Your Portrait! Call and Give us a Trial. Board by Day, Newton’s Dining Hall 135 In these strenuous days, when peo V0†‘ is gratifying that such a great firr decided to offer A Grafonola that would present at a “.4. -- on... mmlihr. volume of sound, no We are This is an entirely 01101031 in positinn t'm' p111..\'ilt;_f. tlu be Mosul so that only the “are an- hrict' (tctaits nt’ 0 Measurements~~'l‘1u- lu'izlll u1' lxnln with I'm-om! whim-l is 43 and 17’ 3 x 17‘ 3 im-hcs at base iustuum-m. ‘.. NE‘VTON. Open From 5.4:) to 8 pm. an entirely c thst have here ---such as tone quolity, volume of sound, mecnomcan tofore only been associated with costly instru 'I'IMMINS ulumbiu tune mntml , by :1 hmtnn m the 31150 by \‘M‘imy ut' 1111 11111 lmcd 11ml l'-'11ll) cahinctvd (}1:1l'-:,01111l1 "Rule «11 planing the tnpâ€"wlmh is automaticalh 51111111â€th 111 onlv the p1111~ 5.0111111 that is intended to come 1lct:1ils nl cunstrm tion: The Great Christmas Club is now in Full Swing. COMPLETE STOCK gm l'n- mrlws (if tlw PRO I’BIETOR Week or Month 80in PorcIP‘“ Tone Armâ€"Now } :H'm ut' nuc-pivvo. tulwt'ml tubing. Reproducermxt-w Vululllhial X0. (5. Lid- 'l’izmu hingvd :mtnmulu- summrt. Needle Equipment ~20" full mno Hurdles. Tu]! Hi. Hibim‘t ('nntzlins Hn'm- sunken nvmllv vups fur hm :l'mh-s ul' “Hunt's and 125m] lwmllos. Record Capacityâ€"â€"~ Hawks in valainvt. have :30 «lix'isiuns. \Yill lmld upwards Hi. 1“" I't-vnl‘tls‘. hingvd and equipped with New huyunut. Not many years age. one of the ' newer eities ut' the West embarked upun a prngrum of improvements, es- sential tn the health and well being of its eitizens. Beyond a few thum- hud dollars hnrmned during the wit. Inge period. these \mrks «instituted the. beginning ut‘ n handed debt. .\ {M'urnhle market was fuund for the debentures. and the sale made. The elmiug t'nrmnlities. hun‘ever, revealed sueh flaws in the authorizing hy-lnws that the [lttl't'ltnswt’s deeliued tu emu- plete the transuetiuu. nnd the eity fuund itself in the unpleasant "mi-1 tiun ut' eunstruetiuu hegun hut no a- utilalile t'ltmls tn [my t'nt' it beyond sueh nemuimmlatiun as hanks were willing: tn heatuw. In the meantime nurse nnd hm years elnpsed bet'nre. the hands muld «mun he offered and then were taken at n diseount of uver Al-.. .5-- |lt “‘ u rvrâ€"u-wâ€" r__ _ sound, mechanical construction, beauty of design and finish, only been associated with costly instruments. . - A... much- Invhw friends that all these desirable features leu ‘Vt Ix II-uuv -- n- _ lin- pe-r rent greater than the purâ€" \iulls "We'r, nr 11 I05! 0" OVPI' $30,000 an Hw tum] issuv. «luv m inoxmric-m‘e and Inc-k ut‘ I'guresiuht. .Tllis inc-idem -_A.-..A .. .J “Int IIIU'B II| IIv-‘.y-,....-- , :24 related 10 show how important a m that. no detail 01' law slmuld lw «vor- lmflu-d in the pn‘lmrminn and amb- minim! 0f mmwy hy-Iuwn. le posiï¬un 0f I'ity suIiI-itur, ï¬ve" in the alllnllest munivilmlitics is mwm‘ In sinomrv. and is hm ufh-I. n-wunlml ‘hy 1: mon- pittnm'c. out ul’ all pmpur- tinn to the Inlmr and rvswmsihilily "1anme Legality Important Point. l-an who" pmlwrly drawn. pitfalls hau' lM't'll kmm‘n tn intervene tn 0"- clangvr validity. (’c-rtain n-qairv- uwats rvgarcling advertising arr ape-- vitlv. and instaam-s arr known wham- lmml issm-a haw l'ailml ut' approval lawausv ul' iamwvnt. and tc-vlmival in- t'ravtiuns ut' the advertising rulv. Any duviatiun l'mm the h-ttur of the! law .is alnmst. sure tn lw clvlovlml prinr tn paying uwr the [H'Ut'C‘l'tlS ut‘ tho huncls. livery lmml «healer. aml ovary pare-liaising instituticm retains skilled â€pg“! advisers far this purpose, aml it. .I I .I __ .I-.-..|.' III_ l ll'gul CI‘I‘lï¬ll-t .... ...--- . -_ . , is tu-vcwury that they shuuhl. lu- vosturs soldum huy withmtt. u m'rti- tivntv ut' legality. and thv slightest oversight is sumt-ivnt, ut’tvntitm-s, tn muse im'nlidutinn. Third Banding Was Forgotten. . f x .\u mstunvc Is knuwn wlwru a loan: :yum-t. juim tum- smunlvss, drawn, firm as :ule «if selected mahngany 01' excellent design. \Vhen record is urted when ‘aised, and similarly released hy a slight liftâ€"can emne from the reeord i< emitted from the large tune chamber. Till! PORCUHSE ADVANCE ~ ONTARIO Out-of-Town Folks can take Advantage of this Great Offer OF COLUMBIA RECORDS pecially need the beneï¬t of gcod music, it the Columbia Graphophone Company has Debenture Issues “1- mm making it vxtrmuely vasy . . , >2 5... 2.1.7 7. 1:: 2:: :5. 1.x. _..;. 54:1. 2:: 72.4 $.12. $6. :25: T. 2:: â€2 2:2,. 3:; .f.: 1 ~ :1 12:. .L w. .Umwï¬ There is sure 1n 1w nutï¬ts. and as 1110 .\'um' order all «mw by-lsw. porl'm'l as to legal structure. waived its ï¬rst and second reading by the rmlnril. was duly advertised. nml submitted to lhe hut-gown, re- whim: their unqualiï¬ed approval. Tenders t’nr thv himds worn invited. an award made. and the debentures unit-ml enmvnl. The legal Mitch. dngs thvn made the usual investiga- 'tinn un tic-half nt‘ the mrchnsers. and {Mind n fatal flaw. ' hp mum-it hadi himittml tlw l'ummiity at a third read. in: nt‘ thv ivy-law. The matter “as. ut' mursw. n‘mativd. hut it. caused an- nnynnm‘ and lit'ifl)’. and perhaps tin- nm'ial Inns. Approval by \‘fltc of the pmpie oimw nut enact. It simply grants lwrmissiun to chart. and the third n-miing must he passed by tiw mum-ii. after the Vita has been taken. tu vumph'tv thv validity of the h)- Imv. It is u mismkvn idea HIM. lmmls may he iuuml fur any any every mr- pnw. It. is "WW. 0" ammo, that ’11» \‘im-inl lmvws differ. and that wlmt "my be Wrttnitted in 13m: proving-o: ‘III‘ III! III' ----_-- "my be Dormitted in one province. may he denim] in number. Sperint Io'ginlmiun. tun, is often n'wrtml t0 when urizinnl c-lmrtvr [wwcm un- t'mmol inmloqumv. There are mum things 'IOIWI'W‘I‘ tlmt (Wm u mun-mus h-gislnturc- will nut. sum-tin". .\ t'c-w mum: nun u Westvm tcm'n hit. upon le-gislmuro will nut. sum-Hun. .\ few yvurs ugn u Weslvm hm'n hit. upon at Nun-l plxm l'ur "wt-ling u vurrvnl Ullllgllllnll. 'l'lw semi-mutual interns! nu uuhmmling lmmls lmcl m-vruml cluv. mul mtlwr llmu clialurlv the ser- c-nity ul' tlw vitizvns by lmying fur the nltliguliun. as slmulol lmw lwvn lclcmv, lmmls \u-n- lu lw issuml, mul llu- pram-mix usml lu lllllllllllll‘ llw liabili- ty. Furtumuvl)’ tlu- lmm “us nut lu-rmittml lu gin- vll'm-l. la “in plan mul llu- |mm~ll|l0 injury tn its vrcclil was uwrtml. Apart. l'rum lvgul c-unsiclm'xttiuns, utlu-I' paints ilwidvnt tn :1 hum] issm- might. be hurm- in mind with mlvun- tuge. â€(M “gun's are Hut. m-lmuu'd vitlwr by tlw ï¬rst purvlmscr ur the ‘nltimutv inn-star. If :m vngiuvcr ivstimntvs tlw rust «1' Work at $1090,- 35L th‘v is nu gum! rmmm why the hy-lnw slmulul lu- propurml t'ur an identical mummt. Nopltutly wants the Bonds Not for Every Purpose. Convenience of Importance. :ing it vxtrmnely MISS to own this splendid outï¬t. is that, ynu lmy six double-side l'et'Ul'db‘ {1‘01" us. .‘uu my $5.14!. We Will send the vumplete uutï¬t. . at “Hull. and um can [my "5 UH‘ prime Hf outï¬t “L Nu intvna-t. 30 ' - , and Mm can paw a mg. m mm mm uf these grand lmmc quantity as lnmtml, we urge )‘ull in place Hg n c-urn-m munl iIIu-rvst Imd m-vrucd Nu extras in pay. LIMITED Hun. hands SADLY odd homl for #3:â€. It hemmu a it nniunee at the start and remains . innisnnee all thmugh the. bond periml. ‘It is also I hill of â€min? The emt : iof engraving that single hond uhl- . laterally to the engraving ens! ut' l‘ the total lane. Twice a year it. de- ti mud! attention thrnngh its littleid minions. also in «let umnnntt. The it: paying hank dislikes it. The eitym tel-unï¬t and his stall learn tn re. p til it with something akin tn lnnth-lg ng. It causes "nut-mann- hunk. at keeping. aml destroys the munchies! g: of annual estimates. t'are should he ’1 taken therefnre in «vivid t‘rm'tintw nt'l,\ the hutnl clennminatinn. It is hetterli either tn mld nr tn take t'rnm an may .. he deemed expedient, tn pnnluee even 2; ï¬gures. It will save mnney. and the. 1| l ilitnte the wnrk 0f the mlminidmtic-n. '1‘ Mt! of 0.3mm ‘ Hume mnnieipnlities h‘gnril thei quality nl’ the eertillcatc as n mntterl nt' ummdary immrtanee. This ii n' serious mistake. Just as n enmmer.l einl house is likely tn he judged in) the statinnery in use. am is n rit) ' likely tn he judged hy the qunliu nt‘ ' its hnml. .\ few tlnllnrs saved h} the use nt' int‘crinr paper and ehenp print- ing is eviilenee nt' :1 false eennnmy. .\tt nttrnetive «mu-nrnnee is n selling point. sentimental, perhmn. hut um- erthelesn ell‘eetix-e. The dignity nt‘ “1 vily is represented by its lmml, Ittul n‘ rigurmta stnmlnnl nt' quality tttul In» penmnee nhnnlcl he established nml mlheml tn. A eity in the “'est. but a short while nun. was taught thia 3- lesson. Their issue. sntiat'netnry in i- every way as it safe. and tlt‘sit‘ttltlt' in- It vestment. met with rejeetinn ll} the l‘. anlnn Stnek l'ixehnnge, lN't'tttht‘ the ll hntnls. in enlnr ntnl nthur ways. I'nilecl :0 t0 meet l‘t‘ttttil't‘fltt‘ltltt. lleetitlentinn re ens-ts n gnml clenl nt' tummy. and the ne mistake might Inwe heen nmiolecl hy ts llte exereise 01' It little ettt‘e ntul Vut‘t'. = CANADA sight. Munivipulitio-n alumlcl "mid, 1H I'ur m4 lumsihh- tun l'n-qm-nt umumrmwvs as hurmwvrs in the mmwy nmrko-t. .\ milliun «lullnr issuv. m â€w right tillw will prmlum' lwtlI-r Wauhs “In†a clo'violmuy Iu-Hvr itum‘o'nsinn Hum ton iamws during: tlw ymlr 01' $100.00" ‘om'h. Luna.- hlm'ks. utlwr lhingn hr- ‘ing mmui. mmllmml mm'v rvspm-t um! mnmwtilivc- nth-Minn tlmu humor M'- t't-rings. ('itic-s lmw hm-u klum‘u tn inviu- tvmlom far. my $1ML000, m for! the market. mul, if pussiblv, mm- blish u privy, and Hum, after u shun intrrvul, vnll for bids nu perhaps: Iiw time-s tlu- ï¬rst. umuuut. The \vimlnm 01' MW]: policy is cluuhtl'ul. Builds will bring Hu-ir murkvt. value irn-s- pwtive ul' prvviuus prim-s uhtuinml. . O ‘lol.|llll â€III.â€" I"‘II|I\. l"' and tho lurgm‘ tlw issue. within rmi- sun. and vumistvut with the vity’s prvsvnt hunts and t'uturv vxpm-tutiun. tho nmrt‘ nttt‘xwtivv it will hi.- tn than: Frequent Appeds {or Funds. LIE; twmiiims or ilismnntn ahnu he avoided as far as wisthln Rnthct than a premium. it is atria-- .ahle tn rednee the rate of interest tn -a par equivalent. and likewise tn flisr 'the interest rate rather than antler n. ldiseunnt. Marketing howls tn llw heat advantage enlls for a high order ‘ul' shill, anal a knimlulgl‘ 0f mono) “wires. fltlettlatimts and tendeneies. scarcely nhtainahle in «thee than tin- nneial eentres. l-Zwry humming munieipality might well have a min. iiietent anol ule'u‘nolahle flnaneial nil- ':\-iser in its vmplny. Sneh adviser ’ mmld madly he engaged in tinâ€" ‘mneial pnnnits. anol nhle tn gauge hv , . I inetnal contact the pulse nt‘ the money -tninrket. Many a mail hind innc hm L'fnllen flat lie-came tluatetl at tlw nmng time. nml many a hntnl haw ,llifl'tt Sultl at tun law a yield of la!" _ ihich n rate. in the nhsener nt’ expert. intcn‘sh‘d in its purchase. ‘hich u mh‘. uh ice. Watch Out For Fire Christmas Displays Lam Punish: ad Macon“ â€Any vlmugv, Itltl't'l'ill‘ tn tlu- r d. but within tlw mmtrul ur kmmlmlgn ut' ttu- assurml. shall :wuid tlu- punt-y. am tn tlw purl. ntt'm-tml thereby. mdes‘s tlw vlumgc is pmmptly tmtittml 1.: 0 writing: tn the «mummy nr Its 10ml ugwul prrty from tlw displays rvt’vrrvd t". “w danger in Mfr in vranlod storm nr plan-vs ul' Inm'ting. by reason “1' puniv m-vnsiunc-d by ï¬re, cw-n (hung; it. lw sum" nnd vusily mntmlled, he an grvnt/ than. the l'mlvrwrih-rs, Who lmvv made :1 study uf such hazard“. u'nuld fail in tlwir duty should Lhty nut. 9.:in this warning. Adv JV“ uov 8300. we ï¬n; flailâ€"to say thy: subscnpnon price 1.8 $2.00 yearly m In mlcliï¬cm ï¬n plug danger in pro If you are npt p. subscriber to The A- --- OLA