811 00“.â€0-000†m ° lszo eoniplieaied and vital atl'air as thei Hard Tlme Dance Makes Money trainin: ol' ehildren there is nemledil'hlls has a splendid reeord on the For Red Cross. ._ -__. _ .,.._â€" .â€"-â€"..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'-- â€"-â€" Hue ot' the hi the season held :2 Hall on the night «it NHVPHIht‘I‘ bill,’ â€hen the regularly w‘eekly danee was khu‘ featured with spec-int rerpii:‘einents l admission. 1 Nearly all present were tugged up in‘ “Hard Time" outtits. many ol‘ whieh.l to quote the man who held the gavel. :vei‘e "outlandish.†l'aytuaster ti. rs- Larch was on the heneh in i'ull Judiei- iril' -â€"â€"--<-â€"â€"_. o.â€" a! garli. while Frank llovaird ol' the headed. line 50 eents. it'lleelrieal Dept. was the (lttieei' at the tar. «rl‘ prosperity ahout lilt‘ltl were hand-i (titted and hi‘ouazht hei'ore llis llonor.l 'l efx‘traet eoiiti'iMi-l l 1- who proeeeded t Jiions tor the lied t'ross li‘und from the lt. .\l. llorshurg'h and Mr. ll. ll. Set- that thinks lielpless det'ender in the way ot' tines. ton. â€he money taken in was turned over ’o-‘v Mrs. loeal ehapter. ('ourt (‘alemh-r. whit-h (.apiieity. the following: Jound. with the disposition made of [port looking)‘ over the full to “'0 Ti ' \‘Cil 3' (’ilSPS l-rieli ease. 1. Mr. ll. l Spirit of the Day’s Work i‘ Perhaps we might fl‘t'l alongr hetter :" we reniethei'wl that it is all in a day's work. 'l‘ltt'l't'.s‘ a lot to I)“ done. liitl We (on aye to do it all to-day. .\nd the higher the task. and ‘ Q .5itli't' dit'iieult. delieate. and import.- .“tll the matter. the more neeessary it .s . ‘r-li in the spirit ol' a day's work 1 a lllllJ' To earn to play the piano. or to vead -ne . or to ovei'eonie a had write shorthand. or to ii~e and patieiiee. or to he Z«ah r to l .‘t't l V o \ o t' a‘ ‘ ) 1.7m wdy eau man at stun at..- ‘.'ill.% at onee “ This heading checked the blaze The town of Paris in Texas suffered ten'ibly from ï¬re. Flames teaot from roof to roof, block to block until it met this building roofed with \ \‘\‘“ tit. “ \ \\\\ : ‘ _ .' \ \‘fl‘. ‘.\‘ N“ \\ R3 \\\ W \\\ I. he \ ' \‘l The picture resiste ’ the Johns-Manville Asbestos Rooï¬ng is not only ï¬re resistant but is also proof against the weather. acids or smoke. because it mineralï¬just Johns-Manville is all Canada‘s soil because it lasts and NEVER NEEDS PAINTING OR COAT- Its first cost is its last cost. ING. ~ . .. ... . \ -. \ ‘ -.. ‘ - ‘ .‘ .‘ fl _ I ‘\ ‘. ‘- . xi \ u “u...- \ “‘ \ .‘j . . ‘ 'V \1‘ .\ $\\ \ \u. \Ve rea; against 1 \A'e prov-ct. the users of johns-Manville Asbestos Rooï¬ng through a policy .1. a johns-Manville Rooï¬ng Responsrbility. ’ register your rooï¬ng with us. It now :1 tactii’in ‘1‘“ i ...... of this cuzttpatiy ya; the lull service promised for it. gives loiins-F! l' Lt‘I Us L4. 3 3') i any 0.41;: '_)..'.~1 Montreal M WMWWM ' News from Iroquois Falls t'l’roin The llroke llnstlerl ' ' most err; iya ale even's l- ! lil‘. ,l“.‘vrII ' - mining" in eoinlnd: tine. 4:) eents. with having more t'or wearinf.r ruhhers and being: dolled np‘rises regularly to his duty. in general. tine $1.05. Aâ€.Vâ€l“‘ l'l"'<(‘iit with any :‘sithtSti prize tor the most strikingr eostnnie. The Judges for the Mareh were Mrs. and values and rewards to t \Vm. liau. 'l'reasurer oi the and eot't'ee were served t'ollowinu whieh ‘l‘lllt‘illfi ““5 l"'5‘llllt"l~ lllliilâ€"“"‘\\'0ll,~ our lines are known t'or this day's| that doesn't matter! The at'i'air was ti Hiieeess iii every way and a liti'g’C‘l'or us; it is for us in this World to majority of those present are looking: live “hv the dayâ€. and not “hy the t'oi‘w'ard to another danee ol' the same ioli.†i l’». Sel'ton. eharged with order. t'oreinL: ot' the will upon one horn desire. mind. or lingers. whether we t’eel like it or not. just as a day's hill ot' pert'eetion. ainhition to do is neeessary. and hard e\:eellenee. whether in eral'tsmanship or eharaetei'. is time. I»~m1 tire and checked its spread past it. There is a johns-Manville Asbestos Rooting for every rooï¬ng purpose. Johns-Miaville Asbestos Built-up Roofing lor flat roofs. Johns-Manville Asbestos Ready Rooï¬ng for slopingr surfaces. The llailevhurian last w'eel' was johns-Manville Asbestos Corrugated Rootingâ€"for Skeleton Framed struc- - . ' - \ . “‘tas‘ hoastinf: aoout havingr a huneh ot . ’ Spanish (liiioiis on display in its win- . . . «low "that aroused inneh t'avorahle The broadest rooï¬ng policy in emstence _ .. ,. eonuneut anion}.r passershy. l he ': that the service a rooï¬ng gives is a standing testimonial for or maziuizicturer's reputation. is the b.-;,;;st LACLUi' in its business. :z-Ile A~bestes Rooting! is examined. approved and labeled lTY the THE PORCUPINB ADVANCL work. ’ lillllll Somehzoly asked Susanne \\'esley.‘lfluu"n|s [ï¬lls Johns mother. why she told her eliild- Mll'IABV “BI “[608" ren the same thing over and over twenty times. “l’ieeausi- ltllltiCCIl is Hot (‘iiottgihn she answered. .._._. In that greatest of earthly husi-181 Men Reported for Service. ness. mothering. it is the spirit ot' thel Claimed Exemption. day '5 Work that helps. To carry onli \ ’6. WM lrorptois Falls. Nov. leltli.-â€"li'oqtiois aim“. all that sell-possession whieh Military Serviee Aet. livery man on eoines only when we eoneeip'e of our the Plant of the Aliitihi l’ower l’ap- lwork as 1'15““: hut UtH‘ (133-. And er (,‘onipany. Ltd., who eomes under it is when we look t'orward too mueh Hit-<5" â€A “illlt‘ll ll." Pl'm'lilmil' and ket‘li eXlieetiilg‘ results that time tion is either hilï¬s’ili'll “l’ hâ€. Serviee alone ean at“. that we t'all into the or t‘lainied l‘iXeniptiou through the ‘ tt‘ulness that destroys l’ost (ltiiee. and. from the ï¬gures t'oll- owing. it would appear that a splen- t i t Nit lasliin; jewelry; lined 3:) De- endeat protested and therupon was iiied $1.00 for eoiileiiipt ot' t'ourt. 2. Mr. \Valter Asher. eharged with late. shined. hair eents. petiilanee or he the quality ol' our guidauee. 'l‘he eloek has millions ot' tiek-toeks tlld H‘Wl‘d has been estahllshed. -, . ' ' s . f' ' l . . ,l till Illutiel'ard. ehare'ed to make. hut it has a moment in whieli Ullt (it the 1.3.) men on tlu plan. won the eats onlv. to do eaeh one ot" them. The sun eanie tllldt‘l‘ the ('lztw‘ ('illh‘d Hill. 144 and gets elaiined exemption. while 81 reported Slit res :3. Mr. at night ratistied with what itiei‘einent tor ‘St'l'Ylt't‘. 'llie .\hitihi l’ower t\’ l’aper (‘oin- 4. Mr. li. l'lvans. eharge. heinu' red of growth his day's work has supplied . pany. litd. themselves have not appli- to living things. A\â€â€œ \\'(i 1'10“†“('VCI‘ (sleq-l t(, arrive. (â€I itâ€. ('xt‘nllllIUHS lift]. a“) tilt!“ \‘ll() At 11.30 a (lrand Mareh was held . it is was not ahsolutely essential to the n whieh all partieipatml. Miss Walsh l-«oiu' husiness is not to arrive. . . )3' the Main tltliee was awarded the to travel. to eover eaeh day our allot-isltrresst'ul operation ot' the l’lant and ed span. leaving- all questions «it ends lilt'll' total applieations. eon-ring a hm 31111.1 tone as per ahove totalled. was only \v'r-iiyps l'or lit men. these thirteen men having int†its trained for some pai'.‘iertl:ii' part ot,’ their Organization. \‘.'e think that this is very eredit- able to the Management ot' the A. l’. l’. ('o.. espeeially as they have ent, ldown their â€pt-rating More in the ll‘lleetrieal or llydraulie Departments ‘tu the lowest possihle man. i in eenturies and men and the lahors ot' men eake . vast t'ahrie. l Alter the Mareh sandwiehes. Our plan is on the trestle-lmard, is marked out duties. let us do what Q The Loeal 'l'rihunal. eonsisting‘ ot' . Mayor )let'mthrey and 'l‘own (‘lerk. A. .l. llodu'son. have hee'i sittin}: eontinu-‘ lty Dr. Frank t‘razze. THANKSGIVING DANCE -â€"-â€"â€"â€". h 1" little I“ hull" the steady, onsly sinee the Hill instant hearing." s stub-l (flaiins tor l'lxeinptions. wliieh takes in the llistriei t'roni ltainore I" O 'l'he (‘olialt tlreliestra has lieen enâ€" gaged to play at a danee to he held till the. 'l‘owii llall oti Noveltiher Zilth. I)'l'b ...;.,- and their sehedules arel .\l ileag'e elose (iii to oiieâ€"lhotlsainl :lppiiâ€"l o 'I‘ rv‘v‘|‘ ".' .' . ~ . . . '3‘ ‘ . ‘ t..t wi.l to do is important. and ll.( 'mmim.’ 11â€.“. present sehedules m...‘ -â€"â€"-<â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-- i‘ittiiiiiiu' on to ‘35 per day. hut with ad- ‘.-.-~w ts: 'Hns‘ '; tl' ' . . ' ~' - \ ’ll‘. (i llll \ I’lll â€Al( (\ (till 1] it) 11) JHIIIXIIIiVIilT‘. (\t(o.. il‘llll lil'C‘ li’ll‘ ‘1â€.\_\ IROQUOIS FALLS POST OFFICE the, \Vill the patrons of. our l’ost. (liliee eases daily are now ;‘.\'t‘l‘tij_"ll1: 453' [per day. l â€wine to the ditlirulty of men than distanees. sueh as Shilling- ton :and haek ot' Xushka. liamore. ete.. |adjournments are. ot' eourse. ahsolute- Somehow or other the past endnes us. l 'l‘here s no sueh thing: as a t'resh kindly take notiee, that. the mid-day start. livery new start earries with train will hp diseontinned l'roin Sun- it, sorta-thin}: ot‘ those we made het'ore. day the 331st.. inst. and also that; there will he no at'ternoon mail arriving. All mail. whatsoever diseription and from getting lorry tttoit silts sonnthine in.o out I", net-essary and “H. Hoard has been mm.†“1' mnseles or hrain eells 5†, , , , using their diserelion and extending- that they are ditlerent next time. whatsoever point arriving- will only every l'-ieilit\' rm. this" “H.†t†“swat " , . n u . . . . ’ . ‘ - -'\ l L the power ol the thirtieth day is he due for delivery at 10 o eloek {1.111. and state tl'eir eases 1“ the llo-ird . l l l\- . \ o the result ot' the invisihle dividends; S. (i. Methrulnry’, I’ostiiiaster. ’ . Mr. li. S. l’otter. ot' Mathestin, is the Military i‘epi'eseiilative oti this l’mai‘d and Mr. li. J. Hart is interpreter. to Monday night the ltoard had dealt : 3WOWOMONOW . liiiweyt't'. l't'nlti the will 4ltli' :ll‘t‘:‘-. ._..- _._...__.._., .â€"-.._ _. - 0. NA A LDYAL BLACK l ass 1) D '9? "EPTOR'Z NUMBER 91 monitors FALLS‘ .â€" .LL...’ l i I l - _ . . . l with 20.) eases. the hulk ol whieh was.l ' i l l i I rut: tam .gâ€"â€"-- l .\ very sueeesst'nl and eitthiisias"i(" i l l l |ll2(‘t‘llllLl w l t ï¬h’ihï¬iï¬ .‘Ls told in the l.id_'_"-- lhwiu at lroipi'iis halls. Friday evening last.l ,"t . ,- 1 - . - f :3 the loth instant. .\ lull lllt‘lillvt'l'sltlgrtiï¬g .. . . t L ., . .. :21 was present and soitiu vei'v iiiti‘i'est- l iiiâ€"Tl --., . "'. . . ' . ,. r 2: V’s/)2"? in}: hnsiness was gone through. lhereiéflu ’ï¬â€™Ã©ï¬â€˜ï¬/fâ€, was one initiation and three niore tip-ifgjl’ï¬] is./ 571/" . . . . .- ///'4¢/3 1 . . i. . ., . .- it. in.-. ,. , , titration. ware. w ‘l . lt‘tt'l ('1 i -- 1' I/ï¬Ã©ï¬) ‘ i t \ i l l‘ It '23:“ gr; 'lhis l’ret't‘litory Promises very niuehlcâ€"ï¬ll tor a sum-esst'ul t‘uture. espeeially as if] they have the ‘Ll'lllriillfl‘ hand ol' \Ver» Eï¬ shipi'al l’rereptor Mellouuuzl to Eff. ll†p' 1.. "l 0 ..(lil wt .in tor am ._ row." .\s ('oath in Team work Knight .llellonu'all is hard to heat ~â€" ~ is \ \ ya“ \ \ \ \\ \\\\\ . t\ s\ \ l ‘t'enrors. F3 \lw VS t y :l I r kt ep nar- Sir ‘ Illltl‘ \ :\\ o l .. . 7“: .“llcll‘iitli \ a l \\ it \‘y \iyk the entire l’reeeptoi'y have oil several /: oeeasions put on reeord their very :; great appreeiation of his work. l._l“ 'l‘he l’reetpiory is iiow titted outlllï¬ /,//xâ€// with paraphernalia at a eost ot' eios- 23% ill to $400.00. in whiz-ii they hope to he ahle to put on the work .s'ei'.i."‘.ll to l l l l l ‘ ‘ the eoantiy. l l l l \yy: shows how well it stood the test. .. , , . â€â€110 ill .\t)l'l.l :lt‘ll (â€Items are gimilieliil l)tlll('ll ot' t'eilow‘: l and we would suggest tiiz't anv ot' till] l't‘illlll'ï¬ ill 'l‘lll'tllllt)‘ ()1' (1]S(I\\'i!‘i"(l. my?“ assess - ' I . i . "ti b““. ‘i.-',, Asbestos mined from happin to l)‘. in .\ri...lt..l tom†. It is an economical roof git any of li‘mpiois Falls .\l lthey drop in and visit this newest of ' l’i'eet‘Plories. 'l‘lieir and natural Asphalt. met-tin}: nights are the tirst and third Wednes- day in t‘£l('-il month. t ‘ _____.__.__ l llaileyhui'ian elaims that the Spanish ()nious referred "to were "plump. solid‘ «and well-eured and equal in every re- ,speet to the imported variety.“ No l l And reputation to johiis-l‘danville . wonder llailevhurians were interested. To assure you satis- ' It then goes on the records and it becomes our obligation. to see that your rooting ’_ - 1 l Under- iii iii lltttlttt in Plltl OgiEEEiEOEEï¬Eï¬EEEEREï¬EEEEEEEOEEE .‘â€"_-â€". 4......“n.-- . -â€"-â€"-..â€"-â€"â€".â€" ANVILL ‘ Q- -, ,2: lputt .iiiun ll-l'il 511 10"] SEWtC unmetiur p , leXert our full strength in pulling’ for :the lawn Government. Frank ('oeh- _ 1 - . 1/11,, r. .r writers Laboratories. Incorporated. Chicago. U.S.A. i ’Hl 'zrtc informal: )I‘. about lohz‘x-M : Ill}: A b\3‘.. Rustin-a W" i . ' .. . imti‘iii. ’ â€l h ‘ ‘ 3 r " me i (‘t ozitiiiued ii‘oni page .l.) iiiâ€"15' . . ;representative of the 'l'eniiskaininj 3% . . . i The canadlan . / ~ ll'lcllli'.’ should he to see that when i'ail- l [34% l . . - a l 0 O O .. . . l. . ..4 road eonstiiietion is resumed. lLIt‘ instigï¬ H. W. Johns-Mannlle Company, Limited lv M h 1'» mm 1. m ..,. i 4 v. . ‘ \‘lt:y .‘ii ) Ht l..i .l_' 'l H ‘4":111 Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg “Wm: 1m.- 'Ehi l l’oreupiiie Inmt ehwv :Ve indepriz-i% ;1l"llt't‘ ot \irtiient -_:ro'.vin: youth. and' E . . . l pt We use our strengta we shall treeféigi . .ourselyes from the restraint of politir--'§gï¬] '% ed by Grodwards Co., at Timmim, Cobalt Sudburyt rune and the (XX... eonneetion. Yours truly. . °° Interested lisa lt-i‘.†\ \ q \ \ \ v \ "9. MW E‘ï¬hjï¬: Victory Bonds $50, $100, $500, and $1000: safe, sure, profitable, patriotic $1000. for baby Also it will be to your in- terests to come to this store for boots and shoes, men’s furnishings, etc. .. NEIL RYAN Lend to your Country All Canada is your Security Buy Victory Bonds .mmfll E. G. DICKSON l". ('. u ~._.4 u... h" the cam/asserts do not see you-- see the oauvassees THEY ARE IN DENOMINATIONS OF 850, 8100, $500 AND THE PAYMENTS MAY BE YOUR BEST! , .. .. BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS YOU WILL BE LOOKING [gtâ€"5 TO YOUR OWN PROFIT AND PATRICTISM. J IGATING OUR ELECTRIC METHOD OF COOKING IN YOUR HOME YOU WILL ALSO BE CONSIDERING YOUR OWN ADVANTAGE AND CONVENIENCE. NORTHERN ONTARIO â€CHI 8:. POWER Oil. '5 THE LIMITED t ‘11...." “.1 rut-nuâ€.â€" uh ‘1‘ any I: m “In“ w Exclusive Fashion=Craft Agent 47 PINE STREET, TIMMINS t i i t t 2: i t E 9 Real Estate and Insurance -â€" Timmins and South Porcupine ll. SIMMS: 'l‘iini:.Ens ll: pi'as:x:ita.tive â€OWWWOWOMO“ MM 0W00¢0MOWOO¢9000W asaassasssassssaaass SPREAD OVER FIVE MONTHS. THE INTEREST IS OVER 5’9; PER CENT. PER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY. THE MONEY IS TO ‘ BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. YOU ARE HELP- ING WIN THE WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS. DO BY INVEST- 0 «omnmemmwo» EB EEG 931% 92% % ER [5]- MES ET? râ€"s‘ CL. ‘11 Li ï¬lï¬ï¬gï¬ si- “‘i U: .. so