EIGHT . T110 many admirers i11'li111111i-11s and 1ii-stii1’1 111 the bride “ill be interested in the tullowing “edding announce- ,111ent in 11119 Torontu newspapers some 111135 111.111. Miss Laura Hughes has :41111111111 1111 Labor and 11111111“ topics in 11111 North Lam! 11111119 5111- is well- 1111111111. She is 11 11111111 111 General Sir S‘am Iliwhes, 1.1111111111'1 Minister of Militia. The au11111111121-1111111t read: ~â€" "111 T11r1111t11 1111 Decembei 29111., 1917. Miss Laura Hughes. daughter of Dr. James L. Hughes, 111 1111111111" Lunde, .ot 0111113131. 1101'. Dr. \\ 111111111111 ofï¬ciat- Mrs. Alexander has returned from an extended visit with tricmls in the East. HMerry ‘(Thristmas and Happy Ne“ Year†from .S. R. McCoy, .l'nrmcrl) with the Hollinger, nuw any ofï¬cer on ï¬vld service in France. †Mr. Marion, of the ' \atiunal Fmit Producefloq spent Llnistman at his home in Toronto. ~ Limxt. V. II. Emery, of the Canadian luginccrs.’ Corps, was a Chriï¬tmals- tide guest of Mr. A. R Glubo. Licut. Euwry expects to loan; very shortly fur overseas service. Mr. (‘. Bass spent Christmas week at his home in Ottawa. Among the greétings received last week fmm the soldiers overseas was :3 little too small for the large number attending: the event. All present Spent. a very enjoyable evening and speak well of those in charge of the 'cvehf for the big sumess of the even- ing in every way .. The theremometer was down to 45 degrees below zero 011 'l‘lnn'sday night and tlze wind was blowing a gale that made even warm blooded religious people saw “Merry L" 111' 1.4111114. ' Many on the night shitts of the llollinger and other mines mm 13113113 ems and hoses frozen in the trip home from .work. As one man said. “there. is no sense in carrying a Weather joke as 11")“. as 45 degrees below nor running .it to the extent ot ~15 miles :111 hour in ‘5 - ra \ \\ ind.†Mr. H. T. Hughes, of 'l.'«,u'm‘.tu_. ad- juster of ï¬re losses and insurzuu-c Yal- uatur, was in town lats week 011 bus-i- noss in mmnection with the last. two little fires in Timmina. Mr. and ;Mrs. Deacon and son, Harry, have returned from their trip to the West. Harry intends, to take further -treatment at (h'avmdmrst for his hoaith. Mr. A. Seeds has left the Camp for Cobalt. Mr. Frank Groch, among the visitors to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Noble a ing the holidays in Toronto. The St. Matthew ’5 Tennis (“luh held 0m» ut‘ the biggest and best dances of 1.110. season on New Year's Night, when ï¬lo Masonic. Hall pruvcd if anything Mr. \\. B. Lnur spent (hristmas in Bridgeburg, Out. #5... Miss M. Donaldson spent with her parents at Cobalt. The annual meeting of the l’oreu- pine Consolidated Patriotic Club will be held tomorrow ('I‘hurm'luy) evening in the Old Empire Theatre at 8 pm. Bleetion of ofï¬cers for the. ensuing year and the planning of ways and means for the carrying on of the ‘pur- pose of the Club will be the chief is~ sues before the meeting. All interest- ed in the Club and in patriotic work generally should attend and take an active interest. Cunstablo McInnis made a nine cal- ch last week when he gut alter B. Roman (or Rumanchuck) l'ur illegally having beaver skins in his possessilm. Six tine skins wew seized, and flhc R0- man or Romanchuck cuncvmcd will face the charge before ’Lhe Magistrate on 'l.‘hm'sday. ( ‘unstublc Green, amn'nunth desir- ing to limp the local Ju:ll(0 of the Peace busy as well as the Magistrate, had a tew cases bvtnu: Mr. H.151. \[ontgnmer\, J. P., dmiug the past “wk. 1 or being drunk and disorder- lv 1mm la‘iluk \\ as linvd $20 and costs. (‘. Slant. on a drunk marge paid $14 and costs. Two dollar.» and costs was the fee for each of l'nur fur gambling 1m the Lords Dav, --C. L" Miller, R. ll. Salmon. D. lhmle) and H. Dock being the amped. ( Knutahle McIn- vnis also had Fral Pazxrlmck before the lustiee for ï¬galing and Your 0th- erg nor gambling on the Lord’ 3 DIN. .1‘ In: former was ï¬ned. ‘2 and costs and the same Mdh was impused on each at {m cliafgul multr the Lords Timmins News in Brief of Cobalt, was town last week. are spend- ("‘inristmas “WAS lh‘llfll the holiday season saw many trains running away off sche- dule time. the Natiunal 0n the Ffiday evening before Christmas perhaps tak- ing the Prize. as it was only 16 hours ,late in arriving at I’orquis J mutations}; On a (-3111 fmm R.F.(7. Cadet K. De- Lmig owners the 50850115 greetings to his many friends in the ('amp, with the promise to write soon some news 01' the Tiuunins buys in this branch 0f gho serviee. (‘mlet Debong, No. 15218 89111 .. (KER, is at. present at Camp Nulico in lim'vliy given .that Julm G. Myers ul.’ llw village of Schunmv‘nor in the district of 'l‘umiskaming, Boarding Home Kcepcx, has made an assign- ment uudx r the Assignmehts and 1’10- ferenres Mt of all his estate, credits and (‘flec‘ls 10 111011188 H. Tm aim-v at the town of South Porcupine, Gvnlle- man. for the general 'beneï¬t ui' his crediwrs. Misses Juan and Marie McLaughlin were Cobalt visitors during the hold- day 89th .. ('15., Is at. we Leusidc, North Tumnto. In accurdmxcc with’ thé King§s ap- puiutnwnt the services in St. Mat- thew's church next. Sunday evening will be 0210 HI special prayer and inter- cession in 'l'cgard to- the"war 5nd {in m-hall ut mu iriends and blotlxers at, the hunt. Missfl‘. Macdonald spent the holi- days at Tomnto. There were large crowds at the rink New Year's afternoon and evening and all enjoyed the good skatinO'. 9:5?‘Mr. II. M. l’null spent Christmas in g'l‘immins with l’rivnds here. He was on his way hark to The Pas, Manito- ‘ba. :il’trr spending some days in New York \rii‘h [hr directors of the Eng:â€" lish Syll‘llm’llt‘ which he represents. 'Mr." ’uull imports prospect's as very prmnising‘ on the properties secured hyhis company in the W'est and looks for hi;_r dm‘olopmmrts when the war is over and tho-monoy market rosunws a inm‘uml oondiiiou. Mr. Paull has haul a number of exports prosperling north and west of 'l'hr- l’ns' during the past year and many desirable claims have been staked. Most. of the prospectors employed by the Syndicate were old Porcupinv experts, but the claims in- elude many other mineral (lismvcrics bBSltlU gold. 1/ Mr. J. Gurnell. spent the holiéays in Toronto. The annual meeting of the. parish- innm's of St. Ma-t-thcws’s for the pur- 90:50 of receiving reports of the past year’s mn'k. and electing ollicers for thv vn-sning year, will be 'lleld in the church ml Mnnday, January 7th.. at 8 o'clock. All adult members of the mmgregatinn are urged to showlhoir interest in the church’s work by at- tending this Int-Ming. A meeting ut' the creditors will be held at. the affine of Cook 8: Mitchell, in the town of South Poreupino nn Tuesday. the 18th day of December. A. 1).. .1917, 3.; the hour of 7.30 p.111. in the owning, to receive a staiemcnt of affairs, to appoint inspectors and ï¬x their remuneration, and fur the ordering 0f the affairs of the usiutc generally. Mr. H. Irwin has left the C take up residence in Cobalt. A number of thewmmjr men in the d-ish‘ivt have I'm-(:i'vml formal notice from the authorities to report for duty on January 23111., under the Mili- tary Sm'vicc Act. When the Avt went into ton-(- at ï¬rst it. was expected that drafts Would he called out early in December. but so far none have 3been called to serve until well past tho. holiday soamn. except those who dias- reganlml Hm law and so lost the gen- eral m-ivihgw aman'ded those who re- spected the Act’s provisions. Crediturs are requested to Md their claims with the Assignee, with the. proofs and particulars thereof requir- ed by the said Act, on or before the day of sueh meeting. And Notice is. further given 13.3}. after the 15th- ï¬lï¬fuf January. 1918, the Aasignee will proceed to distribute -;he assvzs ut' the debtor anmng‘n the parties entitled thereto, having I'vgmnl only to the claims of whirl: untice shall then have been given, and that he will nut. be liable for the assets, or any part thereof so distributed. to any person or persons of whose claim he shall nu: theh havé had nbtirc. THOR. H. TORRANCE, ‘ In the Matter of the Ontario Assignments Act. (“mm MITt.‘HELL, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. South Porcupine, Ontariu. Suuth Porcupine, Ontariu. Solicitor for Assi inn mum-m Antwan amp SSI‘IHCP. 1C8. to W. H. Pritchard, A. G. Carson, Between Meyer's Drug Store and Hemlock street on January let. a package containing cheque payable to A. Mayhew. Finder please return to Northern (.‘anada Supply (70., and reâ€" ceive reward. IIMMINS lflDBE, |.ll.fl.f. N0. 453 WANTEDâ€"~A Cook General. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. H. J. Mar- shall, 12 Hemluck street. NOTICE TO During the ex- treme cold wea- ther, consumers of town â€water are advised to allow their taps to keep running slightly to pre- vent freezing-in the pipes. WATER CONSUMERS Meets every Tuesday even- ing in their lodge room on Third avenue. Waiting bro- thers requested to attend. ‘ SJ WHEELER H. E. MONTGOMERY clerk a} m â€2,794 $7321. (ANDREWWILSONG> .... South Porcupine By order WILSON’S Two large, modern, sunk! factoriesâ€"at Toronto and Montrealâ€"employ over 400 skilled hand workmen, to meet the public demand for this excellent cigar. LOST WW†OOQOOOOWOOOâ€NOO i PHONE i § BRANCH OFFIflEz~CONNAUGHT HOTEL, South Porcupin: g WWOOWMW W WWOOWOOOOOW WWOOONWO WWOMMOW.WOO ‘ Timmins 100 i‘ 'fl'? A W. WILLIAMS. President. Our New Term Begins on January 2nd Now in your oppmlunily to plopflre yourself fare better position. By delaying the start you delay the time when you will have a. good job. We have recently been asked to ï¬ll positions paying Nine Hundred a Year and up. More positions are open and will be open. The conditi- ons existing at the present time demand that. your earning power be increased, and that you be prepared to step into a position of responsibility. I Further information will be promptly supplied on request. Phone; 3. Opposite Goldfields Hotel A. S. FULLER (10., BRGKERS Eighteen million ."Bachelorn" sold "nut"? in Canada HAILEYBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE Hallcybury, Ont. “The National Smoke†CIGAR J. W. Mahon BARRISTBR, SOLICITOR. 4' NOTARY PUBLIC. 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg" Gobdt. Phone 58. Moon 31:13., Timmim. TlMM!NS, ONT. D. C. ROSS, Princip'