fl is «spot-(HI that â€W mmâ€" r31"- “0 â€but fur the â€unu- laflu‘ Mining Co. will b:- ready fur u'mm'iun by February. 191". le "mks nnv being bum in Tumnlo. having bet-n many Ofdefl'd fur quirk drIiw-ry. The {mm-fer hooks nl' Hu- Lulhw- (‘onmlidnted Mining (70. will hv Mn» «1 fmm Drummer 1319! m January 19m. 1916. Thu- quartvrly dividend of l per mm! is myqu nn .lnmmry 20th In sllafl'lmldcm nf n-mnrd I’m-- .Dilflml drilling i¢ being pusllml “a! “(at at N011}! [homo .‘Iin-s. «labor 1313!. V012. No 7. Items of Interest ‘ THE OCUIN E ADVANCE Humor '1». â€"36"" st H... 940th hr»- kon. romm-mi tn their new quarters in the “MI Ihiihling am “'mlm-schiy, ".rhort' they will he Rind tn mart their frivmis and patrons. 'rlu'ir ulth-v in Smith l'urmmitu- will lw upvm-cl at the beginning nt' tlu- )‘i-nr. t'nr thn mnwnieim- ut‘, their o-ustnuwrs m. that om! ut’ thi- l’urvupim- rump. The situation: in rvmn‘cl tn â€mm- Extonnimn stcwk rvmnins Mum! Nu,- unme, or n trilh- angvr in tlw lcwul market. Thorn in n \wll «Mine-cl and clearly nrtivulutc-cl lwlivl' that Hi: Dome in Mum! In Ilflslllm' mmh‘nl nl' its llciglllmr. tn tlw lmw m’ nlN‘ mil- Iiun shares at! MM. ul' Hu-rc-ulmuh. The Schumm'lu-r (iuhl )lim's. Lim- ited. vuu uuw prupm'l)‘ ho classed us at producer, and :1 small purtinn of its (‘ï¬pitul stuvk is bring“ ufl'vrwl tn hwul buyers, tllmugh Humcr 1.. (iihsuu (‘mupuuy *le pruport)‘ (‘ullsists u!’ 16†urn-s «if putoulml gruuml and is siluutml MI! The suutlt shure ut' l’uurl Lake in the must produvlivo seminu ut' tlw l’urvu- pine rump, and is MH'l‘ulllHlt‘t‘l h)- the properties uf tlw McIntyre. .lupitvr. Mel g Extension. Arum. (‘nnmlizm Mini .mul Fiuuum- (‘nmpamy ('l‘im- luins - Mollurtiu - Duulup Syndimuo). mu! the Vipund. Luv“! i'm-lilu: rvgxiriliiig this stm'k is I'iix'urulih- ms I'\'|'I'. llui\\‘iill.-llll‘.diillg the clvlily in issuing tlw rc-pnrl Iil‘ulll- ism! c-urly in wa-mhmu This «ii-lily. in mim- quurtvrs lm.‘ tmulml in shaki- i-miflulmu-v. but llw hwnl \‘il'W is that! the (it-fault is living Iiuuli- purpusvly, in 011101“ in t'urme u .wlliug stampede: Huidcrs Iii-ri- iirv sitting tight. lmw- over. and refusi- tn 1w stumpmlmi. (l. J. Miller, Sovrvlary and (Emu-ml Manager ul' tlw l’urvnpinv-Miravlo Mining: (‘n., says that tln- mill, (lain- agml by llrv. is almnt really far the resumptinn ul' upvratinns. alsu Hu- )5" tun c-yaniclv plant. Funrnwn awn an- at Walk. and «lvvvlupnwnt Wurk \nnlvrgrunml is lmox'ing wry sflllsfav- 1013'. He alwviaIIy «ll-nivs that. his cunncc-tiun will: llmtun ('ravk nativi- ties will Inaw- any lwaring un tln- Miravlo Mina, tuwanls m-asing \vnrk. It is the pnrpusv ut' Ilw mnnpany in push right alwzul will: llw \mrk. A very cnjnynhlv dam-i- \\'tl~' giwn at Svlmnmvhc-r'last night in aid ut' the Fireman's Fund. .Umut svvvnty- live muldos tripped the light t'mitns- Jï¬â€˜ tno until â€to "writing was well advanced. 'l'lw aitTaiir was at big suc- voss and sliuuld m-t a tidy sum t'nt' HIP t'und intruded tn lw lwtwiiicd. Firemen’s Dance At Schumacher Schumacher Gold The furluatiun is waatiu. v-msistâ€" lag of lnn'phyr)‘ svllists, llasalt wh- ists. (liuritv svllists. mul utlwr grvvu schists of aimilar mvnmmsitiun. Those- gaw'llists are exactly similar in llxusv nu the llullinger and Ammo. and the dif- ferent. belts can la- {rm-ml 1‘:r:m::h all illree pmlx-rties as zlppmll's {mm a report on the geulug'y 0f Ilu‘ prupm'ly made by J. B. Tyrrcll. The development work has lwm conï¬ned at, an area of about “-11 :u-rvs on three levels, though a ï¬rst vlaSS three oumpartment shaft has horn mmplc NOW POROUPINE-MIRACLB 3.2011 In DOME EXTENSION IN PRODUCING CLASSâ€"TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS SHIPPED IN NOVEMBERâ€"HOMER L. GIBSON CO. SAY STOCK WILL BE DEALT IN AS AN UNLISTED SECURITY (IN THE EXCHANGE UNTIL LISTING ARRANGEMENTS VIPOND U! Mines Stock Offering (30:) {c Around the Mines, Mr; Taylor. l’fl‘sialrnl 01' â€w â€M'- mpinmlmmrinl. arrived in Timmi‘ns nn “'mlnmdny. and 11-“ immediately fur â€w pm'wfly Hf the mmlmny. .\ local flnm tank plane in Mcln hr!- stark om “Pdflfldl’. clue to a rumored new flndt It i-I Npurtml that six men smrIIvIl work an 3le pm "I III' Hm .-\IIIIri- I'll" â€MIMI-Ids .\i niIIg I‘oIIIlmII} om Tuvalu) last. 'l’hi- llulliager .‘liaos haw startml wnrk am a half-mik- tamwl in mm. ave-t with the shaft at "w \‘ilmiul lmumlary. Tho mastrurtiua will taki- ahuut vightvmi "maths. and whi-n manplotml will pmviclv an "mummi- ity t'nr rapid transit and thmugh 1-s- im-su tn thv mill. 'l‘his tmim-l will he 4'25 ilcm‘lt. lt. will lw lmssihli' tn talw an t'lt‘t'll‘lt‘ (air at Vilmml thruagh tn 'I'immins. a «listaam- nt' a. lmttl um- mile. This i-niiipaay's ttlt- ili-rgrmiml railway system will lllt'll lu- ulmat thrm- milvs in Ivagth. t'tttt- aim: in variuas «lirc-t-timm. .\ lll'lt'k lll'vlmml' tratisl'urliti't' ltuttst' is ill I'ultt‘m' nl' t't'm-liult. It will hau- twu stun'ya aml has lltt‘ «listim-iimi ut' hi-iag illt' ï¬rst haihliag in thv ramp in h.- hailt ut° lm-all)’ mamit'm-tarml hrivk. “'lllt’ll is truth lltt' yard ut' lam Mai-uli, at .‘li'tagami liiwr. 'l'hv iww ttlllt‘t' haihling is rapidly appmm-hing t‘tltllltlt'lltitt. l‘Ix- ll‘l'lttt' wurk is tlnishml. aml it is ax- pm'lml that m'i'u'iatti'y will hi- hail almut P'i-hruary iii-st. .\lmut n \ka ugn tlu- mmpnny mnmnmwml burning mrclwmul t’ur llt'ttlltt‘.’ purpust-s. priumrily tu assist tlw lmtm-stmulurs in tlw iwiulilmr- ltmul. llt'ttllttg’ I'USlS tllv mmumtty t'mm $4.01)†tu $5,000 [N't' llthtlll. nml tlirc-v-t'uurths ut' this will gu tn lu-nv- tit tlw. t'nruu-rs wlm are vlmu'iu‘g their uwn luml. Men at pt't‘St'tll vmplnyml numlu-r lltllt, tllmttl six vlvvvntlls ut' wlmm tll‘t‘ umlm'gmmul. There is ulsn at large numlwr ut' mutrm'turs alt. \Vut‘k un vuriuus «lc'wlnpnu-nts. Variuus nlt- r- utinus tn ltlt't'Wtr-lt‘ the mill to 20m) lntt impurity nrv prugrvssin: wry rapidly. and it. is tlmught. that u t'mv months muro will mmplvtc- tlw 0x- tension. Within tlw last three mun- ths mluipnwnt \mrk has been clone equivalent. tn :1 mmplotv 5â€" tun mill. Sinking uperutinns ('Ullllllllt‘ with- Sinking uperulimls mutilnw with- out. interruptinn. Tim 1100 for! Ivvvl was prvviunsly I'vpm'tml, and mm the digging-s are un the way m 1250 fort. We regret tn nnnunnre rln- «lenth of Miss M. A. llunehnrd. whirlt tuuk plnee Ins! night. She was well known in 'l‘innnins. having been at resident for the past 1w.» yenrs. She \rns nlmnt 23 years â€1' age. nml leaves at nmtller :nnl ln'uther tn nmnrn her lass. The funeral will be held on Monday. Miss M. A. Bouchard Passes Away which depth a statiun has lately lwvn (-ut. (‘russcuttiug is nuw under way on the -lU0 fun! level. ()rv reserves. iuvhuling uro :u-tuul- ly hlm'kml nut and highly prulmhlo ure nnly. and figuring nu urv heluw The management is reputed to he ellieiem :unl eeunumical. and hy the end of this year the. property. plant and mluipment will be fully paid for. and the cmnpany will be entirely free of all obligations except current ac- mums, as enough stm-k has been contracted for to take «are 01' all unts‘tmnling uhligfllluuz‘. HOLLINGBR TIMMINS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, l’llTVflE-Pflflï¬llllllf IIIIIJSIfllflUSlV BIBS WITH BIB MIME WHEELS OF INDUSTRY m. MINGâ€"NEW BUILDII‘OS BB. 1N0 RUSHBD TO COMPLET- IONâ€"MCINTYRB NOW IN THE “BIG LEAGUE." llm'in-z the inunths ut‘ Hetoher and Nm'etnher 1913. the .‘lelntyre milled; 17.1%!!!“ tum ut‘ core. with n urns: value of $123.1itl2. less 93.1mm, ur 4.7731 per eent 1mm in reeuvet')’. equalling nn nehml prmlnetiun vnlue M’ $12.22.. 549. M $7JH4 per tun. (I'M-rating mists nmmmted tn 3370.235. or $4.03" per tun. leming nn «pi-rating pmtlt nt' $52.2ti-l. ur $3.005 per tun. Good Investment. 'l'his mine. eumhined with .\1e1n- t yre liviensinn and Jupiter. is une of the prime t'nmrites in the. luenl mind. The New ndditiun to the mill and ntllel‘ slll'l'm't' netivities nre prnetienl- 1y eulnpletecl. nnd these visible signs "1' pruxress. minded with news that net-mi unt. tiutwithstnnding ellurts at seereey. n-gnrdina: ilim-nveries under- gmnnd. enntirm the ntuek til the enm- puny nu n gmul lm)‘ t'nr inVenttnent. with prm-ipeet nl' Milmtnntinl gains: nt tin very distant date.- The t‘nlhnvinyz t'elmrl ul' develuplnenl Wurk. its "1‘ time .\'uvelnher Iltlth, slmws the pru- gress heing mnde. nnd \mrk hns heen gums: ull nninterrnptedly sinee thnt dnte. “illl runmrs ut' ndditiunnl stri- km ul' n nmre ut' lens M-nsntiunnl kind. NH. 5 Shnt't~titltl t'cmt levelwllevel- upment. un suuth drifts. tutnl length 71 feet: nvernge width 7) ft. 2 in.: nvernge \nlne $11.17. llinnmnd drill hule Nu. til. 120 ft. nt nn nngle ut' 35. em. ure hmly ti ft. wide. nssnying Mum. 7““ l'mit 1e\’e1-â€"~llinllluml ilrill lmle Nu. U5, tutnl length. 139 feet, llnt lmle eut hm stringers. une ti inehes wide nssnying it) vents in. nhunt 90 feet: nimther 9 inehes \vide, nssnying $6.40 at nlmut 125 feet. Dimnnnd drill thule .\'n. liti. nt'nn angle of 37, ent vein 3% feet 5 inehes wide; nanny value $5.20. “rifts t'rum smith el'usseut, tutnl nhuut :m t't.. nssnys very errntie running: t‘rmn $10.40 dmvn tu eer. .\'u. -l Shnt'tâ€"West end of No. 211 stupe. (nu-ning up n hmly u!" -l l't. ti in. 101' ure;.nssny "f n mum! of shuts on 8th inst. un 401) ft. level, $16. nver ’4‘" 1.001. .\lvlat.\'rv Extension - Shat't. duwa ."') l'uvt. Progress in .\'n\'t-ni|im', 91 feet. Serious delay by dvl'cctiru l'usos. Started «mo Sluplllg‘ drill nn nrv un 4m» l'unt lvrcl lmluw tlu- raise running; in Ill)†I'uut. ll'\'l‘l. .\'0 results tn l‘t'lml‘l as yvt. l'Ilm-triv pump to he installvd at. (Still-l'uut luvvl arrived and will he in upvratiun shortly. sav- ing expense in piuaping by air. Jupitm‘â€"â€"l'nwutm‘ed duwn to â€unl‘ ut' 120†mm lvvvl. Export in ï¬nish ummtvring ulmut, 15m inst. .\'u. 18 shaft. almwm's lu lmvo hcvn suuk'in quartz purphyxgv. Delivm'ivs ut' tim- ln-r fur lwzul frame and sampling \mrks beginning; in au'riw. .\ ltlt‘t'lill‘.’ has been called far to- night at H n'elm-k. at the Guldï¬elds Hintei. In ennsider the questinn 01° Him-key t'nr the present seasun. 'l‘his iinuve has been initiated by Mr. t'. G. Williams. ut' the liullinger Mines. and iall who are interested in the health- gt'nl spurt are requested tn attend the meeting. It “ill he remembered that. last year the game was flavored by semi-limt’essitmalism. and was not. a marked sneeeyrs. It, is hoped that lm-al players will do sumething tu- iu'ards the nrganizatiun ut' amateur Heaths. 'l'he pruprieturs ut' the linipire 'l'he- atre have set aside, Monday. l)eeeiu- her 20th. as Firemen's Beneï¬t Night. The regular priee of admission will uhtaiu nu this UH‘HSiUll. so that the ten eeuts nut ul' the priee ut' eaeh tieket suld will he a real gift tn the l"iretueu°s Fund. . 'l‘he prugraiu nu Muuda)’. and alsu «In 'l‘uesda)‘. will he headed by â€Mrs. l’luui's Pudding" iu whieh Marie 'l‘eiupest stars. and Lee Moran plays the part of deteetive. This is a ï¬ve- reel side-splitting: l'aree mined)". full of drull and lndieruus situations whieh will keep the audienee in an upruur ut‘ mirth withunt interruptinu. lt' )‘uil want tn get rid 0f the blues in laugh and he merry. dun ‘t t'ail tu partake “1' “Mrs. l’lunu's l’uddiug." It will eure dyspepsia and aid diges- tiun. Firemens Benefit At Empire Theatre TIMMINS HDBKEV PLAYERS Tfl Hfllfl MEETING TDNIEHT llllllll Ilfl mus lllllllll’llfl Wlll Billlllll llfllllll SHAFT DOWN 109 FEETâ€"VIII)! OVER HALF A MILE LONG AND 21 FEET WIDEâ€"312 PER ‘I'ON OR BETTERâ€"AGGRES. SIVB POLICY FOR 1916. ln mnversation with the President ol‘ the Hayden liulil Mines l'u.. Lint. “ml. the .\il\‘atwi' learns that wurk nn thi- pmperty is pmgrwsing rapid- ly. Elm-en nwn are new at \mrk. emits-muting ntnl sinking. the shaft nun- heim: «hm-n to 109 feet. In rnn- nimr Nu. A «Nascent in the mirth t'rum the shaft. at. 100 feet depth. at. a (liatnnm- nt' t‘nrt)‘ feel. the vein was strnrk. This, c-mss-vnt has heen clri- ven intn the win a distant-e nt‘ 21 feet. with are still in the heading. Surface Indications. 'I'In- mrt‘am- imlivatiuns lead the naturally to ltt'lit'\‘ that the vein ex. tends east and west thmngh the pm. pert)‘ thrae-vighllm nt' a mile: cast of the shaft, and it'nlly ene-eighélééul' a mile west. ut’ the shaft. wh.’ the oxidized snrfaee lilenils so «3% l)‘ with snri-unncling snrl‘ave mutil- liims as In ri-tuli't‘ illitmmiitlc any farther tracing. Values in the win lend the mamany tn helii-ve that the are m t'nr nnwwerml in nl' exec-minn- ally guml mmnwrc-inl value. h’imgh- ly sin-inking. it is sal'i- In any that for l-ilt' i-nliri- length «if 2l I'm-l. lilt' \‘tll- nes per lull wunlcl gu $12 per tun nr 'l'lu- prulwrty c-umists ut' 1303‘ an- rvs. and is silunlml 3'3 milm a littlv must 01' «Im- mmtll nl' 'l‘immins. Hm lmumlm'y lwtwm-n “Mum and 1);;de 'l‘nwnsllips [nu-sin: Ilnrnugln llw vou- lrv ut' tlw ('mnpumv's ms! «Inims. 'I‘lu- mim- is muimwd with n plant "I. Sllmvit‘nt 'zlpm'iiy in vul'l’)‘ {It'H'l‘ upmvnt cluwn tn tlw 500 fun! Ivvol. It is “I? illlcntiull of the dirc'Murs, nt'tvr sulm- slight drifting clvwlup- nmnt has bye" m-mmplislml tn sink a wimp nml t'ullmv inunedinte-ly with ï¬lm“. sinking: in Ilw 200 that lvvvl, where u ataltiuu will m m! 'nml pro- pumthpm mauh- t'm- llmrv vxu-usivc ulwmtums. hot N'r. Financial and Management. The mmpuny is: “tannin-d under the laws "1' â€maï¬a, with am amtlmr- izml mpitul uI' $2,0HmJNN), in slum»; of $17 |ml‘ vulllv. The "Him-rs and «ï¬rm-Inn's m-v: \\'. II. lluyclvn, 'l'im- mines. president and gt'm'l'all uunmgvr, U. M. \Yithm'k. Ltu'lqml't. .\'.Y.. 15! \‘ivv-pn'sitlmll: \V. H. Uiggs, Lurk- Imrt. .\'.\'.. °..’ml vivv-prvsidvm: Willis )1. Spamming. Hufl'ulu, .\'.\'., swrvt- ury-trmsun-r: Jun-pl: )lcyxnlgunnw)‘. 'l‘urnmu. «lirm-tur: .\. 'l‘. Simuns, Fitvlllnn'g. Muss" tlirm‘tnl'; MI“. Slmrv \‘lvv-prI-slclvlll: \V. ll. lliggs, lAH'k- lml'l. .\'.Y.. '.’ml \‘ivv-prvsiclmlt: Willis .\l. Spuulding. Hull'ulu. .\".\'., sm-rvl- ll!‘_\'-ll'('ll:~'lll‘0l': olusvllll )luntgnuwl'y. 'l‘ul'nnlu. clil'vvlul': .\. 'l‘. Hlmuns, l’itvlnlmrg. )luss., :lirm-lur; .\lr. Slmrv Ul. 'l‘nrulllu. (lll'm'lnl'. 'l'lw mmlmny is timuwiully mull»- [ml fur a yt-ur's uggrvssiw tlI'H'lnp- mom I'rum January lat. llllll. MR. WILLIAMS IS CHAIRMAN OF PORCUPINE BRANCH AND LIEUT. THORNB 0F COBALT BRANCH OF THE CANADIAN MINING INSTITUTE. A Ham sum" or c. n. wuums Ml] lIEUT. THIIHNE l’m'c-upino Bram-h «luring tlu- past snmnwi'. Mr. ' (t. Williams was llll- animuuslv viltison tn fill the uliiu‘ ut (liniiunui. H20 “iscium ut' the (Imico is attested by tlw :uothity displayed by thv Bram-h Siltfl' its rvlmliilitatiun. Mr. Williams. wlmse liii'tliplm-v was l'pun tlu Location and Equipment. rmu'mmizntiun ul.’ the 17th, 1915. le Mill". lmlrwmlvnrv Minn. Limited. nf “mm!“ lea. lmw' rm'o ently work-ml their rlmflvr t'rmu Hu- Onmrin (lovermnoM. win: an nulhur. iznl vnpiml ut’ aï¬mmm. The uhwk has been fully sulmrilx‘d. and in MM ('lusoh' by "w "Rivera and Hwir Trivmis. (hmrm‘ J. Millvr is Prui- dent and Hmwml Manager. may... Julm Rom! ul' l’nyhm. â€bin. ix \‘imu Pmic'vm. I". J. .“illl'r nl' Ihutmn. Ohiu. is Sq-c-rvmry. Dr. W. H. lMu rump ut‘ Tuhwlu. in 'l’rvusun'r. and "I‘ll?†J. .‘infll‘l‘. Hf Tu'l‘dn. â€hi". mnnplq-tos Hu- clinwturntv. Location and Ohuacter. Miller-Independence Mines Limited at Work 'l'lw pmpvrty ul' tlu- "ulmmny in u \‘elomn vlaim n" H50 m'rvs. nml ix sitmm'cl in Hitlmrim- 'l‘mvuship. uh. nut mm and n lmli' mile-s mm ul' .‘Iimlm-u milmlgv 151. .\ gum! ruml has lwvn rm nut m Hmmm C'rm-k. 'l‘lu- priuwipul win thus far dim-wr- ml is half 0 mil» in lmmllu. nwmging hm few. in width. and n Imm'wr ul' engineers wlm Imu- \'isilml tlw pru- party prm-luim it tn lw Hu' Inna-s! mmnmum cmtvnmping ul‘ I'm-o- gum )‘vt. dismvvrml in â€Marin. Anny» Livut. S. M. Thfll'flt'. was I-II-I-II'II I-IIIIirIIIIIII III' â€I0 I‘nhnII “mm-II iII Svflh‘m'fl‘l'. llI- grachmtml I'rnIII Ilw SvIIIIIII III' I’I'IIMII'III St'it‘HI'l'. 'I'Immlu. in HNNI. IIIIII II \‘NH‘ later having IIIkI-II II lNIfl'cgl‘lNlllllH‘ (‘IIIH‘SI‘ I't‘I‘l'i\l'l' III-I H..\..\'I'. III'ng'I'. MI'IIII'I- I‘IIL'IIgiIIg in mining III- zIssm-iIIII-Il lIiIIIsII-‘h \IiIlI "HIP? |II'IIIII°|II-~I nI' I'Ngilu‘t‘l'illfl. SI'I'V- iIIg IIII' UIH‘ \‘I‘lll' “MI â€W HIIIIIIIIIIII [full I\' SHIP] ( II. as HII'IIIISI mu! ‘Ilflst t'nrnnm- \mrlu-r. nnii was snlm-qnc-ntly fur tlm-c- years with tln- Hntnriu l’mwr ('u.. an i-nnstrnflinn â€1' tin- power plnnt. nt Xingnrn Pulls. His ï¬rst. mining i-xpi-rivnm- was gninm! in Arizmm. \x'lwrc- ln- spvnt n ymn' and at half. living few (In. grrnh'i' pnrt "1' than time in thv mnpluy ul' tln- Ari- 7.0m! ('umwl‘ ('u. â€0 than “1-"! hi .\lv.\'ic-u and fur hm yvnrs mm vn- ;zngml in guld mining; in tho Stam- ut' ()nxnc-n. During Hn- past svwn yvniw he has been pngngml in mining: in tln- ('ubnlt nncl l’nrvnpinv distrivts. 'H'ill}: at. present nnumgvr fur iln- 'l'rvthmvm' Silvvr ('nbnlt. Minv. Limitmi, Pulinh. TIMMINS SKATING RINK OPENS TO-MORROW NIGHT. 'l‘lw 'l'innuins Skating; Rink will lw ulwnml tu-murruw night. Hum! will lw iii uttvmlmiw. Skating l'i‘um H In 10.3" p.111. Admissinii free. 'l‘lu- 'l'nwn ('nmwil mvt n21 Manuy ut'tm'nnnu. Ikwmnhm' ch. at t'nut' n'vlnt-k. nn :tdjnurmm'nt t'rnm the 11-;- ulztt' meeting hold nn Ikwvmlwr (3th. The Muynr prvsidvd. zmd ('c)ttllvillnl‘.~; Glu'w. Munro, Mvt‘ny and “:11th “-0119 in :tttondzmw. ()n tlw mntinn nt' ('num-illnrs Mr- (‘ny and Munro, the pay rnll t‘nr Nnv- ember, passvd 0n vamnhm' (ith :1: $1,022.16, was amended tn $1,082.16, duo tn :1 t'let‘imll L‘I'I'UI'. Awntmts nt' Haltnn Hum, $4.0â€. and Jus. R. 'l‘ndd. $8.5â€. \wrv [mssvd t'nr paynwnt. nn tlw mntinu nI' ('nnuâ€" ('iHM'S thl‘c and Mt‘('u}'. Refunds on water :wvnunts won- madv, $1.535 tn ('. Stazti'. and $1.7“ tn A. N. Ewart, on mntinn nt' ('mth'iHUt‘ (“Him and Mnm‘t'. A tnntinn was «'m't'ivd. (ilnlw :md Mnnrv being tlw llll!\'(‘l°>‘. that. â€:0 "I" plimttinns nt' 1].. M. Stvwn and V. l‘hnorv lw I'ut'vl'rvd tn tlu- 'l'nwn Snli- NEW CLOSE CORPORATION UNDER THE LAWS OP ONTARIO COMIENCE OPERATIONS IN BOSTON CREEK -â€"â€" CAPITAL OP HALE A MILLION IS OVER-SUBSCRIBED »â€" GENERAL MANAGER OP TIIE MIRACLE MINING COMPANY IS TIIE PRESIDENT OP NEW CORPORATION. Adjourned Meeting Emory lw 11910111!†in HIP, luv.“ mm- vitm‘ fur opinion. )Invml by (‘nunvillm' le'ny. sw- mulvd by ('mmvillnr .\Imm_-,. the 'l'rvn- surer was uutlmrizml tn issue :1 vluwk on l_)0('0mhvr 15th fur $11,426.72. in paynwnt ut‘ Hue \\'ut¢-rwm°k.~s deben- tures falling clue «m that, date. anml by t'mmvillur Mrt'uy, 5m 011(1ch by ('umu'illnr Munrc, that th ('lerk write ('. H. llannuuml ('n Xurth Bay, asking that they have u mulitnr (some up immediately ut'tw the 15th instant. to have the :zudi fur the year 1915 mmpleted. Nurth Bay, asking that, they have “H.511“ auditnr (some up iunnmliately after. t the 15th instant, to have the auditlmm fur the year 1915 mmpleted. til“ Muvml by )Ic(,7())‘, semmlml hyfhet Monro, that: the «Jerk again take upi '1 the qtzo-stiun ot' the return of the val} SORT OP CLEAN-UP MEETING PREPARATORY TO THE FINAL. MEETING OF YEAR ON THE 20thâ€"WATER WORKS LE BENTURES DUE ON 15th. AMOUNTING TO $11,426.72 AIE’. ORDERED PAIDâ€"BY-LAW N0. 54, REGULATING THE SALE" OF MILK, HAS BEEN PASSED. ‘ '9‘sz H11 the nmtinn Hf ('mlm'illurs -J ‘° â€1 't'uy and anr it, was urdered Lt hen-mâ€, ('h-rk he authurized tn return ithe nutes returned by the Imp»: 50"‘Hiank nt' ('amula to-duy, which 1 the’lu-mt given by the eitizeus of "H-L'l’uwn as a guarantee for the r '3 11" 'atx‘m-tiun of the (-ement sidewalks: ,fter. Hn the motiun 01' (.‘(runeillurs Mu mht lam] Globe, the 'I‘reusurer wax auti- jized tu pay Ueeemher l’uyJioU- of Town Councï¬ï¬‚ mkvn m'msu Hm win haw» slmwn o.“ mptimmlly high mIm-s. le rluinn arr in gm'mtmw l'nmmtinn. nml Hm quartz win rnrrivs mmnrknhlv slum- ings ul' fn‘o mild and “Nitridvs. Plant and Work. .\ lww ton-hm Nisan: «3mm. mi" mm unlumlml m “mum Prwk nu Tue-«lay lust. and will ho ilulalllm' l'nrtlm'ith. During Hm winter muntlis i! is intended that plums he prepares! it is intomlml that plnns he prepared fur n vynnillo plnnt sttilnhlo tu tho mnnpnny's m-mls. lilo-w" nn‘n are! nuw nl \vnrk. ntnl tlu' m'w ramps um nppmm-hinu t'ttlltltlt'llttfl. win-n u start. will he mmlv on tlw shnt't. .- 'l‘hv mmpnny c-lniins thnt the «haw. ings t'rntn um- vml tn tht' ntln'r wnr‘ rnnt tln- utntvnn-nt thnt llw t'tll‘lflfltl4 «if high grinh- ut‘i' c-nn hv lmgxml with- mtt it shut. 'l'lu' llt'st cnt‘ is t'xtn'ctml tn hv sliimwol tn tln- .\nwt‘ivnn Snwlto in: zinc! Itvllning t'n. within not days. Mr. Frank llut'ttt'. t'ut‘tno-rly ut' tho: llix' lhltnv .‘linvs. will have i-hnrgu a.‘ tln- milling u'wt‘ntinns. utnl “'illimn .\cl:nns. ut' tho Ihnnv. will nl-m he- o-unnwtul with the pmlwrty. l’inlmulvrs' â€all. un 'l'lmrsdny 0mm ing. Uwr 1w†hmulrml mum's \w-z'a pun-«mt. ï¬fty-hm mhlvs bring in cm vrmicm. - 'l'la- ï¬rst prlzv tar na-a was man by Mr. .lnlnn Dalton, and the svmncl h): .\lr. 'l'mn Dnravk. 'l'lw lavky Indies wq-rwâ€"lh'sl. Miss Van'l'nvky, ancl sw- und. Mrs. 'l‘inmthy Mrflraflu. Thu “'11-: wan-la drawing was mm by Mr. Matt Hnivin. wlm generously uavv it. hark In lw drawn fur again, tla- win-- m-x' 'a-ing .‘lihï¬ Anna Mungrin. whu, nvmllvss In say. rotainml it. 'l‘hv grusa rrm'ilfls new $150.00, and allum'flaw a wry vnjnyahlv Honing: wns slum. 'l'hv Kniulns nt’ ('ulumlms gave 3-. wry sm-c-vssl'ul l‘lm-ln'o Party at tlm Knights of Columbus Euchre Party y Iw I be Next week's Advance will be the last for this year. and will be issued on Thursday, December 23rd. AU- vertisers are requested to arranr: their copy not later than Tuesday night. whet 23rd. -.9 meeting then atlJoumml M’ the Mayor. Single Copies 5 Cents PORCUPINB ADVANCE. NOTICE Nix-ton stump mi" Hush"! Vl‘m‘k U" i will he inflallm' ' tlw winter "mums plums 'mprmmrml l" 3