Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 Jan 1917, 1, p. 4

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THE l’flBBIlHNE AflVAfiBE Advertisements inserted without written instrwtions will appear until written orders fur their discontinu- ance shall have been reveivctl. If vx'nry mm nine financial cause in this w To insuro insertion, copies of ad- Vgrtiscmcnts should be in tho hands 01’ the printer by Tuesday noon of each week. Sing down for mm Reading N9tices.-~~-Hoadinz notices of entertninmumn‘, Mm. Where a charge is to be made, will be inserted in The l’orvupim: Advance at the reg- ular rate. of 5 cents per line for news type or 7 cents pm: line for black face type, (exnept where the job work is done at Uu~;\dvunceiPrhnjng (Mfico. Vvhen zuflicc \vfii be inserted free of charge. Professional and Business Cards-- 25 cents per insertion nr $12 per year. blessing-4 111' witirvnship :11:1~1'-11f£11i all thrmuh the 2,11111‘s 1111111 “we corros- 3111111li112'1l11t'1 , that thov must in hun- (1s1ty 1lis1'hurgf". llw questinn i‘h h11w .l'ully will 1'211'h 1111111 1lié~11hnrge his debt, 111' hmv min-31 will I111 1'1111111111111111 with l1i.< 11111141-ien1'0. In the 111:111111' 111‘ the Patriotiv Fund and H111 (,‘nnndinn ll111l (‘r11ss it is cer- tain that tlm l’111'1111l1in11 (‘111111‘1 has nut fullv 11111: its moral liabilities. (311111- pared 111 11th. " 111ininl1_: ("1111113 the giv- ings 1"1'11111 this 1list1'1i1t 1121111 been but )10111'. 'l‘nis has lwon largely due. no doubt, t11 1111-." 11f 111'gz111izuti11n. rather than t 1 1111' 1‘ 1 {$111 rit; 11nd t11 luck at. attentiun 1'11111111' than to lurk of 1191111. 171 right this 1111111liti11n. however. and l1) 111111. the Porcupine its proper :ztamling 111111121: tl'iusr wnn meet their obligatiuns, 11. new urganizu-tiun has been {1111111111 5111' tl‘n- Whole diall‘ittl. This org-1111imti11n â€"â€"- the Porcupine Condensed Advertisements.»~ Lost and Found, \Vantod. For Salt, To Rent, vim, mm: inch or 1055. ‘25 Cents per insertion. “FOR YOUR CREDIT’S SAKE!" 1‘ alien in poi} “rat I pour. 'l’l doubt, to than 1:: l. uttcmiun anon ho do tlu'ir just :an the cum and rhil at. 11mm (he (‘umt'urt : and childrvn (mr bzmlvs ihat a just :3 full? Tn p.11 This m'g-nnimtiml ~- the [’4‘ Consolidated Patriotic Club 50011 lw appealing: tn vzwh an just. :Uhl gmi runs. ‘10 pa); tnwai'us the ('mnfnrt» (mil supfort 0? tin. aims and childrmx nt' tlic Suldius fighting our batik-s ‘I'ur us ox‘erseas~~is not that a just «but that must be paid in full? To [my towards the care of the sick and xwumled sum-Hiring: them- :aelves. in nu: behalfâ€"«can mm}: :L debt he honoszly avoided'.’ The l’nrvupine Consolidate-d I’atrintiv (Ilub .should hé summx'tmi tu tilt‘ limit by wory citizen. I'ui' his M'edit's sake. Let. awry «zitizcn give, and give generously to thv Purvupine (.‘unsoli- dated Patriaifit ('lu'n. Gixe of emul- will and svmtmthy as we}! r4 of more generously dated Putt will and s} material ‘ and difi'vrv Hm givinz- part. to ti: gn'mg m .t'mnt. an- :i’cnco. ni prm East-cm L‘ agreed tn 5! woodm h; tvpos WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17TH. 1917. ll :1 Th» mmu.- uduswivs is? gxpenditurw‘. .‘lllt‘l‘i ‘55” \\'II 0 im [t :he eat-I )IIC' re d Canada United States (;i\1 KIVQ' hvatvr Mi Published every Wednesday by “ten run-m nvt. Its mm in HHIHT‘ mi rum Uni-'4. (1i: This has ‘ to luck of H lHPn ‘ {S} ull rumor t. (-n‘l'y (31‘ 1513' to II Patriuilc (l symtmt ll thing's Toronws ' ll hen' plum: . with {bride ry mzm wfm hm mndo .mviul :urtrifivu for the Subsr‘ript “'1’” ll ., Lake, Publisher I” ISL’. w\ L‘I'SU‘ lS.’ questinn ui giving and milisting 3001115 tu re- d a matter of; debt-pay- :2 {91‘ 111i: privileges and -itiswnship :u'vvpff‘d all 'ezu‘s, men nwe corros- stunt tlwv must in lum- -. [he questinn is ium vh mam dissuharge his rum-Ti will be oumpmmd incnmz- m qua! In th u! Ruttrifime fur the grout arid war were to stand 11 it” :1lnt of Int-n n‘it- 111:1-iz1. It is the f :loiii-nl v3.2} 1111!. 111' lmw- lint, am: in the battle line ride to the muney gifts 11 made fur patriotic 11y kinds, and it is true : in general haw. given :ivcn well. int, after I]? [110' It ‘91 m in rdi \kc s. Bury 31’. um beneath the weal money and moral rent debt-paying the Eastern 1n hurts 3 ' ' ‘ "901' up! I?!“ hone gem-1'21] haw. gn'en '1 well. '11t,z1fte1' 11 1111111 0111111- 2011012 I llllelV 1111211 “111k he 111mm 1111 Utah 3'1110 111911 :11. the 1oi1' :1” Mr H19 (112- 11011111. Hmv 1mm)" her the snlh “RH Ilatos $2.00 $3.00 in the elm-ctriwl the total annual Club ----â€" will l1 and all tu response 110 mu: tnwunls ONTARIO 1! a year a year '0!’ 3'1“” of more quihblvs a1 sup- : club. ‘ molt". H1 0f {ates any the ’0!" am “A sum m IHE mums" M m ; NEW EMPIRE IHEMHE Sensational Romantic Drama Peatur~ ing J. Warren Kerrigan,‘ Here on Friday and Saturday. grem srom-s. hl'lra‘k est and mmum-o. big zlltondunve alt Theatrv Friday am week. please a] mmhinin Medical Health Officer’s Annual Re- port Shows Good Record. shuwn speak in superlatives at its exvellenee. The plot deals with an Aiiiei'it-an \\'llU wa> unexpectedly ele- vated tn :1 l‘lumpeaii thmae aml who attempted tn emulm-t his king'tlum an a «lemnm'atie basis. The pulitieal and militant t'm't-es give him an exeiting time. Assassinatiun is (me at" the parlm- spurts, aml the new king has innumerable thrilling- eseapes. There are great muh rsz-enes in whieh lillll- (li'etls ut' suliermlmeravies partieipate in flats and reveli'ies, sharp (‘()Xllll(‘tS between the malls and the military. festivals and (lzllll'OS. pageants and parades, and all the pump and spread that en tu make up the king'tlmu of mmanre. HEMTH flf TflWfl WAS [3005] m 1915 latest high- by tlw No Will he. 51) Saturday, ‘ a “Him-hi1 a stmiv bv The press Sun 0f the shuwn spea} excellonvv. Amel'imn \x'l it may lw w like) uther ‘ has :1 pl”? Hf 'l‘he i'epnrt «)I' the Meelieal Health ()I'tteet'. Dr. H. H. ane. fur the Town at? 'l‘immins fur the year 191(3. shows that the hunt made a pleasing reem'd in the matter Ht. eases Ht" ('tiiekenpux, scarlet t'evm' amt >lllilii])1)f\', nut a sin- gle. ease of any at these diseases being reported during the year. There was also nuly utH' ease of typhoid fever reported in the year. wtiieh is another creditable aml pteasing' i'eem'tl. There were twn eases ut' (tipittttei'ia amt 20 at. nu Mme exeem «tm'mg‘ the months ut' August and September were any t'm'ther premut'iuns.‘uther than those constantly taken. deemed neeessar)‘. As this suuree nt' supply is. hmvevcr, expmetl In int'eetiuu, 1 would impress (m the members ut' the (‘mmeil and the eitizens nt't tie 'Iuwn the nth 15a- bility ut’ euâ€"npemting' with the. board ut' Health in nhtzlining :1 pure water “'1” he. shuwn here 911 Friday and Saturday, Jan. 19th and 20th. it is a "Bluebird" plintuplay. i'numiml up a stury by Louis Tracy, and the 19ml- ing: mam is J. Warren lx'orrigzui. This will he ennugh tn zittravt must“ picture fans. but for the benefit (if any others it may hr m-ll in say that tthis play, the (-Ltzzvns n1 mo Iuwn [up aunsa- bility ut‘ m-nlwruting‘ with the Board of ”with in “Malining :1 pure water supply." The repurt roll-1's tn the better u't- tontiun gin-u during: the your to the remuml M" refuse and garlmgv. and asks that the (-itizvns generally give every :nssistzum- [u tlmsc engaged in Mcdivul Health ( tlw installatiun uf 11" mm able ruh- for frat-I it m to m u‘k ,tt 'uwm \\'t nstullatiun M" a sewerage system; the water mains and unmet-{ions xtvnch-«l tn dn away with the “30 cell mum- in tht- 'l‘mvn: that an {inn hnspitul he established fur whenever llt‘t‘tlt‘d; that the cows uiryuwn supplying: milk here he «I I'm tutu-n-ultmis: and that the u‘il uppuim :t-mmunitteu nt' three .hvrs tn t'ID-Upt‘l'zltl‘ with ”10 803111 {t-ulth in lunking after this de- mus )V Sun ”1' thv {mmnrt'uis ' slmuld all Inn-1's nt' motion pivturos, ling :15 it (luvs a good story, wane.» brink zu-liml. 10w inter- l mmum-o. There should be a tcndamve at the New Empire 0 Friday and Saturday 01' this Son 1x am Wt'l‘ :' 11w rununmomlatiuns H? the Hmllth “flirt-1' for .1917 are: rmnmvz shank adjnsti ut' the tcm'n's welfare. He that this (‘mmuittet- have ir sulwn'ision the water sup- : tmvn water and private awomue. m-m'onger work, 2min: and all uther matters : tu 11w health of the penple N H of tho Innuortals." is the 01355 feature tn be set-tired w Empire Theatre. and it mm here on Friday and 01' the (Mk Imnmrtals" ‘Bluvhird ’° pl'mh thrilling: 'iniercsf, zu'minu' lm‘e story svréw nperatt‘s a .1! the end of a new Hg vanilwrs to small inrh quickly and ac- Medical .llonllll it will be main- llmugll 'lllis will wutlel'uluess of '.‘ new king has osrapos. There in whivh hunâ€" pl'mllu-tiuns 'I‘csf. bright- where. has 1mm 0 l' its He INVMIH ‘v‘u‘iflf WES ARE HEMAHHEI] MAIN Defending Lawyer Emphasizes Idea That License Board is Against Prosecution. 'l'lu- l’uliw ('uurt nuu' meets fur its usual weekly performum-v iu the morning instead of at night. thus do- pzjiviug many of :1 free slum iu the evenings. g‘i'egntinn ut amputated n1'(’\\'()()tl.' in other words. \x'ln'». what, when and why is the nigger in the \mudpile.’ After listening- tn stit't' zii'g'nnwnt‘s t'i'um ('hiet’ ('mt't, License inspectin- Blackwell and Sulivitm' [)m'nnvy an the ”no Side and MI'.‘ Mni'i'mv '5 lawyer on tho ntlim'. Magistrate Atkin‘snn ro- sm'vml (twisiun until next 'l'lnn'sdziy’s («nut Steve Sioi'ifi'. wlm was nnv nl' the snow! purvhzising‘ the invalid Wino fmm Mum-my, way: 2" Even his hearing on the charge of' having: liquor in :1 plave other than a private d\\'clling. He admitted to it‘ll cases «it slim gin and that? barrels nt‘ wine. and t'rankly explained that Murrow llad suld tlw stutt’ to him under an odd agromnmxt pi'mluood in mart. 'l‘lie Magistrate t'annd Sim'itt' guilty of the charge laid against him and llllml him :52th and busts (n' a tln'w-nmntlis' ll‘l'lll in jail. (m 'l'hnsda)‘ last axnnng the inter- esting cases lwt'nre Magistrate Atkin- Sun was that ut' 1‘}. J. Murruw. Pru- ln'ietm' nt.’ the Ontario “'ino (‘mn- pally, 'l‘ni‘ontn, who was oharged some time last year with a breavh of the Temperance AM by bringing: invalid wines intu tnwn fur sale, the pulice claiming that the wines were used this thusncss.’ Has sunwmw snme interest in smnething or nthor. or is there a mlurcd gentlenmn in the 113.:- g'regutinn ut' :unpututed firowuml .’ In other WUI'dS. whip. what. when and .\. ('nle 8:13‘51" "'l'he gene‘al «levelupment in the, l’m'eupine eanm has been very satis- l'aetury. lieniqles eonshlel'ahle iltltll- tinns tn the ore reserves of the two larger properties, the "llnlline'er and the Hume, the year has been netewmu thy on aeemmt nl.’ the important (we lHNllGS lnltalml on the LtlUtlâ€"l'nut. level of the Melntyre l‘lxtensiun. the 100- mm; level ot.‘ the Selnnnaeher. and he- tween the seventh and ninth levels nt.‘ the l’nrenpine (.‘mnvn, in all eases a(l<l- im: materially to the value ut,‘ the flEVElflI’MENTE IN Pflflfils'l’lflf CAMP flflf SMISHIBIHHV Several More Mines in Near Future, Says Noted Writer. “'ritiug- in 1‘ mm] Vinunoinl “1111(- “le properties making up the production 011' nine million dollars in 1910' were: lInlling'ei', Dunno. Mcln- T)'l'(‘. l’m‘mxpine (Ti'uwn. Vilmnd, Schu- mnvhor and Home Lake.” “Around these prodnrers :1 (-onsicl- erahlt- number of promising; prospelvts are being tested out by diamond drill or mining. and besides those. many others are operating- both in Doloro aml Shaw, and some activity is also shown to the north of l’orrupine Lake. From this (lovclopment work we may expect to have several more mines added to the list otf producers within the next“ twelve months. (‘on- sitlerim.r present war vomlitions, it is remarkable that St) much activity is being shown in this district, and; it? the times were normal this would as~ some the proportions of a boom.” amuunt fur all patriutie purposes each munth. The amnunt aimed at by the new Hub is $6,000 per month. and there seems no reason why this Slumlql nut he more than met. The. various sm-ioties will receive amnunts for their necessary work as suggested above runl the balance will go to the Patt'iutie Fund. The latter in Canada will need this year $14,000,000, so it is easv tu see why all should do their part. At it puhiio meeting presided uver by .‘Itt}'nr McLaughlin. last evening, the. matter was discussed and organ- ization cnmxneneed. Mr. Stewart of the (‘zmndian Patriotic Fund, Ottawa, ably outlined the plans of the pro- BflNBflllflflIlflH [If ((‘cmtinued from pa Hw 'I‘m‘nntu ( 1 Review. Ml THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE 2121‘ 1') lw am- .\1'thur W. RUTHERFORD, O. KABEL. IIMMINS lflDGE, I.U.fl.f. N0. 459 GEO. LAKE, W. G. SMITH. 1'05th Hub. and was well supported by addresses t'mm tho Mayur, Mr. A. H. (Hulw, Dr. lennis, Rev. Fut'hvr 'l‘hwizmlt. Mr. ('hus. Pierce and others. The i'ullnwing are thv mffit-ers 21ml ('xm'utiw (-mmnittvo selooh'd at Hw meetin_'_:‘:â€"â€"â€" I.’l‘(‘$i(lt‘llt~â€".\. R. (Hobo. \'ir(*-l’rvs.-â€"~.\Izlynr M,(‘L:lu_u'hlin. lun. Timmins .liHl (Truss: Dr. J. A. Melnnis. l).Y.li. ('lul): Mrs. M. A. l‘lllis. Selnmmelier: Mrs. llielizn'ilsuu, 1. 1'1. Dunn. 'l'nwnsliip m" 'l'isilzile: lleeve S.\'l\'0$l(‘l‘ Kennedy. l’mver (‘umpzmyz L. S. Newhm. Lumber (‘ampsz Mutt llnix'iii,'('. M. Auei‘. A. ll. lx’t'alnslmt‘tmn. Dan “Tommi“. l’ureupine: (leni'ge liannermnn. Mine l'lmpluyees: (let). Dewar, l’liil Tezli'e, Put. ('(mper. l’ureupine ('mwn Mines and all nthei' mines will nlsu l)('. rel)- i'esenteil (m the (‘mumittee, and it is ills” provided that names will lH‘ :ul- (letl hi the ('mnmil‘tee as the nee-(ls «if further i'eln'esentatinn sue-54ml. ('mnmittovâ€"Minvs: W. M. Summerlmyvs. N. .l. l'Ivvrml. \V. H. Hayden. .l. (7. Houston, h’. J. I‘Inms, i}. le'lzuumy, I]. W. Darling. Timmins: J. l’. 'l'uil- Inn. Timmins Red Cross: [)1‘. J. .\. lennis. ILYJL ('luh: Mrs. M. A. l‘lllis. Srhmnzwlwr: Mrs. liivlnn'nlsml. 1. 1'1. Dunn. Township ni‘ 'l‘isdalu: 'l‘rcasu rm SW wt :1 l'_\' Moots every Tuesday evenâ€" ing in their lodge room on Third avenue. Visiting bru- fhei's requested in attend. Moots every first and fourth Monday evenings of each month, ()ddfellows Hall, Third avenue. Visiting brethren ul- '\\'n_\'s welcome. TIMMINS UH. N0. 2552 Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payabie half-yearly, 1st Am" and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one.quartcr of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. OTTAWA, OCTOBfiR 7th, 1916. K. DOMINION OF CANADA DEIENTURE STOCK HOSE WHO. FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Jmmnetl DeLnn {{nlmins \Ynukm’ IN SUMS CF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. 99¢¢o§¢o¢o¢o¢boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog INVESTORS lâ€"7â€", Miss A. A. Baudry, R.N. The best and most-up-to- (lute Livery 01' its kind in South Porcupine Automobiles for Hire‘ Open Day and Night- Phone 31 Livery and Transfer POST GRADUATE NURSE OF NEW YORK CITY HOS- PITAL. PREPARED TO DO GENERâ€" AL NURSING. ENGAGEMENTS MADE IN ADVANCE POR MATER- NITY CASES Apply at 46 Pine St., day or night. S; WHEELER South Porcupine Finance, Ottawa. CANADIAN MININB MANUAl CANADIAN MINING JflUflNll A 4232 page cloth bound lmuk on minerals and mines. Price $2.00 Edited by Reginald .I‘I. Ilnre, editm' ol.’ the Canadian Mining Journal. A Juurnui (‘lcmtod tn the ring]- ing industry. Published twin- mnnthly. Send fur :1 sample to 202‘; Aclvluidc St. W., Tumnto. E. M. Allworth For Town of Timmins 1i [‘1M(f)\' I'll ) Next to Imperial Bank PINE STREET, TIMMINS QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN

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