Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Dec 1915, 1, p. 3

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‘M l-Hnnqu. In! 28, Plan 48. lefl Street. 50 x 125 foot. omtml thereon III 1'; alum\ mmbinutiun store anal «hailing. subleinmr. 00000000 0.00.000... .0. 000...... ...... A marked eheque payable tn the nrder nt‘ (E. 'l‘. t'larhsnu t'nr l” per eent. «if the antnunt nt' tender must aeenmpany t’ilt‘ll tender. which eheque will he returned It' the tender ts nnt aeeepted and the sale is nnt enm- pleted hy the l’urehaser. The highest nr any tender unt treeessat'ily aeeepted. As tn Parcels 1 tn 9, inelusive, the Assignee shall nnt he required tn t'urnish abstraets nt' title nr tn prnduee any deeds nr enpies nt' deeds nr papers nnt. in his pnssessinn nr enntrnl. 'l he l’urehaser shall he allnwed ten days tn examine. the title at. his nwn expense. All nhjeetinns tn title tn he made in writing within that time. It the purehaser shall make any valid nhjeetinn tn title whieh the Assignee is unable nr unwilling-tn re- uun'e nr answer and whieh the Purchaser will nnti waive, the Assiguee may, nntwithstatnling.r any intervening negntiatinns, reseind the sale and the de- posit shall he returned tn the l’urehaser withnut interest, ensts nr entnpen- satinn. lt' nn nbjeetinns tn title he. made within the time ahnre limited the l’urehaser shall he deemed tn have aeeepted the title. The l’urehaser shall take the prnperty suhjeet tn any envenants that run with the land. l'pnn acreptanee nt' tender the l’urehaser will he required tn enter intn an agree- l it. of purehase nu terms satist'aetnry tn the Assignee. Further partieulars may he nhtained and inventnry iuspeeted upnn amilieatinn tn the Assignee. Subscribe Now TERMS til” PAYMENT: As to purools l tn t) inolusivo, ton [it‘l' oont. ut' the umuunt lOIHlt‘l't‘tl on tho IN‘H'] tauioo «it tho tomlor and tho ronmimlor in thirty «lays thorout'tor withnut intorost, soourotl tn tho sutist'ziotiun ut'tho Assignoo. .\s to purools 10 tu lti inolusiro. tho l’urohaisor shall :iooopt tho im'outury as pt'opurocl hy tho Assignoo. 'l‘hoso pairools will ho sold at :1 raito «m tho «lullur ut' suoh iuvontury suhjoot tn shurts and lungs: quartor oash atul hulzuioo in thirty «lays with intorost at. sovon por oont. sntist'zu-turily soourotl. In tho ovont «if any (lisputo in tho :uljustmont of shorts and lungs tho clooisiuii of tho Assignoo shall ho tiuul. Parcel 14.-â€"South Porcupine. Stcwk in Trude ........ liquipuu-m and ('lmtlvls 'l'midvi's will lw rm-vivvd fur the :sixtm-a parvvls 0n llltH‘. as a guing vmwm'n. 'l‘vndvrm's are rmluirvd tn state what amounts tlwy have appur- tiunod tu vault pan-0|. 'l‘cndvrs will alsn la- rwviwd t'm' oat-ll parvvl sop- aratol)’ and in raw tlu- wlmlv property van he sold tn lwttor advantage in that manner sopa 'att- tenders may he am-vptvd. .\ll rents. taxvs, insur- ance, thll‘!‘ rates and utlwr similar items will be adjusted tn the rumple- tiun ut' salv. 'l‘lw salv will he silliim't tu any vxisting tonam'ios, partwa- lars ut' whirl: may lw ulitainvd an amdi -atina In tla- Assignmn . 'Parcel lO.â€"â€"Haileybnry. Shwk in 'l'raulo. ....... Hquipnwut mu! ('qum-ls Parcel 16.â€"â€"Haileyburyâ€"Head Oflice. Parcel 15.â€"Schumacher. Hmu'cling House My 0f Parcel 13.-â€"-Timmins. Stuck in 'l'rzuh- ....... I'Iquipnwnt nml (‘Imltvls Parcel 12.â€"Peterborouxh. Stcwk in Trudv ....... [Muipnwnt 11ml ('lmlh-ls Tenders will he receivnl by the lunch-rained up to 12 n’elock noon nf ll}: 21-! day of December. 1915, for the purchase of the following assets Parcel mâ€"Ttaunlm. Metal c-lad warohumw 4" x 50 ft. «m 'l'. N. 0. Railway Station gmumls. lam! loam-«l at n-Mal $85.00 per ammm anal taxvs ................. .. ........ .. Parcel 11.-â€"Cobalt. REAL ESTATE: PM l.--â€"Hulcybnry. Paco! 7.-â€"-80uth Porcupine. lmt 117. l’lim Ml”. Huldvn Avvmw. 20 x 110 t't.. vrm'tml tlwreupun is t'rmm- Mun? :m x 50 l't.. icc lmusv. wan-- lumse nml filfllblt' and Lot 102. Plan M10. linilrmul St“ 4” x 100 ft. . 'Parcel 8.-â€"Porcnptno (Golden City). IM 25le 1117. 50 x cm H. Puccl 9.â€"-8chnmuhct. lmts 62 and 64. Plan Mil-l. loam-cl t'rnm \\'. ll. Svlmlmu'her tll muntlily rental $30. with right tn purvlmsv ull ur lwl'urc- lat July. lllltlwâ€"rvnts tn apply un pnn-Ium- lmlunm- «luv it' uptlnlt ttlkt'tt up. rents vrmlilml Lu 1.4!- Nciw'mlu‘r. 1915. $580.00, l‘imvtml un Int til! is building 30 x 40 ft. With wing: 20 x 4" t't.. and im- lmmw. Un Int 63 is t'l‘t't‘lt‘tl l start-y building 50 .\' 1m» t't. with lmst-mmit. Hu lut M is vn-vtml 2 bturoy metal t'llltl building 50 x 100 ft. .. . . . Pact! 3.-â€"-Oobd%. Puccl tâ€"Noflh Cobalt. Parcel 5.â€"Tinnlu. In! “03. Plfm M30, Third Awmw. 5" x 10" ft" «rerun! tlwmmmn Is 1 starry fmmv shm‘. 5" x “0 "a with ”050- .ment and 2 sum" Mun-lumews. ice Mum and stable 003001! DAVIES m. Emlyn”. Cobalt. flaunts. South Porcupine and Pam'borouh. MATH) l‘Iquipnu-ut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loss lwn ull Adding )lawluno. Stork in 'l'rmlv ....... Minimum“. and ('lmttvls Int 17. Plan 3113. Main SL. 26.: 120 ft. with 2 storey tin-pm! brick store 26 x 60 IL. amt easement and métal «lad stable and warehouse 20 x 40 ft.. erected ‘h.~"".n o o 0000000000000 O 000000000000000000000000 but 534, knmvn as 22 Lang Stmt, 30% x 70 f L. emu-«l ‘lnerenpnn is 2 storey Mink and mnvrnh- building 34: x 70 11. land is leased frmn Nipissing Mining (‘n.. It mnnthly rental of $45.00. And In! 408. Earl Street. eroded thnrvupam is nn-tnl elm! wan-Inmate 30 x 5" fl. and stable. Land is leaned {rum Nipiming Mining Pm, at mnnlhly n‘ntn! nt’ :5“. hnpruvmuvnts tn buildings vxv [MN 101 and 102, Plan Mm 031'}! 50 ft. x “W N. o“ as livu nu rcl'rigomlimx ('1..\ RKN‘LV. FOR SALE BY at Turmltu, lst. Dom-m-lwr. 1913'). Equipment. uppmximutvly (i. 'l‘. ('LARKSUX. Assigneo, ‘1!) SUNS. 15 Wvllingtun St. “'ost. 'l'nnmtn. (hit. 'onsisfing of ludvd t'rnm Illmvv, $1,... $10,773.59 1,375.0" $1556.50 1.744 .85 $1,096 .55 207.0” $1.12! $1,026.25 2.97-1.40 H.129) , 0)!) 6,649.50 2.05.521)” 2.111. 7.") 250,0” $17,000 . 00 $12,208 .91 $10.00” . 00 $1,000.65 $6.262 $3,001 $2M“) , 4m FIESJN)“ . IN) $4,169. $9,403.59 $5.300 . 00 $58!) . 55 ngON . 00 Vi; ) Un 'l'm-mhly night 21 nwcting ut' the (-itixvns ut' 'l'iuunins held in the (‘uun- ('il ('hmnhvr, fur the purpuse of fur")- in;r n I’atriutiv [{cliot' Assxwiutfun. Mayur Wilsmn «wmtpied the chair, and uhuut twenty residents were in uttondmu'v. Mr. J. I’. Harltlmmm was clovtecl tvmlmrzn'y secretary, «m the umtiun “1' Mr. ('hzu'lvs \Villiauns, sm'undml by 311'. A. H. Globe. ()n the mutiun nt' Mr. Williams. sommled h_\' Dr. Moinues. it was de- ('ithd that the ('ontral Relief Assm'iu- tiun IM‘ t'urmml. its purpose tn IN’ the vullovting and dispensing ut‘ mmwy fur putriutiv purposes. Send the. Porcupine Advance to your friend for a year. He will have pleasure in receiving the paper; we “ill have pleasure in receiving: the subseriptinn: vou “ill lime pleasure in guiug pleasure to both. A. R. GLOBE, PRESIDENT; H. B. MONTGOMERY. SECRETARY; AND K. F. DeLONG, TREAS- URERâ€"OBJECT IS TO COL- ECT AND DISPENSE MONEY. A eonunittee of ten lllt‘llllwl's was appointed to draw up l))'°lfl\\'5 eover- in}.r the volleetion and distribution of the funds. Mr. A. ll. (llolie was el- ected president. and Mr. Sunuuerltays was elevted tn the Vice-presitlem-y. Mr. II. E. Montgomery aerepted tlte otliee ut' secretary, and a treasurer was found in the person of K. I“. DeLng. The following were apâ€" pointed to form a council: Mr. Ennis, Mr. Ilouston. Mr. Everard. Mr. Poir- ier, Mr. ()strosser, Mr. Globe, Mr. Stmuuerliays, Mr. DeLoag, Dr. Moore and Mr. Montgomery. 'l‘hi- ltml ('russ Sucicty :m- iluing time work in 'l‘immins. l 500 they are sending luts ut' surks. ()I' all things sucks urv tlw must numh-cl uml they are hzml tu got in this i-utiiitry. A great many suhliors hm'v iM't'll illltl up munths in thv huspituls ”will: In thv t'uvt that. they haul hut. mmugh dry MN'iiS lu vhamgc whom their t'iwt \wro mhl and wet. THE BENTBM HEllEf AESBBIMIUN fflfl TIMMINS fflflMEfl "l. 'v Iv. IIIII‘. 1v. u-u- 9' “\en manv thanks for the 1nd bundle of Aduum mu! «m (nun Guelph. In future by address is H. U. ‘ d!" x". 1013 .440, I) ( 0., 2m] 1' an. Pioneer Rallalion, (‘ J'. P. "Plume use-usu- mom; regards to everynne else I kumv." It was :1 pleasant surprise t‘nr me when «M ut‘ my t'urpurals gave me n eupy ut' yuur paper. Am delighted to hear Timmins is pmgressing so rapidly. It is nut very often I ever see it pnper t‘mm the north emmtry, when I ah» they usually mme, t'mm ('urp. “Jnek” Hill. No chmht yon knuw him. he is t'mm "olden t‘ity. He left there slmrtly after the war hmke. nut. and juimwl the ('rniser “ Niuhe". Seeing there nu ehnttee of getting a rap ut the (lemming he juin- ml uur Imttnlinn. nt‘ter uhtnining his dim-heme from the navy. Being ulti friends he enme tn my plutmm and was slmrtly pmnmtetl. ”e is ntte uI' my hest nun-emits. and the mm! t'enr clues amt exist in his meulmhiry. Withuut n chmht he is "he at the hrnvvst suldiers in my plutmm. \\'t- arr nukharing a had uhl tinn- nttl hero hy any nwanst. 'l'ht- m-athvr is had. the mad «loop and ”W (hernians gnml shuts, unta'hh' nl' thtm' tlt‘nw- laughs at- tll't' dning wall. Yun \runld linl'llly rrt-dit. man with living an t'llt't'l' t'al nndvr savh mnditiuns. 'l'la-ro arv mum of l’urvnpinv'.-t liraw lads nut i'ar t‘ruia whorv wv arr. nanwly, l’t-tc Smith. Lut'ty (illllllul‘t' (llaak ut' ('mn- nwrrv). "(‘ash" ('ashinan. and also “'l'wn Bits." The last I hvard ul' thaw hays tlu-y were getting an t'am- candy. I saw hy yunr palwr that tlw 2nd l’iunt-vr Battaliun had left. We an- all glad tn hear that Battalinns «if that surt. are living rovrnitod. In this \rart'arv than! is groat nvrrssity ut' tradusna-n ut' all kinds. Harv \rrittvn tn a few «if my friends in l’urrnpim- hut. haw had Mn reply late- ly. 'l'ht- same addrt-ss Wltlt‘il I had in England will llnd nn- yvt.-nanwly, 25th Hattaliun. 5th llrigadv, 2nd t'an. l)i\'.. ti.l’.t)., lmndnn. Would llkl‘ wry nnu-h tn hear again from tho Nut'th. The Ash ante has, mired the fa" lowing letter, dated fmm qubor, Mm'nr 3rd. “Jud I lino tn lot )0“ knmw we lame here to-mnmm fur Hnlifnx and no pmnme for hpglqml {pry ghmjly: TIH‘ fullnwing loner acldressml In the Advanro hy Lin“. Y. P. Murphy. umlvr «hm: uf Stu-ember 2211a, fmm The Adam-e has received a am! from “C A. "ushfield. wishing a" friends a Mom .\mas and a "am“ New Year. "Sumewlwrv in France", will be mad with drop interest. lflTlflS Hill! "It [MIT The meeting then adjourned. Sinvvroly yuurs. Y. 1’. MI'RI’HY, Liam. i.â€"-â€"l \muld lw gland to have a: pa- 1:01“ at any lnnv. an‘ln'n‘r THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE on, ’nd, 1915. If there is any reliable mining news of the Porcupine Gold Camp or any interesting local event The Por- cupine Advance gets it. An eight- page full size weekly paper, it is con- sidered THE ONLY PORCUPINB NEWSPAPER. Are you a subscri- ber? If not, be placed on the list now. le many friends ul' unr popular srlmnl lvm'llol', .‘lr. .\flmlcl Smilll reâ€" gn‘t his dopaflnrv. lw having enlisted will! the llrvnndier (inanls, but he is tn hr mngmtnlatod npnn fulfilling the first clnty ut‘ awry l’anndinn. Refun- Mr. Smith left he was pmnntml will: a gulcl ring by the svlmnl Pllililfl‘fl. [)0 Nut usv llw vuspidur wlwn using tu'nlm'n, i! Inuks ht‘lh'l' un HIP "mn'. Wlwn vlwwing luhm'm «In Hut 0x- puvhn'utv in tho vllspiclul', um- tlu- ash pail. 50 when wo use it. in mupty lmt ashes “'0 get the lwnvlit 03' it. Always ulwn nll «lrnnglits in the stm'vs wlwn yuu mnw in, tllltl gm ultl leaving: them ulwn su us the tin- will burn nut. it is nu trunlilt- t'ur tlu- 'l‘uwn ('lork to light. mml stuws. When you munv in at night tanking: for any (”)0 in this building: In- snrv uml lvnvc the (lqu' upon wlwn ynu gt) nlll. \l55'u5's take :m5 guml puns ur lvul pvnvils 5m: timl ull the desks u55u5' 55ith 5011 5511011 5m: mo dum- using: them. Mr. J. H. .‘lclallnn loft Tumhy fur a short visit with friends in ('0. halt and (Inwgnnda. le frirmls 0f Mr. Ed. Leslie gym. pathizv with him in tho drntlu uf his mntlwr. wlm Imssml away last. Thurs- day in 'l‘nmmu. Mr. lusslio left {mm «m 'Hw mum train to attend the fun- crn . Z... .r K. 3.1....» 3. 45:21:... 2:... = .23....3. 42...... :. :32. :3. 5.1... NOTICE POSTED IN COUNCIL CHAMBER HAS “KICK" 'l'lu- t'nlluwing lmhliv untim- lms luwn push-d in ”w 'l'mvn ('uunvil ('lmmlwr, l'rnm tlu- pm 01' 'l‘mm ('lork .‘lnmgmm-ry. It. is u gum! vxumplv of what might Iu- termed usvl'ul MHil't'. When yuu tmu' up any paper he sun- and put. it. in line vnspidur, it umkvs it. easy tn ('lt'alll-~\\'u:~‘tc paper baskets mm m»! I'ur llmt pnrpnsv. Mm “onion II. "cumin and chi]. «Inn left 0|] Mondu morning {at Parr) Sound. where "on will “sit at the home of Mrs. "3mm" 9 par- ents. .\lr. "unthier urn! as far as llniloyhury with "mm. Tm. mnrv «f mn- ymmg mm who hm‘v Millstml with tlw (lmnmliors nro Maura. Hm. \anmlch and 500")“ Xirhulsun. 'l‘lw l'ullam‘ing ulllm'rs “'1'.‘ c-lovlml l'ur l’un'upim' .\. l". A. .‘l. last 'l‘lmmlny rwning: l.l’..\l. Wur. llrn. 1'. .‘l. l’ivrv)‘: \\'..\l. llm. Rum. Sims; S. W. llrn. Um. llnnm-nmm; .l. W. llru. Ralph Sullivan; l'lulp. llm. "0V. \V. .\. Murrimm: 'l'n-us. llru. l). l'. nulllllclsml: Sec-'3'. llm. .l. 'l‘. l’ric-v; 'l'ylvr llru. ll. .‘la-llmumll. 'l'lw l‘cm'. guilt: ullln-vrs will ln- illslllllml cm 'l’lmmclny I'\'l'lllll'..'. lhumuflwr 27th. Wlwll it is o-xpm-lml llu'rv will lw n lzlrgv mlvmlmwv. Th0 m-luml c'lliMl‘vn III'O pl‘m'livin': fur a Plums-Imus c-mc-rtmmm-m In mkv plm'v NIIIH‘ mm- lwt'un- Hm! day. Mr. 1'. .\l. I’urIu-s "8' PM”: mm at lnmm-ss \‘lsltul‘ m tmm Inst. m-vk. Mr. and MN. H. .\l. l’urtmms spout tlw «wk mu! .nl Irmguuis hulk. Porcupine News Items of Interest Cut out and Return this with your Subscription to the “PORCUPINE ADVANCE” I Year , 35.nn 8 Months L75 5 Months 1.0! Rates: I Year 32 II 5 Months 1.25 5 Months 15:. HIIIHI SHIES Bill!!! To “The Porcupine Advance” G untlcmen : dose the sum of City 01' Town Advance” for, Strcc St ltc or Province Bauer Primer 01m 1. "or! Shulvr: 2. Viol!" [.00 and t'lmrlie Shulrr. numl; 1. "mvrm‘ .‘lr. ('n’mnmn; 5. l-Ziniu Wain. Tonrlwr. Min J. I. .‘Iuirhmd. .\°.l%.-nwing tn prcsmrv m‘ ullwr mauvrs flu- hmmr ml! of this appurt- mvnt will not be ready fur publiva- tiun until next. wvok. Tlu- pupiln uf both clmmrtmontc sm- pnlmring hi giw' n fnwufur-n" slmrt Musing cntoflnimnom in Hip Kmpirv TIINIH'I' nn “'mlm-sclny ut‘lvrmum. Hu- 22ml instant. when thorn are tn lw also It «listrihntiun ut‘ prizvs nml n ('ltristmns tnw. «tn. nt' \slnivh t'nrtln-r until-c will be giwn. Rumba? 0f pupils enmllml. .8 number of leaching days, 22; unmet: attendance. 56.04. First Honk ('Ias-- 1. Phi Kari: 2. \Villio Hulwfls: II. Edward Sam» hm; 4. Frank fillies and Edward Pm» ter. amal‘. Number of pupils ‘ nnmlwr ul’ tvnrlnng clays. nuanclnnw. 1H. M0¢§¢¢§¢O¢OO¢¢¢G¢+§¢G§¢O ¢%.vé.u:n..u:n:n:n2n:?v.?n:n:u:v.n..â€"..u.$3353??? H.u..v¢a..v+.va:u:v.véh..u:u:u..n..u..u..u..u.«$3..u.¢¢¢.v.~.¢¢¢¢.v.u.+.u.+.n.+¢¢¢¢¢¢é¢¢fl Timmins Public School Report 颢994¢¢¢0¢00¢¢¢6¢§§¢0¢fl Please enter my Sulmniptinn tn “The Pm'cupinc EVERYTHING IN SEASON DON’T FORGET can no Saturday Midnight Dinners YOU SEE ON THE STREETS. THEY ARE MOSTLY HOB- BERLIN TAILORING, AND EACH WEARER HAS RECEIV- ED SATISFACTION AND IS PLEASED WITH HIMSELF. WHY NOT YOU? WE GUARANTEE FIT, STYLE, WORK- MANSHIP. AND ABOVE ALLâ€"THE PRICE. Next lmperiai Bank For the Dressy Overcoats NOVBIIBBR REPORT Junior Don-taunt. Senior Department. HOBBERLIN TAILORING Turkey 50c Chicken 40c "unnr Rn". Thm. Dmvlvr, Prim'ilml. pupils mmllm! Yours truly, (With all the Trimmings) NI. 3!); tin-mm- I Is. ”n a mntinn by Mrs. Mt‘lttflt‘! and Mrs. Sanetnn it was ileeided In turn the dnnatinn ut‘ $76.25 t'mm the Kurtli 'l‘limn'mm eninlnyees tn headquarters iiit‘m't. The lmlies' Auxiliary ut‘ the Meth- mlist t'linreli. Selininaelier are giving: an entertainment «a "t‘t‘t'lllht‘t‘ 17th. t‘nr ”N! [meat Red t'mss Sneiety. Mrs. .‘lelnnes unwed and .‘Ira. lmnginnre seeuiniml that bills he paid tn date as fullnws: Nurtliern t'anadn Supply UL. 400. The meeting inljunrned until Tues- day. heeettther 7th. 1915. The Secretary's mmrt was was! and found mm". The Truanror mmflnl as follmu: Receiptsâ€"None. _ _ Hillg» paid The regular meeting of the lum‘ branch «I the Red (‘nm Society was held Tnesdnv. Sun-ember 30th. It the (Midfield: Huh-I. thirteen members being present. .“I's. "1.13“" M rs. lennos "SINK 1'0. Local Red Cross Weekly Meeting Halmwv in bank $31.0“. Boston Cafe f'm'which I (:11- No. . R151 D. Kerwin ry. Timmins $1. $8.7!»

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