D DOOQgBQOOO938089906888050.099:..90‘00..:‘..0... © mooommmnooeom.aaoaonwomeummcco MWNOQMOOQMWOMONO 000“00“002 :“QQOMWOMOWMOWO0000000%@0’%0%0 6M P.0. Box 186 QMNWWWOMWWWMWO‘: “0000000006 A ; THIRD AVENUE o W“OMOW“MOMNWOOM“OJ INSURANCE of LL KINDS and REAL ESTATE Houses To Let and For Sale Office, Goldfields Hotel, Timmins HUGH MULHERON, Agent IT PAYS TO PAINT WITH MINERVA PAINT We sell Minerya Paints for all purposes. All ready to apply. Easy to use. Wear like iron. Looks: good. All shades and tints and kinds. Come in and let us tell you all about Minerva Paints. Minerva Paints add to the value and the life of buildâ€" ings. A. BRAZEAVY â€" TIMMINS J. T. EASTON CO. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Al. Tobacco Shop TIMMINS TOWNSITE CO., Lfd, Next Imperial Bank : Timmins Chas. Sullivan Newton Real Estate and Insurance Opp. Post Office. TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE Agents PLUMBER AND STEAMFITTER. 10 Third Avenue. fifififerenefrieln st Office. Teleshone 49 TIMMINS, ONT LOTS FOR SALE Collections Made for Hayes Bros. Tombstones. Timmins Representative J UcJ Fho P.0O. Box 319 LATE HOWARD HART â€"A LAD Of PROMISE Funeral of Boy Who Met Sad Death One of Largest Ever Held in Porcupine. Brief mention was made last week of the sad death of Master Howard Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs Z. Hart, of ~Poreapine. The lad met death through a regrettable accident, for which, however, no one was to blame He and his younger brother, Marley, in company with a neighbor boy friâ€" ‘end, had been picking berries, and while returning home the lads stopâ€" ped to drink at .a brook. Marley, who was earrying a rifle that the boys had taken out to shoot any small gyame that they might lawfully kill, went on ahead and sat down a disâ€" tance away to wait for his companâ€" fons. AS§ they neared him, he rose up and started towards them, but a tree branch or a twig caught the rifle and i rare bravery and thoughtiuiness in caring for. their injured companion, and in travelling «quickly through the long stretches of bush to seeure help. Marley stayed with his injured mss mm css 0 o mm ns mm mm un mm e m mm m e m e e o e We brother and did what little could be done to aid and soothe him, but Howâ€" ard passed away about an hour after the sad accident, and before the other lad could return with help. The late Howard Hart was a very bright, affectionate lad, very popular with all who knew him, and his sad death is much regretted. Sympathy to the bereaved parents and to the younger brother who was with him at the last will be especially sincere. The funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Poreupine. The casket was literally covered with beautiful flowers and wreaths from loving friâ€" ends and sympathizing acquaintances. Among the floral tributes was wreath ofwild flowers picked by Mr. Penny Rev. Mr. Anderson conducted the funâ€" eral services, making appropriate reâ€" fererce to the name for manliness, and good character enjoyed by Howard Hart. branch it «dise! caring and in the lon TMMINS RED RFPDORT [68 JULY Work Done for Month Included 43 Pairs Socks, 299 Towels.. Finanâ€" cial Statement Wt ies SOCKS, Mrs. Allan, 2 j Campbell, m slips ; _ ne thful Mi 1mnSs, i pa s :s‘l)(‘l(a'; 1 Studor, 3 How blll) Dal\ or a twig caught the rille a arged, striking Howard in t i and passing through to 1 The two vyoung lads show l)()(] palr sockKs]| NY Mrs. Nicholson 1 en ‘ PYJ2a luing#,., ] ston dlI A1ll L PB 8 MceDonald, 1 1 pair socks; pait LIUVCL on csagqy isd [ ‘syoos ated ; id p ‘spaay ts / sajy :sy20s AIC tsyoos rted T e ‘eygaoso esaterd n by Mi $1017.17. July 9th 5.00 : N so( AAlI Mrs. Tozer, 3 pai Nersnt 1 8 sho I‘l SOcIKS : M i towels; Mrs. sheets, 12 pillâ€" 34 towels ; Mrs. . %C.W. Allan, 12 towels: Mrs. pair socks ; Mrs rg.â€"It. H. Brown 49 pairs socks, L lance FORCUPINE ADVANCE 2l SOCKS: 12 tow: ets; Mrs : Mrs. D ross, for 00 ; July r 60 lhs OLl SACKS . Woodâ€" Nceeels §991 MÂ¥ Mir E) WV â€" ralT 9T. MATTHEW‘S CHBRGA CGHOOSES NEW RECTOR Rev. Richard S. Cushing, B. A., of Winnipeg Coming to Timmins Church .. At the Congregational meeting of St, Matthew‘s Churech held on Monâ€" day evening, Rev. Richard 8. Cushing, B.A., of Winnipeg, was chosen as the new rector of St. Matthow‘s. He is expected to take up his duties here on Sunday, August 26th. 1 Some of the members of theCongreâ€" gation of St. Matthew‘s express their annoyance at the unfounded report published in another newspaper in the Camp as to the appointment of another clergyman to the pesition here even before the moeting of the Conâ€" eregation ealled to select a new rectâ€" or. ‘‘It would have been an easy matter to have secured the facts from matte the p the proper autnmnorlitles, â€" says one OL the leading members of the church, ‘‘and the senseless publhication of a report without foundation causes unâ€" necessary annoyance and embarrassâ€" ment. â€" Some action should be taken to discourage this sort of false publicâ€" The New Empire Theatre is preâ€" an unusually attractive offerâ€" ing for Friday and Saturday evenings this week and Saturday atternoon maâ€" tinee. â€"It is ‘‘The Girl Philippa,‘‘ the !])Htlh play version of the story of 'the same title, by the wellâ€"known Uniâ€" ted States author, Robt. W. Chambers. The dainty, popular, charming little !.zu*tress, Anita Stewart, takes the title El'ule, and the supporting east is all exâ€" cellent. â€" The picture play itself is one round of .eigcht reels of interest, charm ‘‘The Girl Philippa,‘‘ at the New Empire Theatre Friday and A Saturday their Balkan King; the King i a futile strug®le for ns life, he Queen sacriffices herself to her daughter,â€"later, ‘*‘The Girl stOry opens war, and the battles seene may be mention( tinous soldiers their Balkan Ki SNALLER FAFER F88 WIEK 88 TWO odate the holiday desires of ti continue helping â€" eaught 1 low the nteor io a d1ifereni owed, and a smalle id sensation no through in the smalle f or the necessary service to our, ers and readers, while still in the usual plan of ‘‘getting up‘‘ with job work, and alâ€" onnortunity for holidays for Qnes 10nSy muthorities different actli in storm W e the Univerâ€" ind a L. Th. degree College, Winnipeg. an, in the prime of good words spoken who know him he The will art to finish,. e early days on includes demand nt plan spapeI spapers, to suspend paper for one issue r so as to accommâ€" desires of the staff dvertising seems to lemand. This year, t plan is being folâ€" ller paper is being pape =4 ) miecas( . interest, love sto: an 1s$ Deing 10â€" paper is being two. Thts will service to our hosti sQquE savys one of )JOoinde( 111 I all ory . Hunâ€" ill, while keep» the incidents <ee}p practice rippin ])t)\\'( C iG oT makes ~~ and ) Save ME the ;wmmo 4088 e 5o RECEIVED _ @ OOM“OOQONOMOMONOQNMWNONM WMWOWQOWWQWWW € Tie and Lumber Merchant All Kinds and Dimensions of Mine Timbers Supplied. Opposite Sporting Ground. All Kinds Dressed Lumber. 3 #060%%0004 00000000000060000@000@0000000000000@0000@00060000000: A new assortment of attractive Nippon and Japanese China See our window for display THE L. STADELMAN COMTPANY Near the Station, Timmins F I knew you and you knew me, ‘Tis seldom we world disagree; But never bhaving yet clasped bands Beth often Fail to understand That each intends to do what‘s right, And treat each other "honor bright" How little to complain there‘d be, I{ I knew you and you kuew ine. HEN‘ERE we ship you by mistake Or in your bill some error make; From irritation you‘d be free, I{ I knew you and you knew me. Or when the (‘h(‘qllt‘h donkt coine on time Anyd Customers send us nary a line We‘d wait without anxiety. I{f I knew you and you knew me. PMONE 65 of this famous Warâ€"time » sent to the soldiers, sailors at the front. If you have a friend there, parcel or letter contains a package of WikLEy‘5, th ing confection that is use: world. Tiheo Flavour Lasts â€" KHeep it always on hand. It helipg teeth, appetite, digestion. >" _ t C3 .. j £#17X (L 4) 4 ef ond there, seo that every contains a feow bars or a RLZEW $, the great chewâ€" that is used around the â€" 2P e sSs2Riigr5 aN Or make a "kick‘"‘ on this or that, We*d take it in good part you see, If 1 knew you and you knew me. With customers, a thousand strong,. Occastonally things go wroumgâ€" Sometimes our fault, sometimes othersâ€" Forbearance would decrease all cares,. Kindfriends how pleasant things would be 1f I knew you and you knew me. OH when some goods you fire back, HEN let no doubting thoughts abide Of firm good faith on either side. Confidence to.each other give; Living oursglves. let others live; But any time you come this wav. i hat you will call we hope and pray: Then face to face we each shall see. And ‘ll know you and you‘ll know me. Silver Strecet, Cobalt pUZC i. old ppovij;00MC