Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Dec 1912, 1, p. 7

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stimatcs of Output, Prepared by S. H. Logan of Bank of Commerce, Cabalt The combined prmluctiun of ('0- Ilt. and Porcupine for the yvar ’i" be $18,900,000, according tucs- imates carefully and authvmicully ropared by S. 1!. Logan. manager I the Bank of Commerce. Por- npine contributes two millions to be above total. Cobalt's estimate hows an increase of over one mil- }on above last year. Awarding to tistics, everything points favorab- to the increase in production be- kopt up next year and for many 19,900,000 FROM PORCUPINE AND ”COBALT CAMPS FOR SALE :â€"â€"-Eight thousand six hundred and forty acres of Mineral, Timber and Agricultural Lands. This big proposition con- sists of 54 “Veteran Claims" of 160 acres each. lying in the Town- ships of Murphy and Hoyle immediately adjoining Tisdale and Whit- ney Townships in the Porcupine Mining Division. These properties will be sold for the value of the timber and pulp-wood alone and the mineral possibilities are immense as they lie directly in the line of strike of the principle ore bodies of the camp. These pro- perties have never been prospeeted for mineral but have been cruis- ed for timber value. To a capitalist or promoter able to handle a deal of this magnitude it is a sure thing from the stand point of timber values alone to say nothing of the immense mineral possibili- ties. Full particulars upon request. WORKING OPTIONY :â€"â€"We are prepared to offer to responsible railing men a working option good for six months upon a group of claims in the Porcupine Camp. These properties have large dykes of quartz and schist heavily mineralized and carrying consistent gold values right on the surface. No money need be paid on this option until the expiration of the six months and then only if satisfied. This is an unusually good opportunity‘. Write for further parti- oulars. pportunities For Capitalists and Promoters FOR SALE :--.-\ fully oiganized Porcupine Mining Co., having Ontario Charter. Capitalized for $1,000,000, par value shares $1.00 and owning 9 full claims or a total of 360 acres, is offered for sale. Pro rty shows free gold in several places. Now being developed. Thifgroposition ofiers CXCellcnt chance for stock brokers or promot- ers who want a good clean cut floation. Properties, charter and en- tire capital stock can be delivered without any entanglements. Full particulars, maps. reports, etc., furnished on application. MINING CLAIMS zâ€"hlining claims in Porcupine, Cripple Creek, Swastika, Gowg'anda, Cobalt, South Lorrain and all mining camps of Northern Ontario for sale by us at pillces ranging from $100 to $1,000,000. We especially solicit the business of Brokers and Pro- moters. Our intimate personal knowledge of the country together with our staff of correspondents and mining engineers in the various camps puts us in a position to give excellent service. Write us your wants. UNDERWRI'I‘ING PROPOSITION :â€"â€"A large and favorably known mining and development company owning and controlling a number of properties in Porcupine. South Lorrian and Sudbury Mining Dis- tricts are at the present time willing to place 100,000 to 200,000 shares of their Treasury stock with a responsible broker or promoter to be underwitten at a low price. This is an unusually good Opportunity for a broker who wants something to place before his chifilts with every possibility of making good. The organization and 11101108881316“ 0! this company i8 GSmCial good and this opportunity should not be overlooked. Write us at once. RIGHT Cable Address. “Fuller-Porcupine” Assessment Work Mine Management Diamond Drilling Properties Sampled Reports and Maps REFERENCES:-â€"fl ny one of the Five Banks in South Porcupine, “090.00.000......ODOOOOIOCOG9900.000”“...OIOOOOOOWOCUC'CC “COCO“... ”COMO... years to come. The total produc- tion of Cobalt up to the end of the present your will. be over 837,- 000.00". and dividend disbursements $41,000,000. That Porcupine will produce this year two million dollars must be: pleasing to those who have been anxiously waiting to see the camp produce some tangible results. The truth in that while the public have ‘seemingly shown little interest. the ibis: operators have quietly been ac. complishing very satisiuvtory and promising results. With $2,000,000 production this year. and probab- ly 258.000.000 next year. it is mite to be expected that public interest gin the camp will shortly be more :in evidence and be decidedly op- timistic. Two millon from Porou- pine in a year is more than dou- ble any previous year's gold produ’e- tion in the history of the Pro- .vince. OUR OBJECT IN LEASING THIS ENTIRE PAGE IS FUR THE PFRI’OSE OF CALLING THE ATTENTION ("IF CAPITAL TO THE TREMBNDOUS MONEY MAKING ()PPORTlTNITlBS Ul“ NORTHERN ONTARIO. HUI)! NORTHERN ONTARIO IS TRI‘LY “THE LAN!) 0!" OPPOR- TUNITY" AND ITS VAST RESOURCES ONLY AWAIT 'I‘IIE MAGM‘ TOI'CII OF “CAPITAL." THE INVESTMENT POSSIBI- LITIES ARE ABSOLUTELY UNLIMITED AND TO THE MAN WITH NERVE. VISION, SAGACITY AND MONEY. THE FIELD .o‘n nnfilm Vllll ~‘I'le' I IS LARGE Ax‘n d‘iifihEWARtw ARE GREAT. The attention of the market trader is called to the fact that A. S. FULLER COMPANY have been brokers of a good many years standing in Boston, New York and Chicago, and in addition to the experience we have had there in Wall Street, State Street and LaSalle Street, we now have the further qualifications in this particular instance of being “Right On The Ground" as far as Por- cupine is concerned. We have been actively and financially identified with the camp for the past three years and are thoroughly famil- iar with every corner of it and the property of every mining com- pany operating in the district. We feel, therefore, that we are ina better position to give you AUTHENTIC information regarding PORCUPINE STOCKS than outSide brokers. Furthermore we are in direct touch by wire with theToronto Exchanges and can give your buying and selling orders prompt attention. Our especial advantage. however, comes from our intimate personal knowledge of the actual working conditions of every mine here. IF YOU WISH TO SELL, send your stock to us by registered mail,properly endorsed in blank, with full instructions, i. e., state, if you desire to sell at the market or at a stated price. If the latter, state the price. We will acknowledge receipt of stock the same day it is received, and a statement of sale and remittance, to cover, less commission, will be forwarded to you immediately up- on completion of sale. IF you WISH TO BUY send us your order. he will acknowledge receipt of the money the same day it is received, and the day stock is bought we will mail you a statement. You can remit balance due us and we will immediately forward to you the stock, or we can. if you so desire, draw draft on you with stock attached for the balance due us, provided 25 per cent. is deposited with us. In placing orders, explicit instructions as to price, length of time for which order is good, transfer instructions, etc., should be supplied. ing only the transfer fee we pay. This generally amounts t for each new certificate. Where a trader buys for a “turn nOt matter in whose name the oer tificate is issued. 'éâ€"{ock and Mining Brokers TELEPHONE 14 5mm! PORCUPINE, ONTARIO, CANADA. “Right on the Ground” THE PORCUHBE ADVANCE THE GREATEST NICKEL DEPO- CA'I‘ED IN THE Sl'lHH‘RY MIX- IIB HIGHEST. THE HIGHEST SH I'RUDl'CElHH’ SILVER Till". I) WE, WHO ARI". "RIHII'I‘ UN RHFI’INE. HAVE m'l'l‘ (WT 1.1T- your order. We will acknowledge it is received, and the day I. statement. You can remit ately forward to you the stock, by registered i. 6.. State: 1%. If the FOR SALE :â€"The finest vacant business corner in the town. 50 x 100. Corner Golden Ave. and First St. Price $1500. Assessed valuation $2500. A big bargain. FOR SALE zâ€"Finest residence corner in town. 50 x 100. [non- tion Main and Broadway. High and dry. Price $325. FUR SALE :-â€"-5 Room llungalow and corner lot ; well located ; house practically new ; wired for electricity ; Price $1100. FOR SALE :-â€"Store and two rooms up stairs on Railroad St. Lot ‘25 x 80. Good location for small business. Price $400. A snap. FUR SAI.l".:-â€"i\'ell located vacant lot with small building on Rounds Townsile N75. Rounds 'l‘ownsite $l75. FUR SAM". Zâ€"Vacant lot on llruve Ave. 50 x 100. Price $000. FOR SALE :-â€"-l.ot on Railroad 5L, with large tent. Price $225. FOR SALE zâ€"llesidcnce lots at $100 upwards. FOR RENT :â€"â€"l.arge double store and six rooms upstairs on Bruce Avenue for $10. This is a h argain for someone. The biggest. FOR RENT :--5 Room cottage well located in good neighbor- hood. l’rit‘e $20 per month. FOR RENT :â€"Good stores. houses and olllocs at prices that are reasonable and right. To" us your wants. L‘Ul LllUlu Ulluunnu vv Canada has been gang through during the past 3 or 4 years. Don't wait and buv land at top prices. (let in early. We are able to of- ler a few 160 acre tracts of good agricultural and TIMBER lands at from $4 to $10 per acre. This land is located close to the railroad and is BOUND to increase rapidly in value. If interested in a proposi- tion of this kind send 10 cents to cover cost of mailing and wrapping and we forward post paid a copy of the 100 page hand- book on “NORTHERN ONTARIO," published by the Ontario Gov- emment. Always in remitting, or settling your account, use accepted checks ise we will be justified in holding oer- tificates until collection can be made on checks. Your bank will not accept checks in payment of drafts therefore your broker is entitled to the same rule. Never aska broker to place the stock in your name before it is paid for in full, or you have deposited funds in the bank to cover it. Reputable houses will never till an order of this kind, as the stock certificate transfel'red in your name becom- es worthless to the brokucr in case you die or are unable to pay cash or money orders, otherw for it upon delivery. Add 25 cents exchange to all checks and drafts unless made payable at par. at South Porcupine. On checks above $100 add ex- change at the rate of 1-4 to 1 per cent. An observance of these rules will render mistakes impossible and establish a high degree of confidence between yourself and the house handling your business. Always in ordering send remittance have an account with us, or we knov not fair to assume that the broker is t for you without some guarantee. The t the investor should be ready to do his On stocks under 10 cents 1-4 cent per share; on stocks sold at 10 cents and under 50 cents, 1-?! cent per share ; on stock sold at '50 and under $2, 1 cent per share ; on stock sold at $2 and under $4, 2 1-2 cents per share; on stocks sold at $4 and under $10, 5 cents per share; on stocks sold at $10 and under $25, 10 cents per share. 0n stocks selling at $25 and upwards, 1 per cent of money in- volved. Minimum commission $1. Our commission rates will be found to t charged by brokerage houses in Bo ston, New other points, and are as follows :â€" Northern Ontario will mining man in the district Real Estate Department Farm and Timber Lunds SPECIAL soon haVc a land “boom" like Western Commissions emittance in full, or part, unless you . we know your financial standing. It is Iroker is to use his money to buy stock Lee. The bank requires it of him and- to do his part. Western Union and ford-McNeil] Codes. Mining Claims Mining Stocks Townsite Lots Real Estate Timber Limits to be much less than are New York and Chicago and use accepted checks

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