Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Oct 1918, 1, p. 2

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"if PflBEUPIHi WMBE TIMMINS Advertisements inserted. without written instructions_will appear until writtgu orders for their discontinu- ance shall have Been received. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th., 1918 Since July 18th the 'l'eutnnie forces in Europe and the East have met iiqthing but defeat. 0n the. Western Ff'ont the German line has iheen hteadily pushed hark, the f‘m'eett re- treat gathering such mnnentum that if threatens at any moment to become 9] 'éom'plete and disastrous rent. The Sit’rre’nd'er of Bulgaria, the sueeesses ef‘theiAllied Armies in Palestine, and other Victories of arms and statesman- mip in the East make it elear beyond (substinn that (to use an Irishism‘) Published every “'ednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Office 26 Canada - United States WMWO“ONMOWOWWWMOOOONOOO THE HUNS AT THE END OF THE ROPE. Him. \\ ( II- knnwn Amesâ€"Holden \" mm. mlms in gun metaI- and [113+ ngnm and Xig‘fl' Brown, 3' egnhy $“-',‘Itll‘.’l ...... o..ooooo|ooofi:5 ."H :2 then s .\'i«_rm Brawn Buots, i-m SUNS. Sizes from 31‘ » to t. rvu'ula 1' train for . . . . . . . . . ”90‘ Subscription Rates “19:! known l’ussyhmt Shoes fur It is your duty to save where possible these days. Here are unequalled chances at this genuine bargain sole. Below we give a sample or two of the big bargains. See posters for further real economies or, better still, come and see for yourself. )\ l l TELEPHONES : DON’T MISS THIS Under the Direction of M. Abraham Opp. Poét Office, Timmins ll (MISC 56H aunt-10th llm‘ H‘ H lzi mm mnelt Residence 11?. $2.00 a Year $3.00 a. year fur K‘I'S, with fur tops in assorted cnlnrs‘. ONTARIO H ixu'lws wide , sultahlv h uuso “ms.“ Jhlt . $2.13 “141.60 Hugh-i 10!.2» 9110C H ll \V )H )l TBMISKAMING LAWYERS FORMING ASSOCIATION. )mmittet 11111i11(_r 11111, sessiuns 111 the 1)ist1'i1t (”111111 111 1111111111'11111'11131 week t'11e1e 11'11s 1111111111111 11 111111111 {1111111111113 111 111â€" 1.1111 1111111 1111111 1111 111'111' the \111'111 11111111 '1‘11011 is 1111 11111 3111111}: 111111111 501111.1- ”I‘M (’01) Sat-gen, pswrtod (eulors, 2:6 inches wide refidécr 501' for 2,96 finalin, in 350. for Gi'eat special value, Pink and Nile Green Silk, 40 iziches wide, regular $2.50 1012. Brushed \Vnui {\SMH'UNI ("1] ()nlx‘ to W I'€ not in difl’erout designs, regular l)!‘ooo.oo ..... 00.009.121’1/‘39 nu of the world, the t than. nu treating, no 11 take place with the have disregarded every r and decency, who have nrder and rape. The honurahlc warriors to rounda apeace confer- her are degenerate (31 im- mnished b\ an aroused haw us’ed the “\Vhite r01 .ul Srm't' and ('ap to match “1's. r071. $4.75 for $3.35 UV or legenemfie crim- by an amused fed the “\Vhite n for their own As the French (”nine Dresses left; :15 and wnrth your n'm'. regular $16.00 all “111' upâ€"toâ€"date $505. Full and “'in- great varivties of .' mu] 5!“: 1)\' the ...... $1.39 Ml ll $8.95 body finding something for every- body to do when there is nothing else doing. or words to that effect. At any rate the legal lights got together and the first steps were taken for the formation of a Law Association in 'l‘einiskanring. A committee was ap- pointed to deal further with the mat- ter and probably by the time of the higher court sit-tings at Hailey-bury on November 19th, everything will be in readiness for the t'ormal launching ot’ the 'l‘emiskaming Law Association Practically every up-to-date county in Ontario has its Law Association and this form of lawyer's union us- ually accomplishes much good for the professitm without doing any special harm to the general public. Indeed, there are known cases where it has been of distinct, public advantage to have a Law Association, while there is always the indirect benefit that what helps one class of the commun- ity very often works good for the community 'in general. The chief questions to be dealt with by the Tent iskaining Law Association when fin- ally organized will include the esta- blishment of a. law library, the draw- ing up of a tariff of fees, and the providing of better accommodation for lawyers at the Haileybury court house. It is hoped to interest all barristers and Solicitors in Tem-iska- at: \ u ‘7 week 1 the J. The A urrur i thy h'\' ONE OF THE SECRETS FOR BUSINESS KEEPING UP. “11 51101115 11 '1'1111111' 1111111: 111 111e,’ 511111 11 1111111 11111 1111191' 11111 , “111111 while 11111111' 111151111145 111111511. 111 '1in11'11111s 51111111 111 1111 11111111 111' less 1111111111311 1111 1111111511111 111 111111 11111115111111 11111111111110. .1. 11. (.‘1111'1111115 511111113 111 1:11 11111111: S11'1111g'111' 1111111 111'91'." “ '11'111111 is 11111111111: 1'1111111' 111111111 11 " was the 1'0- 1111'. "11 is 1111 11 1111111111111'111111311111111 11111111111111 11.1.G111111111 11115111085 181 1'111111111111 11111111 business 11111111111115111111 1111111111 1111 111111111'1111si11ess 1111115 111111 11111'111'1'11111111 1'111 111 \1'111 1111111111111111111v- 111 111111 s1111111111.()1111 111' 11111 13111111 1'1111111111'1111115 111' 11111 111151111155 is 1111 111- 1111111111111 111111 11111515111111 11111'111111151111,r 11111111311111'1111111111111 1'1111'11111111111.:,1r111111 3011'11'11 111111 111'1111111'1111111111118." Last week 111111'11 1111s 11 8111111111.,1'11151111108 111' 11111 J. 11. (.1111'111111 5111'1'111. 111' success. The .\11\'11111-11 111111111 11 111'1111111'11111111'1111 error 111 .1. 11. (1111'111111'5 A1111. whereâ€"- .111' 11111 111115 111’ Comfort 1$11111 were 111111111111 1'111 :25 11111113. '1‘11115111111 11051 ‘11111111 1111111 111111 11111111 1111'.G11"1111111 111111 written "5 bars £0135 cents." 113.111. the 5111111. 11111 11111 5111p 10 9x11111111 1111: 1111111111 111 11111 14131111111115 111' “1111111113 it 1111 ”11111. -'.\11\11111'11 " “111111111 “"0111 111' 1111135111111 11111 1111\“111118811 111'11'1 9111113 g11e11.'11111s11 111111 1111111 11111 11111'1. 1'11- ? 111111111 11111. 1101111111 111 111111 1111\'.1,â€"~â€"1'c 1 1-1111'1111 even 11111 1191111111 111 111111 111'- ’ 1'111' 111 11111 111111. The .1. 11. (1111'111111 E 3111111 11111111111 up its 1111\“1111151111:11111111- 111111 111111 (11111111111191), 11'1'1'111111111111‘11 D D D b 1 1 t D b 1‘11111'111111111111111111t111y, 1111111 11111115111 than 1111-1 3 Mistake 11.1' 111111111 111.11 firm 11115 11111 responsible 11 is (1151' to understand 111111 11101111111111 “111 111111111 to 11111i9111. in the 1.11. (1111111111 Kind 111 11111'11'111511123111111 111111 in 511111 11 111151- 111135 “1111\"111115111g 11111 I111)" 1111111111511. it is 51111111111011 111111 wins 1111111111 11111- 1111131100. WORK DONE BY SOUTH PORCUPINE D.Y.B. CLUB. The t'ulluwing is the work dune dur- ing September by the South Pux'qupinc D.Y.B. Cluh:â€"~.\liss anan. 1 pair of socks; Ivy Starling, .1 pair (,uf‘édbks: Margaret Starling, 1 pair socks; \\'in- nie Starling, 1 pair socks; ()live ()1'1'. 1 pair socks; Margaret Adams, 1 pair sock}; Ruse Burns, 1 pair spekg \Irs. Ea‘aton,’ 1 pair sacks; Susie Bart 0H. .2 pairs socks; Magige MacDougall, 2 pairs soaks; Beéky Pearce. 1 liair ui' flocks; Aimic‘ Silii'ih, 3 pair of snrks: 1311's. Pean'e, 2 pairs socks; ..‘Mis§ 'Skiuner, 1 pair sboks; Eva Mills, .1 iiiiir socks; Hazel Phillips. '3 pai‘i' ut' socks; Mrs. (‘uilmrmfi 1 pair :s'm'ks'. iLaura Miller. 1 pair run-ks: Mrs. H. [\Vilsnn, 1 pair snrks: Mrs. ('uuk. 1 pair socks and well-known throughout hand, has been appointed C Agent for the T. 8: NJ). quarters at l'Iaileybury, v able armmmmlaiinn has km in the staliun there. X11 lhe 1111113111 against Maim (Fm:- 1111111) \11'11111111l1l,1l11 1111ll-kn1111n old- 1i111e1 (11' the \mth L;1111l.i11 1 mne11- i m with the alleged illegal 11 91111111: 111 unifmm has been 1111111111111 11 and 1‘111 ease dropped on 11111111111 understand- ing. The authorities eXplain 111111 all they desired “as to stop the wearinz: of uniforms by those not entitled to dress in the King's clothes. Fogliorxi, on the other 1121111,th the stand that he had the right to the uniform u be was under contract to the end of the “at and that his discharge from Ottawa some months ago was unnu- thorized and illegal. However. as be agreed to hereafter refrain from wearâ€" ‘ing the uniform. but to dress in mufti. be case was drapped. The matter came before the Montreal eouns. m. w. J. Bauldl'y. late of t'ten works 3.33011 fur the 'in general. The chief ) be dealt with by the Tem .aw Assneiatiun when fin- zed will include the esta- it' a law lih '31'}', the draw- 21 'ial'iif uf fees, and the of better iaeeomumda'tion s at the I‘Iaileybury court i is hoped to interest all an l'. 20m 3 ”W“ f0 1‘ é\’er}’- nothing else effect. At to of Cochrane mut the Noxth «1L Cilunizaiion 0. with head- .', whore Quit- hecn provided FA R M FOR SALEâ€"ABOI'T \\'.\';‘\"1‘r:n '1‘0 Hl' Yâ€"â€"â€"S'l‘ .-\'l‘10.\'.\h‘\ FOR RENT 'l‘\\'(‘) (moi) FIVE- Rmnned houses on Sixth Avenue. Apply Simms Hooker. Timmins. WOMAN \VANTED FOR GENERAL I'ltHlSCXVul'k by the day. Apply to Mrs. R. \V. Rubbillfi. 15 Hemlock st. l’UCKIi'l‘I-BOOK LOST at Empire Theatre, nr between there and Drug Store ecn'ner. Finder please return tn Meyer's 1_)rug Stare, and receive re \vu rd. 45- STUDEBAKER FOUR, MODEL 16, FOR SALE. In fine condition, splendid value. Apply Box 535, '1‘innnins, P.O. -â€"40. FO R 5 miles from Timmins. Apply Box R.. Advance Office, Timmins. 46- c ‘2 (‘8: tivular prime. etc ()thce, 'l‘i '“W”OO”””“ l l'. "l W P. l£;\ P. W. ELLIS l COMPANY LIMITED, and P. I. £LIL!8 COMPAHY. MED min: on bqhdf 6f $36M": and all other Orcdito‘r; of P. L. 7310.3?“ 'xl .{ S'l‘LEâ€"SECOND HAND (‘UAL In\ an )lim oooooooooooooooooooooooo l'nrnntu St” 'l‘umntn. tlle Sulivitm‘s' fur the plaintiffs. their christian and surmnuc.~, addresses and descriptiuns. the full mt! rulers of their claims. a stun-meat ut‘ tl-eii' securitics and the: natun 01 :3.0 securities. it' any, held ‘0' them n1°'in default thereof they will he lu-i'cmptnrily exvluded from the benefit (if the said Judgment. livery (‘rcdimr is to intend before me and prove his claim at my Cham- bers at ()Sgomle Hall ‘in the City of Turunto on tlm 16th day of October. 1918, at 11 o’clock in the forenunn. being the time appointed for adjudi- cation of such claims. DATED this 18th day of September l IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO. 44146 HURRAH ! Have Your Shoes Salad with Nenlin 91 I have just installed an up-LO- date new machine, and cam now do all work such as soling, etc., with Neolin. Champion Repair Shae Shnp JOS.TREBOUTAT 4 Cedar St, Timmins ~â€" ANI) - P. L. McBALE. M. J. Mc- HALB, otherwise known as COMMERCE. 'l‘innuins. of by past prepaid tu Fatal; m, ('hailwiok Sedgow itn Stu 'l'umntn. the Si .10 plaintiffs. their ('lii'isti mes, addresses and descr ngino, about 4 horse-pow- it' price right. Send par- )t' condition of ongine, ’ to Box 8., Advance -9 tho populm §ubstitnte fOL leathm. ). A [15083; " Master-in-Ordinary Defendants Plaintiffs, {"100 461). I“ â€"_.â€"_â€"â€"â€" Joint deposit account may be opened subject to withdrawal by either party. TIMMINS BRANCH, TIMMINS All kinds second hand Boilers NOTICEâ€"MILITARY SERVICE MIT. l9” Male citizens of the United States living in Canada of AGES 21-30, both inclusive, MUST REGISTER BY RE- GISTERED POST with the Registrar under the Military Service Act of the district in which they live, during the TEN DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 28th, .1918; and such CITIZENS OF THE AGES 19, 20 AND 31-44, both innincivn mncf an register during the TEN DAYS NEXT REGISTRATION OF UNITED STATES CITIZENS inclusive, must so register during the TEN DAYS NEA 1' FOLLOWING OCTOBER 12th, 1918. It must be emphasized that THIS INCLUDES AMERICANS LIVING IN CANADA OF THE ABOVE AGES, MARRIED AND SINGLE, and in- cludes ALSO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SECURED DIPLO- MATIC EXEMPTION OR HAVE REGISTERED WITH AN AMERICAN CONSUL, or HAVE REGISTERED FOR Service Act. Registration letters may be handed to loca for despatch to the map“ Registry, wider . McD ONALD. NOTICEâ€"MILTfi‘fiv'sEiiIm-z m, I‘M cient number of men on those larms, wmcn are actually contributing to the National Food Supply, notice is hereby given as follows : Head (”fine 1. ALL MENIBERS OF CLASS I PUSSEbtilNU X.‘.D.’IPTION AS FARMERS which is expiring and WHO [SH TO REMAIN EXEMPT should communicate with the Registrars under the M.S.A.. of their respective districts, REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN TIME OF SUCH EXEMPTION. Questionnaires will thereupon be ’issued to these men by the Registrar and they will receive furth exemption Upon furnishing satisfactory proof that they Q contributing sufficiently to the'National Food Supply. 2. In order to facilitate productive employment during the 'Winter months. MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS SHOULD APPLY TO THE REGISTRARS FOR PERMITS TO ENGAGE FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPA- TION OF NATIONAL INTEREST, SUCH AS LUMBER-’ ING. MUNITION WORK. ETC. Such permits will serve to enable exempted farmers to pursue Other useful occupations‘ for the months during which farming operations cannot be carried on. ' __.-- ----" n’fi‘llflf na‘uflu AGENT FOR Colonial Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL PfiEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS UUIVHL‘U, â€" Branches also at South Porcupine and New Liskeard. Having in view the importance of leaving a suffi- _'1_ _ -l‘ ESTABLISHED I875 OF CANADA Mining Machinery in first-class condition. , Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. murmur stnvlcc lumen. MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. SCHUMACHER Yard and “'arehouso those farms, which are ASS I POSSESSING local Postmastcrs ldcr the Military Manager.

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