Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 Jan 1917, 1, p. 1

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f7 Something Wrong with the “é " World,” Says Miss Hughes £28m nmnuuu anus m: was wm Since the last i>suo of The Advance. Lieut. J. M. Allan and Sorgt. Stuvkr “-911 have added hm mum 'I‘immins menitu their recruits fur the 223th. 'Ufifi'other good men have also been seen "(I from Mait!105c»1:, including: Mr. Lawn-nob Johnston. sun of Mr. I). Johnston, Maynr ut‘ Mauhcsun fur several years-this year re-vlccted by acclanution. ' Two More from Timmins. Three from Matheson. many More Good Prospects. tion. “\Vhalt (IN “'0 gain}: 1 about it!” asked Miss Hughes. saw only «me way xmwâ€"-"'l‘he 01's must. refuso to he walked on inust kick tngvther and kirk a game time and make 0110 area Speaking of wrong- eunditiuus that she had found in factories sinee she. had become 11 ‘ ‘ worker,” Miss llughes said: “All the 11t1'111'ities are not in Belgium.” There were praetieully 1111 1:7")1111’1ini0n laws for the advantage 111' the Workers, and tlmse 1111 the banks were simply jokes. She t'111111d t'11e- tury hands \vui'kin}: t'mm seven in the 1111‘11'11i11g' until eight. at night, six days, for $4. ()0 per week 111 one t'111e- ‘tm'y rills put; in 48 evelets t'111' tl 11'-ee quarters 111' 11 111111. and "se:1111ed” shirts 1'111'1') rents 11 111171311. There was 1111 fresh air rumlllg t1» th11t t'uetury, except) past. 11. gas t'11et11131'. Some. \1'111‘ke1l t'mm 7 to S) 1111' $3.01) 11 week. .111 another 11l111'e the 11'111'k1-1's dare not meet (11' 1:11 to 11. 111111! to hear l11h111' Speakers. The speaker had t1) g1) out in the country and talk t1) :1 lot 111' tall g.;111ss-~the"111111e sluvse " being hidden in the :1111ss. “Hand-night!" Enlarging; 1111 11111diti1111s 1111111i11i11g:l ln 12c ctm'ies, Miss llughes said that ,ther11‘qte t.1et111 111s 11'h11e it 111111l1l he upossihle tn get halt the e111pl111'- ees out. s1it"el.1 i11 ease 111 1111-. l.\e11 the. laws new 1111 the stutute hunks are not, e11t'111'1'e1l. .-\t the hegiuuiug at" the 11111 the (l111’ei'11111e11t ‘lmd mm the labor people that they \1'11nl1li111t have time to attend tn 1111)’ legislatiuu t'111' the 11'111'l11‘1's while. the war was 1111, but it. 11'11s shuwn that there. was luts of time 1701' 1'111'11111'11ti11u leg-isla- tlw are (If the the worker gets less." All wealth was produced by labor, and the workâ€" ers in the final analysis pay ovary- tllingâ€"â€"dm\'n to the wry salaries ”F the men in Governments. The good «or! being done for Vol 3. No 10 NIEOE OP GEN. SIR SAM TELLS BIG AUDIENCE SUNDAY EVEN- ING 01’ WRONG CONDITIONS AND THE REMEDY FOR THE WORKERS. HOT SHOT FOR GOVERNMENTS. NICKEL QUES- TION TOUCHED UPON. “W3 'atum lvglslu- gain}: to do Hughes. She. -“The work- rent ll. big: .\ll H. H‘ Mr. (‘. G. Cumming, the only ex- clusive what-co store in the town, has moved this week to Third avenueâ€"â€" next the Imperial Bankâ€"and is fixing a uicv, neat, cosy little tobacco shup for the nvmmmmlatiuu uf his grow- ing vustum. to 005 238th Railway ('onstruction Battalion is also evident-ed hy the number of promising prospeets now in line in 'l‘innnins, South End. Mntheson, and many other plaees in the (listriet. Many of these. llth‘l'cfilt‘tl men will no tlUllht definitely decide to join up with the 228th to “do their hit ” with men they know at work they know. 011mg“ M" the l'num tn St‘l'lll'l.‘ lwttm' mnulitiuus. He thought. this ('amp did not haw as many advantages from the labor stumlpuint, as uthm' mumps where there was hotter organ- ization of the \mrkcrs. 'l‘ho address nt' Miss Hughes was listened to with the deem-st interest and nppreviatiun. the big: rmwd I'v- peutedly breaking into rounds of up- plause. .‘u'enriling' in Miss Hughes, EVERY- BODY was respnnsihle fur the pres- eni unjust. eninlitiuns, and ("verylmdy should «in his ur her part to bring real justice and liberty to the world. The. President m‘ the )Iiners' [71min 011szny presided at the meeting and made an opening,r appeal for unity among: the workers and the strength- ening «if the I’niun to seem-e heifer conditiuns. He thought. this (‘amp did nut, have as many advantages fruni the lahur stundpuint as other may and eonditions seeured by the unions. “Une hundred per rent. or- ganization" ot' the workers was what she :ulvoeated. With that, the bosses would just have to give in to anything and everything, just like that. Speaking: of the niekel. question, Miss Hughes said that the interna- tional Niekel (fonnmny had secured control of the immense nickel wealth of ('anada for a mere song, and since the war they had been making $14,- 000,000 a year in profits, though only paying“r one-tenth of the taxes that they should have paid. Not. only had the (liwernments allowed niekel (an indispensable article in armaments) to go to Germany before the war when Germany was preparing- t'or the present eontliet, but it. was also eer- taiu that; Canadian nickel had been going, to Germany sinee the wa ' and was returning in the dead bodies of our sons. cw Yuri: is to have a new mt $15Jm.000. l'vspnnsihlu I'm‘ the pros- mmlitiuns, and (“s'elzx‘budp' ~llis ur her part to bring and liberty to the world. .dent 01' the Miners' [71mm TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1917 Cross-cutting work has been 0011!- menu-d at the Newmy at the 400.1'not level. T 0 provide for line new under- gruund work mntemplated and alsu fur a mill and other development and extension, an increase of capitaliza- tion is said to be in \‘l?\\', and the capital will likely be put at $1,500,- 000, instead of $1,000,000. The an- nual meeting of the Newmy will like- ly be held during the present month. Ilzunlin Brooks Hutch, EAL, form- erly ut' the engineering atafif ut’ the Dome Mines, has been amminted en- gineer in charge of mining nperatiuns on the Tummy Burns l’orvnpine pm- }wrties, and Philip H. Moore, HAL, fur the Brookficld properties of the same (-umpnuy. .- Excellent results are, Imported from the \\'«.‘n'kings «m the asbestos claims in Delmu Tuwnship, where the (.‘amp- bollâ€"Roy claims are now shipping No. 1 grade asbestos. l’nrrnlnno Premier work is duwn abuut 150 feet. sinking t'rum the .100 to the 300 Foot. Im'ol. ¢%%%*%0:0%%*Q’3%%%M4¢4‘* *‘3'4'03‘01'034- '1'4'403'1'4'40'3'fi‘é'3é'54‘4 '1' “1'401019'5'2-é'3'4' Mr. H. Darling. l'urim'i'ly Engineer lligli-g’i'mlv milling: nre :n-rnss :1 :ll llw l’nrvnpinc (‘mwm is nsm' mun- \\l(llll ul' 8 fee: has been out in the 3201' at the lhnnu Lake. sinnll win nl" tlw Ln l‘wllv Kirkland zouofiovnovuovno vuo)novn.~ "novovuo§bo on.vuoouovVQuaouovVauuoflouoou.ougou.on ouoouoouoowtuofioonoouov vuoout Anvurding in the wires received this morning by .Kiol)‘, Smith AmUS. t\venLV-nmvvcssvls nl’ different nations have been sunk in the southern At- lantic by Herman raiders. TWENTY-ONE VBSSELS SUNK BY RAIDERS? tions to his qualifications he resigned the seat at once. The timlniivalities won». removed as soon as Mr. Easton knew ot‘ them, and he aorvptvd the new nomination on the pressure of the people who quite apparently wanted him in tho. Council. Mr. “"111. (7. Thompson was also nominated, and for a limo) an election looked possible, hut at the last. minute Mr..'l‘hmupson \\ itlnlrow, and Mr. l'Iaston was accord- ingly alerted hy awlamation this week. again 1111' tho position by no loss than am 01110011 111511111 t. nomination papers. M11 Boston was elm-ted at the head of tho poll :11: the i'egrnlai' election. but on amount. of some tevhniml objecâ€" At; the nnminntion meeting in Tis- dailc last. week in selevt :1 member to fill the mummy on the Council Board 'nnsed by the resignation (if Mr. John '1‘. Huston. Mr. Eastun was nominated Councillor, Who Resigned on Account of Technical Objection to Election, Has No Opposition. TIBIJME Iii-Elms Jill!" I. [ASTflN BV ABBlflMMIflN nnne. The iloiling'ei‘ Reserve has :in in- teresting; history. It was started by Ben. llollinger, who stalked quite. at few of the. good ones in the. Porenpine. Later, he sold his interests to the Me- Enney (‘oiiipmiy, who are now pro- eeeding with development. The 11o]- ling'er Reserve is in Ogden iftHVHH‘llil), about half :1 mile west from the Hay- den. 'lt int-hides about live claims, and Ben. Holling'er is said to have spent quite :1. bit. of' money on the property at, one time with sntist'netol'y showings resulting. With :1 pay strmk in UVltil’tlt'O, and the mine tie-watered, the Barney Me..â€" Haney interests who eontrul the prop- erty are said to be planning to instal a mill on the Ilulling‘er Reserve Mine and [H'tHfGPtl with :u-tive prmluetive development work. Mr. \Vm. Sixth, t'tn'niei'ly mill superintendent at the Porcupine (‘rmvin has been selected as mill nmnag‘er 21ml superintendent of the. llolling'er Reserve. and much interest has been created in the ('amp by the, possibilities ut.’ the i'e-npenml Mine De~Watered. Mill Planned For. Good Management Chosen. HfllEENGEH RESERVE NEIW flE-flPEHEfl Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest To Mining World A serum] rivh vein has bm-n found alumt 40 feet from the main one on the Hun] rlaims at. Kirkland Lake. Ruth will he worked from the main shaft, it is said. The prupvrty is being devolupod by the La Rosa (‘th- Sulidatml ('u., of Cuban. Mr. 11. H. Ilatvh, mmsulting 0n- ginvvr for the 'l‘ommy Burns, return- ed from va York after :1 Visit to the head ”flit-e in that vity, and left y¢_-stex'day to Visit the property which is in the small-east curnel' uf Shaw vans'hip. ll High-grade milling ore :u-mss a width ul.‘ 8 feet has been out in the small win ul‘ tho L21 Hello Kirkland an :1 wrtim! depth of (55 foot. Tn pei'teet. ui'g'anizatinn t'ni' eulleet- {in}: patt'iutie t'unds, tn prevent over- ;lapping; ul’ aetivities, to ii'eduee the multiplicity nt.’ 'alls and to increase the giving tn all pat‘i'intie, musesâ€"- t.he.se, in him} are the purposes at? the l’tn'eupiiie ~(‘nnsnlidated Patriotie Hub. The work at the Club will eni- ln'aec all the district, and its organ- izatinn will make the «me eullcetinn for the various patriutie funds and tallies. Agreements. are. heing' made wit‘hi’the Red (‘i"(_»ss, the I). Y. 13., and other nrganizatinns, tn allow them a tail? anmunt eat-h month for their different wnrks, the, agreement. with the 'l‘innnins lied ('mss, t'nr instance, being that, they are. to receive $500.00 a. innnth at. first with the understand- ing that it' the general fund inereases this amount to the Red Cross will alsn he int-teased. All sneieties, in- terests and elasses are to he repre- sented on the new (,‘luh, vhit-h will inelude 'l‘innuins, South l’ni'eupine, Sehulnat-her and all the mines. A speeial et't'm't' will be made tn make the mntrilmtinn tn the Patriotie Fund inure in keeping with the. distriet‘s‘ wealth and Impulatinn. A Sll'nnu‘ (-anâ€"l vassing nrg'anizatinn will he l‘UI'IllHl‘ and EVERY pet'snn in the (listl‘iet will he, invited to enutt‘ihute t'nt' thei YEAR’S \\'()ltl{. lly this nwans n' is hoped to dn away with the nuisanee nt' iniunnei'ahle small valls and still assure an im-i'eased and ('(‘l'iillll BflNfiflllflMlflN Hf PMfllflTIB SUEIE‘TIES fflfl PUHEHPINE 'l‘u provide l'ur mill exieusinns that will inerease the nulput and deerease the average east. of pruduetinu per fun. the Dome Mines ('0. are planning): 1:) issue about $300,000 worth of the treasury 51th now unissued. ’l‘here is a milliun dullars' \mrlh par value 01‘ stuck mm in the triasury, and less than hall' of this will be taken to eluse the uptiuu on Home Extension, whirl: latter is generally regarded as a l'ureguue emu-lusiun. 'l‘lie halanee ul' Ihe treasury stnek will he snld la sharelmlders. pro rata, at $20.00 a share. Sui-h a procedure Would net. $1,800,000. whieh wnuld amply pru- \'ide a doubling: 01' the, mill 'apaeily. This wuuld mean that the possible tonnage, wauld be, 3,000 tons a day. And that in turn means the providing l'ur an iuereased dividend in the. near future. the five tun. the tn issue trvu sun Stock to be Issued to Provide for Enlargements. Mlll EXTENSIUN .-\ unit; ”1‘ 20 stamps of the 100- mm :uhlitiun will slmrtly he in up- min” at tho llnllingvr, thus -ill(‘l‘PilS- '4' the (alpuvity by 30“ tons at day. Porcupine Consolidated Patriotic Club Formed to Systematize and Increase Patriotic Giving. ((H‘mtinuml m1 PLANNER AT HUME 2121’ o o o 0 Duo on. cu. op. to. op. v. Jr) é. .-\ now l’rnvnwml l’uln- with headquarters in Tim} been stationed lwn- in the days and it will interest mu to knuw that he is a returm and 50 speoially entitled L respm-t and musiolcratiun citizens ran give m him. Was in Trenches Nearly Two Years and Wounded Five Times. NIW PflflVINCIM flfflfiffl "(HE IS flHllfllHl Sfllfllffl Mr. Len. Newton z-ultlres'setl' the. ('unneil en hehalt" at" a number ml? the eitizens ut‘ the town who were inter- ested in the seenring’ ut' adequate grenâ€" eral hospital aeeummmlatinn. He. said he was not: finding any fault with the aeeunnnmlatiun or treatment, given. by the present. hospital serviee, hut some- thing); an a mnre inelusive seale was Il(‘(‘(l(.‘tl hatlly. \Vhile empluyees of the mines reeeiveJ guml hnspital treatment. there. was no :u-mnnnotlaâ€" t'inn t'nr the “eaten and ('lllltll'f’ll or far the general eitizens 01' the Vamp. Ile asked for the mural snmmrt ot’ the ('mttlt'il and the eil*i'/.ett.~'. Hl. the ('amp in a new plan that might" have snme merit. Briefly, the l(l(‘:l was that: a. new general hnspital sl'ltlllltl he estahlishetl tn eare fur the net-«ls of the wlmle «listrlet and ex'myhml)‘ in the «listriet. llt’l'tl’lllf." sneh t'rmt'ment. The plan inehulecl the seeming ut’ legislatiun tn alluw the mine employ- Mr. E. M. .\kurth, wlm ililtl paid a $50.00 l'ieense fee under the MM! eleetrieal wm'kers’ hy-law. sinee re- S('i!]ti(‘li. asketl fur a refund. .\.~'. the reminding «if the, hy-law had taken away any pi'uteetiun that the lit-ease might *have given him For halt' t' the View the ( umuil t)l"'(i(l(’(i a ietuiitt ut' i$_.o).UU t Applieatiuns 1701' the tmsitinn ut' t‘iw (‘hiet' were received t'mm Ernest. Drury, Haileyhury, ('hai'les Met‘ai'ty, Ottawa. and Juhn 'I'. li‘leming', togeth- er with good reeunimemlatinns. In- Spet-tm- Latimel' and Fire ('hiel' Gra- ham of Ottawa were amen}: thuse. speeially reemnmemting Mr. .\'I'e('al'ty. H‘- was decided that} the pusitimi shuuhl he filled at. the earlient lmsnihle mmuent. and the, matter was left in the hands nt.’ the Fire and Light: (701115 mittee to rush to this e M In that meantime Fire ('hiet. De\ 5 lesigna- titm is not; being .tmmnlly attepted, as he left, withuut, due notit-c and in lumsessimi (it? a month's salary, for the i'eetwery ut.’ whieh the. (bunt-Lil seems inelinetl tn take legal {Wm-(led- ings, under the eireuutsmnees. 'l‘lw 'l'nwn ('unnvil met in regular sossinn un )lmnlziy nl'tcrnuun. with Mayor Mi'lnmglilin in the“ ('llilll' and ('unnrillm's (llnlw, l’im'i-v, lh'nzi-nn, Mc'lnnis, Williams and Mmm‘ present. Tww lllPllllH‘l‘s wlm neg-levied In lw Ml lnnnl slim-1» at the meeting- lmnr 02' MM “'01"? gently rmnii’nlml ulp‘ their tardiness. lilll un Explaining: Mini they wvrv delayed by mnnii-ipnl business snlcly. they were l'miu'ix'on. Mr. A. M. 'l‘ubin, ul‘ tuwn. :nnl llw (Wins. 1*). ,l'lnnnnnml (70., made :Ippll- rantinn .l'ul‘ the work of auditing the town nmeuunts fur the year. The :11)â€" plimliuns were laid nvoi' I'ui' further ('(msitlel‘atinn. Council’s Support Sought For General Hospitafl ,, LEN. NEWTON MAKES APPEAL ON BEHALF OF CITIZENSâ€"~ NEW HOSPITAL ALREADY PLANNED BY CAN. FINANCE AND MINING 00., AND $3,000 SPENTâ€"TAX COLLECTOR HILL RI:- SIGNSâ€"APPLICATIONS FOR POST OF FIRE CHIEFâ€"OTHER. COUNCIL BUSINESS. in ....] l’ulim Uflioer. vrs in Timmins, has hero in the. last few hat LSL I'vw readers Suldit'l‘, all the ('ussm'y gTant rt. lie the W. [the val} of makir been (11'0”!) nor 1 Lwou franc departnumt natiun 215 Tax ('ullvctur, and tins m; zltzneptml by the (,‘uumzil. The (Tier was infirm-ted tn nde'tih‘e in Ti. Purrupinv .‘\ll\'flllt‘(‘ fur a: mew 'j'z. (fulleflnr, and :Llsu fur am Assesmx. A ipv-Iaw tu pmwidc for the borrgw ing of .‘2‘3,00U Ln meet. current. cxpm. (litures “as duly given its requLS‘d. readings and passed. Tho: Council adjnurnmi M mec’.’ -.: Mr. P. Gauthier was appointed I. paid member 011' the tire brigade at ‘1. salary of $100 per month. [)1'. Muure’s vm'hal report for Hm) Finanue (‘mmnittvu «unlined the finan- cial pusitinii ()t’ tlw tuwn. In snap min; up he pointed out: that judging by last. year, um: 01' three things mustt ho «hum» this )‘(9tll’~(.‘iti101’{‘XpClldii‘itt'LS must. he «curtailed, the assessment. iv- crvased, 01' the taxes made. higher. The. uhivt' of the smu'enging depax"-.- llll'llL was .t'ui'mally notified on motiow to I'f‘purt daily fur the present is; Cuum-illm' (i'has. Pierce and to in?) his orders from that chairman. A number of i'uutinu :wwunts WP”: duly passed. Mr. E. H. II ill tendered his hung;- natinn as Tax (‘ullvctun and this was Numb Hay Imspital, writing: regan. in: an :u-vuunt fur (‘ul'qgnl‘ a Mr. Sc. «win. is to ho notified that the gontk man mnnot be ceunsicierml n.‘ :1 (vitize' 01‘ Timmins, having been longer 1 Nurth Bay than here. ”no Medina! Hvalt}: ()Hit'er’s annual repurt. was read to (Inumeil. Tim Mark was instructed to notify Barrister (_}uilfnyle, who wrote rm gardin: the payment of $35 balanm on a. safe said to be in Hw town jail,‘ that, the 'J‘mvn was nut. in he held rel- spuns‘iblu for contracts that might have hwn made by Mr. T. M. \Vilson. Dr. Mclnnis explained that the pri- vate, lmspital conducted by Mm. Bridgman did nut go behind, though it had nut, been a inonvy-maker. Tho (lamp now, however. was larger. Mrs. Bridgman might come back to com duct a. private hospital here until tlm new general lmsyil‘al could be built. In thanking: Mr. Newton for bring» ing‘ the: matter to the attention of the Council in the way he had, Mayor Mchmgliliu said the question involvâ€" ed so many mmsideralinns that it Would nvod ilw must careful thought and study ut' all. Ih'. Moore. \‘ivwml Um undertaking as u. very expensive one, and one that should not; be taken up without tho most varet'ul study. No man \'as now refused acmnnmodution at the present hospital and every effort: was made to serve the interests of all. He also referred to .1110, financial (limculties of the prowmitiun. fully. Dr. Mvhmis emphasized the fact that. the ('nmp hzid nu plank! 1'01" tho hnspitnl treatment, «i' women and ahihh'vn, and he puintul out the clan- g'er as wvll as the (.‘Xl-‘t‘thc in moving patiwnts tn distant tit/Spitills. Ile supp gested that perhaps the 'l‘mvn and tho (Imnpzmy muhl make am agreement; Mr taking m'm' the site and plans for the latter's hnspitul. 11¢.- though-t the town owed this debt in the people opt? tho. (.‘ump. humwmx. The (.‘umpzmy, no mmbl think {but :1 luzul luul Lulu-n ulT their shoulders if the {twinned llw liability uL' build m-w limpitul, but Mr. (Hobo tl Hm pmpusilion was an big a (m it, would be well to wusider it H .63.”. was In the 11mm: nth‘ l Ypros and other now hist and was wounded 120 less t 3309. “P has a wife and a u M daughter 1:1 Toronto. Single Copies 5 Cents l charm TI ) 3' m-ial 0:110 who was ‘lt‘ the I'm n c-ulum was I")! the l'f t. W 6. t'urmerly H3 mst. two yams, is cadquartets at 5 ix Buttery ty-une mu n the iip Ma tas 'I'll‘k‘ [U Right 8 “11)an .l \‘c .x' the Timmim A1195, whu with the». 1 RR, and .itutllllle manta. uc tir thou» ('1th

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