/ TIMMINS THE PORCUPIRE AOVARCEt Reading Notices.â€"Reading notices of entertainments, ete., where a charge is to be made, will be inserted in The Poreupine Advance at the regâ€" ular rate of Sceents per line for news type or 7 cents per line for black face type, except where the job work is doné at the Advance Printing Offlice, when notice will be inserted free of charge. io 8 cce s c m Professional and Business Cards.â€" 25 cents per insertion or $12 per year. Advertisements â€" inserted â€" without vritten instructions will appear uatil written orders for their discontinuâ€" ance shall have been received Lo InsurtQ IF Â¥vertisements sl of the printer each week. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,‘17 Condensed Advertisements.â€" Lost and Found, Wanted, For Sale, To Rert, etc., one inch or less, 20 cents per insertion. * a P -IH'](’QS, damine not be Socialist s azo brough sayving that ér,‘‘ not a Canada ned ed a clever Publislied every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Office 26 Canada ~ United States §ta~ in TIIFE FOQOD CONTROLLER‘S PRESENT WORK. Subsceription Rates with the facts.. Despite hig! the war may be won withou or starvation.. The war can wonâ€" without Food Conserva ~l:ed by Grodwards Co., at Timmins, Cobalt Sudbury insertion, copies of adâ€" should be in the hands Tuesday noon of Residence 112 $2.00 a ysar $3.00 a year C@allâ€" A lens, To thi: must be to f |increasing t 8 EXPORT. €lhas made a | S |eampaign to : | and. wheat,â€" tion, which impliee Food Control. Profiteering in foods at this time is a most contemptible erime, but even such infamy on the part of a few will not deter the many from marchâ€" ing on to victory. The discomferts we may suffer are easily exaggerated. In any case they are nothing in comâ€" parison to the sacrifices so nobly enâ€" dured by our sons and brothers overâ€" seas. For the sake of these sons and brothers there must be Food The first chief duty of the Food Controller is to do his utmost to see that the brave men overseas are not overtaken by the famine that threatâ€" ens. To this end his chief endeavor must be to find ways and means for increasing the supply of food for TXPORT. Who ean demny that hbe EXPORT. Who ean deny that he has made a valiant and an intelligent campaign to this end? Beef, bacon and, wheat,â€"these are the three chief items that Canada can contribute, and theâ€" Food Controller ‘has given earnest force to the plans for conserving these for export. He has suggested substiâ€" tutes: he has secured pledges; he has imposed restrietions; all with the purâ€" pose of increasing the exports to the Old Land of beef, bacon and wheat products. â€" And, it is an undoubted fact that, despite the eriticisms, he fact that, despite the ecrill¢cisms, ne has achieved much. About the worst that. really may be said against the Food Controller‘s atâ€" titude is that he has taken the line of least resistance. And even that may have been a special wisdom. It is a commou argument against the Food Controller‘s policy to‘ say that it is aseless to advise ordinary people to »conomize on beef, bacon, ete., beâ€" cause the price of these articles alone enforces economy in their use. _ It should not be forgotten that economy in the use of these conveniently exâ€" ported foodstuffs,â€"no matter what forees the economy,â€"is what the Conâ€" troller desires. On the other hand to meâ€" sSuppi y Who ean valiant and + this end? must be supplied, whatever the cost. There is enough nonâ€"exportable food to keep those at home in Canada in comfort. Perhaps, when the food for overseas is assured, the (Controller may get around to *‘Price‘‘ control. And if he does as well at Price Conâ€" trol as he has really done in Food Control ‘he will enjoy an enduring and pleasing place on history‘s page. THE INCOMPARABLE PANOLOW COMING $0000000000090008000§00006Q 0@0000000006000000060000§686 $ MILL AND MINE SYPPLES, NN _ VANCOUVER i WMOO@M@@QOOOOWOOW QQQOMOWOOMWOOM The best and mostâ€"upâ€"toâ€" date Livery of its kind im South Porcupine Livery and Transfer Automobiles for Hire» Open Day and Nightâ€" Phone 31 SNAPS in DRILLS We have for sale about eighty drills at very low prices. All ave been used, some, only for a short time, and all are in good serviceable condition. Ley3er, Jenckses, Bullivan, and Litt‘s Giant makes. Pierceâ€"Jacobs Lumber Company 8. WHEFHLEFR South Porcupine