Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Dec 1916, 1, p. 4

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"If Pflflfillflli WARM per mscrlmn. Advertisements written instrurtinm written union for Im'v shall haw hem Tn "151er ilmfliun. ropivs 01' ml. wrtisonwnts almulal be in tho hands or the prmu-r by Tuvsdny noun ul' ouch week. chm: ular type In» nm purm in m gomwv :I works. ”HP mum mam lwliovml lrmltml by u Rvn WEDNESDAY. DEC. 13TH. 1916. Ml with away tn smut a return tic slightest int tun-k." l'f‘ mm: in “just I'u Irishman .\l|cl lmvk um- (hum-1H: suihlhlv um- mg a return in nrclvr In ti puny. I‘LH'I‘)’ ‘ to [my Mum”: c'luss Ht. lllllllic ”I: hm mum n the [pl'tbg!'t'~',â€" lmm. Duly puhlicusm'ilm vuumgml tn ripul “Him-s .inkvs in NW I \° I 111111) a H'ni rs gr! 1 in: British in}: sw :lrvnu Maw “luring tum [In lawn. Hf G‘Sillfi'l Hl't' Hm! disvn Hw jury In nil): IS 1' ['1 N Xur)‘ that H nu‘s.‘ 8110:}!!! the H hot-l. ye! Nana-10011 was dvi'eutet yond hupv by [hr slow but sure ! fame of Hm British pomplo. P1 filly every Human (Many is m the grip "2' llw Allies and Ge uommerw has find "‘2:- sons. "erf‘ta‘ ui the g! 419 ":‘v upon I: ‘Allies, but. the German mark down and khm'ii H‘W'V .310 9v“: of the neutral wzn‘ld. The Alfie; HI h'ulh 'uulml 1120 In pvuplt for d: may run lungvr. V 01° the pa huwvvor. ml mud: had heat for war] The Allh with thr pusi. I It is in! nu murt HH "19 Omada United 8238c: RETURN TICKET REVENGE IS COSTLY flflfl Condensed Advertisements Ml Fnum‘. “'zmtml. Fur 2‘ VHF.“ IHUII Professional and Emma: Outlawâ€" routs Ivor inwrliom ur $12 per yrar Nutv'm ates I\'(‘l'll ‘I‘l ab! llllllllt lmt ion El _\' ll' h zu-llu-vm t HM' ltl' Ul‘ VINNING THE W'AF. H ed every Wednesday by INN ll l‘l IHH l'cllz H l'l (upnleon was dvi’ent by thv slow but sure u- Hritish pouplo. l Late. Publisher nvmy pnuml 'IIHIH Ili It svlt h Immint :I I'uilwu litizvn ul' 1110 tn .. nr imlirm-tl)‘ . mtvst Hit I. attempt“: by vlvvting : llml‘t' («Lilly vlu-l fur a : ’11 011W. n ‘3' most- railruml 'vly. mm" I! ‘IDWII. 3H) IM ll‘ the best iulvn and all its. vi UH am HM ('nlll; llm'un‘ msuloru lllllllll u-tinn t‘ n I'PI‘CI \‘0 \‘uwml chrv \'v:l railway aml all it lays later lu- wa n! hut lll haw tlu l'l 1| ll!!! .U imlm alttt \\ humul‘ 0r Hf “(WV If H !N‘H‘d Willmlli '1" appear until mir dim-mm"!- \'l('\\| 82.00 a nu 83.00 t you “'1! l ft.) 1' mu umy and um fur ‘mhn t it i'he 0x1 3| lll'u uf UH Sllm'vmu ’ilith'l' [ms Allit-s an s and (la illt at mp! prm-tim m" ‘mulithth H ll uple. Practi- my is nuw in and Gert-am .9 30:15. T"( 9 open In the n marl; gnu 'zlpzlhh Inuit! I: ONTARIO \\'1H' )llll( ll [s ('llth‘llS. mmwil h} N Ill IV M II ) rants ll mac st mg 'm- m1 In hm' ()fl we mun umnu ”12‘“! llitiml _\‘ (‘3 l' NUS 1301‘: 1X12? I: W“ S nil“). fun fave 1| 0W; “'31! has HI! 1n Hw Ill UH m 1m ll ll U )H H‘ lu U!) I ll‘ . ”OOONOOOOOOW‘ It! 1m th! mud (“flit ll llu hll Ii OFFICERS ELECTED 8U ll_\ .l. \\'.â€"-\\' ' “'iddifiom. Stu-rotary- ' . E. Ila” Treasurerâ€" -’ Dcchart. Tyler-460v} ' Uhmiltnn. Chaplainâ€"D J McDougal. \\ \lhq ll W W H [1w enemy's um ll It It ill H IIIISIYA’HH'H il l'( “it I.” (in-m Hun": lmrrzlm £ I." "Us" Mrlx’inlc-y Xipissi": lenil‘ . . l't-lvrsun Night of Hm-hvslv! W. 74.2.35...» . . . . . 7.2:... 73:. . . . .f..._::.=-T.:_.11.... eczamwzzifi 4...... :32? 5.3:. 2.12;... 5...:_=_:..... . . . . 4:1,; :5. .. .. 1.22:5. 22.; 1m rt 11 Cabana- .\ulmmo- . . Hu- t'urmer l'l'mm Makes. but [)0 1m. v mind In Do. In dospmul. gricn litth ‘0'" \1' l' IV lllitlt'llt’t 'umn ll 'uu'lc mu 0 l‘ l' t'lll Ill whu up: n"! stmlL-nt Porcupine:â€" ”My and wins m1 W ”V «We I'd nl Hw pl'ngx'vss MUM, in fum- nmttvr fur 1' many . svrullh BY THE A.I‘. 8: AM :l )‘vzu'. and ’1' adjustment ~ I'OIIIHVHI all Hmwrnnwnt i h 1'" VP“ ul'clml «Ill ll rrmmmfx Hun :ulclml :Hmthvl' (WN' 8111311 U mum- :1 nmlvri liclvl‘ ’HNH‘ illimil {I'M'I‘YQ HH IH 3111101113311 Ih'h‘. Mu Justina Hu- 'l'vuhms' (. In vivw “1' all \\° erlmul 00d) 5}» a" K ( H-tin-nwm nI 'l‘udnh u)‘ msidvmt iHlH I‘luytl (imbl'; \' Hut have t H (‘H L' British to ”curl! .IH lau‘ H‘Hllt at last mm ‘l ls l'vplflcm: pvnplv haw Ill 1m rt ll actually ”1' all the nugrznulu- 1' than t'ul I \V HH‘IHH'! 1H H H HY‘ \'( ll” PVC!!!“ ll It Ill ”(HI HVUI'S prm nnin IH'HIN IV ll: I't VH UH ‘\v-\l ll It ll! (H ll 1i 1t Ill It H‘ M H .1! Market Letter of A. S. Fuller 8: Co. HM [Mum- and I It i l'iHHIH thlvl' “Him“ 11: win-n whirl: mg 111m that 111i.- nnt rum 11w prc: mm'kc: : he IDiL’Lfl lll'HSIHN buys un THE L. STADLBMAN CO. Near Station, Tim: The new Victor recurds for “009131- her are the best yet. No obligatiun whatever on your part to have us play any record you may wish tu hear. price is not to The silver :~ haw the life |\'( haw the 1110 Im z‘doring the "if metal. We still that the invest”: money by stivkix ”an by t"0 3m: €t0t‘ lu H .H'h' ml it \\'¢ “mm rob vox'yl until lllzll'kt In u! firm»! in mrmw :my (H't hv uwantime m-w Issues un- gu- tiw market which uft'or vlmnros’ spcoulative profits if Imught at 'uuud floor prive. pmvided such Mint u 3w I'vgrvttml Um! llu- I «m the wisdum ul' hmiu I'IIISS uf' I’ul'vllpim- 5| lllhlll'lll . 1’11”“. lull \\' m'vllrl'ml sun-v lull and im M'EHW .myune who buys 1'01!ch hnullls ill .ka Inns wiuu lellg‘ um- rumul ank 11ml liHl its 0H HS Hh' UT) Qt m; Ht h ull 3H ll l'hc szmw Ilullingt- ° and muviuv (‘rmx'n hresent price l_\' tmnpumr)‘ HS IIIHUPN wmnt m \\'¢ Xvurly vwr)‘ .~lm Hulliu that 0110 “2' tho bust 1'1! at tho prvsvut Iinu' ‘ulllld ('urrvnt prim- u! is nu qlwstiun in um' this prnlwl'ty is In he tho 3i: [hmw at 5Hv zllis'n l pl'H‘l l't l'U\\'l| ll l’un'uplm- nlzwlgs. lu'xusvlvvs ”1' 51! {My U mel 51: .5' do nut seem to simuld have. mm- m'ice of the silver «.mtinue tn believe H‘( mtmu will HM an M 0:: ”5 “I € L") P! H' vupi I (l 4!! H Ul‘ wul 5m m Imam: mvm l'l II with flu ’ and l’cin-umno Imxn “ill )ivlql Drives almnt 17 pl‘ mlm Hm hull he l’nroupmes uf'the ('uhalt than 51‘ \'('l'( Vt NIH nx' um H all lel mu- mm at l raw! i\' 1110 tom; H't S “'0 4’“ lluwvvm HM mm sull UH‘Q II ll public m' u! Imnm l't with IHHX'L‘ lil 3H 1H UH l't 3H ll it 'HPII THE L. STADBLMAN 00.. Near Station. Timmins. \um' Hum-1' pulmlur :mllmr Hvzlulifully vulnl'ml Slur)‘ hunks fur vhildl'vn vvuts to 1m: dullurs. Nea" WflflNiNG BEGRBBINB CHRISTMAS fllfii‘lflVS MN] DECEBMIHNS Fire Chief Passes On Warning From Fire Underwriters. HI mater) Hwy m-vm' llwm by 101‘ 9': “'1 i101 11H?! Firv (‘hivl siruus “1' 1m! 1H The vim-ulzir letter is siznml by the Sci-i‘etary of the l'nclci'writcrs’ As,- snviatimi. and as it suggests the pos- siliility of a refusal on the part of companies to pay insuram-v on build- ings rcstmyed by fires uriginutin’.’ in displays or decorations, all interested. would do well to give the warning 3 double needing. 2...... 2231:: :2. 327.. Eurâ€"2.4 .2327. 52;: :5 :u... .L. A.“ assured. slnzll ilVUlll the puliey. as in the part suffer-tell Iliereliy. unless the elmnge is pruinptly nntiliecl in writing In the ('uinpziny or its luezil Agent.’ In additiun in the danger to promerty from the displays referred tn, the danger to life in 'crowded sturcs or places nt’ meeting. by reason of a from the displays ret'erred tn, the danger to life in ‘crmvded stores ur places nt" meeting. by reason of a panic ()(‘i'flSlUllCd by we. even lhnugh it he small and easily contmlled, is so great that the Underwriters who have made a study of sueh hazards. would fail in their duty should they not give the \x'aruiug.” H M'I’IHH‘HS Ii”! BARRISTBRB. SOLIOITORSI NOTARIBS. Miss A. A. Baudry, RN. Hun In J. W. Mahon BARRISTBR. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC. 9.10 Royal Exchange Bldg“ Cobalt. Phone 58. Moore 81:13.. 'Ilmmins. tun tn l't-prcsvnt 5mm, and 12w v (ospm'ially in l'nlllwtflinil with vtrit- and “HIM' lighting: systems). dt-vidvdly an inert-asp ut' hazard. lwing impussiblc to make displays that nature lu-rt'm'tly sat'v. The :tutm'y mnditiuns nt' yum' insur- [-0 read in part as t'nllmvszâ€"‘Any POST GRADUATE NURSE 01‘ NEW YORK CITY HOS- PITAL PREPARED TO DO GENER- AL NURSING. ENGAGEMENTS MADE IN ADVANCE FOR MATER- NITY CASES Apply at 46 Pine St. day or night. THE L. STADELMAN 00.. 1' Station. Timmins. FUHHWiH he ll( Tompk- Bmlding. 'l‘nmnln PHONE E ~â€"â€"~â€"-â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"---- Timmins 100 \ka “0 mt l‘UHI ll awmg our u «m “1' the )0 I'Miuu tn HH- wrtx' frum ('i mim' ul' 2"" “('3‘ :zlvl'lnl tc mind 01‘ VIIIH ll( '1' Dry :lmuu'vntly is do- n nuly lighting lirvs wlwn but 3115:. u!’ prox'vming xll pusslhlv pl'wnlniuns. v suggvsts Hw Imlnlimtiun :mm- Hf HH' fnlhm'illgl 10!- w ('unzulizm Fire l'mlvr- :HH our 1mm! rustmu at the 301w l lu-g in on” tn the dangers 01' life 'rum Christmas «lmonm- ;. ctru whirl: are fw- at this tinw “1' your. ristums groans. harvest «1 uthvr influummlflv as drzlpvrics, sveucry. 3"" hrs! mwvls by SM'va-I'ivv vents the risk, knnwlod ’zqu-Hcs, svcucry. snmv, and the «oumwctinh with gluing: system's). 'msv ul' hazard. pic-tun- :uul . .l’rum l'ivv but with ()1 l( .99090999999090.ooooooooooooooooooooooo00940633¢90063§ 3000mmmuuuo”womomowonuopgg om wooooomwetveoooooooooo000090.ooooooooooooooooooooooow W. RUTHERFORD. O. KABEL. W. M. R. S. mums mum, mm. No. 453 Huminim grits sened WM) sausage are delicious, and they will cause the sausage to be more engily digested. GEO. LAKE. Moots Monday mum 1:, Meets; awry Tuesday ing in their lodge r00 Third avenue. Visiting fliers requested in attend ways we QUALEHED ELECTRICIAN For Town of Timmins E. M. Allworth l:l'Z.\IH\'l£I) Next to Imperial Bank PINE STREET, TIMMINS TIMMIKS 1.0.1. [3.0. 2552 VP” ll(’ ASSAY OFFICE Campbell 82 Deyell Ltd. KlELY, SMITH 8: AMOS STOGK BROKERS Branch Offices:- Timmins, South Porcupine, Schumacher', Cobalt, North Bay and Berlin. Private Wire with Direct Connections with Best possible facility to handle a strictly commission business. 4; ; every first and fnurth cvmings ul' 0:er ()ddt'é'llmvs ”all. Third Visiting brethrvn :1]- Head Office ’Phone 64. ’Phone 33. mm prmupt xlttvnliun. RA'l'l-IS UN IH'IQI'I‘IS'I' fimnplvs‘ I‘vm-iwd by pus! ur t'X!‘N‘.~'*~' I‘N't'in‘ Analysvs ut' all kinds. invhuling RADIUM Toronto and Cobalt FOR ALL ORES and Custom Sampling Plant W. G. SMITH. COBALT, ONTARIO 1y CV8"- I'UOHI 011 bru- : Timmins South Porcupine THE L. STADELMAN CO., Near Station, Timmins. In Japan wins are generally of porcelain. “'4.“ hum"! mpivs of pnrtl’gby a" the best parts. For sale by CfiNflDIAN MININB MANUM BEHABMH MIME JOURNAL Automobi‘es [or “tree Open Day and Night Phone 31 TIM: lwst :lml most-up-to- (lutv Liwry of its kind in Snuth Porcupine minerals and mines. l'rim- $2.00 Edited by livgiuuld I'I. Harv, editor 01' the (hmzulizm Mining Journal. Livery and Transfer 8. WHEELER So nth Porcupin e To POHtO. 'c (310“: lmuml lmuk on

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