8800904090544 00444 e 4444444A JR.CORDON : anecisl PHONE 56a TIIZAMINS. <+«â€" Oda SCHUMACHELT Fruit 8: ';l?g:tables BY EXPRESS Irish Cobbler Potatocs, fibs. for....... O.CH A .. Irish Cobbler Potatoes, 10 Ib. bags . ... .. Fancy Peaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Melons Fresh Vegetables of all Kinds Dill Picklies, 2 tins for Lennox Soap, 4 bars for 25¢ Buy where your money goes furthest, you pay less here. crnment â€" inspected young Pork, mildly sceasoned with pure spices and Made FPresh Bvery Day DON‘T buy Sausage made four or five hundred miles away. It is genorally about 10 days old and liable to be sour, causing gas and ferâ€" mentation. Our PUREHE PORK SAUSAGE has a sweet, nutty flavor, is easily digested, and proves a real treat. Once tried, you will use no other. St. George Milk (family C gize:) ... .0 . and Fresh Mint: Legs of Lamb, Ib. 48c Loin of Lamb, ib. 45c Front of Lamb, ib. 32¢ Choice SteerBriskets Points, per Ib.‘\..;. 150 ChoiceSteer Briskets Centre Cuts, Ib... 18c Shoulder Roeasts of Steoer Bsef, It... 24c Chuck Roasts Steer Beef, por Ib.......... a24C Fresh Lean Choprced Steak, per Ib. .... 25c it is in a class by itself, made from choice, selected, Govâ€" Cooking Apples, 4 lbs Genuine Spring Lamb 1ry our Pure Pork â€"Sausage Fresh Nipigon Trout and Lake Superior White Fish Thke Best Fish in Canada. Meat Department. Milk Fed Chickens Fancy Fatted Fow!l. CGEORGE HENRY, Killed in Action, Nov. 1917 JAMES PALPH HENRY GROULX LEN CHARRON HARRXY WIXON RCOMEO ALLERY Fish Department Grocery Poultry Dept. 49 B PCORCUPINTE s for daturicy i License Nos. ~18600 be. momom Jn i3 maoral i 1 u'(lfl‘ puxl A!ï¬\ ’ XX read of ) D4 Timmins News in Brief M rmoOnis‘thn 11 lerce‘s mill was struck weex and the Bapâ€" [ j).m. on about i SHunday vacation NV AC are M centre ronto nas ition A\V ) Dan la‘y, aciler taking@ advantage OE TiIGé opporâ€" tunity to study Scehool work here, while the benefit to those in Timmins from the new class can not be overestimated. d ne die Provincial Officer \W has tendered his resi member of the Provin acknowledging the re vincial Superintendent es uis regret at the res officer whom he statos While at work in the refinery at the Hollinger Mr. W. Richardson .last week met with a painful < accident, whieh, however is fortunately not as serious as ‘It might have been. He BDroOWI, WAo nas cnarga ( ation Class, isâ€"a teacner experience and is makim popular and profitable t ing. â€" There are several acher taking advantage caslOIl 1 Y 1 C On ‘ will 1 return 1 nnimins vent sh hat thre arly @njoy JY CL id was among the mo rs in the North Land. ckrovd have taken u t g.â€" Owne: J. w .nC Na M itizens living up on Ond s tun:ic boole : iy., UHC ts of atholi 111 1) eW o+ ) in~aid 0£f A yery \ itholie Army Hut rally bein service to t are warmly ‘or their goo ruld mel wen its sout @n V nt35 tacse C ) has charge of ill the social able one, but 1A NÂ¥ , Eâ€"~AJHIGCCP ; D. C 4 d his ~resignation the Provincial Fo n# the resignatio rintendent Rogers at the resignatiof nmntinuation c the‘~ ‘olumbus, and in aid Army Huts, to be heli c. The attendance at be unusuallyv large t10nlt 91 {T, l¢ take rla ptember 19th 1ITC zx Camp. Apply ?THY, 13 Kim St Cl( 111 to from M uts â€"Are â€"giving | COTE * H()](h(‘lb over ! l) praised ADby the | 28t] work (11 S uurses ) those attend from Schumâ€" of the opporâ€" School â€" work be a particuâ€" the proceeds worthy cause. Cla 1 O WV to be held in idance at this y large for be a particuâ€" the l\ln( (‘(‘(1* hAE FORCUPINE il more: proâ€" murses. Miss ‘the Continu f abthty and V anid setr us brothe illl(l OTCC i1 1( O @cover 1)1‘ “le he other )t an inâ€" be will )11 Hill 1O ron \ (‘k IT‘‘ b\'(l at 1 imnâ€" 1 attenâ€" express en t hospi nonth C alU~â€" alk to be of N11 He fused make it Of x CC aT‘C %/1€ I n x | Members of the Legislative re | and at Municipal of | the said list was first posted in |office at Timmins on the 28 s | Auzusd t,. 1918, and remains Meets every first and fourth Monday evenings of each month, QOddfellows Hall, Third avenue. Visiting brctliren alâ€" ways welcome. J. W. Faithful, J. W. Nos:worthy, #n Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted oredelivered to the perâ€" sons mentioned in See. 9 of the Onâ€" tario Voters!‘ Lusts Act the copiecs reâ€" quired by said Sections to be so transâ€" mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Aet, of all persons appearing hy the last revised Assessâ€" ment Itoll of the said Municipality to be â€" entitled _ to _ vote _ in _ the sarid Mumicipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Mumtcipal Elections, and that TMMIRG 100GF, LO.LF. Ho. 49 Furs Nemodeled and Repaired inspecti Axd STUDE FPOR splem iany..ecrroI 1 «t fittings Timmins S»Stove, i Apply J Timmins tfake in M 1 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES. SOLICITOR, NOTARY FUBLIC 9â€"10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt Phone 58. Moore Bldg., Timmins BARRISTER, G. Carson, Moets every Tuesday evenâ€" ing in their lodge room on Third avenue. Visiting broâ€" thers reqauested to attend TIMMINS L.O.L. Ko. 2552 Gook Mitchell ~ Tirmmins, SALEâ€"UPRIGHT â€" BOILER, arse power; smoke stack and VOTEKS‘. 1018. TOWN CF TIMMINS. 1O la v NA S6 ol *KEXR FOI A LE In l value. s.. ‘1°:0). *\ I meluded power ehy eall upon all Voters diate pr oceedings to have r omissions ('uchted acâ€" TURRIEK. Timmins, Ontario, thus August, 1918, A.D. . MONTGOMERY, Clerk of Timmins SECOND HANDâ€"COAL UTDNEel WADSWORTH, 3JIâ€"â€"it‘h 2 Reed i1 1 I ;i I8 South Poreupine Toronto »Cus remains there N me hy paying Advanee O« 11 tine pply w € Hemlock ‘{ondition Box 3535 1P in my :oi Avenue Apply t reet n this A400, 146 Buying "For Keeps OF CLUB LUNCH, SCHUMACHER, ONTARIO. w Oncrated by One Fong Kim, during the pericd of October, 1917, to March, 1918. A. W. WILLIAMS, President. D.â€"C. ROSS, $ 0000000808000 00000 o 44 0600006 » J 4 WONOOONOGQ“ONOOOMWMOMQQOOGQNM $9¢000000000806000000000000000000 0000000008 000000066 0 0 e whe ote oo ofe aBe ols ote ofe ofe ol aBe oBe aBe afe ohe oie ole ate phe oo ate ste ho the vie ofe ie ie ohe ole ohe vBo vBe ohe obe o%e ote ate ste ind whin 000 10090000060 20# J. i. EASTON Funeral Director and Emba‘mer Phone 52 Whea» buying a diamond, whether for an Engagemcont Ring, Bridal Gift or perscnal vuse, you are not buying it ‘or a time only, but for all time. . You do not discard with your summer hat, you buy it ‘‘for keoeps.‘‘ A L. Halpcrin Diamond is always right in quality and right in price. Fall Term begins August 19th. In addition to the staff of last year, a department of «Gire shorthand will be instituted, under the supervision of Miss C. Fu ton, a Normal graduate of the Gregg School of Methods, Chicag and formerly instructor in the Euler Business College, Kitehener,. Our Commereial Course is identical with that taught by the g ernment to returned soldiers. It is the best. Pitman shorthand will be taughtft as usual, and from the late and briefest text, Pitman‘s Rapid Course. _ Only twenty lesso easily learned. Write, phone or eall on us and get all partieulars. U J NHI the EVERY THING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES 16 nown ‘as file Uiu)h Luncl, I rented to Fong Kim who i license and earried on a business in lhis own name. orn, had no interest in any e business and will not be » for any debts contracted above mentioned period by 11 ( necl (FONG HORN.) Make arrangements with us on that date. The demand for Bookkeepers and Stenographers far exceeds the supply. Salaries are higher than ever before. Every graduate is in a lucrative position Successor to the L. Stadelman Co. NEAR THE lub and will any debt od by t] a nDove durin O wney LUNCH, SCHUMACHER, ONTARIO. Opcrated by One Fong Kim, during the period of October, 1817, to March, 19182. T‘¢C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jeweler and Optician Next the Post Office Phone 141 â€" Timmins It your eyes are giving trouble, phone our optician (phone 141) for an appointment. Broken lenses refilled L. HALPERIN mnterest ntracie lub SAE JUSH Agert for Hayes Bros. Tombs tones. inCt! the (J®CO) * IY} ( y the gov 1CagO latest essons Iy wa‘eo d period sible for that periâ€" "ong Wo, egs whatâ€" NPCY o|