Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Dec 1916, 1, p. 1

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('amadal. ('c-rminly this is nut tlu- kind of a picturv that is mmm'ml up who!) mus attempts in \‘iSlldiiZt' mining mn- i' ms as they vxist tn-duy in Nurth- 0 Ontnriu. and )‘v! liwsv suntan-cs have sketched. necessarily in a familial: must inadcqmuv. lilt‘ rirvumstuncvs whirl: attend life in l’un-upinv as it. was disvlnsml during thu past week ur su to a party of Toronto and X0“ York hrukcrs whu. in mujunrtimx with several newspaln-r uwn. m-re (micr- tuincd by Mossrs. Mark Harris and ('ompany. ut' this «-it}', on a trip to flu- Hullin 'l‘. IiN‘ Uullu‘. liu‘ lit-[myri- amf} varay mines. “But if the towns tlmmselves are a revelation to the visitor, no! less so is the high state nf development to he found in the surrounding mines and mills. ’ ' pic are liunsml in nvnth lniilt :uu' tnstvtulh iii-curated mt! igvs and hnn ,mluus (mnnlm' luau-ms unv suggest ing the prvx'i-zn-v ul' anything mun protontinus), :1 water SVSH‘LH linvkm? In pressin'v ut 5111”?“ in” pmwu‘ i.- .iv'ailuhlc ur «lunn-ativ and tiiv- light- ing pnrpusi-s, nmving pivtniv hnusm mnvm't hulls, lmwling ullvys and hi!- lianl pairlurs ut't'mwl menus u!‘ rm-i'vn- linn fur tiiusv nl' bull! sexes, vhnrvinm‘ ut’ \‘nrimls dvnmninuliuns and St'iluuia‘ whit-h rnri'y tlw svhulnrs in Hm pnint \VIH‘I'Q' tlwy may Innh‘ivnlzltv into the llnivcl'silivs, rmnnl nut and niunld the lives ut' ”IUM‘ wimm necessity ur the prmnptings of :nnhiliun haw driven far into the minpnrntivo wilds ut' ('nnndn. ('m'iainly this is nut the kind uf a nivnm- that is mnjnrml up when "Tu ”In“. WIN 1 gm“ 11le in Nari!" region whvrv prhni \muM lw nnn'v nmmr: nus un- :1 visit tn I‘ fail In lw m urn-c in ishing and inspiring. still may lw t'munl token at mining mun] Vlfil'fllflli SURPRISEU BV wanmumn YBWES cram» shtiun ham]: and vi: suited in Ile\\':~|m|wrs In; this. 'l'lw .‘lnil Im tlw valsu in a rarhunl mm "( pl‘vss up-m Pinancicrs Imprc. ml by the date Conditions in tho Porcupine District. uu-n l'rnm result ing. Ir gum! « Invalid Wine. Sloe Gin and Other Wines Cause Arrests rd] f. m" N (’W 13”“ NI POLICE HAVE TEN GASES OP INDICATED ma AND 9103?; I 0A3“! FOR THE ”0157““: POI-1013 A3833? THAT 1'33 Only On Album from Running ‘10 Take Patrols In; So fluted ls 870?? 18 'BAD 313010133" AND AGAINST THE LAW tic fleeting but We! ta 3 an Grunts. 8m Mutant. _, a flat luv cum '3' Atkinson. acne Points ram-t W 3 S '0" H v: M' Mr. Mark I in muvh publih! Um' I'mltllro HI: the \‘isiturs purti .«lzlle vumliliulw urth Laud. Sm" bum-rs mmlv 5pm nr uunmg mum». and vrmlitios m tlu. (I n! THE OCUIN E ADVANCE H .\l I! mm: \l 'mu-mn It m ()u nt oaas u!‘ rvvroa- l"n'th: That an vase sexes, vharvfu-s material had already mg and srlnmlshhlll 1! sum equal in H .{IUH Hl'( I'l’l ws and lmn- I mo suggest l tlfilr; lunrv ; l0." haukml \ lM|\\(’l' l. I l t"'iwvii;:‘.xt- ( uro huusvs, ( gvs and ML :1 5 MY recrea- $11 ll Irl)‘ Mm HM Up-to XWU In .11! .15 at Milt-11111111111111? 1111' 1111- [nulmsv ut 011111112411: 11111! ammu- ing :1hmc-uwntimml It‘quiiiliutts, 11111] that tlw 'l'nrunm (‘ummit- tw \mud honor 511141 requisitiuns aiguml In .suvh “1111(‘11111111itt1'c 11111111 1'~cui\i11g whit-9 1mm the Sewn-1111\- “In-asurur at our ( ‘0111111itt00 that they 11111! “0011 11111) ummintod. Seventh: 'l'hut i111111etliatoly 11111111 rwvix'ing nur advive that sin-l1 Suh- 1‘u1u111ittve would write had been ap- puiutod. 1hr Set-rotary ut‘ the 'l'uruntu (‘Uttttuiltuc mmld write all 1101341115 tu M10111 relief is to be granted, to get in tout-l1 with the Sub-Fowmittee. It “as moved M Mr. Ostroseer. set-uudvd In Mr. McLaughlin, that the Setxctar) \1 rite t! :1: Northern Ontario ”MS, 01‘ fmnl supplu's. am! than “two bills \multl alsn hv paid by 1119 Turn"â€" tu ('mumittev ulmn prosmnmion. duly endme by this (‘mmnitn-v. Sixth: That uur l'mmnittvc appuint um m m! as a Sub-(‘ummittve fur Hut \\' :uul ()strussvr. rvlznivo tn ' tn llmsv \vlm had been hm the 'l'iuuuins l’islrivt uml nlrmuly I'm-nivml uicl frnm mittvv. Huh-Win: tn this ‘I‘l )lll't $4158 flfl flfllif I]? HBE Sllffiflffls M n'l'm Hll N .\l Mi l llul [HUN 1ch 3w lmiql M ll ul‘ ((‘untinued on page nuulv in t :1 luutvriz IN lltn llu later date. ’l'hut thesv my“ oqu lumwlml 1mm {in I" I l‘t'll] I It‘ll! mltl mu [m a cllll)’ l. but : Ilrmdy N; l I It \\ 1" III ll Ml!" TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13th. 1916. HIHI U H'h't‘ Hun (Ill lt'l‘ m haul ll ll ll Ill Eflflflfill [HEARING UP 9 lL'SlNEBS fflfl THE YEAR liuld Hoof. Township ut' Whitney. has lwou hast-d tn Mr. '1'. G. Wright and associates. Hue ur tmn mm“ but riri: wins have been opened up. The present lvnsors intend era-ting a small mill tn treat the um. Saxuplvs ut' the ore frum tlu- new win at 50 feet depth in the south shaf: of the Davidsnn is estimated to run from $125.50 to $25 in guld tn the ton. .\|wx has stnrlml «limnund drilling this \vm-k and Walk «m the shaft is ulsu under way. lb ##ééééflifl'94°(O'fié'fi'K-‘b'Wii-é'!"3"K° out out on. on. on. on. out gn- ou. cu. nu! on. on. on. on. on. A. é ‘ plete any utlner pressing manu- nmy arise between mm and flu turv meeting: nu Dee. 15m. «lvlwlm ’33:).UUU NH ll(‘\‘ l'l WHS 2| ll Adjourned Meeting of Town Council] Taken up With Routine I Work. i IIIIHIS flflfflfl flf-flflfillllf llfl mm ”HEIRS hm tlu‘ Ill]: msul .\n urscla)‘ ‘ill I‘ Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest T0 Mining World It lhlm INN" htu‘sclu)‘ XII) ll '43. I l). It .\l mu: um .\l lllt jum'nml tum-1m WM in NW ('nll lily. 'l'urnbull 'l'uwnship. dimnnml .lrill. Hl \\' INHI' wit It's film! tn vxlwl the l'vsidmu't :uljuurlmwnt “0v. l-‘lll alt - atlwr m'vssin; \‘coim II IH It \mulcl (-1111!) law I ll “('0‘ Ill WHIP“ nmo Imsuu IIINL'iIIL'.’ uf rumlulml him ull that lunitinll. The prvson! \n'l‘v Mvss'rs. Hruzmm. “1'. II. II. )h-Laughlin. H ml 1w it vxlwml up I ('umu ll H all! 'L‘\‘ 1501 I H l't‘HlH‘.‘ In bllll‘ IN Llll lath-1's IS llltll 'm'n 9:. 0:. at. 9:. 0:0 0:. 0:0 ll III” III I0 ,000 In H“ q lll l°( ammu I'm-um rmmm I n H‘ ”(W ll' ffiT.E. i??£:in....: .4.:;.u5 -22: 7.1â€" ...â€"7. .Jfl’..._$../. ..7; 22.2.2:â€" __:...:T 3 7.17.1. 1:: Iii: 4.2.; L .. +¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢Qvéééfi.¢+¢®¢#¢++颢+¢ (will l'lllfl \\‘ 0W" um 'clx' mt It ll It 0' 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:9 0:. o) 0:. 0:0 #0:. 0:. o? 9:. o:- o:o 0:0 0:. 0:. Oz. 0:. 9:1 Drilling and surface \m dull» nu Kenna Mine il 'l‘uwnship. It is rumored have made a strike of free company is controlled by mining 111cm. The .‘lt‘Killll' mino. umler uptinn tn lin- Hvun-r ('unsulidatcd. is said tn have struvk “no 01' 11w richest wins in Kirkland Lake. 'l'lu- 'l'lmmpsuu-Krisl «'nntrnrts nut fur diam” tlwir prnlu-rzy. at puslllull ”wing in lwr mu'mg are n pnsilinn with Mr. l}. )1. Hull: ('ulwrmu-. (Mt. Miss .\'mm Inn.- :1 wry l'uilhl'ul ul'tivvr anul sh lw greatly missed by vvvrynm tlw saum- tinw all 1110 members pm] to will lw un 'l'uv: “.ul'k sllil’ln‘. Sut‘ka‘, 3 SHH'IS. Miss W. K. Nun“. Man has liw ut'liw ut' 'l'rvusuror ”1' ”W I). \ ('luh fur the past ymu‘, resigned lmnu- ut‘ .\lr< [it H "HTS“ The D.Y.B. Club . Weekly Report llflllllfl USES I031 BE llflfllffl All! BEAR Silflffl'fi um ll Wurk 1H. . Jul” m \nsluug and lu'nspcrily L m'hl'um'. llcl\'|t't' . Alkiz lli' [DOI'3 9 “Mel lust v\'('lllll,'.:‘, Miss Ho- .0 prvsialiug‘. Un Thursday, “1W. l-ltln. tlw girls will "we! at the - ut' Mrs. l'lllls in park llwir lifth igmncm ut' rnml'urls t.» he ship- tn llw l'rnnt. 'l'lw noxl tum-ling: lu- lwlcl all llw (lullllivlqls llntvl IV and surface MM; is brim: Kenna Mine in Whitney It is rumored that, Hwy a strike of free gum. Th0 llslr \xm-kly nwvting nl' tlw 'Iuh was ’10ch at! tho (3“ch r! lust Honing. Miss Ho- lu PM Sun all HIP H! Um'. 19H! n rm-vnfly : ”VUHUW hvl' Mann}: um'vntml Ih'. H. M. Huhsun at! Miss Nun“ has lwvn -l\’rlst mnws aliauuuml oll'illiu m It 4.3.5 >5: .3: _: ...:.r. .23.. .3: n. 4:_~ _: .f..â€".u::â€"-:: L. \Vufll N Hiill H! H I'm d! H't MH‘K", moral: II _\‘ l '0 O 90. Mug: Hf HM uh im \\ (‘l'l nurs i|\'( lulu will At the H“ .n. .H. .u. [Int it haggvd at the hawk; the lrnust-i's \w-l'v turunmi up ahnm twu iiwhvs at the huttums. 11' :i l'nitcd Slates tuilnx' made Hanti this suit in mou- sni'v, l’rvsidvnt \Yilsun shuuhi write- him a nutv ul' prutvst. Xurminen idmitifiml tho suit as his~ workmanship hy vvi'tnin linings, hut- Inlin‘, Min, and Friday manning am- ntiK-J' pair 01' {must-rs much: with ihv suit were (-xhihitcd m the murt and pruned to he identival in rut, size, material, bun, with the ones found in Rami’s rumn. The l\lagistrate, 3“- mnlingly, was mnvim-od uf the guilt. ni‘ the unrused and gave him the sun am! Mr «mu-rem SIHI'H‘S mm H) Hw alm'ih‘ml. Hunti's stul')’ to NH murt was that, ho hzul the suit mmh In his nwuanrc ln' :1 United State: lailur. "Try the suit on him,‘ istl'ato Alkinsun's clovrov “HUI zu'nlml “'1“! we mmlc- In Sumh suit Hi". ('luthe’s «It‘svrimiun we: I'mml Tho lit H him pwkm! up hml lwvn slum, rvstml mm M was. Implu‘n 1111.. 11111! H10 twu Imttlt‘s 111' gill sink”! :1 suit «11' cluthvs 111:14lv fur tlw Pun-11111110 «lislriv’. ”1101' Kraft was 1111'” 11111111121111 his . '111-1lm' k llu lmttin Ii!“ H! H O O in I manual I: mmml imv Sm. “1 uHu-r vusv m or with”!!! :I is that ut' I. Nurmiuuu r0 MflBISTRME KH'JWS WHEN A SUIT l5 fl HI HEAD OI‘ THE NEW BRANCH DEPARTMENT VISITS TEE CAMP TO STUDY CONDITIONS AND TO PLAN WAYS AND MEANS POI! ASSURINO SAFETY TO LIFE AND PROPERTY. Better Protection From Forest Fires For 'l‘immins .\ fl vrxm n 0:anch III mt HH~ risoncr's St'on Was a Bad Pit. Because the Suit Was. And. of Course. Some Liquor Cases USP In 'l'hu i'kH! up “Ham and Nunsmvzm. wlm :| how: sammling‘ 11w sumo kind “1' lmttlu. Smu'vhing‘ thvir mums un- r al warrant, lw l'unml Huthing mm- rninu the vase. but he lmu'nml t'rum .\| rip! inn I. but. \wrv n-malmlml mm] 'l'humluy. ~m|u‘°r ch. nu tlu- liquur vlmrg‘os. ‘t'nl'c- rmuly n-livt' mm lw lwnught Iv slul')‘ n3. HIP “Throw R’s,” am- r c-use- has In lw hruught in. with 'ithmll :I le'luit. This ullll'l' muse ing thv ruse, but he l< hm :Ilmut Ihv “Hm «I with warrants. tl suit “1' c-lntlws «lnl 1m! swm tn anti. but a pair nl' cuffs litlml all right. lhn pnlivv marl. 'l'lmrsclay night lablv Sally 1011] HY finding 11:0 and the «lit't'm'mxl sturivs mm by .\llvn \\‘ I'nr «lvln'mgv. l'ruvnu-ml Hm- vn umlvrslumlin: than it was kvpt. in :1 [Il‘iwltv I'vsidmlm'. :Ircls. 13m l’rminvizll (H'livvr than 1110 liquur was in :I lzlilur unl inthig'ntiug this lw alr- llw tuilul' and littml him iutu the 1mm: m-Ils \leer lu- ru- t'rum Saturday until Mmuluy, uv. le'mim-n's tuilur shnp nlmut tiw ntlwr mun. m», th warrant-z, tlw trip was Suuth l’nrrupittv. 'l'hvrv 't IUHIC's' unmx'vring' thv right. It was found in Ranti's f, atlas! thorn was In» gin. Ht. «4”st (“(1 [ml sm'ltl in but a pair nt' rut't's tittml nn HH- 1 (Haiti and ‘SIIIH .\l | I' ”W” 14) H ll! - D. l/A HILL! in “mm llul Hnluws hunts. lil we im'lws at nilcd Stunts suit tn mou- shuuld writv n his knmm; the lruusors HHII W hum Hi! was May: I la Sal” {I l'l smltvnm H1 nun-1m manning; \H II us m: an uf H l'l I£l\'ll| HU‘ lalllc Mm :Iml W315 tll)‘ Hn H‘ t'. Maj/.utim rlmrgml mill; fuulx: llquur in an unauthorim-‘l plum. w:. rvummlml fur a wwk. l. Nurmim-z («barge-d similarly, was similarly.“ (lea: with. Several other c-lnarges 1w! h l‘rmiw'iul (TonstablP Allen WH‘f‘ m 1 l ‘i'mrxwd until 'I‘lmreda)’, but. 9" ;, “H “01” Hall} illlttl lUlS 'l'sxillnn, I‘I. Illills‘. and H Hun Hm um-nsml umnv gut drink. '1'” prmhu-v Midew J. V. Huilt'uyle, whu “M" Hmmm'uri, was granted a. a juurmant. .‘I‘lvla “nth! “('l'ill .... .....5. .....é: ......7. ......z; 5i: 2 $.37... ..r.._7. 5.2.2:: ......7. ..Z.:: F... 22.71.21â€" 1.17. ......I. .7. ......7. ..::__.n.::._..7. r57. 11:.â€" .7 _ ......2 55...? ......7 .E .5... 2: ...“... ; ml7. .232: £47 5.57 :2 32:: .../:7. 34:27:â€" .r..£7. .71.: 45.. h“ 1.17. 5.2:“...7. 1L7. ........:_::_:_.. .r..._.::_.. ..r...7. 7:: :7. 3...: .....5. ...... ...: ..E...:._..: ... ... :7...” 3:. ...7. ...:.:.7. .: .2 ......S. 7:: 2. _.;_:_..f. ..r...__’ 1:... .7. .233. .17. .....:.. i=3. 3...: :5 ...: ....2: h 9.7.. 17. 1:1...7. ..r.::._:..// .2 ... ”5:57 ...7... .3217 ..r._7 ...... ...7. -i...E.E.__..._ ...: axifizb 277...: 95:: 3:227. ...r..::_.:.:_ Piifififlfl? Mil Sflfilfifllf flilNBf IHUBSMY EVENING 'l'l'fit \‘vnt H'I‘t H iss‘vs I’Mm's‘. Mrs. \Vil 1:, Miss Jumioswn. \V c Alvin's. Vary. Smith. Slw I'M”, Irving, Lux'n)‘. Lung}! -, (‘. Jmmnvtt, J. Slum-ham nclors and Bencdicts of the For cupinc District Enjoy Delight- ful Event. Lmul, qnu. SIN “2’0 1'. K (I H Single. Copies 5 Cents \\' H H H g'It'3Inzx:Il 3|!ch .‘ll€'°'!'~.%flll Huw'ljr “all uh 'I.’Hn'.~'«l wlwn :Iu- lhu-hc-lurs and I I0 l’nrc-upim- l’isll‘iv! III-l INN! clxlllc'vs Hf Hu' swim I was umrkml fur ”w :H frivmllinvss prevailing: :1 ml. and nu mu' uttvmlml vnjuy llH' owning. TI mnmvHrlhy. invlmling n v |»_\' Mr. Martin. liimlis Illullths' smm only M'idmu * liquur charm rum- t'vllmx‘s u hall Hwy ('ulllq I'UHHI iuill'uylc Hulla’llw wins! the “run Hf l' m \\'(‘( ‘unwm Runsu I'I D I" t H uwurx wzr fine with 1110110 1:11 I“ “'0! {H'Hl mum. .\| l‘l m mu 1" H ll HM ”ll l’l h‘t'ilfi”! (I sm'iuhililv muuy .232.» 1; 115m .32. is, .23, ll IN IIIH' I"? atl-o lmlit u‘sh .\l r. HM 18m m «Ii-l mum". M N. clc' “n2

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