§5peciais for Saturday FOUR Tho I).Y.I§. ('luh met an Mnl‘pdn)’ ex'mning.,at the hump of Mrs. Thus. Blackman wlu-rv :1 wry pleasant oven- ing was enjoyed. The next meeting will he held at. tho hum of Mrs. Ellis. \Vurk taken in:â€"â€"â€" 16 pairs sovks. I} shin :5. The dame and sm-iul waning, un- der thv auspices nf Holden Beaver Lodge, held nu Friday evening last at the Masonic Hall, was \\'ell-at.tcmled ‘uw members. of the Craft and their Don’t try to think of what others are giving! Think of What others are suffering. Thé 1’111'1'111111115 (Towns 11111131111111 1110 (‘anadiens last week in 1111.- l’nrvupine IIuckey League game with :1 51-11111 of (i 111‘ U. The 111111111 was 81111101111111 dis appoiniing in so 1111' 11s it 1111\‘0111p11d 111111 11. "sfiinimy-uii-t11114111†51.1'11u11111 with 11111'11115i11g' 111111-1111 111111 general- ship 11:.111'e 1111111115 1.111 1111 (10111111111- 1111110. '1111- 5.- .111111 111'1111;:111 11111 11 11111111 1'1'11'11'11. '11111 ('1'1111115 111111111111 1111111111111 1111' 11 good 11111111, but revent 11111111203 111111 1'1-1111111'115 1111111111111 with plavers 11211108118111111111 111 1.11 wmk 111 111' 1e: 1111. 31111111 111‘, 1119111 111111 11111 even 11'111'1‘115911 "17.12'111111-1'. but this 1111.5 1111011 11111111} 1111 111 11 1111111 1115111111111 1'111111 '1"1111111:11l 11151. week 11111 "0111 30111111" 5111111. 11111 11111225 111111. 1111 11111 51111111115 1'1'11111 'l'i111-' 111111% 111‘11 11111111: )‘111')' 11111111)’, 11111111; )‘1111, '1'111'1111111. D1111. 511111 11111)‘ were 1111 in 111111’111‘111 1211111111“ (,‘111111 111113111 111111 P1 .11 1’1111'111155111111. '1'1111 111111111')’ 51111113 11111111 1111111 11 5113“ 11111 1111111111511 1111‘ 1’11 11, 1111' 11 111111 1113.1; 1-1111‘11g'l1 1'111' 1'91111, .%11, 115 11111 11111111' 1111 111111111: suggests, 11111) lune 111 111111 1111.11 111'1'31111'0111111115 111111 11111 1111111111011 1111' 11111 1111116111.: 111' 11111111.1)“' 11;111]111111111 1111 :1 1112' 51111111. 1‘11 1111111 11111,1‘111111 “11% 11111111111 1111111 1 I '5 311111 “i11111111'111) 111111111111 .% ’ 111111111111 111 511 11131111 1’ 1111111.. "1 1111111' 11.))‘1111111 just 111 11111,"%11)s ( 11111. “111111 11 would 1111 1'111' 13111. 1111111 111111111, 111 leash 1111111 Men from the Porcupine are the boat at the front. Those who stay at home must support them. yau could 11-9! mv smnmulug Ut'Lu'l. llmvevur, neither Sir Henry 1101‘ the. military authorities seemed to take the suggestion in tho right' spirit. It is 11-.) use trying: in he acmmmmlming with those military ginhs, (.‘ecil thinks mm, 50 horml'ter he i; going to let them worry along: without his help. If they i'vfuse the most kindly of sug- gestiuns to help them 0111', than home- fui‘th they can stay in. (')a \V‘Stllll‘rfllil)’ last The ('uhalt Nugget entered its tenth year 01' puh- lieatiun as a «laily newspaper. All will admit. that the starting of a daily newspaper in a new land like this re- quired much “1‘ courage, faith and optimism. To maintain the publica- tion for nine years. in face at all the handicaps, ceunuinie. physical, geo- graphic and mechanical, is an inï¬nite- ly greater achievement. Indeed, in ,1'ecent years the pahli 'atiun of a '39in in any of the. smaller (-ities of Canada has been a feat calling for mental and tiaaneial et'fm't altng-ether out of pro- portion tn the material rewards. The Nuggct. may well he pmud 'ut’ itself. It has done nun-h to advertise the North Land and to attract capital and settlement how. The truth is that all We pioneer nmvampers of (hp North Land have dune more than their ()nly shunt 60 were on the last 3m}:- 11 uf' 'the Dame Minus. Only :1 few unt‘hs mm there were ten times that Jas. J. Jordon, of the Dame 3 to-day for the \Vest, where he «center! a position. [01 rank Home and family are .0 the, West from the Dome. Timmins News in Brief a very pleasant evening- hy all. nvm'. on a big sa-ule. wil was willing; I.) take (-ulnzwl's" unifurm nl‘ 121.. “ 1. think it. would )‘5 (‘w-il, “and it would 0 being, at least. until nw SHIIIL’llllllg' hotter." ("nrwxm (1v fez-110d the 30k in the Pan 'upine ame “ith a some of e was sumvwhaf dis far as it dwelupod R it w." nut. TI Nugget many 11d foremost posit- us do our part t, .10. H her tlu I] or to (N'K happy â€"â€" wit [9 Ull- l( mm If you cannot ï¬ght you can pay for 210 privilege of staying at home. Equipment (Wiper Jim I; Cad“, oi? the R.F.L‘., left Toronto last week for the East. This no doubt means that he is on his w (-up ! ta (' n' 11131 “X {Ul'lll’x l-ly “use Mi known Believing- lhal next year's coal and wood situation will he worse even than this your, Smlbm'y's Mayor is now 'n‘gmiizing r. muniripal l'uol yardyand has (-ohtl'nvl’ml for 2000 (")x'ds ol' good Wmul at reduced l)i'l‘.'(‘;4. Little of this fuel will he available to remedy this year's shortage, hut next winter Sud- bui'y hows that the municipal fuel mnl will (minisletuly prevent any fuel famine. on ' " 9.13:}; ml! feel! Think how the boys will feel if Canada falls down! Think how the ‘10} nu 1: V1 1. a g: [’1 'H \. HH #0 Ht .\ mantra. revenfly employed at S. Wheeler's Livery at fs'zmth Porcupine, :llHl who was working for some muntlxs last year al Daltam's livery in Tim- 3115. was mrestetl last week at South l’m‘rnpine and sentenced by Magis- trate Atkinsnn last 'l‘lmrsqlay evening to 15 years' ixmn'isum'aent for an un- natural crime against. :1 young boy. “Snmrlmll.†as the negro was called when here, (lid nut seem to realize, or 3: mm rule l» rare, about “the. 01' ill :Hl)’ WHO In ('LH'U, iumuu 'uw ('lmrgv prawn against him. “he. evi- dent-v was. (unnplom and conclusive and he (lid nut lake the trouble to deny it. "s'iwn lw was taken down last week In servo his sentence his ‘wld and happy-amin; demeanor at the statinn and an the lraixi tempted want in believe that he was mentally unrvspunsible. while nflwrs wm'e temp-_ 10d. :15 (me man said, “to hang the flute on sight . ’ ' \\'.\NTI".1)-w;\ GIRL FOR GENERAL lmusmvmk. Apply to Mrs. Dayton ()atl'USSUI', 'l‘immins. The\ \orthland Post 1:: st week pub- ,hed the lollowiug birth notice:â€" liovhe-“Ai Stux'geun Falls, on Fri- 1\'. Jan. 1115., 1918. to 111'. au1d~=Mrs. MONEY TU L-().\.\'. STRAIGHT; MORTGAGE. (m inmrm'ecl Town: . . ' ~. ,. . ‘ 1 pinpert). h. Alhcd Juno», 1\.( .. Bank of Hmnihmx Building, Brant-g ful‘fl. ()m. i m 1h k0 up â€ism Desk M i ii: '.\' Fl'RN ISH [‘21) H4 H )3! WANTED." lil ll (l K )8 new 31111111,: husinoss 1mm 11211115 to lent tram! 31/11] 11111'111nis'mul mom bv the month. Send panticulms to Box 31 1, 'l‘imnuns, Ont. STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE ii mm tor 01} H: _tarts mt wa so UV m asked 01 11. {.1 10 Queen (‘ity is and one fur the. |l( nmml mm the tour! 1 resulted in $23,133: 'l‘uront‘o, as usual. it! asked of it. and hillllll II 10. HUG >31 1h“ inl M W. now duties \\ u hi ll l('( OVEI‘SQOS FOR SALE )0th '{N NIH rm )kex‘ imwn, South Porcupil eeds Mr (‘0 days ('unudiz‘ (l l\'l‘ ii.) of 1'1 smmm. )dre ll V. )1 Snuth I’urcupinc. \V 01] [HE POROUPINI ADVANCE an I .mrt‘. )l' f0 1‘ 1‘ SCI’VICC. (ml W l 1'03 \V vhumac mlm nu did a little the 03mm Bins; 204 in 1d ing‘ () “i ('t‘ {ml (*rnss .1 day last .348 being: the Humvuud. )uth 0 nuia)‘ Ii 11111 Irmluis ()1 [(0 nt‘ l‘ru dra)‘ )fl'm r 1‘ } I. I » .’ In. ‘1 5'". 5.3: J 3““ . gï¬ï¬d ai‘ï¬ï¬â€™gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬f Fifï¬ï¬hâ€˜Ã©ï¬ MUSE, !.fl.l.f. ï¬ï¬. ($59 Moéts every Tuesday even- ing in their lodge room on "bird avenue. Visiting bru- thors rouucstcd to attend. W. G. Smit-, ’1. II. Cook, oowowmwwwmoooooog The best and nmst-ulrtu- date Livery 01' its kind in South Porcupine Automobiles for Hircv Open Day and Night- Phone 31 Livery and Transfer Ihe Mattagami Garage is now open for business. If your car needs overhauling, have it done now. Don't wait untii the spring rush as I have only a limited amount of floor space, and cannot take more than,one at a time. First comeâ€"ï¬rst served 8... WHEELER Friday and Sa“; uri. ay . . . February lst and 2nd M9 WGMQOMO0WOW¢°000¢M¢0¢W0¢6¢¢N0¢¢W¢N ’1‘ ‘1‘ Next; Post ()fl'u-u Mattagaml Heights Actuai cost of production . . . $1, 100, 000 Total number of persons . . . 21,218 More ii“ “an 200 mermaids, 300 dancing girls, and women of the Sultan’ s harem A Moorish city built at a cost of $350,000 and des- troyed to make one of the big scenes EEGHT MONTHS TO FILM PiCTURE This picture has played at from 50c to $2, and is not two months old CHELDREN 27 CENTS $ouih Porcupine CHAS. .I. HELL Every time you breathe someone, somewhere in Canada, is lighting a "Bachelor" cigar. Discriminating smokers appreciate quality. ANNE "STE KELLERMAN EN E BEAUTEF UL w“- 4.1"? m? E5555$§$mmgï¬wmwmï¬ï¬wmmmï¬ï¬ï¬wmï¬wmmmm§ï¬m MATENEE SATURDAY 3 RM. l'iiIlC week. ANDREW Wlf'squ M" 9 0®WGWOWGNO¢OQ¢MWWQMO OONOWONOOMOO 09000¢¢0000 00096099000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO0000.6000 g â€" iiuine 78 Phone 95 a WOOMMWOOWOMOOOOWOO 009‘ Mrs. Katharine Ruml'ord, of Coch- A. S. FULLER 8: (10., Timmins and South Porcupine Our Engineers have just ï¬nished for us a new large up-to-date Blue Print Map of the entire Porcupine District covering nearly 8 Town.- shiBs. Complete in every detail, mailed in tubes, to any address vi 5i ted M m. TIMMINS All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in ï¬rst-class condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. Lumber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, Fline and Mill Supplies AGENT FOR Colonial steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL Head Office Eighteen million â€Bachelors" sold anntinlly lnCunhda “The National Smoke†John Clark for $3.00 TORONTO AND NEW CIGAR ADULTS 52 CENTS ‘x'ANTIjIlL-MA (300k General. GOm wages. Apply to Mrs. 11. J. Mm shall, 12 Umnlockstreet. SCHUMACHER? 1nnuuvu1 Ya rd and Warehouse (i oml