Wally Nidrolson is Vicki“ in Hailey-bury. luring the cold weather the ï¬re hose and apparatus are trim: inspn't. ed so that everything Ml] work quiPk [v and smoothly In case of ï¬re. H. B. Edwards Ins returned from Cobalt. Three twelvcs could he writtvn «m Thursday, being the twelfth month. the twelfth day and the year 1912. When (in three same numhvra m'vur again. Miss Caroline M. Flower 3:“ ani" cd from New York to look after nin O in: imrests in Tnmbull «maship. There was home to Mr. :2 (horse Cnldbick, last "inn-lav May be live to be .13 good a his “than Mrs. J. W. Miller of Haileyhury. well-known here. has been removed to the hospital at Toronto, whom on next Saturday she will undm‘qu an «mention for appendicitis. The coldest nirht of the year was: last. Tuesday. when (ho thrrmametor registered 2? bcimv mm at the rail- way station. R. 1". Collins 0‘ Sherhroukv. is \‘is‘ iting his mm Larry Collins. branch manna" here of the Canadian Rand Miss Berry of Haileybury is visit. in: her «inter at Hebnmachcr for a law weeks. Mrs. Duncan Campbell of Hailey- hury came in on the nftornmm train Monday. Mr. (‘ampiwll is thc- uwnvr and manamr of the skating link. ed. u' might be just as well and will ane :1 Int of hotlu-r if you will follow the homely phras? and â€dig up now." Con. Corbcau. who has boon with the Wawaiton Power Co. (or the last last year has left for Toronto where ho will play hock-y during the com- ing season with either the Toronto's oflers from both organizations. or Tecumseh teams. having had good oflers from both organizations. Saturday is tho last day in which you have to pay your taxes before the ï¬ve per cent. penalty is attach- LOCAL ITEMS a 3.1.1 I! Norman Maidens has returned to Haileï¬mry. He has been in amp looking ï¬lter his interests in the iMaiden's group of claims may examined by the Hudson Bay Co. at Cobalt The werVices in Golden City Metho- dist Church next 8 abbnth evening will be conducted by the Rev. Geo. English Church services will be held On Sunday. Dec. 15th.. as follows:â€" South Porcupine-11 a.m.. Golden City-3 p.m.. Timinu-«fa’ pm. The servit‘os at â€olden (T'ty during the winter months will hv held over the Jumiemn Moat (30’s. Store. ll. ll. Hatch loft. last Monday for tho St. Anthony Mine at. Stung-eon Lake. north of F0" William. The Canadian Exploration Company ham recently acquired this property under option and Mr. Hatch will be em- ployed in the «annuity of making a through sampling of this mine. The) Majestiv Theatre is plug. m: to guod houses this week and the speci- al attraction hot-tides their always ex- cellent photo-pictures. arc the attrac- tire bivylc girls under the manage- ment 0! Tom Eek. who is known thv world over as being "no of the square awn in amusement and sports. Girls have a hood act and please the and:- enco. They Will lw hm'vthc hallum‘v of the week. Jack Callimm is home from thc new gold 1113!; which is said to be some two hundred mil?! East 0! Cochrane and about seventy miles South of the Transcontinental xai|~ way. K. Bamford. Ewerybndy will he m ado welt‘ome. 01100. I ncy m' of the week. “'lll "l'l't' ("1' The ladies of lll!‘ Presbyterian ('hurt'h held a rather surrvssiul sale of home-made candies. fanry goods. and stall of life material in one of the King George Hotel stores on last. Wednesday. have pledged themwlves to raise $2.- 00 towards the huilding fund of the church and are well on the way to success. It is a lot of hard work for these faithful people to give you hill value for your money you spend towards this worthy cause and they should be helped along by all the congregation and church goers as well as those who haVe forgotten the trail to the house of worship and «u‘msionally miss a Sunday. IHIIEHN'Q' : xeluding The women of the church - Single l’arv lit-turn. (iood going Tuesday and Wednesday. Dec. 24th.. 25th; Valid lnl' return up to and in- 'l'hursday, Der. {Nithu also good going Tuesday and Wednesday. Dev. Illst.. 1912. and January 1.4., MM. valid lor return up to and in- cluding 'l‘hursday. January 2nd..1913 Lowest one way lirst-elass fare and one third for the round trip; good going Saturday. Der. 21st.. 191-3. in- Wednesday. January lst.. I913, iu- clusive; valid for return up to and including Friday. January 3rd., 1913. Those requiring pullman acconuno- dation will please make reservations with our loval agents early. so that we may have time toarrange extra equipment. A. J. FARR, G. F. P. A. Misc 1. G. Beattie, principtl o! the public school. visited in Cochrane over Sunday. The managmmnt oi the Majestic Theatre are Join: everything possible to five patrons clean. clever shows and have been fortunate In mating “The Hennimts." a very clever jut- glint couple for four days lmï¬nmm. Monday. [hammer "Rh. Wm. ('ropsy. who has been with the Homer l.. (iihson Company for the past year was married in Rochester on the 28th at last month and has. gone ta Tacoma. washimrton. where he will make his norm. Among the many gifts which Mr. and Mrs. Crop- sy received was the rather substan- tional one of “VP one hundred (10"st from too father of Mrs. Cropsy. T p.m.-â€"-l‘3w~ning service conducted b\ the Rm H H. Loverimt. Sub- ject. "I' omis cncss.’ SOI'TII PORCL’PINE PRESBY- TERRA)? CHURCH. REV. GEORGE K. BAMFORD. PASTOR. Divine «mice: as follows: - Sunday. lbpwmlmr 1' ).th W12 ll n.m.-â€"â€".\Inrning senice conducted In the Res. (' K. Bnmfnrd. Sub- jm't. â€Tweak“: had} thbnth Sunday School will meet. at half past two. Graded classes. Mr. (3. Honrv. Superintendent. our services. All seats frvo. Everybody invited to attend and made welcome at all EHHISTMAS 8! NEW YEARS 1912-11113 111111111111 111115. 1. 8! 11.111 1111. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE 1 N ipissing Stores, Limite A Magniï¬cent Display of Christina Novelties for Men ‘\ The Largest and Most Select Stock of Useful and Appn tive Goods---Suitable for Xmas Gifts in the North Coun‘ Amongst this Beautiful Display---We Would Dra‘ Your Special Attention To The Following: Men’s Hose Combinations, (Hose, Tie and Garters to M;:,iï¬ A unique and Ideal Xmas Gift. Sox Combinations, “Brat Arm Bands and Garters†Combinations. Men’s Neck Tie: put up Singlyin boxes. Men’s_ Silk Hose. Chamois Colla Cases. Irish Linen H. Stitch Handkerchiefs, half Dozen i Box. An immense variety of Wool and Fur Lined Glove Porcupine’s Leading, Clothing and Gent’s Furnishing House. Scarfs, Neck Wraps, Pyjamas, Fine Underwear, Henge Sli pets in Morocco Case, very neat and useful Gift. Sweat Coats, Outing and Negligee Shirts, and a host of olh‘ Beautiful and useful novelties too numerous to mention. We are also giving very speci. prices on Men’s Suits and Overcoats. Now is the time to get your Winter Overcoat, tl prices are right and the stock the largest and most up-to-date in the Camp. See Window and Store Displayâ€"and make your Xmas purchases EARLYâ€"while the selection is large and best, as some of these special nice things are getting picked up very fast. NIPISSING STORES, LIMIT. South Pon