at current rate. COME AND SETL fresh Grocerie Opposite Fire fiall ost and Sale nomw . McDONALD, s Branckes ailso at Zoul Dealer in Logs, Lumber, and Wood to Dr. Moore Block Formerly occupied by A. S. Fuller Co. It will Pay You to Buy your Christmas Groceries _ $00090000000000000008 4 REMOVE D SULLIVANKN NEWTON INSU ZANCE at Frank Byck‘s, corner Third Ave. and Birch Street. Come and see some of our special prices. All our stocks are new and fresh, and we are making some special reductions for the season‘s trade. Come once and yon will come again. Specials on Jams, Ketchups, Icing Powder, Pork and Beans, Etc. Corner Third Ave. and Birch $., FRANK BYCK $ 1O BE SQLD AT WHQLESALE PRIGES e Sale and Mining Contracts â€"â€" Mining Claims Shaftâ€"Sinking a Specialty CS C B L 1S ME D and TIMMINS BRANCH, s iB ce i tds on ie en par uie on oh. uen ced Ne ced t 1N hi. TCPs » S mt ‘s â€" Th 4 S est quality tually sole 4.4 n tinudl valu« C GAPKRA ith Porcupize and New Liskeard, marked cleared out Timmirns, Cntar PE Mazsager down to I1I Nicd