Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Nov 1917, 1, p. 2

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WWWV vvvvvvv vv vvvvv §PNNNNPINE NNNNN NULL ; ms i O . A_-_---‘------- A- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A list of the Porcupine men who have volunteered fer ov erseas service since the beginning of the war 8p- pears hereunder. As some men from this district have enlisted for service with outside units, their names my be missing from the list, and we ask our readers to supply them as soon as noted so that the muster may be camplete for reference. Allan (Rev.), Capt. J. M.; Adam- son,-â€"â€"â€"; Adams, G. F.; Allison, P. R.; Anderson, A. J. , Armstrong, Preston, ll; Ayre, Arthur; Andrews, Lieut. Fred; Andrecheck, J. Baker, L. G.; Bailod, Arthur; Iloixin, Haney; Bird, T. W.; Boucli- or, H.; Breteau, A. H.; Briason, W.; Burton, (3-: Bradv, Wm. , Bush, Jack; Beswick, Sergt. R. C.; Bird, Ira L.; Bradley, 1).; Bridson, \Vm.; Barnett, (I. E. (killed in action); Bowery, M.; Black, Andy; Brinton, David; Brooks, E. S.; Bennett, Wm; Baillod, James A.; Beattie, Ross; Biesentlial, Chas.; “tasked, Samuel 11.; Ball, J.; Bren~ nan, Jack (killed); Barclay, J.; Bar- ton, Howard; Batterby, \V. F.; Brown, Wilfred; Biasette, L.; Borde- leau, L.; Bnudreau, J.; Bushfield, W. A.; Bartlett, Robert A.; Barkhouse. Finlay; Buurdignon, Felix; Brown, Geo. A.‘. Brown, James; Baker, lllodgett. Ernest; Bougett. 1%.; Bar- on, A.; Belanger, Jos.; Bird, J. A.; Bain, Jack M Cole, Manley: Chilcot. A.; Carr, T. P.; Cotton. Sergt. T1108. (killed); Chilcot, J. 1).; Carbonneau, R; Cra- peau, 13.; (‘1:z11npagne, \V.; (‘adorcttm G.; Chaylt, (7.; (JuthbertSUn, F.; Champagne. 11.: Carr, Ben; Carmi- nhael, Cox-pl. .l‘ld.; Close, Archie; Charlick, Hogs Craig. Erwin; Cash- man, J. \\'.; Payne, Larry; Cravoth, L. C; Civhuni. (L; ()lxarron, L. W.; Christie, Cauley, Cooper, Nelly, 1“. ( orporal C anio, I' wont, A. $5$$5$$$5$5555$55555$5$5§§555§$fi5§5§5§5§5§5§5§$§5§5$555555$5$55555555$§55555555 Capes, H. (.‘alvo rl 6y. .l. J.; (,‘usworth, II. 191.; J. Lewiz; Carey, John; .109. 31.: Can .1). G.; Con- ; (‘unxwlly, R. G.; Crawford, es, H. 13.; Cooper, Corpl. Harley. IL; Casson, Lance- l"..: Campbell, '1‘. (7.; Q: (‘harbonnemu LL; ("lair- .( 'uloman, J. 1{.; Cotes, I..' . Jarvis, Denzil J.; Dorien. Matt; Descoteau, A.; Deschane, J.; Dobbs, W. 8.; Desoliner, H.; Doust, A.; Douglas, 0.; Dallere, \V.; Docker, Ed- die; Dooley, Andy; Doherty, 8.; De- dine, James; Desaulniers. Claude; Dqttavio, G.; Dodds, W. H.; Dixon, Lce.oCorpl. H. I{.; Desarmeau, L.; Du- bois, G; Duchsarme, A; Drake, S. “K; Di-nsmore, VY IL; Dunsford, Leonard; Dawson, \Vm. (L; Drayeott, Albert E.; Donnell, John J.; Dowsley. G. \V.; Dupuis, A.: Dmcon, “'ilt'rid; Dick- son, \V. J. G. um, Robert, Cote, Juillaum; Cramp, Fred A.; Clark, Rufus; Cretney, John Henry; Coulis, Louis L.; Coleman, Fred; Couillard, Wilfred; Clxerron, George; Carmichael, Bobt. G.; Canel, Einele; Chevier, Joseph; (Thete, Fran- cis; Crawford, R. 8.; Carrie, Emile. Elgie, Arthur; Elgie. Jr.; Elgie, A.; Endress, Dick; Elgic J.; lirafeu, E. Ell’is, Roy. Fraser, L. A.: Faragher, J.; Frisby, Henry; Fleming, Stanley; Fry, \Vm.; Francois, J.; Fraser, A.; Fraser, Andrew; Fettes, Frank Arn- old; Ferrari, 0.: Francis. Jam. 11.; Fleming, Jas. 8.; Freebain, “Cur- ley"; Francis, 1".; Fleming, S. J.; Fuurnier, Joseph; Fauteaux, Lcu. -»te, E.; Cote, A.; Cyr, P.; Coulis, John J.; Compeau, J.; Curtis, W. T.; Harris, Frank; Campbell, G. V.; Cal- Grindy, Herbert (killed); Gagnnn, F. J.; Garrett. Frank; Guudy. \V. K.; Gauvin, J.; Guertin, 1’.. ' Ge llsomino, G.: Galloway. J.; (laidinei, Harold; G10111x,.l. 11.: (lial1a.xn,F;re1l Gilber,t P1311111; G1i1111s, Perv") , Gardner, Scot- tie; Gentile. 1\.: G. Lunzi; Grenier, A. Gould, L. 11.; Gallagher, Corpl. 1).; ‘mdin, 'l‘.; Giindlx. 11.: Gibson, T.; Gauthier, 1.1.; Gillies, S. Gentile. G. Galai, 113.; Guugh, Ins. 1'. . :G11ulet, , N. Gi'illiin, D. Hug :11,1 J.: II .11Iwi11, J. Mn. IIm'tie, IL: II11gI1e>.I{.:1I:1II. \V. IL; Harris, [1. \\.I:IOU1t. In. : 11:11‘1'15, Lem; Horn- by. I-“I'.:91I II:11\'11.\,'. IL: IImwm-k, T. 1%.: 1111isepp11. 'l‘. 1).; Holland, 1.. IL; Hardman, Archie; Hay, Andy; Hem; ing, J. S. (killed in action); Hinks, Chas. .ll.; Hill. Dave; Harvey, Chas; Halcrow, Herbert; Huntley, Torn; Holland, Major B. J.; Holland, Ernie; Hamrd. Paul D.; Home, Ambrose; Hurley. Dan.; Harris, Talberte; Ham- ilton, James; Hopkins, Russell; Halli- well, Ralph; Hawkins. Peter; [101- land, G.; Hutchinson, Austin; Hutch- inson, Reg; Hughes, Owen J.; Henry, '1‘. G.; Haughland, Andrew; Hayward, Insole, Andrew; Jones, Wm. IL; Jackson, A. D.; Johnson, J.; Jermyn, (311115.; John¢ ston, J. \V.; Jefiries, A. G.; Johnstone, R.; Jefi‘ries, Len.; James, '1‘.: James, Thos.; Jamieson, Bert.; Johnson, Lawrence; Jordan, J. J.. It'd win H ughe Kennedy, Flt.-Liout. 1’. (killed in action); Kelly, J. J.; Kelley, Ged.; Killians, Roy; Keene, 1.; Kennedy, Geo.; Kenning, Fred; Kerr, 1). G.; Kelly,â€"â€"; Kennedy, Gerald A.; King, W. Lessard. Roy; Leary, A.: Lachinc, J.; Labovitch,J.; Lavalle, W. J.; La- valle, A.; Lemay, A.; LaPlane, J.; Lelieve, \V.; Lloyd, 11.; Innglois, 1.; Lyons, Thos.; Lyuns. Jean ;- Lan ciault, 1-1.; Laduo, (3.; Lamse, Mam; Leroux, Joseph 1%.; Ledgard, Frank; Lemlley, M.; Lyons, 16.; Bang, Mao... Capt.; Lobdell. H. K: Lemieux, Ed.; Linn, S. J.; Lag”, G.; Lynx, 8.; La- tenress, A. 1’.. ° Lewes, Leta-Corp}. J. J.; Lindsav, a1n1el P., ' Lac'napelle, Omor; Lille, Jim; Lett, Russell: La- voie, Joseph; I'ieli‘orest, Joseph; Len- nen, I. l’.; chiue James N; Laluude, David J.; Lambert. Louis; Lem-(11x, L. , Lamcque. 0.;Lmi11ue. 3.: Lav- er'iei, J. (‘.;Laut'i1tmi, (‘ hailes; Lm- equo, 11111.; Ledm. 1"‘1011',Lm1g11t1m, (I(’So Mansfield 13. (killed in notion); Moore, G. E. (killed in action); Mansfield, (‘3. (killed in action); Mel- zer, 19.; Mon-ahan, 1.; Manguke, L.; Martin, G. G.; Mason 1‘. , Murray. J. 0.; Mnloney, Mike; Munro, John; Munroe, Jack; Mulloy, Fred. A.; Mainville, Harvey; MacDonald, John; Morsten. Norman PL; Mink, Lawrence C.; Martin, Philip 8.; Maniun, Jolm Martha-m, 1\.: Mitchell, Art. B. Mouseau, 'l'.; Macaulay Lieu’b. R. A. ; Haivsmith, A. L.; Hogg. J. 3, R0bt.; Hale, II. A. Sergt. Geo. II. 8.; Irving, Gordon. THE P‘OROUPINB ADVANCE Inhowik, Miller, H. \V.; Miller, S; Morrison,‘ T.: Mansfield, Ronald; Maloney, M.; Marino. G.: )Iascio, I’.; Mascioli. C.; Marchioni, ’I‘.; Mosso, Jack; Meyers, J. R.; Maxwell. Dave; Montgomery, W. A; Mam'ille, J.; Murphy, Yin- oent; Munroe, Jack; McKay, H. M.; Mairana, W.; Martineau, A.; Millond, .\I.; 31011101111. 21.; Martin, T.; Mullen, Vidor; McDonald, M. 8.; McAuliffe, \\. :\I1' \11lav. Peter \Ic \ulav, Fred; ‘I1Dm1m1llLieuL, McKay. â€"- (killed in a1t1011);McPhexson, â€"f-; M1Leod, Donald; McLeod. Malcolm; McGrat- 1011. 11.111 \" MvCoshen, J. J. IL: Mc- I’hco. 1.; McCarty, S.; McCiusky, W.; MOI} rath, “7111. Geo; McKee, Louis; MeDonald, Howard; McInnes, I)an.; Mv'Leod, Dam; McLeod, Alexa; McIntyre. Archie; McChesney, Jas.; \IcMan113,Gordou; M1Lennan, Dan. , MsGr'lcgm, . :McKnig‘ut, W.; McLe.» Ian. J. IL: McEachren, II. J.; Mc- Qum'rie. Andrew; McP-hee, 090.; Mo- (”rea, Dan. . MacDonald. IL; McIn- tyre. S.,M1'Andrew, P.; McEachren, Archie (drowned); McCoy, I‘ddie; McLo11J,Roy; McCoy, Sydney ll.; Mothersell, Baht; Maedonald, John: Munu, Matthew; Melkenson, Robt. A.; Morin. Mat; \IcKibbin, A.; Mal- eH1uI... Mason. Roy; Ma1tell. Iia'lph IL: \I1U1malol,John; .\';I1cdo11ald.l\I.; N11,! 132111. G'Cunnur. 11.; O’Leary, 11.; Ostrom, Fred; Oswald. Jack; O’Connor, J. (3.; (1’Cunnm‘, 1". I1; Ostmm, 1. C. Osbm'ne. 11.; Olmstead. V7111. A.; U’L'onnor, Neil; Ogilvio, “7. A. Niclmlsou, John; Nelson, Frank; Nicholson. Lieut. W'.; Nicholson, J. M.; Niolwlls‘, Nelson; Nash, James. Pvm'sun, ‘7. FL; Pafisons, K. L.; Flurry, Capt. C. M.; I’ozson, Arthur; Pottingcr, Harry (drowned); Pearce. Hinulqu Pilsworth, B. L. P.; Payne, Roland Il.; l’ietro, S. 1).; Parnell, W. L; Peterson, C. 1“,; Petty, Sergt. H. (3.: Prangeley, Albert E; Philbin, S.; Palmer, PL; Philbin, P.; Patrick. Henry: Plaayre, A. Richard; Papillion, Neda Phillips, 090.; Pointer, Roy; Pajmzi, 1).; Pietro, SR; Pepin, \V.; Poitms. 9.: Paquiu. Jns.; Pccurc, Ronald ;\.; Peterson, Julm. Ratiery. J. 1L; Rogers, L. ’17.; Rich- ardson, Andrew; Reid. Dormis: Ruthâ€" erford. (fl‘xl'istolimer; Robertson, An- gus; Richardson, Frank; Booth, Horâ€" are C; Ithude, Russell; Rhoda, 3y- Quinn ron; Roche, Peter; Reid, Hugh; Rowe, John (3.; Reid, John; Racicot, E.; Roma, J.; Rochon. A.; Raymond, 1’.; Ryan, A.; Reed. Albert W.; Roche, P. J .; Robertson, Oscar; Ruth- erford, Joseph J.: Ralph, Jas. IL; Ronald, John 8.: Roche, Capt. Harold. Roclum. “'ilfrid; Racicot, A.; Red- for. (311.13.; Ramsay, 8.; Roy, E; Rush T. (‘.; Ready. T. Starr, Milton; St. Denis. F. Stronghton, W. J.; Stnughton, A. I{.; Scobio, F.; Seobie. Barney; Schultz, Sam; Strain. T.; Sander, L.; Smith. P. L.; Sharon, 1.011.; Smith, W. H.; l o 1).! Ullilll’ll’ lll'll., k1lUlIU, 'Vo .11., ‘heehan. I’hil.: Smith, 0. IL; Steven- son, 'I‘hos.; Sullivan. Jas.; Smith, Lem: Simms. A. (7.; Speers, Clarence; Stockwell. F. IL; Struthors, James; Saugon, 19.; Sett. L.; Sel‘t. R; Stew- art, A.; Sweet, S. 6.; Salkold. Digby; Stokes, \\'in.; Seymour, 13.; Simpson. Frank; Scocco, G.; Stack, John; Shove, Leo-Corp]. L. 16.; Smith, F. R.; Sutherland, J.; Steinberg, T.; Siinmill, Jas. 1L; Steven, 'R. A.; Stevenson. '.l‘hos.; Shields, \Villiam; Smith, Arthur; Schlemuller. Geo.; Shono, L. 1%.; Smith, Arnold; Stevens, Hugh M.; Sutherland, M. G.; Sim, Thomas; Spiogclhalter, John; Salkeld, Digby; Smtt. Geo. W.; Scott, George; Stockwoll. Frank (Southond); Smith, Alex.; Sullivan. J. M; Singleton, L. J.; Smith, 1“. 1L; Stoughton. John; Strain, 171105.; Studor, J. M.; Studor, Max: Studor. \N'. K.; Smith, Ernest; Sumpsmn, \V. T.; St. Denis, Geo. A.; St. Jerlias. Cleislic; Smith. Frank: St. Jerlias. (Ileistic; Smith. Frank Sykes, G- :\.; Swanson, 011218.; Starr Harvey. Tibbitta Victor (killed): Toovons, Charles: Tuur, \Vm.: Todd, Lieut. 'l‘lws.; Totton. (7.; 71‘01'1'31109, 'l‘hos.; Tibet. Harry; Thompson. Alex.; 'J'hemas, Scrgt. A. B. I”.; Taylor, J. 8.; Taylor. “Yum Torloniu. 0.; Thompson, John M.; Talbot, Emery; Tripp. Nichull-s; Temple, Thos.; Tar- ras, Neil; 'l'iogs, John 1%.; 'l‘ossim'. J. Way. 9. \V. Roscoe; \Vallaoe. Rob- ert; \Veldmi, Leslie 8.; Weldon, John Russell; 'Wylie. W. 1L; “'crnicke, Mike; W’akel‘ield, II. (3.; VVhitic, \Vil- liam; VVithycémlw, T. \Voodro“, E.; Wilson, Swan: \Vukc, 1’.. ° W utts, J. R.; \Vuuchxaul, F; W’llittoa. Jack; \N'liitton, 1'. 11.: “Light “T., ' \Vilson, T. G.; \Vilson, R. J.; Williams, Geo. \ ulm 17.21, Victor, (killed in action.) Udall, R. 0.; Upton, R. \\'.; Wheeler. Harold A.; \Vright, Lewis: Walley. liams. \Vm. , \Villiams. “’idditwld, YV. 31.: \Vum (From The Broke Hustler) If it's broakin’ on the wire 01' it ’s skinnin' on the press. If it guos m'numl a dryer An' gets yeh in a mess, If yer reels are on the hummer An" tho winder's all gone bad. Say, Jack. jest keep yer shirt. on Don't get madâ€"jest grin. If ethoy '1'0 outtin’ out yer Jm‘dzm An' the stm'k 9:015 too darn free. If yer making “hay” so badly That it's. hard to breathe or svo, An’ the screens are running over, Keep your head: Don 't hum-h .thv jub’; Jest remember “Good time 00min ";. It's been worse. h’ 041, and grin. gets thivk An ' the ole girl jest won 't run, If yer buckteuder gets sassy An ' starts to .lmwl ye nut. \Vhy. () don't g0 wild, (suinpiotvly. Jest Ilmste him on the snuut, and grin. If yer stacks are plugng 50 ‘bmlly 'l‘lmt yer fairly un 'tlm ‘bmn. An' chain tongs slip while the broke Think 0' days when all was Hussy, “'hvn the 010 girl rolled umuml For hour after hour and Never brake yo down, An’ ye got a record run. \Vhen “point per pound” was (0.4»! So dig: into the thick of it An' fix the snnmf-u-gun, and grin. , Q \Vhon \'1' 11111150 :111 0nd 011141 1111111111: A11 5110' 5 11m 1' 1111 H10 101']. “'11011 yer 1'1'l'ts are filled 111111 111:11'11'111",'. Yer 111] i11â€"â€"â€",i1'>;t 11111111 ye feelâ€"â€" A11” 1111' “51111111” ’3 goltin’ 11111111 011111111‘1 6 ”I11 1011' \1' limh 1111111 limb. Just think 11 111111111111 11-11 ["11'111 11311111; 'l‘l11-1‘1’"s 1'11111' 1111'11 1-111'5111’ 111111. 11nd! The Mnnugmnunt of tho Ahitibi Theatre are pleased to :mnmmvo that they aru now running t'nur shmvs per week in the 'l‘uwn llall, that is, on: Monday. Tuesday, Friday and Sartur-~ (lay night‘s, where all that is newest and must mulmlur in tho Picture~ Realm is ”wing shown. Shuw Com-- mérm-os at 8215 p.111. Sharp. All wads: loud in the ’l‘uwn Hall. 7 1 oung, F. J. u'rm. GRIN AND BEAR IT. d A.; Watt. Joli allex, John: “3? iams. Arthur I. a \Vuou. Andu \\ \V. was tested}.

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