' “At the present writing: one band and the largest has a pay-roll of over $5.000 per month. and. when â€)8 ï¬shing season begins. will be able to make largp sums for the fish tlwy will rturn over to the canneries. In the -early summer they go to the fishing grounds. Where tie large spring 581- hnm run. and will receive from 80 ,cents to one dollar for each ï¬sh. ,catchinc from ten to ï¬fteen each day , -â€"fur nearly two months. The women. imeanmhile. at» working in the can- :nery. waiving: on an average, two dollars each day. They then take up the ï¬-‘hing for th“ smaller salmon. and onminue until St‘Dlthht‘f of each year." ' Inst year nur Indian population 113! 6| 612 acrvs und '1‘ culti vatiuuâ€"au inc-was" of ‘3. 062 acrvs mar the re- Jmm; fur the preceding Vear. This land yielded 1 5!? 000 bus twls of grain and root». and 1212000 tons of hay. the who! hanm a Value of 51.484346. The othvr sources of the income of our Indians were: Beef. $255,109; wages. $1. 616. 049: ï¬shing. $623. 97?. hunting and trapping. $804, 517; taxi» ous industries. $748 .473. U“When we read of ‘The Passing of a Race.’ and consider the inroads. war and disease made on this once powerful nation. it may astonish the writer of history to know that the Haidas are increasing in numbers, and are becoming more and more civilized. It should be a further cause of wondm. if generally under- stood. that they have the largest number of goon houses. cattle. boats, stores. public buildings and the best ’ntreets of any svttlements on the islands. Their two large towns are not t be compared with the tumble- dm ’1 shacks commonly found in In- ‘dian villages. Two-story frame dwell. .ings are common. and it is. the am- ‘bition of heads of families to construct ouses in accordance with plans and peciflcations of the later“ design. As t builders, their handiwork must be seen to be appreciated. deay at Naden harbor every able-bodied man of the band i: at work building a cannery. residences and a wharf, for a fishing company and all are giving satisfaction. "In the churches they have orches- tras and choirs. and lay readers. The Bkidegatp brass band carried oft the rize. at the annual competition in rince Rupert. They engaged the best ‘eachers available. and are pre- paring? to contest at the next com- petition. Durimz the summer months they engace in tis‘:ing. and at cannery work. and are considered the best of employee by the cannery companies During the winter months they are gt their homes, the children at the schools. and the men and women im- proving! their houses and building. The report of the Department con- aista largely of the reports of the agents having (hr (‘2 charge of the. various tribes and hands which here and there are scattered (Wo'l‘ the whole Dominion. These agents“ re- ports repeat the old stories lultl ow-r and over neain. hut there is this vary- ing not“ "1"â€)ng through themâ€"im- provement in industrial and moral conditions noticeable. on many re- serves, particularly on several in the West. where the rerlmen are turning to the mil as a source of livelihood. and in British Columbia, where whole Lanr‘i are engaged in regular indus- trial pursuits. and are risin'v steadily in civilization. One of these. agency reports is so glowing that it cannot be passed by without a few brief gleamings. It is the report from the agency that includes the Queen Char- lotte Islands of! the coast of British Columbia. The Indians on this island reserve are known as the Haida na- tion. In one part of his report the agen_t_,_ writes: Both Poncoptions are wrong 80 ll! as numbers im- concerned. the In- dians are holding their own fairly well. numberim! according to the re- Fort ol thv DP mrtmvnt, of Indian Al- in recently issuml. 104.966. while of Eskimos than- ari- 4.600 within the limits of Canaviaâ€" a total native popu- lation nl l00.550. Then- arv swan thousand moro- Indians lll (‘anada than tho'n- arv whit» pmva in all Prince Edward laland whili- tho» Eski- mm are vqtml in mnnhcr to one hall the . pnlation ul Suulangva county. This total nat. vu population i~' "ï¬nal to the numlwr of all the» ponplc‘ livinir tn the counties of llvanharnoia, (‘hat- mummy. lluntinuclon. Nanivrville. Laprairie. St. Johns. llwrviilv ultil Missiaqnois. and our township in BrotnP. In wary to-rritorial division of Canada thr-ro- i- an Indian popula- tion. and. strainin- as it may sown. it is not one of tlv m'w win-tart! prov- inces but. tlw old l‘rovincv.» nf ()ntariu that contaim tlw largest rod popula- tlon. Ontario has 26.39? Indiana; British Columbia. 24.79]: Quebec. 12.8â€; Manitoba. l0.373; Saskatohv- W8". 9.5452 Allwrta.' 8.“:3: lltP Tarri- torios. 5.262; th' Yukon. 3.500; Nova Scotia. LOGS): va Brnnswfrk. um; and Prince Edward Island. 300. cloud with 1h» Arctic lands where the Kimz'n writ vim-s not run and the ofï¬cers 0! Lb? Dr'pnnmvnt of the Mo ‘9er and Indian Affairs are never hard nf. thmmht nf face, fr! 1 beyond thn â€NV“ Eskimns Our nuke populationâ€"the descend. am of the 'snciem lords of tot-est and dream-43 divided into two chum or um. one of which is well known. but 019 other is .anm thmmht 0' u forming part of the popuhtion of the Damininn. These two races 0! abori- glnn are mo indium and the Bold. Inns. If aslwd tn rive an estimate of this nntiw population. and to name the province m which the lamest numb-r nf almrlgnws )9 in be found. it is nnt likuly that one person In ten could ciw anything like correct anlnera. Tho- Indians are often M A MATTER OF FACT INDIAN I8 HOLDING HIS OWN. Thu Noble Redman, Who Once Owned Canada, How Numbers Wt.“ Souls anr’ â€w- Eskimo ‘.Mâ€"â€"On- hrh Has the Most Aboriginu Within Its Bordenâ€"Education Works Wonders. “[0" IS NUT DYING OUT Fl! Nation, and to name I: which the large» igmes it! to be found. - that one person In anything like correct Indians are often nwmlwn 0! a drug mt away to the am in: sun: and u for Ivy at» usually meo- Arctic land: where con- the the hvre the» She Knew Best. Visitor-'1‘?“ we unw. professor. are you suffering â€mm (mm your head acne? l’rofessur «to his wifeuâ€"Say. Amelia. do I suffer much from my neudncue'I-Fllegende matter. I Conkling's lnvoctive. Rom-0e Conkling. like John .I. lnzalls. wua a master of lnvective. Conkling. It is said. onee upon a time in summing up to a jury thus attempted to belittle the testimony or u rnmmy faced. knob Dy nosed witness for the opposition: "Methinks. gentlemen. I can see that wttuem now. his: mouth stretching m-mss the wide desolation of his fave. it sepuk-ner 0! run: and a fountain of falsehood!" Contradictory. Randallâ€"I‘ve» “THIN! nn article on "Why Men Un .\nl Marry" and Illus trufm It with phn'uzrupha nr dreadful Musing. strung uumled wmuen Rm:- vm-WVbere did vm- 2M [11» :flf‘fllt'PR'.’ Ru‘ndnHâ€"‘l‘hey're Wives of the men I know --Llfe. Paint of Our Forofathora. a white lead and oil paint. the ï¬nish or our forefathers. is easily and eco- nomically mixed from the raw mate- rials as it is needed for use. With each 100 pounds or white lead mix ï¬ve gai- lous linseed oil. one pint turpentine and one pint drier. An allowance of 50 cents for the labor of mixing gives eight gallons of white paint for about 31315. or $1.64 a gallon 'l‘wo coats of this. or better three. after coating knots and pitclly. sappy places with orange shellac. provide a good ï¬nish either outdoors or in.-Country Life in Amer- each door are strong railings to pre- vent accidenta Since this tower was completed the trees have grown and flourished just as well as before. This living tower is claimed to be the only one of its kind in the world. wired the itii‘i! ul huilding u tower on «he very summit of a high hill near his hotel. and while looking around one day for a suitable site he found four young redwood trees standing about twelve feet apart. representing a per- fect square. The trees were each about 150 feet high Fifty feet of each (on was lomled MI. and the work of building six stories was then com- menced. From top to bottom the liv- ing tower was a hundred feet high. Each door ls about 12 by 12 feet and rests on strong timbers. the ends of whlch are securely attached to the tour trees by means of steel cables and bolts. So strongly was every part braced that the whole structure does not move as much as one would natu- rally suppose. even when rocked by heavy wlnds. In the building great care was taken by the workmen to cut only the branches growing on the In- slde ol‘ the square. and the trees were not chopped. mutilated or weakened any more than could be avolded. Leading up from each story are broad stutrways. so that one may as~ ceud and descend with ease and per- fect safety. while around the edge of Captain Meekor'a Unique Idea In tho Building Line. What Is knnwn :IS the “living tnw- er." says a writer in the Wide World Magazine. stands on the very summlt of a hill tlwre than 200 feet high at Camp Meeker. at summer resort in sn- nomu county. Cm It was Captain Meeker. an old pmueer. who ï¬rst con tmm and crlpplml all hls family 9:- rvpt hls mntller~ltrlnw. who escaped unlmrt. llo bought four gold brlcks and took soml- q-mmtorfelt money In [my for two mml ltnrsos "Tm-n lw dlml. Wlwn Hwy were tak- lnxz ltlm lu tlw mane-tors tho team pull- lmz tlu- lu-urm- run away calm: down hill and m-nttrml tho n-maltm of Ezra along the sldo ul ttm rnml. "In tho mnrw of tlnw tnlq fnmlly nmrkml lllu umw- by an npproprlute slnm- ull \\ llll'll llu- stntu-vlltlvr ml the chm- uf hm lllrlb “"‘HUL! um! llllsspollt‘d "l! mum- In two“ "And utlll mm a? tlwm In no and: tlllng as lurk? Saturday Bveulng l'imt. it Began wan rm Name not! toned on His Tombstone. Ten: â€excel at Topeka was talking to Abe i’etent snout luck. so Tom re» ports. Tom thought there was no such thing so luck. but she protested “Take the case 0! Ears Boil.†said the. “To hexin with. think of his name. A name like that is herd enough luck to prove my contention. but Etr- iived up to it. When he was a baby he fell into the horse trough and was uimost drowned. Then he got hold of s can of concentrated lye and it took them four weeks to bring him round He fell out of an apple tree when he was six and broke both arms and n leg. sud Just as he was hohhllnn round again he went on a watermelon stenlint: expedition with six other boys The others got sway. but the dust conch: i-eru anti chewed him up until the former came along and he put on finishing touches with a harness truce. lie tell In love when he ths seventeen. «pent all he hnd for huuuy rltles uml mud; for the red t‘ht't'kt-ti object it! his ntiorstion-nnti she shook hint and mnrrled another. A mule kicked him and broke six rlhs. iic hml u lot of huts and they died of cholera on the identical day when hogs reached 9 cents n pound. live weight. He had :1 his: crop of wheat and n hail- storm come along and ruined it one hour after his hnll Insurance policy hnd inpst-ti. lie it"! 3500 to make I payment on his land. put in the hank and the hunt: busted. “A cyclone wreeked his house nnd horn and crippled all his family ex- cept his motiter-in-Inw. who escaped EZRA'S HARD LUCK. A LIVING TOWER. . In One Spot. Rolloâ€"Has Walne a steady position? Edgar-Yes. He stands in one spot holding an advertising banner tor a ; clothing atomâ€"New York Globe, He Was Safe. 'l'ne Minister's Wife (inquiring after clack sneepr-And now is your son doing since he went to New York? Hodgeâ€"He‘s game on to China, it seems. for I got a letter from him from Sing Singâ€"New York Sun. In Wrong. “18 this your ï¬ancee. E'd?" asked Jones. picking up a small portrait ofl the mantlepiece. Juues thought a minute. “She must be rivh. Isn't she, [MWâ€"Fun Magazine. â€Well. madam. it is not entirely In my style. but a poor man cannot make cholce. and it you will have it carefully disinfected I will return tomorrow for lt."â€"Le ere. “Yes. How do you like her?" asked Ed. The Prudent Wayfarer. “Take this greutcout. my friend. [I beluuged to my dear husband, who has Just gone on his long journey." Kept three trutnbs In her lap. The card club meets at two o'clock. Once more the chatter starts. Once more their neighbors now they knock While dealing spades and hearts. Once more the cut glass war begins. lnto a verbal scrap. And some of them go home to bet That she who copped the prizeâ€"Annetteâ€" And when they homeward 30 Once more we'll see their wagging china As they discuss the dame who wins Three prizes In a row. “ "l‘wcmy? And they hanged 'em all on two mnumnulmeuts?‘"-Clevelnnd l’mln Denier. They're Off. The card club’s started up again; Once more they pay their dues 'l‘o battle now with might and main For stuff they'll never use. Once more these sixteen indies get Cap-clone Commandments. “A llttle girl at our church." snld I Cleveland mlntster. "knelt heslde het' mother Whlle the mmmnmlmenta We" helm: rend When the rectnr read. '00 these two commandments hung all of the law and the prophets.’ the little glt’l whlspered: “ ‘Mnmmn. how mum'- "'Sh!' hlsaed her momma. “'ltnt. mnmmn. how many prophet! urethere?’ “'Why. lsnlnh. Jeremlnh. flnbhnknk. Jonah. lingual. Mnlnvhl. Zephnnlnh. denrle. I can't thlnk of all of them wlthout looklng them up. but I fancy there must have been nhnnt twenty.’ Those Things Will Happen. “Say. do you sue thnt chroma over there In the hlm- dress?" asked the mun standing next to htxn at u dance. “Yes." replied the one addressed. with Interest. “I'm not likely to. You see, she‘s my wife!"â€"Yonkers Statesman. “Let me glve you a tip. She‘s a lemon. She walked all over my feet. Don't try to dance with her." nun you beL They point to their ï¬gures. and 1 must remit Although I can't see any reason for It. I'm sure I am right in the balance I claim. But they make me come through when they ask. just the same. And they smile in a way condescending and bland When I say their system 1 can’t under- stand. For this in the puzzie my brain cells to vex- Why doesn't my money keep pace with my checks? The Dinppuring Balance. I can never flguro my bank account out. I’m uiwnys In trouble and always in doubt. A And hm wlu'n I think I have lots to 80 on The bank sends a noticeâ€""Accounts over- I .' ¢ drawn." I don't understand It. I fuss and I fret. Hut 1 can‘t make the bunk people "not So you'll clove. my pearl of pearls! You're our. the step you'll ne'er rem" 0! course you are the best of girl; 0! course. sweetheart. i love you yet. But stillâ€"ahemtâ€"i'd better state I'm not cloning. thanks. today. I am convinced we uught to wait Until the boss shall nine my payi ~Chicago No" flu: but in a hetflchlng mm; It matches your sweet eyes so bl“ l Into that droopy sort of Mn: Th“ ribbon ban": a datsy mo You look just like a poster gm Month that stunnlng kind of In" ‘flpgg'n [3N buckle. I. It pearl? Thu hobblo oltlrt is quit. I“ right. It surely does appeal to me! Porhupo it is n trim.I tlnht. Oh. what a comfort you will be To mo through all life’. winding wan! Your love makes glad this moldy our“ Your laugh will brighten gloomy day.â€" Buy. whut ll such a hobblo worth? COuntmg tho Cut. 0 “Men. you an- lan to :u u! 0 maiden. wm yuu be my bflde? I†that you'll run any with me And be femur by my side. For I will shieid ynu from Ill ham. Be your defense when tempest too-ad. Your nhmd shall be my strong right annâ€" Erâ€"ny-what did that outï¬t cost? The Eternal Quottion. The boy stood on the burning deck. Whence all but him had fled. He hailed us as we neared the wreck. “Have you a match?†he said. -Ctnclnnau Enquirer. Maud Muller said when came the judge. â€At last here is my catch." But. all the jurist said was: “Fudge! My pipo's out! Girl. 3. match!" What did your (other our for that? Muan Cuss. "Your face will always llght my way,‘ Said Algernon tn Maude. She never Knew he meant to say That she was lantern jawed. Tue campaign soon will sllp away. The contest will be o'er. And trlendsnlpa wlll revlve. they say. To last for four years more. -Washlngton Star. Political Partings. â€"Wlsconsln State Journal. â€"Detrott Free Press. -Denver Republican. “1 E PORCUPINE ADVANCE for the Advance Subscribe Or any two partners, the Suggestion is made that they open a JOINT ACCOUNT with The Bank of Toronto. Having a Joint Account either of the partners may withdraw money, and in the event of the death of one, the money belongs to the survivor. If interested, talk the mat- ter over with any Manager of the Bank of Toronto J. M. FRAWLEY T0 Husband and Wife Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, McKieman-Terry Self-rotating Hammer Drills, Drifting self-rotating Hammer Drills and Stoping self= rotating Hammer Drills, also See our non-freezing corliss valve McKiernan-Terry Wizard Rock Drill, with the famous cuchion device. We have in stock at our Smith PorCUpinc Warehouse 3 full line :of Rock Drilis, Hammer Drills, Cure Drills, Rails, Steel air and Steam Hose, couplings and all Miningr Accessories We can supply a full line of Mining, Milling and cyanide Machinery, and are prepared to qtmte on cumplete mining, milling.r and cyanide plants CANADA FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED Mining Machinery The Bank- of Toronto is among the strongest and most progressive institut- ions of its kind in Canada. -I l‘.’ Brunchva in ()nlurlu. Quebec and the “'03“. --Asst - - - 851000.000 -Capital and Rest - 811.000.000 â€"Establishcd - - - 1355 M a n a g e r South Porcupine Branch South Porcupine Warehouse Cor. King 6: Simcoe Sts., Toronto. Dist: ict Ofï¬ces: And get full informatinn about w.++$++++++++++++++++++++++ °§' Englehart: :TEMISKAMINB 81 Nflfllflffll flNIAfllfl flAllWAV i Daily service between North Bay and Cochrane operating through CPR. sleeper from Montreal to Cochrane. Local serx ice between Englehart and Cobalt, and between Porcupine and Timmins. For full particulars see current time table or refer to any T. . N. (J. Agent. e+++++++4 r++$++++4 3; A. J. PARK, G. I9. 8: P. A. North Bay 3: *+*+*+++++*+%+++++++%$++++ o o '0 O .0. O. O â€.“.â€.â€.“.â€.“.OO. â€.00.†O. .0 .0 O. O. O O. O O H O O O. O O .0 O O O. O O .0 O O 00. O 0.. O. O O. O O N O O O. O O O. O O 00 O O O. O O 0 0.. o o o o o o o o o o .«.«.u.u.u.oo:u.oo.u.n. 00‘ 1 O 0.0 o ’0 N 00.0. .00 O. .“.â€.â€.â€.â€.â€.O 00. 0.â€... O O .0... o o o o o 0:00.».u.«.«.«. .0 O 00.0 9 O. o o o o o «.00... 90 00.00.0600,“. â€.â€.OO.â€.â€.â€.â€. O O. O. 00.. .0. O O O 0.00.... ..;. “ADVANCE†0'0 0'0 8 3 go 0.0 O O 3- .0 .3 O .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.00000000000000Q. O.“..0.00.â€.â€.OO.â€.H.OO.â€.O O.â€.â€.â€.O O.â€.O0.00.â€.O0.0 0.. 0.â€.w.â€.â€.â€.09.â€.â€.00.0... O.â€.O0.00.00.0 Through trains daily between Toronto and '1' Timmins. operating through Pullman Sleepers to and '1' from Timmins, making connections at Iroquois Falls for Cohrane. +++$ Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and .0. 0.. O O 0.00.â€. O â€.00.â€. O .9 O O 00 O O 00 O O .9 O O O. O O O. O O N O O 00 O O 90 O O O. O O O. O O .0. O 90.0..“ 0 . O... O 9.0 O ’9 O. O O N O O O. O. .0. O o o o o «:90.» O O oâ€oâ€oâ€dâ€o†O O 00 O O O. O .0 V v .5. COME TO OUR The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert South Porcupine Subscribe For the TRAIN SERVICE HOTEL CONNAUGHT Bouiltifully Located, overlooking Porcupine Lake and South Porcu- pine. Fitted up with all modern- convcnicnccs. Two minutes walk from the T. N. 0. Station. Effective, September 15th, 1912 A. F. KENNING. MGR. '0. v0.00... v o 0 v0.0}. O U I A. .1 00‘ 00‘ O. O. O. O. .0 O. o_o o_o 0.. 0.. O O O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O O .E. .E. â€l O. O. O. O. O. O. .0 O. 00 0'0 00 00 00 00 O. .0 O. O. O. O. O. O. 0'0 0'. oo o. 0.0 o. 0.. O. O. 3 3 0.0 0.0 O. O. C 0'0 0'0 2 2 0.0 0.0 O.