Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 Dec 1915, 1, p. 7

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lfl Illfllfll VINE _ “If BIB!" IIIERESI Blllflfl Ill lfllfiffl Anticipating lho‘ Immlvlpnl l'lvw llama. llw l‘anadiun Sull’mw Assm‘io Mint: 50!" an Nun-mlwr '3 9!, 19H. :1 letter M the lmud nt' wwln ()Mnriu mtmirhmlily. nll llu- lmlm-lu‘s uf llw \\'.('.'I'.U. and all the m-wapulu-n nl' tlu- l’nwinw. Tlml th-r sugm-sml that the various Inflfllrlpnlllivs slumlvl all; llII' ”Marin ld'gislulnrv lu puss a law. grunting In marriml mmwn tlu- Mme prhilrgm an M» nuw a-njnyml by wialuws and spixhlvr‘. mnl llml u referendum lw Iu'wn in llw vurimm munirllmlilics. .\s a result or this lvm-r twenty- Ilvv rvt't-rvmln \wrv lurk! in us "may umnivilmlities and all giving a mnj- urily I'ur tlw n-t'c-rmulum. Mm"! 15" ntlu-r nunnivipnlilws :m-mnrinlizml tlw Qatari“ (imrrnnwnl in I'xu'ur our NW“ . ummm-. im-lwlim; 'l'urunm mu! IS amt of the 22 vitiws in “w I’rnvim-v. Having lmmu-cl Hm: .wwrul utlwr muniripnlitivs [mm-d rc-mlmiuus uml mmnm'iulimd llw Hnmriu (iuwrnnwut \vilhuut lmving nutifiw! mar A‘Salbl'ill- tiun we will l'fllh’itll‘!‘ it :1 t'nmr if in fnhm- rallies 01' surh I‘vsulllliuns lw smut In um Ills". During: IIII~ his. «NVIIIH III' ”I0 (NH- III'iII lA-gislIIIIII'I- Iiw I'IIIIIIIM gI'IIIIImI IIII iIItI-rviow In II IIIrgI- III-IIIIIIIIinII l'l‘pfl'ffl‘lflillg II" ”III P'nninvm which IIrI‘vaIlmI III‘fJIIIIIt‘llth IIIIII III‘Ill'I‘SSQ'H iII Imur III the municipal \uIv Mr "Ian'- riml \mIIII-II. 'lIm )M'IIIIIIII \HH rur- IIiIIIIy I'cvviH-II by ”w l’I'I-IIIiI-r and hi» «IIIIcIIgIIcs. lmI. IIquIIIIsIIIIIIlIIIg IIII‘ strung IIIg'IInIz'IIH IIIIII IIIIIIIsIII'I-IIII g The Store That Quahty ' OPEN LETTER PRO! DB. “MARE? GORDON TO THE cmms OI‘ ONTARIOâ€"fésg; II‘G A8 A FAVOR WHAT 18 LOGICALLY THEIR RIGHT. 18V A Few Suggestions for Christmas Dinner CHRISTY'S PLUM PUDDINGS CHRISTY'S XMAS FRUIT CAKES CHRISTY'S SULTANA AND CHERRY CAKE HEINZ INDIA RELISH GILLARD'S. AND ALL KINDS OF SAUCES, CATSUPS AND PICKLBS We Eric 2. Fresh Supply of the Following Xmas Cake 0; Pudding CHOICE PBBLS CLUSTER RAISINS PACKAGE RAISINS CURRANTS AND ALL KINDS OF NUTS FANCY CHOCOLATBS MIXED CHOCOLATBS AND ALL KINDS OF BOXED CANDIBS LIMBURGBP. CANADIAN STILTON ROQUEPORT GREEN CHILE PIMENTO ORANGES BANANAS GRAPES GP. APB FRUIT APPLES POMBGRANATES Fresh Fruit CREAM CHEESE FOR THAT Candies Relishes Cheese sentiment in fnvur 0f the measure. Iegislnti-m was nut enaeted. In view uf the attitude 0f the Lego islntnre we would urge upon all muni. eimlities whieh have already waned miliitinns tn realm-m their views in mmther menmrinl. We wuuhl elm ailment that Immieipnl nmneiis which t’nmr the ret‘urm and have nut alrea- aly June so: shmthl express their views by n-suhitiuns. «ml where n referen- dum has not been taken umn the questimi and where the nu lie has nut had any ummrtunity. "III the eitizens be given an nmmrtunity h3- expnwiing‘their views at the next Immieipnl eleetinns. .\t tlu- time thv dmmtnthm inter- vivwml thu- t'nhitwt it was suggested tn the t’n-mier that ha uhuuht at the m-xt l'mvinriul vlm‘tinu'tost the opin- iun ut’ the clovtumto by having a I'm. vim-int Itot‘vromhlm cm .‘Iunici ml Franc-him- t‘ur Married Warm-n. \‘o mmhl suggmt tn nnmivipnlitivs that are passing rvwhttium tu inmrlmr- ute- this l’nwim-int lh-t'c-rvmhuu hit-u in thvir munmrinls. Thu t'ity at St. Juhn. va "runs. Wit'k. hvhl u ru-t'c-rc-mlmu cm lhh amt-s- tiom in NH. whivh rvmltnl in n hll'm- mzljnrity in favour m' this t’P- furl". .\s H t‘t'sttlt 01' thsz t'vt'vrmt- «lulu tho- Xvw ttrumswic-k l.w.'ishnurc- passed thn hm uml murrimt mmwn ut' tlmt l’t’uvtm-v lmw thn)‘ tfzv muni- vipnl sutngv. Huvcrmm-M mmmurvs grunting full sufl'rngv tn mum-n un- nuw [whaling in Mnnimfm. Suskutvlwmm um! Al- berta. It WMIM seem as if in u wry almrt timv ()ntnriu mu! Quobvv will lw ”l0 cmly hm-kwurd PI‘M'im'vl in tlw humiuinu. In this time at Imtiunul stress and strain. \vlu-u the hands M m many lmnws lmw- vulistml tu tight tho but- tlc-s at ”w I'llimiro and ut' human t'romlmu. aunt there are tlmm- wtm am unable tu c-xpress their «minim: thru- uuln tlw lmllut lmx. wuulcl it not he simply jmtivu it' the wiws and mu- tlu-rs lvt't tu-himl mmhl \‘ntP nn tw- lmlt’ ut' thus-w wlm lmvv umw tn thv l'runt .' tive Lines and that is what (quality) has built up this store. Our prices are consistent with the High Quality of Goods carried. Order your Christmas Groceries and Meats now when the selection is at its best. Every lien, Woman and Children are invited to Inspect line fresh Meat Deptment, which is now open with a New and fresh Supply oi Meets and iowls. “Quality, Service and Courtesy is [inc Motto.” WNO’S YOUR FAVORITE CANDIDATE FOR THE PONY CONTEST? Furnishings, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, here you can feel assured that you are buying the highest quality goods procurable. Our Motto and Aim is to carry the best in these respec- WHEN you buy your Groceries, Meats, Dry Goods, Gents’ HANDKERCHIBFS HAND BAGS PIN CUSHIONS CUSHION COVERS PBRFUMES COMBS AND BARRETTES RIBBONS FANCY 'WAIS'I'S SILK WAISTS LOUNGING ROBBS KIMONAS HAND WORK RUNNER-S CENTRE PIECES DOILIES AND COVERS. COAT SWEATERS -Mas Gifts in the Ladies’ Dept. 5W! BlAllS Bflflllfl WISH“ lflffllflfll WI"! llllllfll Slflllif “'9 reproduce LIIIIIW Hm [Imgrnm tn he uh (III .II the hi}: C 'IIrIstnIu «Ins. ing exert-ism In III gist-n in the Km. pin- Thflflfl‘ IIII TIII-sclm afternoon. 21:: December. by the Public SI-hcml childn‘n ul' TiIIIIIIiIIII. The original Is n llnndmme specimen of flu- printer's art. in three mlnm. and was turned nut M ”In jnh dvpnrtmvm «of the l’urrupim- Advanru. tllul llu denim Hum- wlm an» l'urhmme enough tn rem-iv? «me will rlwrish it as n sun- \‘onir 02' this m'vnsinn. l. ('liorns ......... lly Junior (lirla ‘J. llci-ilalion ....... Fri-«lilit‘ Foam-r 4. Solo ........ Miss llnliy Kennedy 5. llwitation. Miss harvtla McGinnis '4'. Flag Drill ....... Ill Junior Girls 8. lim-ilalion . . Miss Fanny 'l‘ynnvla ll. llm-ilation ..... (‘arl Shanghai-say 10. 'l‘wo-l’arl Songâ€"“Silent Night" ll) Fi\'o(lirlsâ€"-â€".\lism-s Edith llol- land. Fanny 'l’ynnola. Evelyn Carson. Violi-t law. Annie Valve. 11. Dialogue» 'l“'iw (.' hammersâ€"Mas- ters l‘.(l\\lll’ll Saniton. Rex “il- son. “or t Stinlor, 'lom lamrcnce, and Ross Wilson. 12. Recitation. “Miss Evelyn (‘arson 13. Folk Danvc . . . . "3' Junior Girls . . . . . ....... The Nntimml Antlwm (‘hristmns “wrungâ€"Miss M. (‘nlo Sung and Chums. . . . Hy tlw Selma! ‘ ' ( ‘Ivristmns Welt-mm- ° ' .‘luving: Pic-tum. .Unv-Rcvl ('mmrdy WOOL CAPS AND HATS WOOL MUFFLERS WOOL GLOVES KID GLOVES SILK and WOOL HOSE WOOL SLIPPERS PINE SHOES FELT SHOES FELT SLIPPERS UNDERWEAR DRESS GOODS CHILDREN'Sâ€"- WOOL HOODS, BOOTEES. SCARFS, VBILS and MITTBNS. PART III. PART II. PART I. TIE POIOUPINE ADVANCE 1. Sum: and (mums. . . .By "no Srhool ”\Ve'll Nchr [49! the Old Flag Fall" 3. Dialogue ......... “Jnrk Fm!" Philip Dnher. Andrew Roberts 3:. Solo and ”mum-- ”The Red “'hiie and Blue" Miss Selim! Moses Moving Pirmm . . TlamReel Drama “The Silent Bell" ”0‘ 17. H). ll. 13. 16. 19. 18. .1. Revitaiiun . . . . . . Four vlmrm'h'rs ”('hrismms Shwking T3198" 5. Rovitminn ..... .‘Iim Mary halter - ”('hrislmns Ilns Comm" B. hiulnglw . . . . . . Eleven rhnrm'tvrs “('hristmns in a Street Car” 60 ltovitntinn Sum: and ('hurus. . . .By the Svlmnl “(‘hristmns Hells" Horitntiun “Tn Krius' Hm-itminn” .Mnstm’ Ilildroth Auvr Xmas Eve in \ViManl HnHmr” erihniun ..... Miss: Maggie ('ule ‘ ‘ "mums ' ' l-‘ulk “mum. . .Hy 10 Soniur Girls Sung ..... "Mutngmni Heights" Dinlumw ....... Fuur characters “'l'u All I’ouplu” Sung . . . . . Miss Jcmmic Rnlwrts “Sm-0t and Law" Sung: mul ("lmrus. . .By the Selma! “'l'lw Suldwrs 01' the King" Spovvh by the ('lmirmun and Vulunlccrs. Dinluguv. by nmnvmus «Instructors “The (‘mmng of Suntan Claus" 'l'he Clnuatmus Tree and Distri- butiun ul‘ Hunks, etc. Folk hmmu . .Hy 10 Smniur Girls Sung . . . . . "Mutngumi Heights” Dinlugm' . . . . . . . Fuur charm-tors Trials 01' ('lmstmus Shopping" Sum: and Hun-us. . .“0 Canada" Hm'imticm . . . Miss Sadie George GOD SAVE THE KING LINED GLOVES NIGHT HOBBS and Gifts HE will 'Appreciate MEN'Sâ€" LOUNGING ROBES. HOUSE COATS SWEATER COATS WOOL. KID and PUP..- PYJAMAS COLLAR BAGS MUFFLERS, SILK AND WOOL We have the largest Assortment in Tim- mins. Come in and look Around. 'l'lw ('hristmms Hully” PART IV. Miss ("We Shulf Miss “chili Sula KNITTED VESTS SHIRTS. IN SILK, WOOL SLIPPERS IIANDKERCIâ€"IIBFS IN PLAIN AND INITIAL FANCY BRACES, ARM and PINE PRINTS FINE SHOES KID. WOOL AND FELT BANDS and GARTBRS NECKW'BAR. When in Need of a SUIT or Get our Pressing Prices by the Month Pressing, Cleaning and Dyeing Done Ladies and Gents’ Customs Tailor NEXT DOOR TO CANADIAN CLUB CAPE OVERCOAT Exclusive Agents for Jaeger Wool Goods ' Invictus Shoes for for Men and Women 20th Century Cloth- ing for Men of Taste Scotland Woolen Mills Famous $18.00 Suits and Overcoats No More No Less TRY Pcabody's Overalls and Gloves Royal Household Flour Borsalino Hats Stanfield’s Underwear SEVEN

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