Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Dec 1915, 1, p. 1

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, THE OPRCUINE ADVANCE my Home .‘Iim's have milled «lur- in: fMfi, up w the clum- nl’ Nave"). her. 287,753! tum, sharing a pnulur- flion \‘Ilm' «f QIJWTJ‘ZQ. M an aver. (an of $4.33“wa hm. nut inrhlding - 180.000 clorin [mm what is rnllml the semi-annual elmnoup. Mn 3 monthly Inn-rum- basis thin much; $118.37?) in ”than. and 26.159 in lun- nuke. Town Councillors Met ln Regular Session JIII'K‘I‘iIII has been mm” “1' loss II 801‘! «If l'cmflmll, lwing kivkml up IIIIII down the IIIIII'lu-I. III-twu-II ”mm and :flwm'mzls l'uI' smuv Iimv. but ”In pus- .silnlnivs INIVI' I'vvvntly 'Im-IIIIII- loss dormant. '1 hm'o was .s'mm- fairly lwun lmvin: iII 'l‘urmnn this wen-k. inspirml In IIIult-I'gruIIIIcl iIIluIIIIIIliuII .trnm'llw IliIIIIIuIId IlIiH mm uln-Imiug «In Him prupertv. zlllil lmlv smpIiw “1mm “0 ('I'mltml It tlw [II'Ic-I- slmulol ..It IIII our!) «Iam- lw kit-km! up In :I fhiglwr law-l. A'lork authurizvd tu ifiallt‘ all"? muuunt. The minutes ul' llw Inst rogulm' ling, lugvlln'r with Ilu- adjourn- il l lhvrvut' \\’(‘l'(‘ read by lhv 'I'uwn ('h'l'k. and on 1110 mutiun nt' ('mmvil- Inn's (ilnhv and Munro. Hwy \H'l‘c ml- uptccl without amwmluwnl. ., Communications. ' .\ lotlm‘ frum Val M. English was road in whit-h lw asked thv ('mmvil tn 50‘ [0 his hill l‘ur 191-1 Vutm‘s' List “XI 81“ oasis 0f #50, tn mn‘vr [hp rust or Hultcrizlls. and hirml lulml‘. (in 1310 emut'mu ul' (‘uunvillurs (Huhv and Muure. this was ugrvml in. and thv "Nu: Sorrclary 'l‘rvusxm-z' u!‘ the Svluml 'l‘rustvvs wrnw submitting the Board's rcsulutiun 0f apprmul ut' the plans fur the now svlmul-lmnso. sub- jevt tn svwml suggestions for the approval m' the ('mmcil lwt'urc' final- 1y passing the hy-lu‘x. The resolu- tl II jlun Is ‘flw aim“ being «nuk cm Hu- ('nn- mliml \lining mu! Fimmm- ('u.'s pru- pq-rty. 'm-rth M' the Vinnml. is mow uwr 15“ l'wt Ill «10min. mu! rq-sults are rc-purlml us being wry snusfuv- wry. Watch Imperial Surprise Likely 1915 .lnmmry February Tlu- mun”: ul' Urtulu-r hml lu-nh-n all pn-vinus rumrds in hull: hmmlge and value. mul nuw mules Suvemher with 150 kn" less going llll‘llllL'lI tlw mill. lml lwmimz ”Muller values by $1.20". l'mnpuring tlw figures with tho mnnlllly average alum'n. m- Imu- 28.000 lmw against 26.1511 awrnm'. M an ”rpm «1‘ 12-1-11 tunsmml MINUNNL as against! $118,875 nvvrngv. ur nu «Xe-mm M' $11.12”). 'l'lu- llmlrvs by nmmlm are us l'nllcm's: 1915 'l'uns anm- For hm Can. Min. Fin. C0. Shaft Still Sinking In TONFAOE KILLED 18 SLIGHTLY LOWER. BUT VALUE PER ~ "' TOR ADVANCES 6.68 PER CENT OVER PREVIOUS ”Om -â€"snn-mmu. OLEAJLUP HAS ADDED 860.000. IAmG BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES ATTEND. ALSO DBPUTATION . PROM RETAIL MERCHANTS’ ASSOCIATIONâ€" EARLY CLOS- .w ING BY-LAW NOT TO BE RESCINDED FOR THE PRESENT Dome Mine Records November Best Month Vol 2. No 6. nlls A TOTAL OF 3920.000 FOR NOVEXBBBâ€"WOBK ON PLANT EXTENSION 18 PROORBBSIIG. ~SUGGBSTIONS OF TRUSTEES REGARDING NEW SCHOOL APPROVED BY COUNCILLORS. fu'luws : New School. Minutes. toque fur waver at sumo later data. 2. 'limt tlu- hvight ut' the basement t-viiing.r he at lvast nine foot. It. That Iilt' sani- tary arl'anzz'mants he stthjm-t in any zulclitiunm nimlitit-atiuns ur variatinns as may hv t‘tillh‘itit‘l't‘ti advisable hy the l’l‘tn'ittt'itti Huard Hf ilt‘atilh and tho Dvpartmt-nt ut' chn-atinn. ul' snrh sanitary antlmrity as this Huard may hereafter name. 4. That >it‘ulll hvat he snhstitntml t'ur tho hut air sys- tem." 'l'his resulntiun ililti hwn pas- scd unanimously by the St-huu! This- “‘05. Ht: the Iltutinll 02° ('utlnt'iiiut‘s (iluhv tutti tht‘t', the ('cmm'il l'csulv- Fire Brigade Again. .\ letter was read from the Seen-t.- ury til the lluard ul' Trude. submit- ting; resolutinu passed by the Tim- mitts Fire Brigade. The letter stated that the tesulutiuu had been eudursed “ill! the tlppl‘tn'al Hi the linard ul "Irade. ml requested that the 'l‘nwu ('uuueil take immediate aetiuu iu mutplyiug with the requirements ut' the Fire Brigade with regard to quar- ters t'ur uight man and 11150 unit‘urms. 'l'he tlretueu's resulutinu was “That the Brigade put the matter ut' hahit- 'al.l.\' fixing up the night firemau's rmuu in the. tiire hall. and teleplmue ieuuuuuuieatinns therewith heft-re the ileum] ut' Trade asking them tn 3? nut-e take. the questiuu up with the l'l'm'.'u (‘uuueiL and urge utmu it the H'mxtiuued to ’age (3.) That ”no plzms ul' pl'ulmsml l’llhlit‘ Svlmul prepared mu! sulnuittml by {lu- (‘zmzulinn Mining." and Finzmvv ('mup- any. !w umn'nvml. snhjm't L: the ful- luwing: suggvstimm~â€"l. That the walls nt' q-nnvrvh- lmsvnwut he mnsn'uvtml of sm‘h thivkuvss as in :lex’ ”1' brivk It is rumurml tlmt tlwrv will he sunwtlninr; claim}; in meIn .‘litw 5mm villu-t' by way «If m'lin- upt'rutluns by that mmlnmy ur n tlt'tll for tlw [mummy imluvetl by tlu- c-xm'llvttt pessibilitim prtwtimtlly pl'cn't'lt by “results“ ul' clvveln'nnvut. ntl mljuinlnfi' prupm'lit-s. \Vllllv llwl't- is at sllvttl clomnml l’ut' .‘lnllvltl Slm'k Hll lllt‘ market zmmml Him and tun m-nts, thm'o- «luvs llul SPt'lll lu lu- mlu-ll «Ill't't‘ltIL'. ml that ”10 l'vvuunlwmlzxtmus nl' Hu- SI-Imul “Hard lw taken up with the urvhilovts. and when («unpluwd he l'mwmrdml In tho lll'HlM‘l' nu~tlmrilios fur sum-Hun. 'l'lw 'l'imlnlc- Mining Punnmny is re- purtml in M sinking n shaft nvnr tln- Dunn- Lnkv immnizir)‘. Mnnngi-r ('nr- mivlnwl Inns Hm'nrml llm Icmn M' (In- nssny plant. lwlnngin: in NW l’urc-n- pim- Sum-ms Mining ('u.. wlmw pru- pvrty ndjnins ilw 'l'isdnlv an the west. Moneta Mine Something Doing Work «m' ”In c-xIvnsiuns In plant is guim: alum: stemlih‘. «ml it is Mr» In prwlic-I Iur um um qupuI in \ulm- ”It" “I” nsIIIIIIslI I‘HII Ilw Inwal up- timistiv. Tisdale Mines Tulnl . . ....‘.!37,7513$l.307.622 $4.54 'l'iw "Mable l'eutim- is the «dump- ing mlm- ”or hm. wliirh magma a lu-IiM‘ tlmt mini! is n mam-r within tlu- "penning mmrnl of the «antimony. In ntlwr wards, then. must lw im- «lim'lusmi higli \‘iilm-cl urv leil in r0- m-n'i- fur Hu- piirlmsw ul’ ro-gulmiug tlw mumlily \‘lllul‘. Marvin April . May . Juno. . July . Augmt Sept. UM. . XI" at smm- lulm' Busy on Shaft :mcl r'manvo ('mnp- subjm't in the ful- a»-â€"~l. That the walls wut lw mnsn'uvtml as in :lev «11' brivk ulor «lulu. '2. Thu! lmsonwm wilng be Ii. 'l'lml llw 51mi- 4 he suhjm't In any 07.3%] H.501! 111.20] 120322 131.033 111.17.!“ 130,000 150,500 100,0m TIMMINS, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10!!» 1915. 3.07 8. 45 4.67 4.63 4.33 M even ventured tntu the saerecl pre- einets ul' the. lawn llall itselt'. l_leek Muntguntet')‘. the genial 'l‘uwn ('lerli, htin: the \‘ietint. It appears. that [let-k had his Wilslling‘ nut an the line. and winter heing just at ltatnl, his line eitler-tltm'n eunil'urter and a pair “1' l'llltlSUll Hay blankets. valued at nlmul‘ $25, pruved fun strung tl 101mb- taliun fur the ynnlhl'nl pair. and so they were annexed In t'eather their winter nests. as it \n-re. This may. in part... explain lleek's reeently aeâ€" qniretl hahit ul' sittingr up all night. they were annexed In feather their winter nests. :is it new. This may. in part... explain lleek's reeently neâ€" qnired hnhit nt' sittingr up all night. .\ number of the. stolen nrtieles were- t'nnnd upon their persmls, hut it has not yet been nseertnined whether other I’Uth‘l'iCS are In he added tn the list here given. 'l'he prisnners were hruught before the Magistrate «m Mumlay evening, and remanded until 'l‘hurmlay. with- uut hail, ainl withunt heing asked in pleatl in the eharges against them. Magistrate Atkinson arrived yest- erday. het'nre whnm the prisnnrs plemletl guilty. They were eat-h sen- teneml tn three years imprisonment. Mr. Dryer. who lost nuthingr him- self. is entitled to the thanks ut" the mmmunity fur the neat manner in whieh he etTeetml the eaptnre. There is sometimes virtue in staying away t'rum (.‘hureh after all. at wedding ring: and Ms” :1 guruot and pearl ring, had been zimirupriutml as inemmntns «if their glaring. ('harlio (‘ummings sufl'vrml the 1058 m' a pair 01' Elk limits (size (3) and :ihuut $11! in rush as we”. i'Inmul'ngml by then“ suwcss. the}; even wntm'ml imu tho sum-ml pro- vim-ts ul' Hm 'l‘uwu Hull itself. [lei-k Mulitgu‘nwr)‘. 1!:0 genial! 'l‘uwn ('lm'k, Win: the \'i(-tim. It umwairs. that ”no at tho lnuglam is aaaml Sam 'lhihault. and tho utht-r Uaruhl Klar- wilt‘s. Bath appear tn In. ahnat 18 nr 1!! years ut‘ ago. and hnth haw iilltl mmpasnr)’ intt-rt'it-ws \u'th thv Mag:- istrato cm a similar vhargc ant many mnnths agu; On that; m'vasiun Mag- istrate Wilsua. in rvspuaso tn tho varavst ph-adiags ”1' their t'rimuls and alsu nlt llt't‘tllllli- nt' thvir youth, [wr- mittml thvm' tn gtmm suspended sanâ€" tmwv, hat with a swam lm-turv \vhivh thvv \mahl haw «hum well tn l't'lllt'lll- hm ittfltlvl. This rem-tit. series ut' tiurgluriv-s has been sprout! cm-r u poriml nt‘ :1 umutli ur tlwrouimut, um] ut. luust six resi- (lmwos huro howl plundered in that tiuw. t‘. (i. t‘uuuuiugs lust uuly u 323 ('illtlm‘ uutuuuttiv rovulvor, s’u t'ur us lté is aware, while from the hum of Mr. (‘ursuu u lwurl ring was taken. Mrs. Wm. Smith has tuwu iuuuruiug.r tlu‘ lnss at u nugget ring nt' Hanu- gulcl. uml t'ruiu the Imme nt' Mrs. Dou- mu :1 safety ruzm'. n puckvt -uuwru. I but thhnth priming. during rhIIr. rlt tinw, Mr. V. ltryor. rlI-rk in ”10 stun ut' .‘litt‘shnll-l‘ivrlvstimv. surreal. ml in llmling tlu' two sumewlllt ‘ymthfnl thiI-I-m wlm had made tmi pnwimts nttvmtits tn (‘ttlt'l' his rosi- Ilcnn. lnsteml nt' fining tn I'lltln‘lt. as is the rmtnm ut' hitmwlf mul fam- 'ily. Mr. Dry" cleI'iIlml tn rI-IIIIiiII at homu- with tights vxtiIIIzuishmt. «III! II ltllfll'tl "ruin-r 0le at hand. tn II- wnit tl(‘\'t‘l"!tll|0ltl.". Ho hml nut him: tn wIIit. \'I~ry mum then- rvmvhml his t'fll' tlII- ImmistnkI-IIlilI‘ sounds nt' smm' Fpersum nr pom-«ms sun-king t'llll‘tlltt't‘ tu ”w hme hy the wimluw filttll'. Thori- in II «aging. "M and trito. thIIt ”hi- whu llt’flllfllt‘fl is Inst.” BIII liryvr did nut hmitnto. ”1' was IIriIIII-II t'nr llIP I'n-I-Iisi‘cm. ”is JnIIIh-r wmI up. IIIIII III- IlI-tI-rtniliml tII (‘fll‘t'l a I-nptIIrI- Hr 'lctmw lllt‘ "mm" why. "1' gIIiIII'Il an exit IIIIsoon In tho IIIIIrIIIIIh'rs-I. IIIIII iII ‘tl jiffy lllt" Iwnnmsinn «If his uIIIiIImIs turn him had tIIrIImi lllt' trio-h. 'l'hI- \isitnrs tlti IhIIIhI m-rv sIIrIIrisI-Il. IIIIII thm Inst Im tiIIII- in raising their hands. all t'uIIr ut' them. In II suite t‘lt'\'l|littll- "how! that? lII'IIIls. .\nil thou lllt' tttttt't'll I'I)tl|tltl'ltt't'tl. I-Iilprits M'Vt‘l'ttl paws in Hunt. with Dryer IIIIII his I'I-mlwr hrinuinp: up IhI- war. ()II lltt' why mm ut' tlw you": "It!" sIIIlIlI-nly IlI'IIIIpI-Il' IIIII' hand. and III-- t'm'v lllt' t'nlttttttttttl "hands up” I-IIIIlIl lN‘ IIttorml. ho IIIIIIIIIgml tn throw smiwthing t'rum him. This tlltl IIut iIItI-rrupt lllt' prm-osaiun. Imwovor. Mr. liryvr's hump nt' humility is well llt'Vt'lUthl, lllltl hc- tttl‘nlttlly IIIIIrkmlj the spot. t'ur later investigation. Af- lt’t’ tlt’lth'l‘lllg lfifi I'hurgvs at their ltlth‘lt‘tIlllt‘ IliestiIIIItiuII, ho rvtumml, with at lmliI-I- utiivI-r to» tho slmt IIIIu'k- mi in his IIIiiIIl's oyv, mid lllt't't' they found tt huulml rovulwr nt' Its t'tllllH‘t', mnhmhlml in the sth. Send the l’oroupino Advam-e tn yuur friend fur a year. He will have pleasure in reveiving the paper; we will have pleasure in rereiving the subsvribtiml: yuu will have pleasure in giving pleasure to bath. ROUNDED UP AFTER SERIES 01' PE"? DEPREDATIONBâ€"IR. 0. DRYER MROHES THEN TO LOOK-UP AT POINT OF A LOADED REVOLVER. RUBENS WEI" ”MIG WNW llllflllfi Bllllfllill mus (H' this tutul l’ut‘eupitle yielded L53 per rent. ut' $23.651, \vhieh hei'ng' ('iitS4iiit‘ti represents 324.7 per eent «it the ptlt'ethe Inmiies, 15.1 per eth ”t the mim-rs' lit-enses. 40.15 per eeut. 01' the permits, and 1!) per eent ut' the l'eeul'tiinf: fees. Altimugh the Pure”- pine District was the must t'ruitt‘ul tn the tin\'el‘tttll('ttt from these suurees (the next largest being harder Lake \\'l[it $133367). during 1914 husmess was markedl'y lessthzui lit the pre- \'tnus year. It is In he expeeted, ut' euttt‘se. that as 'u vamp zidmnees in age. It diminishes ttt pruspeetmg aeti- nties. but the ehiet' deterrent was, perhaps. the timmeml stringent-y- ne- eusmued hy the war. During that year 23.4” elziims were reenrded, while 3.370 were eztlleelled. lhe Mumps-Hume Silvre Mine, lu- ratml en the Mann Ridge. (lmvgancla. \vill eunnnem-e mining operations next. week. The highest prieecl enr of high grmle silver ore. was shipped from this property in 1010, anmnnting,r to appruximmoly $130,000. Messrs. ('ll- ristuphersnn, Seuhu ntnl Muure, we understand. are the active uperaturs, the tvvu lirst mentiuneel having first lmught nut the interests of Reeves and Dulpiv, and being: later jnltlt‘tl by .‘itmt't'. \xhn l-v said 10 “0 lllltllllf.’ ll": net-easurv t'nmls. IIrI~ III-sirmI: I'uI' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- IIIII'Is. HII‘I'I IIIIIIIs. L'IIII sII-I-I. I~I°IIIIIIs IIIIII I-rIIIII; shun». ImiII-I' llIIlII's. IiI'I-s. I-IIII- III'I'IIIIL' I'IIIIII IIIIII IleI-s: IIII- IIiI-kI-I- irIIII II'irI-s IIIII-II us 'iIII'IIr' IIIIII °|DIIII- iIIiIII'; II'iIlI IIIII' II'III'II'NIIIII'I' I’IH‘IIII'- iI'IIIII III' I‘II'I'II'II'III I‘I'IIISIIIIII'I' IIIIII III' I-xIIIIIIIIiIIII I'I‘SIM‘I'IIVI'IV; and ”Ir I'IIr- |iI-I_I III iIIIIIIIrIIIIII IIiI-kI'I IIIIIIIII IIiIII IIIIIIicI-IIrIIIsiIIo PNHN'IIII'S. I'III' I'IIIIIS. gIIIIIII IIrIIIII-III-rs. I-II-. II IIIIIIIII III- sur- %'II‘i.-iII'.' iI' I‘IIINIII I‘IIIIIII IIIII IN' IIII\‘IHI- IIIL’I‘HIISIV SIIIISIIIIIII'II I'III IIiI°kII III IIrIIIIIN'l‘ JI III'III'I' L'I’IIIII' III SHIIH'. III ”II“ IIINHI' ’II’INIIII'IB‘. As IIII-sI- me high- ngIIIII IIIIIIIII-rIs. \\‘Il('l‘¢‘ sIIIII-I'iur IIIIIIIi- Iios INI' III-sired. II IIigII I-IHI, \IiIIIiII I-I-rIIIiII IIIIIII‘I. WOIIIII "III III- 'IIIIIIIIIII- IH‘. IIIIII‘II. iI ”'30“?! II II-IIIIII III IIII- sIIIIinIIIIiIIII III' I-IIIIIIII. I'III' IIII’II'I'I. own in II!“ t‘IISI‘ III' IIIII- III' IIII'SI‘ 'DI'INIIII‘IS. II IIIIII'Iu-I I'III' IIII' IIII-IIII I‘UIIIIII III II runs-I- IIIIIIIIIO III'iI-I' \\'IIIII|I III- IIhSIIl'OII, IIIIII IIII‘gI‘ sums III’ IIIUIH‘)’ WUIIIII IN' IIIIIIII- IIILI' IIIIIIIIII III the I'I-IIIrIIs I'rIIIII (‘IIIIII- IIi:III IIIIIIII'III I'I‘SUIU'I'IN. PORCUPINE DIVISION IS THE CHIEF ENRICHER OF THE GOVERNMENT STRONG BOX FROM FEES AND LICENSESâ€"â€" YIELDS OVER 25 PER CENT. $42.33;! :u'oulmt n!“ 23.1 $637” re 'l‘hm't- are ten mining: olivisiuns in tho l’t'uvitu'v ut' ()ntm'iu, which )‘ivhl- ml tn the t‘hwornnwnt through thv Miningr lhwurdet’s in the your 13114, tho sum ut' 3393.145. tH' this tntul, I”! Reeves-Dobie MINING IIVISIIINS HEBEIPTE fllflflflflfi fllfl YEAR 1914 t'nnmln is pmrtirull}: thv amt? pru- hdttm ut' roilmlt un': tlw nvimlt mm- tt-tit. of NW um mitwd in the Trin- ‘i‘knming distrirt. ”Marin. o'xc'm-ds 12.000,!)00 Ilia. prr yrur. Thu marknt ’fur this. at present. «kin-min "“02"- :thr cm its limited new as u hhm whor- 'ing siihstntm'. "mu-v thm- is a latch swrmmtlmintt ut' whim" width M “iv snwltors and at. Palm". l'mlm‘ ’prvsent industrial "indium“, tlu' smelt”! rvt'tlsw tn tiny fur the adult and nirkel mutant and thv mini-r nu win-s nuthing far this mhmhh- mn- stitiioht ut' the urv. Yc-t. thv Im-tnl o-nlmlt rimmuhh's uirkvl in nlmomt all its philwrtiw. its .t‘t-mity. nation'- hility. chwtility. hnnhwss. tvmiilr strvtigth, utul vlm-trimil prulwrtic-s am- sm far as thvy uru knuwn. wry simi- lar tn. than! «if titt'kl'l. 'l'hi'm' primer- tim nt' Ilit'ki" tmtkv it ut‘ rt-tumrkuhh- industrial vulm' in tlu- mnnmsitimt 01' it grt'tlt variety ut' Itlluys. HI' tlwst' "my hr mmtium-cl tlw high grmh- SIN-Is. “ho-rv tutmlmuss mul hnrclmms :trt- cit-sired; t'ur nutmnuhilt- put'ts. stew-l tuhm. mm stm-I. vrunks :mal c-t'ttttk shaft». huilm' Mutt-s. tin-s. mut- xml CAR BE UTILIEED IN A GREAT MANY INDUSTRIES INCLUD- ING OOINAOE~AT PRESENT IT IS LARGELY NEOLEOTED AS A BYâ€"PRODUO’I’. mm lflll NIH IIEIIS llflilll'flfll VIM" [If [ISIS I‘m Porcupine. Silver Mine .\ reeent urder-in-eunneil, relating; tn the” extensiun nt' t'nrt'eitnre 01' In»: of rights in ennneetinn with minim.r t't‘dittts. raids its t'tdiuwsi "l'pun the reennnnendntinn nt' the l-lnnurahle the Minister of Lands. Vut'ests and Mines, the ennnnissiun nt' ('mtm-il advise that the relief against t'm‘Teitltt'e nt' 1055 «if rights under seetiun 84 ut' the Mining .\«:t «if Unturiu in the ease u!’ a reeurded holder nt.‘ an interest in at mining: eiuiin win; has enlisted for :ietive ser- viee at hmne or overseas against the King's enemies, granted hy seetiun 4. ut' the Mining Aet, he extended to the first day «if January. 1917." width, IIIII III iIItI-I'vuls <1 \‘l‘r'll Maw- mm umur. wlIiI-II uppnrg'vull. III'I- l'uIIIInl In Ilw IInI'tlI IIIIII suIIIII \IiIIs inn-meeting it, (”HIUSS\HI.\S. 'llw m- I-rIIgI- “may l'rnm this win HUN hr- lwvvn $123 and $14 pvr Iull. Swami IIIIII-r (”ISL IIIIII west wins. :I\'I~I'II«_'iII§_' IIIIII-II wiIlI-I' IIIIIII lllllllbt'l' mw. lmw III-I-II ‘NH’HI III-19353 IIII- pl’UIWII\. giv- in}; \l'7\ MIHSHH'HH\ lt‘a‘llllh‘. Sulphide Zone. FrIIIII :I'IIIIII IIII- (‘t'llH-‘t‘ III' IiIIo sIIIIIlI- I'IIsI I‘lnilll, II sIIlIIlIiIII' 7.IIIII~ I'IIIIs SHIHII oust iILIII ”l0 'I‘Isdulc MiIIiIIg (IIIIIII- am 5 III'IIIII'IIV. 'l‘lIis 7.IIIII~ is III I’D"- siIle'IIlI-lv “H“II. IIIIII lllflh‘ \l'|\ III-an in sulpIIiIlI-s. hm; gIIlIl “as IliSPIfl‘ PM“! ”I! this zIIIII-. IIII HIP ”Sili't‘t'fis’.“ III'IIIII'I‘r)‘ in 1912!. 'l‘hv shearing is wry prmmmu-ml «m tho whulv pruporiy, mnl lhv g't-nvrall h'vml ls rnnghly must and \\'('~.I. with u shghr. «hp In tho suuth. Examination. During: Ihv your 1M4 this. mum-rt)“ was miuutvly mmminml h): thv pinn- ovr vnuinm'r nml gvulugisl, ut' Purvu- pmv. .\l r. l’vtvr Mau-Lnrvn (1".(E..\'.. Luml.)- ul' (Hzlsgmv. Svutlanul. and was prnnunnwcl h)‘ him as «mu “1' llu- thus! hkvlv vumlwr )ru wrnvs m lhv mm n . F Mr. Marshal” ('olsiur Mining mill is nmv in v 'zlturs shuuld Mining Act Changed to Benefit Soldiers {linIt' nt' lmt 8. Mid tln- nurtli Imlf' ut' but 9 in ”w first t’ttllPl‘SSiHH. Hn tlw tturtli tln- prulu-t'ty i4 lmnnilml lw tlw f'unnclinn .‘linin': ntnl F'innnw t'n.'.~s pmpvrty. nn tlw \H'Hl lmnmlnry tin-r0 :m- ”in t'ruwn t‘lnit'ti-n-J nml Vilmncl mint-s. ntnl nn tln- rust and Mill”! tln- 'l‘imlnlc- Mining ('u. pru'wrt)‘ mljuins. Veins. Tln- \t'vstt-rn linlt‘ ut' tin- pi'ntn'rty Inns Inn-n vxtt-nsit'vly trmwhml. nnof :ilmnt thirty wins tiisl'tn‘t‘rl'ti. Sew- vt'nl ut' tltv mtst ntnl \wst \‘vins' Itnw' lim-n trnvml nvmss tn tlw t‘tlhit‘l'lt pur- tiun. .\'tnnlu-r uni- win. Wllivlt i< the «me I‘ni'tln-st. nurth. may he rt-tnvinlwr- ml in tln- c-nrly days "3 twin;r nmwut' lltt‘ spt't'tnt'ttlttt' tltsmwm'it's. This win will nwrngo about 23".; I'm-t in Excelsior Mining Co. Getting Ready It Will be rt-mt-mlwrc-cl Hm! Hm ur- igimll Sm'vms "oh Him-s Limitml was ilwur'mmh-J with an muhurizml capital of mumnm, Later the "mm- ul' Hm mmnmny Wm: vlmnuml tn l’ur. rupilw-Sm-m-ss ”0M .‘Iimw Limited. and llw rupiml inm'xlsml tn 3'20"“.- mm. 'l'lw [mum-Him ul‘ tlu- rummny vow-r nu 1mm «1' Mn m'l'vs. in fun!“ vlnims "1' “My m'rns mwh. Imnwly. "Iv suuth “1's! lmrufluu uI' Lu! 3' and tlw smith mist part 01' Int 9. lmtll in "w \PI'IIIN' muwvminn. mu! Hu' :mrth half ”I. Ln! S. and ”w Iml'lh half 01‘ .‘lamy Murios lmw been virmllmml alum: tlw l’urmpine Sum-ma Hula .‘Iinm Lilnitml; :«nnc Iwnrrr ”no truth Hum "Hints. but mmv uf Hymn [nu-wa- aim: Imu-ln hotter than u guru t‘mm. dfl'inll. 'l'lw Advnnw hm (Mum Hm tnmhlt' tn SM‘vsligllh‘ matters M firs! hand. and is INN nMv tn gin nmlwn- 'i'c’ inl'urlnnlinr? In its rvmlc-n‘. Porcupine-Success Awakened from Sleep ACTIVITIES IBIMEDIATELY A88URED~A NEW COMPANY UNDER OPTION AOREEIIENT TAKES HOLD OP PROPERTY ~-I.ARGE 80MB TO BE SPENT ON DEVELOPMENT WORK AND PAYMENTS MADE TO VENDOR COMPANY DURING LIPE OP OPTION-NUMBER OP VEINS POUND. Properties. .. If there is any reliable many; news of the Porcupine Gold Camp 3.:- iany interesting local event The Pig'â€" .cupine Advance gets it. An eight» .page full size weekly paper, it is 297-- “sidered THE ONLY PORCUPIZ‘CE' iNEWSPAPER. Are you a su'vs27'3â€" ‘ber? If not, be placed on the list 2:1; 'l‘iu- .\(l‘.'iltl(‘(' J’uuv t‘untvst 51: ”IT «m St-hmhllu time. this wwk. it, is sut'v tn any that, ('\'N'_\' Inn}: u uirl in tho mum» is talkingr Ethnj‘, :xml lumping tn draw ttw \mmTw pnzv. Hm: little girl tultl lls‘ 1‘ she dreamt. stw haul tlw puny. Ht :- szly they are gumg tu \mrk lllw ..« x'vrs. Next \vmek the numnmtnmv. . hvgm tn puur m. The mni‘lwr the. n 'V ' o - o n-r. llw list, at nummutums t.» tnuc nt' gum}: to press, :n'v: Timmins.~-I’vtm' Xil'ulsnn. Xu: H. thh. Andrew thvrts. I’m Harrington. l-Im l’uitms. .‘Iurim km', I'Ivvlyn H. ('zu'n'cm. It. is llw immilimi lu sink l'lw first. slml’t iilmul half way smith till the imrtli-wi-sl. vliiim. Nu :llli’llipl will liu "mile in cross-Nil allmw- ”w 1300 Mill. lvwl. and it. is quin- prulmlili- the-y ”my sink lu INN) l‘ovt lwl'urv ilniiig an The iii-i'vssziry puwvr lmusv. Iii-ml. i'rnnw, Ni... will he (‘rm'lml zit this slml'l. Sumo primary \vnrli "my in: ‘ilmw in NW ll? l'imt slml'l :ill‘muly sunk IH'II' llw llul‘lll liiw. tn lvs't lll‘t .\'n. l \‘l'lll ulrmuly nwiiliunml. [Mir-- int: llli- wintvr Iiiuiillis it is aiiilii-ipzll- ml lllfll u gun: "1' 1H “1' I!" IIN'II will lu- stmulily i-Iiuilnyi'il. Inentory Being Taken. 'l‘lii- Ailvmm- learns that llw Sm» retury M the Suvvvss ('mnimiiy is lut'." in llu rump hikingr nu inwntuiw' nl' llu- vlmlti-Is. ulna. and Mr. llulimw in vxlu-vtml lu airi'iw in ”W mmi'm- u." it wm-k or an. \\’ll('ll upvi'aitimis will éw. giiv in Wall «inmost. Success Charter Remains. 'l'liis Ilt'lll is Mr llu- pi'n'wi'ty. am! in iin may :ill'm'ts ilu- vlmrlvr i'irlils .vl' tlw l’urc-uizixiv-Slump» (‘u.. wliivh will retain its; i-iilit)‘ l'ui' l'iilim- ilt'll'l- ll‘ll'h, simulcl llH‘ clii'mtul's SH ilm-zl‘r. H is iiiicli-i'slnml lllait Min “1' 'lls‘. L'l'lllll‘lllt‘ll win» was \‘N'y :H'liH‘ in '.ll‘: lli'gullilllllllh with Mr. llulnws :Jw: Mr. S. ll. ('lnrluu llzll‘l'lslt'l'. ul' 'l‘ur. uiilu, win» was prmuim-nl in llw cil:l cli|,\'.~; ul' ('nlmll ll! mmmwlinn will: 'lit: ldh‘. sun iii'u'u-I'ly. 'l‘lio iiwi'i-lmnts ul' llw tuwn nl’ Si-liuniau'lwr ill'l‘ greatly plmisml i.) ('nt ynm' munimxtinn blanks this Issue “1' Tim Advance, and them 111. VERY KEEN INTEREST IS 23;: ING MANIFESTBD IN can TEST â€" NOMINATIONS ’WI: :1, FLOW IN NEXT WEEK- SOME ALREADY IN. knuw that mmllwr “Hiking mi: Him"! In lw :uldml tn the .utiw THE RACE IS [IN FINV BflHTEST BMlflflNfl 5mm 7 I """"" ‘ "" "’I""n" 'I‘lw minimum is prinmrily in tlw i'nrm ui’ 1m upticm fur um' yvnr. with nun-tn im-m. tn sun-ml n a-mmioh-rnhlv mum Immtlnly. in olvwlumm-m. and ano‘ vermin porimiimil pnynu'nls in tho- h’m-vvss I'm. during the mummy ul' Hm uptiun. In llu- M'vnt ul' llw new mmmmuy i-Im-ting in pun-Imm- rlu- pru- mrty. mulc-r tlw h-rm ut' tlu- mmtrm-f. n murv substantial sum is rmmirmi In ho uxpmulml in cluwlupim-m mu! vunsiclvruhly c-nlmnvml m-rimlic-nl [myâ€" "mum in lw mmiv in ”w \‘vndin' mmr~ puny. 'l'lu- tuml pure-Imm- prim. is tn lw paid within IBM yvnrs. Prepndng for work. .\|romiy tlw mums "11- living ”wr- lmuiml mu! rc-lmirml. and it is q-xlwi-t- Ni that within ”w wai. wuvk sum». nm'vssm‘) mm'liim-ry wilI Iu- nu tliv grmmd. mul ilismllutiun mmnu'm-ori. The Deal. 'l'lw .hlumm- Illuh'rstnmls that n clmnl has been c-ummnmatml fur thm pmpofly _M‘ H. L. "ulnws. ut' Hmwvn. 373‘" and namwixltvs. and nlrI'mly Hm HIIIIII‘in ”I‘VI‘I'IHIII‘IH IIIIw zrnIIII-Il II. «IIIIrtI-r IIIIIlor Ilw name III“ Triumph Slim-.4 LiIIIiII-Il. IIIIII MI IIIIIIIIIrizI‘I? I‘fllbi'fl' "I K! INN! mm IIIIII II I-manIIIy “ill INIIIIIII' ”II‘ ”IIINIIN I'HIHI'III" IIiIlI IIII- l’IDI'I'N'""0-SIII‘I'I‘K‘I I u. HN‘ I'urvuplno-vams 1 u. 'l'lw vmmich‘mtinn. it is nmlvrstmvd. is in km'ping with the Icwntiun mul grvm 'mmihilitios ut' I?" pmlwrt)‘. Schunmclzer.w Single Copies 5 Cents I’m" (r I ".- '1‘ It

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