Mt- WMMNM¢§%â€WW WWW OONOWO â€NOWWWOW As an instance of how science and industry have CO-OQC?‘<".f(?fl in helping to win the war, it is interesting to note that Sir Thomas \Vhite, liJ. 13111., Minister of Finance, has made a special “ His Master's Voice †liccorsl for the purpose of actually informing the Canadian Public in his mm voice concerning the need of the second Victory Loan. 3 . Science has thusinade it possi'.;le for the voice of the Finance Minister to be heard in thousands of places in every part of the Country at the same time. The illustration shows Sir Thomas “ caught in the act †as he made his special! recording at the laboratories of the main-n C-ruinoo-phoize Company, Limited, Montreal. Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 52 TIMMINS J. T. EASTON SCIEI‘J C E VIC? 0111’ LOAN for Hayes Tombs tones. Ffflï¬iï¬ï¬i} E153 REFINE? E58 The Following is; t‘n J. P. Tailhm. treasuru oiiv Fund, as at Octal: Receipts :â€"--Balzmve 3-}()th., $839.58; (“ï¬tta’w miltaméc. $500.00; tut Disbursements :â€"-P: wives, etc., during Ovtober 3lst., haldnm 48; total, $1339.58. Treasurer '3 1? The treaurvr’s report for the pine ('unSUIidatmI Pail'iutic (' at October 311%., 1018, is as fun Total Pledges, $257,004. [{e('eiptS:â€"-'l‘utal mmtl‘ihuii: dude for 1018. $24,868,312; 1' i'mm Timmins Hod ('mss Suvic ~35; rccieved from l).Y.I€. (“hub (55; total $25.047Ji‘3. Dislmrsements:â€"â€"«(‘mwdi:m tic Fund. Ottawa, $0,000.00: '1‘ Red Cross Society, $21000,00; 1 avhor Red ("fuss Suvivi)‘, $23. Sou-1h Porcupine I’atl‘iutiv E $2,800.00; D.Y.l’». (â€ml), $740.0 vation Army, for overseas \va] Disbursemmxts:â€"â€"«(‘anadi:m Pairin- tic Fund Otta 11, $0 00000: 'l‘iuunins Red (ross Society, 34 000 00 ‘wlmmâ€" ux'hor Red (“1055‘ Smirly, .23.!)50.00; South Porcupine I’atriutiv Sovivty, $2,800. 00; I). Y. P. (‘ ‘mh. $710!“: Sul- Vation Army, fox ovwxseus \\ar \x'nx'k. $250.00; Frances's Day Fund, $300; Knights 01" Columbus Army Huts, $200.00; sundry udnlinistrutnm 0x- penses, $304.72: balance in bank 3‘54,- 502.03. Total, $25,047.32. J. P. TAILLON, 'l‘reasuz‘ei‘. The Advance notes from the above report. of the ,Poreupine (‘onsolidatml Patriotic (‘lnb that while the subserip- [Lions received in September totalled over 32500.00, those for (ll‘l‘dlii‘l' were only $1040.97,â€"a falling oil of nearly $800.00. No doulit the prevalenee of illness during the past l'ew weeks and the resulting disorganization ol' af- i'airs in general have had inm-h 1:: do prirh the decreased eonirzimtions. ll is well, however, to make a note of the decreased giving, so that in ihe remaining two months an extra effort may ‘be made. The Camp has done 'vmqually well. in View of the Special difï¬culties and drawbacks, during the vear. and it wwud be too bad if [the STORY OF INTERESTILiU‘r PORCUPINB LAXV SUIT. 1n the issue of The Adv‘anee of October 16111., there was 11 passing,r re- ference to the judgment then justl handed out 'hv the S11'1‘1reme ('0an 1111 ("1111111111 in the case 111 the \1111110111111111' 111111111111‘ (“11111pan\ 11nd 11e111nshottom Edwards \‘S. Sheriff t‘aldhick 11nd. (Thus. Pierce. A firm of solicitors in Toronto reading the item in The A11- vance thought the complete story 111’ the case might 1he of interest and so ham sent 11 brief review of.’ it which mm correct some tulse impressions or deductions that the‘briet 1ete renee in these columns might. cause. ’1he case arose out of 11 sale under execution 111’ the Maple Leaf Lumber Company, Limited, held by Sheriff (13111101111 at Hurher's 111w on Muv 2211111916. Mr. (1111s. Pierce, (11 [‘immins theemne the purchaser ot some logs 111 11111â€" |her s 8111 and in the \\ ends. the logs 1111\11134 been udxeitisul as “about {(11) 1111141111 the uood: " 111 1\11«4u>t,1‘11(1. r}: (I . I J 11ml ) (l ,, action against Mr. Pierre and Sheriff (‘11ldheek to set aside the sale and for damages, elainiin},r athat lllCl'é‘t were. o1’er 4000 logs in the Woods, and that.! no proper seizure nor 11111'ertis111111311t‘l, had heen made. Subsequently Reanisl bottom 81' Edwards were added a 1 plaintiffs. suing on ‘hehalt’ of them- selves and all other ereditors of the Plaintiff (‘ompauy 'I‘he seizure had been made under a writ ot.‘ execution against the Maple Leaf Lumber (‘11.. isSued by Reams‘bottom 8: lC1l11'111‘1ls. The case was tried before Mr. Justiee (‘Iute in Toronto, in Mart-h, 1017, and he gave judgment awarding the plain- tiffs $2400. 00 damages against both ,the defendants. Messrs. t‘aldbicl; and Pierce appealed the case to the Appel- late Division of the Supreme (onrt iof Ontario, when four judges heart Ethe appeal. These four judges could not agree and the case was subsequent IV re-heard before a full court of ï¬ve Ijudges. The majoritv decision of lthese judges allowed the appeal of Messrs. ( aldhiek and Pierce, but No of the judges dissented, holding: that ithe Sherit’t 11 as liable to the plaintiffs ttor damages. hut as tais 1111s a min- 111' 0 1‘ \‘u' 91'( .l(‘ solidated I’atriotic < Patriotic Fun .ll‘ I! N Judgme sful in during 1110:1111. 5F , balance in bank 339.58. ‘9 â€(35. In A 1121151, 1910. ‘nmlmny mnumenced an I‘epm't fur the Paren- THE POROU'PIN'B ADVANOI 1T lows ('eived $82!) 1" TH HHS ‘21 My It) {J r and n (In 1t 9, (H . i310 rfl’m't dune 1' i ff 111' 1TH thivr. South Porcupine, and Mr. Mo- (h'vgeu' Ymmg, "I‘t'wnntu. appeared .f'nr Heums‘lmttum ’l‘ldwul'ds. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SCHUMACHBR MINES. The third annual report of the Si-humneher:Gold Mines Limited is ion to hand. It covers the period to Alarm Silsi.. 1918, with a supplement- ary linum-inl report to July, 1918. There is to he a special meeting of the sharehohlers of the Sehumm-her Mines held at the head ol‘tiee of the company, 'l‘oronto. on 'l‘hursdny, November 14th at 23.30 p.iii., for the considering of a hy-law providing for the sale of 100,- 000 'l‘reasury shares at a discount of not more than 55 per cent. The an- nual report explains that the a’bnor- mal conditions prevailing made the closing down of operations necessary. Only by “selective mining" could the property have been kept running, and this would have necessitated the taking out of the high-grade lenses gnml leaving only the low-grade for lt'uture Inininr'. Mr. F. W. Schumaeh- [Me er, the president, says'tha't the sucâ€" cess of the Hollinger and McIntyre at depth has been so marked that the Schti'maohor’s directors have mapped out a program along similar lines, as the properties have this same forma- they had the money in then‘ belts. Men who do mn- know enough to buy ,‘(ivtory Bonds are not safe men to have in the. employ of a Canadian Railway, said the Cmupauy, and they promptly let the Austrians ï¬nd other positions. It is always interesting fof British Canadians to learn these little inci- dents that Show how long their safety H (Ill are 'l‘lle )Iltl )1 Sc'numacher ratinns and 01 H I . / Of course every city, town and district i. will earn its Honor Flag But how about the crowns? \ For every twenty-five per cent. in excess of its quota, each city, town and district will be entitled to add a crown to its flag. How Many Cruwns ï¬or Your Hanor Flag ‘3 Can you do fifty per cent. better. than your quotaâ€"that means two crowns for your Honor Flag. But double your quota and it means: four crowns. Hang a Flag in your ball, that for years to come will Show that your city, town or district did better than wellâ€"â€" That it was a real factor in the huge success of CANADAS VICTORY/ LOAN 1918. .ey in their belts. mw enough to buy at safe men to have Canadian Railway, and they promptly ’10‘1 ll II )Ok fo 1‘ 1'0- V91 )rnï¬ts norm- Issued by Canada' 5 Victorv I can Committee in co-opcration with the Minister of l mu nce of the Dominion of (_ anada 011 Ff has been entrusted in these days of war In the tender Iuervies of alien enemies. No one need gm so far as Humiltnn to ï¬nd a railway employ- in},r alien enemies for reslmnsihle «wrk If these aliens neglect the purehase uf.‘ Victory Bonds it shows q‘m‘hliely their lack of affection for this mun- try, but even if they buy 'lmnqls they Besides this saving, Klim is 100% nutritive value. It has the natural fresh milk flaVnr and being in convenient powder form enables you to use all the separated milk on the table and in cooking that your nectlsdemzmd. No Waiting for the milk man, no tickets to buy. no bullies. to HE money you can save in a year by usingr Elï¬nâ€"pasteurized separ- ated mill; in powder form-will go a long way towards buying Victory Bonds. Manley for Eatery Boï¬da Grocers’ have no right to be in this tim'v ol.’ war in responsible positions that. mold ho ï¬lled !hy “ white man.†Thu '1'. NJ). should have shown the pri- vate railway corporations lhv putriâ€" utiv way by discharging all alien un- omivs and ï¬lling their plows with My- al “white men,†even though it, rust more mmuy. H ul L. 1 10 ‘0. [J ‘34-, .Ir, 5 : your DI It 166