Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 15 May 1918, 1, p. 2

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o1 . ifr? Consi(c( * atroe: tent pernip friend] ing to eult ti lettet 1 less l4 breat bilit Theo Trade from publc have Mr. 1 imb hrough: such dbusinessâ€"routes> as poel coms, ice cream stands, tobaceo anm eer shops, and other businesses ofte; nnecessary and sometimes wastetu nd Aurtful to the community. â€" FThi arr is not unfounded that when the nult engqo ppallin 006C 12 T11A f. c] UX it} 1Â¥ "} 11 ¢ MAEKING THE ALIENS PAY A SHARE. United Stat Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Ine prP0 NA 1)%, 1 111 11( M j meetin of alien t1te: * I particulariy when leir business in The aliens here rd CeH 110 nen tti didfficeult 111 Hil| moneyvy '”Hll t 16 o1 r t Resideni $3.00 a A t 2 () generai i: re undouts butâ€"chiefts ma y tful p«c with more the lit elearh [v. sHil the aln Minist ) i cCVCI C1l of T lin 16111 11 t )4 \ UQuses, cariters, . jitne andy stores, tobaceo ance office, bowling : raders, pedlars, junk olfi WA «mtifion fto Their iicenses must pay rounts varying from $5 to $50 to the triotic Fund or they can not secure at all. Copper Cliff is exâ€" cted to join with Sudhury and pass similar byâ€"law â€" will ect laundries, restaurants, lodging uses, eariers, . jitneys, poolrooms, ends the British part of the popuâ€" n will be pinched and poor, and ‘oreigners will have lots of money. Britisher answers the many calls atriotism, wlule the alien eseapes, GURY GOING AFPTER THE ALIENS IN BUSINESS (16@i 1J)0n x tl country 10O00F}€ N aliun U 1 me 0| otion ol Il¢ l to the great ither justicd selfâ€"presem aloy Sudbury ralnts, 10dging s, â€" poolrooms, shops. intelliâ€" ud hem alien end ‘vys, transient dearlers â€" and ntry |ms.~.i])ililit the Britisl andUu tow n was out that so n doing entually, was the lmcenses TV . 4‘\(‘- Sudbury 1( ) :‘l“u\\‘ ition 10 are th V notl 36 towels, Z suits pyjamas}; Mrs. den, 2 pair socks; Mrs. Joyne towels, 3 personal propberty ba pillow slips; Mrs. Dunean, 12 slips, 24 towels, 24 hemmed han hemmed M j treni M i 28 personal 30 towels son presidu port showed th of April t nCt Sehumach RED CAORS REPONT FOR MONTH ~ * o6 es es plumbers, and all alioens must pay to C * e e o + JA ®% the Patriotic Fund on amount in some proportion to the bhusiness they may proportion to t desire follow olinston, 0 pair socks, ( ‘ |)0r~.nn'zl property bas pait socks, 21 eomfort O WA I m( inted a license o1 tfrom 1J } Mullk t l AG® |j 1Gâ€" t Ds NS (7:), \l((l* .)ll mmed handkerechied l _ value, $£$656.28 me rPeston a t Lh Mrs Phe ‘I diturd I‘S. CAIN, 224 Mrs. Gilbert tordt it 00 y ivil To weIs S. +J nAnimes lilil‘ N)('l\‘ + Mrs, 1 1W ss they may they will be ame terms as hbury will get 111 d handkerâ€" Ctin POOMY 11 Oclef\ Mrs; Lowâ€" siuts py , 12 per , + Dall s + Mrs. onnell pillow t 1 TSQOI ud s w omm NO t1 S$1 680 )0s Solitciton lI‘residi{nt. LEE OCDONOGHT .Hl~.3-1..). ( ‘\)Ilf't“i\‘l'alfini £XillL L WiCiN%xOLICC LIIRL ALLCTP i First day of June, 1918, the s miunistrators will proceed to dis tlw assets of the said clwv:ls'e«l he parties entitled thereto ha gard only to the eclaamstof" w shall then have notice, and t ;\ql'ninis'tmtnrs will not be lia said assets, or any part thereot, person or persons of _ whose notice shall not have been recei it or its said Molicitors at the i such distribution. Dated May 1918 THE TRUSTS AND GUARA COMPANY, LEMT] 120 Bay Street, Tor James J. Warren, 6. B. bto President. (General M 3011CILOTPS, On oOr of‘ J 1918, tI names and addre 1N In the Matter of the Estate of Bserâ€" nard McBEnaney, of the City of Torâ€" cnto in the County of York, Miner, Deceased. dersigned on or â€" of"] une, A.D., 19 And Take No date the estate o will be distributes« to such accounts heen filed. dulx chiefs; Mrs. Bergeron, 51 towels, 4 suits pyjamas, 14 personal property bags, 1 trench ceap; Miss Ruth Johnâ€" son, 1 searf; Mrs. Pilkington, 3 pairs socks; Mrs. Dorfman, 1 pair socks; Miss Mails, 2 pairs socks: Mrs. Pilon. thure o COH Dat Ohlman, lats Calvert in the ming, Parmer Ltersign C icitors, June, 1 in writin ment of NOTICE TO CRREROITORS. e Matter o NOTICE TO CREDITORS N du the estate of the above who died on or about the f J uly, 1916, are to file same ied by aftidavit with the unâ€" on or before the 15th day xD;:. I10IS. June, 1 will pro the sarn ntitled 4 OrPrOI of the Estate of Xavier ts of the Township of the District of Temiskaâ€" rier, deceased. l cb ot ied 1 1)¢ @ LIHIART AItCTP TDG SAIG , 1918, the said Adâ€" wroceed to distribute 107 uid Admin accoun ill q almns or (I the said J whoâ€" dice A1TSt G iristian and st vith full partic reir claims., a )\ er pursuant to S8.0.,â€"1914, that all then have (if any statut CARA NTIY LLMITHD. t, ‘Torouto. B, Stockdal ral Manage sed anon ivin:| wht the ird onl yv ivéed Dby 10e OJ to any nands Pilon, 11 ir t said TS € 11( : < A mining plant is being installed at the Minakerâ€"Kirkland Mine. The road to the property is being improved, and active development is expected to comâ€" mence at an early date. purchase comfort a in is con Vision, fo Dbeyvysnd t beveond the frackless soasâ€" From Arctfis isg. to fthe torvi bencatihn ths Southern Crezssâ€" From ftowpns fucked in the mogn Gold 1J [BIJU q s uosaopuy mogp ayp jo0 osvrq». cgpun a@ 03 pres st q Nlinll On{ e k t * to d With ® a4 recently sold nine el: Lake to Pittshurge u 1@ machinery is now develop and operat« | BRANDRAMâ€"HENDERSON is o ut W 0. 0 We C WEU PLe WY ADVAFA NYR CBAALBEY UOGOHT Et W AMCOII YE BR Of course you are going to paint this Springâ€"and equsally, of cour;e, you are going to use Bâ€"H "English" Paintâ€"the paint with the guarantee behind it. Our store is the Bâ€"H Storeâ€"which means that this is paint headquarters. The outstanding reputation of this brand is based on its superior coveringâ€"capacity and exceptional durâ€" abilityâ€"both of which features we know to be due to the comâ€" bination of Brandram‘s Genuine B.B. white lead and pure white zinc, which the makers of Bâ€"H "English‘" Paints mainâ€" tain in spite of the repeated advances in the cost of | ingredients. D“" “ Eu}, EN 3'055,"r»m’».'h.om. BA L. 100% Pors Pant for the Spring painting of your house or any other buildin CHARLES PIERCE SQNS LIMITED, TIMMINS ty T house, ables yor to t ing on the ¢o‘l OULD you of nainat, 1 LK I»*¥°i 0 w hb ukA T "* a + * 4 2 men finrd narefreshment C3 e# C3 y ¢¥> t 3_-,»,,'_“‘5 under way esd usz2. TOoa(ll esA ‘).. '3 ‘5\ c.\\u.\ » 0 % M F .l‘)’ / \”“d.-r by import Color Cards from our Iecel agents. (:()I!l Hendert di‘eren Incorporation has been granted to the Poreupine Whelpdale Mines, Limâ€" ited, authorized capitalization $2,500, 000, of whieh $1,589,700 has been isâ€" sued and $910,300 remains in the treasury, the par value of the stock being $1.00. J. A. Kilpatrieck is presi dent; Frank B. Jones, vieeâ€"president; D. J. Mimons, secretaryâ€"freasurer; D. ; Grant,; G. FTamblyn, C.<â€"M; Bingen, Marks, It. M. Gray and :; R. Kirkpatrick, directors. AlH are Torâ€" onto men with the exception to the viceâ€"president, a Montreal capitalist. The Whelpdale property comprises 160 acres closo to the town of Timinins. Quite a hit of development work has heen done on the property, with promâ€" isinz results. A shaft is down 100 * L. tUrant, t. lLamblyn, .1s Marks, . M. Gra Kirkpatrick, directors. onto men with the exee viceâ€"president, a Montre TE ""sec" your houvse in you paint it? Yo on :*‘ ‘c»r Scheme . : ecolor combinations | T 11 M j Soringâ€"and equall Y+ of glish" Pamt-â€"â€"tx 2 paint cuttin (Brandr. managin * * 44 '3 QV W .‘.I ?" â€" You can. The heme Adviser" enâ€" ations decidâ€" our eze. S TC iY $A ols ‘talned an 1n=â€" the property. sc / it8 B.1.) }f' flm‘! 4

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