Miss Price and Miss Mitchell the two trained nurses from St. John ‘s Hospital. Toronto, who came to Suha- inacher some weeks ago to assist in nursing patients from the prevalent epidemic. returned to 'l‘orontto on Fri- day evening's National. and they well deserve 't he sineere thanks of the peo- ple of the Camp for the ellieient and earnest. serviee given here in a time of need. Miss I’riee gave especially tireiess and devoted service right up to the time she let'zt the Camp. )‘liss Mitchell, after very generous and seli'- sacrificing work. eontraeted the di- sease herself, but all will he pleased indeed to know that she is praetieally recovered from its etl'eets. These two young ladies assisted first at Sehnniaeher and then gave their ser- vices at, â€the t‘ottage Hospital where there were several patients from the prevalent disease, int-hiding Miss (lul- lette. the (-apahle nurse who, had sa- erih'eed her own strength in her at- tention to other patients. 'l‘here will be general satist’aetion in the know- ledge that Miss ()nllette is also re- covered from the illness. The two Sisters who eanie to Sehnniaeher with Miss Priee and Miss Mitehell also re- turned to Toronto last week after giv- ing sueh capable and lovingr serviee to the people at Sehnniaeher as will not soon he forgotten. Thirteen business pl-uees in town in~ eluding (-zi't‘es, tobacco stores. pool- romns, lmrs, elm. were. (-nug'ht last week selling vignrettes to minors. (‘hiel' Wilson sent. a boy around town to buy eigzurettes in different places, and apparently the Scheme worked. While it is quite evident that merch- ants and others should not sell cigar- ettes to boys, there is a general dis- position to object. to using)' a boy for such a. purpose as the one re‘l'erred to. H might be a little more dillieulti to catch offenders by waiting until? they Sold minors in the ordinary wuyd but it would be better for the boy at least. The cases will come before Mu- gistruzte Atkinson on Thursday of this It is interesting In ante as an evi- dence of the development of the dis- triet that all the land in the “Town- ship of Moantjoy is now taken up for settlement. The unly way now to se- cure a. lnt. in the Township is to buy from some at" those who have acquir- ed it through settleu’ien’t' or purehase from settlers. Mountjuy is one uti the few 'l'mrnship in the. North Land practically all under settlement or with the land all taken up. There are many promising farms in Mount- ,juy, and with better transportation facilities llllll'il greater progress will be made. “'urd was received in town this week 01' the death of Mr. James Gm;- non at l’enrhrnke on Sunday evening. The hue Mr. Gagnun was we'll-known in the Nurth Nurih where had given useful service as furcnmu fur the J. R. I’muth Company fur many years in their lumbering operations on dif- ferent limits in 'l‘emiskziming districts: The late Mr. Gugnun was a brotherâ€" inâ€"la-w of Mrs. \V. I“. Riehamlsnu. The (‘urtis Drugs ('0. week in their new mom stree‘t, formerly occupied met‘sky. The new store in the most. att'agtive Style and will be One of creditable drug stores m unto. Mr. and Mrs. M.’ A, Ems returned last week from a visit to Toronto and other points south. The young people had their ï¬rst real skating {his season on Saturday on the Miller and Gillies Lakes near 'l'immins. Manager Mulhemn is having the Timmins Rink flooded this week and if the wrather continues as at pres- ent it will be ready fur the skaters d 13' wt two Timmins News in Brief §wunq >232 grmozgg WWMwM/wm 'E' El ‘III llllll‘llu‘lll lla‘ll‘ll re who 0f the most stores north of Tor- prmmses on Pine upied by S. Buc- store is equipped tive and modern moved Iast 3Mâ€WNOON¢OMWâ€â€œâ€OWOMM WOOWMOMOOOONMOM'WW000M¢¢¢WOOOWOM¢ § The Sure, Pure, Handy Heat â€â€œ09“ "‘lie 'l'm'uniu Slur last week publish- ed a. photo ul‘ Capt. ()lmst and (if Nia- gara. Falls, who has been decorated for speeiul enulness and courage on the ï¬eld. He is a ‘ln'uthei' of the late Al. Olmstezul whn was killed in action overseas :1 year ago. The. latter was well-knew) and popular in Timmins where he 1')ra('-t.ised law for some time. 113ilvylnn'y expects a big new in- dustry to luvate there and erect a fat-[011v 300 feet by 40 foot, construwt- 0d of brivk and steel, and tn employ 300 hands ur IllHI'O. This industry is a emu-rm im-m'pm'aied to manufact- m'o the ()ri' onging â€";z. HHL‘-('_\'iill(‘i§1‘ engine that is said in he equivalent in form? in two ordinary single-mn- mgr on As usual fur the euld winter innu- ths. the water was let nut 01' the tuwn water staudpipe behind the ï¬re hall on Monday «if this week. 'l'u allow «if the drainage of the staudpipe. the tuwu water system had tn he (-lnsed utf fer a couple m' hours Monday azt'terunun. The water in the stand- pipe was allowed tn empty in the river. The danger from freezing dur- ing the euld weather is the I'easun, of course. for the emptying ut’ the standpipe ’1lt‘ll year wheat this time. Russians at Fnrd, charged with at- tempting to ereate unrest and blund- shed in Canada during the. 111', and who were also suspected of being.r emi- neeted with the hilsheriki agitation in Timmins and other parts of the emmtry, were indieted last week at Windsor nn six differnt eharges but failing in appear their hail of $2,000 wes estreated and warrants were is- sued for their arrest. 1.71) to the pre- sent they have not been amirehended. Tm» panents suf fluexma were lmm naught on Sunday pital here fur treat} John Perelmda and A. Bubankn, t assinns at Fnl'd, charged with : mpting to vroale unrest and blm ed in Canada during: the 'ar. :1 Northern Canada Supply Co. Limited TIMMINS, ONT. We have an unequalled showing of I'lashlights,â€"all sizes,â€"- styles to suit every need and all purses. Come and see the dis- play and the variety of styles. We carry a complete range of Automobile Skates. These Skates have style and quality and the prices ar reasonable. Come and see 0 r big stocLs of the best in Skates. We have them in several sizes and styles from $10 up.. They are approved by the authorities as absolutely safe and depend- able.. .They radiate a surprising quantity of pure and healthful heat at atrifling cost,â€"1ess than a cent an hour.. .Can he at- tached to any light socket. Let us show you these heaters. Just the thing for the den or the bedroom or parlor. Electric Heat is clean, made no ashes, no dirt, no odor, no smoke, does not use up oxygen or vitiate the air. It is conveni- entâ€"just turn the button or switch and it is radiating heat in a minute. There is economy, too, in the use of the famous 11105 on. Majestic Electric Heaters nday '5 tr: truatnwnt Lighten the Darkness! And For Pleasure! THE POROUPINB ADVANCE. HI II) TORONTO Alla nn If; lt‘ is stamped as above M11 will A man at work at. one, of the camps on the Mattagami last week was seri- ously ill with the prevalent Flu, and on Saturday while delirious he. jump- ed into the. river and stal‘l ed to swim away. He was in the ivy water some little lime before he was rescued. He was brought to the, hospital here, and here, despite the expei'ienee iii the water, he is making good progress to reem'ei'y. HAD FLU, JUMPED INTO RIVER, NOW RBCOVBRING. Among those now l'aein'g.r trial on the eharge ol' havingr objectionable literature is Mike Slow, an Austrian employed hy the 'l‘. N.(). Railway here in their round-house. It will he renwmhered that last year the Chief of Police, M. Sally. arrested this Ans- trian for not registering. At the time Mike was quite independent about the matter, having a “Govermnent job" and all that, and there was the inter- ing‘ speetaele ol,’ anotherâ€"a British-â€" enn'ihiyee ol:' the People's Railwag ap- pearing: in eonrt to defend the alien in a time of war. However, Mike, was duly lined and had to register like the other alien enemies that did not have Government jobs. cure at last a quantity of hard coal in the form of “'lmckwlwat" coalâ€":1 grade smaller t‘lmn pea (“URL This coal givzis voryl'air satisfacliun, if used with care and attention. There is 3130 501'; mull ()t' sewral types in tmvn. and the people are advised to adapt themselves to the {use of these styles 01' fuel. \Vlllle sumo regular hard (am! is prmnisedl‘or here, and some. indeed. on its way by rail. the lmnl mall 15 pmmlsed for here, and some. indeed, un its way by mil, tho shnl'iagc ut' hard mul generalv war- rants the use by all who can of tho “I 11:11 NIH (H nurt‘ Kin. 31. Johnston. who has been in the m-JWicc at South Porcupine dealers lmvv burn last a quantity of W I'N |\ rumrn tram m erseas where Imn did his hit as a soldier 1nd ( 'umltrv, “as taken last {:20 Hailm’bury hospital to n :1 speedy an His parents m .ll‘ appendicitis Mo to se- hurd coal " 0081â€"11 d ('( )2" ll BE! Sï¬'ï¬‚ï¬ Eï¬gï¬ï¬ Come and See the N‘ are nearly all now readyâ€"Toys, Fancy Goods, Toilet Goods, Speâ€" cialties, Books, Stationery, Etc. Come and see them and you will be delighted at the attaetive range and variety of articles suitable for Gifts. You will agree that this is the ideal Store for the buying of Christmas Gifts. We are now ready to meet all our old customers, and to welcome all new ones, in our new premises, formerly the Bucovetsky Brothers Store, next to the Post Office. ' The larger premises, now well- equipped for the p1rticular needs of our business, will give us better opportunity than ever to give the best of attention and service to the public. Bucovetsky Block, next Post Office Christmas Goods 'reseriptions promptly filled by competent dispensers. Our Large New Stocks of .Stolre