Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 6 Dec 1912, 1, p. 4

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This glorious Indian Summer wea- ther should take the' pcssimisim out of the soul of the most. crabbed, groucllcst old reprobato who is allow ed to breathe God’s pure. fresh air and temporarily («capo tho Dcvil. It look: like a green Christmas even up in this North country and some men are found who are human en- ough to wish for a fat graveyardâ€" lor the Thiel men. Why not be prom! P Get ready with your bunch of resolutions and prac- tice them before January l.nineteen hundred and thirteen. Every nun with sense knows there is always a morning after. The Porcupine Advance bu lumishod a wild 20090 5.000 persons. The blind about the nnly (Man that stew up in this country. He who loves and runs away may live to love another dayâ€"4! the hug band doesn't kill him. Men of toâ€"day have tried to put on the armour worn in ancient days, and find that a“ are too small. We have grown in stature But the question is not are we bigger in body than our ancestors, but are we greater in soul. ?For the second time during the present year our monoline Oper ator has left without giving notice of his intention, and much local news will have to be. onitted un- tilhis place can be filled, and plate matter resorted to. V No I ore'. good will to menâ€"It is Chxistmas Time; Peace on earth He was a steady operator and a good one. but apparently irreS- ponsible to a plain duty. We can only say to hum “Go and Sin The Liberal l’m'tys new Hilli'y as bdng shaped out is In redui'e the cost of living. cheaper clutllvn, eheaip er food and cheaper homes and gen: eral comfort. of the people. To this end Mr. I". ll, (‘arveL liberal member {mm Carlton. NJL. has. declared for an increzw- in the British preference, and rc-nfllmed the fenlty of the party to reciprocity and wider markets What a greater paradise this Canada would be if these tlhtgs could he carried out and brought, to pass. Are we more unselfish ?, Are we moge just?, Have we grown in kindness to our neighbour ?, Do we bear on our hearts more sensibly the lessons of the Golden Rule ?â€"Think it over. Try to do the right thing by your neighbour and your neigh- bour's ~--property. No explanation you can ever make gives the other fellow full satislaction. Another Christmas is almost on us, and if you will remember what it means, just "Peace on earth and good will towards men”. not dollars and cents, there will be more happy people in the world for your being here. Make Christmas the old dream It used to be; not a burden on the backs of those already bowed too much. The city of United State. Advertising Bah. Fund-hot Phone 25. Puhflshed "cry Pddsy by BELLA“. PROP. SUBSCRIPHOI RATES: FRIDA Y. DEC. 0th 1mm! goose stew blind pints $2.00 a not. 3 00 a you. ll I'll Ilifornia for Mu 3 Unity, a weekly reiigious paper épublisl‘ed in Chicago. contains in fits current issue an editorial that fought to have wide reading. This ‘ is the editorial; "Hiram is the name of the schooner ninety-three years old. plying along the Atlantic coast. which recently collided with an un‘hnown boat in the open sea, receiving a hole in her side below the water line. She was run by Mrs. Georgie Orne, the only woman captain of a schooner sail- ing the Atlantic. She brought the ship safely into the Boston harbor. being herself at the wheel most of the time for one long night and day. ;\ woman that can bring a leaking ship to port ought to be able to cast a vote for an alderman. or even hold the olhce of rural supervisor ol roads". "Let well enough Alone" has been the cry for all ages, but the immutable laws of nature recog' nize no cessation. Neither you or anything else stands still. W. either retrograde or climb to a higher level. The cry of "Let well enough alone" was heard at the oirth of the Christian religion. but Jesus went on His way to CalvaryM-and Death . CARRYING WEM’UNS [XPENSWE lllelflV 'l'he Maseoli brothers and Garicio wbre fined $100 each for carrying con- cealed weapons and the two Mascoli brothers $35 each for assault. Mike Kasick was lined $5 and Posts for bel in: in the light. Hi the testimony given it was diflieult tn tell just who in the wrong so far as assaulting was euneerned as both sides denied Tneine: the amgressm's. Jim Thorpe has declared that he will quit athletics because they inter- fere with his studies. Is it that or has the big Indian been taken with the despair of Alexander. The great no more worlds to conquefl. The assault was against 0110 Mike Kasivk and the charm- was laid by the police. The men had guns in their possession when arrested. And Christmas Tree in Presby- terian Church on Ihursday Evening December 19th Inree Men Up Before Magistrate Iurrance and Contribute 5125 Each and Costs 'l‘he I'm-ht or assault occured on' Inspector Greer of Toronto arrived the T. N. U. platform and seemed ‘in camp. Wednesday night and. will tn hzu'c arisen out of sympathy and vauct out the urn Min took part in talk fur and against NW strike Itho wxccking of this van. The offen- 'l'hc Masooli brothels and Gaiicio sc is :1 most smiuus one and means “we lined $100 c.u'h fut carrying con- six ycais in case ”f CunViL‘tion There will be a I'nion Sunday School entertainment and Christmas tree in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening. December 19th., at eight o'clock sharp. A most ex- cellent program has been prepared, consisting of Christmas choruses, so- los and drills. uumujsuumw scuum ENTERTAINMENT ()ne of the features of the evening will be a Christmas Contata, entitl- will he a Christmas Cantata, entitl- ty-two scholars of the Sunday School The talent for the concert is all picked from the present members of the Sunday School. It is hoped that along with Santa Claus that there will be many others there to help a- long the cause of the Sunday School. Leo. Maseru“. Alex. Maseoli and : lxouis Gariciu were up before Judge; Torrance Wvdncsduy mumim: at 'I‘im- j mins on a (-hzu'gc of assault and var- rying concealed weapons. 3 cnjoy'ment to the childrén and grown- The evening will be one of complete l The spcIIal P. l‘. R. train IIhieh IIr- IriIed in {mm Tnmntn late Monday Inlic coasl.‘ night IIIIs flamed III RuseIlIIle just ed with .nl ”“n‘ ”‘ Purml‘im‘ and all the “in" d”“"‘ ""3“th “it" “When and elIIlm Open sea :1 he 0 H. “J5 ”It‘ll ElnII\\Pd III Ru I)" l' Side below , ‘0 Timmins. ”Ht (It the filly or six- II° men in this car. sixteen ut them , . . was run by: went to W ork and the balance II'eIIt , the only I'uv'cr tn the L’nion. :hooner sail- “f the men Who mum in on the l1 'spet'ial Monday mm‘nim: and Were 'he broug t qIIIIIIeIml III the Hotel Goldfields the Boston 50"“ mm sucemlcd in getting to IIork ”II the regular passenIrcI Irnin “ the wheel _\'u I? there were. II number of men we long nighllemninu in In Imrk. but none were 1 that can . “”"m'd “’ Wt away IIIIII IIll juincd years old.5 The“: is swim: to be considerable; tt‘ulllllt' from now on hctwccn thel 'l'lnvl men and the strikim: miners,l but then- is not much question that the UH) hit: mines are going to l’ci ki'pt rnnnim: in the face of any and all (iitliculties. In the mean time business is “him: in he unsettled. the smaller proper- tit-s will he put in much extra ex- Ipt'llfit' anil haw a loss of time which can he ill atlorilml .it this stage at ;ili~velnpiiieiit and in the end their is nothing hut experience going to he :waimsl. only dead waste and loss of lmoney and time. Who flagged this special ear? .\'0 Zone seems to know and the police [nave no information which will lead ito any arrests. l l The l7nion disclaim any knowledge lot the affair. The blame however is Ibound to rest on the shoulders of the lstrikers or strike sympathizers as it is argued that no one else would have '3 any motiVe for the depredation. lo Arrests llm am am for Car Wreck- Ia; old Union Illscllim lay M1 In It 0n tho regular I N0. '47 there were u mmim: in to Wnl‘k, alluwvd to get away in with the miners. fllfififll TRAIN All] Bflflflflflflfll CAR Wlfll SIMS Every Window on Special Bar of Strike Breakers Was Broken . But flen Escaped Uniniured f; WHO DID THE WORK The four 'l‘hiel IDeteCti\'es who were arrested Monday morning for the shooting at 'l‘immins had their hear- ing Tuesdav morning before Magis- trate Torrance at 'I'immins and “(310 allowed out on $500.00 bail. 'l‘lmt tlu- 'l‘hivl men would turn the trirk to enlist sympathy and stir up a more bitter feeling is hardly reason able, but possible. Inspector (irccr of Toronto arrived in camp. Wednesday night and! will Tfllil MEN Officer Dick Smith ‘has been notiâ€" fied that the sale of Some of the Crown Chartered machinery and oth- er affects, which wre to be sold on the 5th of this month to pay a. few trifling debts has again been post- poned by the Sheriff of Sudbury for seven dayslt is possible that by this time the affairs of the Crown Char- tered will nave been financially straightened out. four Detectives Arrested for the Shooting at Timmins on last Monday In future the 'I‘hiel Constables are nut to he allowed to patrol the street and highways. but to be restricted to the property of the mines. This order will undoubtedly have a quieting effect; and avoid any clashes between the detectives and strikers. The 'l‘hiel men arrested were Ernest [Wed-go, E. Charles, I". A. Luke and Norman “odds. Should any attempt be made to rush any of the mines the property will undoubtedly be protected no mat ter what the consequence. The pro“ ncial police will look after tbe‘law and order in the different {33115 and are fully able to Cope wlth any disturbance. Again Postponed The Sale THE PURCUPINE ADVA ‘3 .3 1' [HT [IN BAIL Sheriffs Sale of Two o‘clock in the. afternoon on Fri« day the 'l‘wontymcvonth day of Dec- ember. 1912. Sherifl'slflfice. Sudbury, Novmbcr With. 191?. A. Im‘ixu. The Sherifl of the Provisional Judi- cial District of Sudbury. .\°U'l‘l('l‘I is hereby given that .’ dividvnd of 3 pm“ PHIL. (m the capital sliwk of lliv Company. be- ing‘ the sumnd rvuulur hurt-weekly dividend, has been «lei-land. pay- able 30m Nun'vmlwr, 19123. on which date cheques will be mailed to shareholders of would at the close of business on 21% November, 1912. 03th 15th November. 1912. l). A. DUNLAI’. Secretary-Treasurer. By Virtue of a writ of PIER! FA‘ CIAS issued out ol the High Cowl of Justice and diret'ted to the Sheri! oi the Provisional Judicial District of Sudbury against the goods and chattels of Charles B. Flynn at the suit of May Baroness do Pullmdt I have seiZed and taken in executioi and in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to :- mend the Mining Act of Ontario" being ‘2 George V. Chapter 8. all the right title and interest of the said Charles ll. Flynn in the unpatented Mining (‘laim situate in the Township of (kitten in the Porcupine Mining Div” on known as Num'ber 153*“ all of which property will be aoltlyy pUh lie auction at my ollires in the Court llouse in the Town of Sudbury nt Hollinger Gold Mine Limited, (No Personal Liability) The properties will be ofiered for sale subject to a reserve bid, which has been fixed by the said Master. Ten per cent. of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the balance with in thirty days from the “date of sale. Dated at Sudhury this Qist day of? October 1912. ' In all other respects the tems and conditions of this sale will be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. Further particulars can be had; from George Mitchell, Cobalt, Ontfi; RoliCitm‘ for the Plaintiffs. S Mining Property [IWIDENB NUTIBE le urch , , , 'p as Notice 15 hereby given, that I :ash at th(, . . alance with lhave transmitted or delivered to date of’ithe persons mentioned in Section ‘9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, l us terms and 'the copies required by said sec- rill be the ‘tion to be so transmitted or . (lo-- the High ilivered oi the list, made pursuant [tario. ito said Act, of all persons appear- 1 be had ‘iing by the last revised Assessment Bobalt, Ont, iRoll, of the said Municipality to be Is. ‘fcntitled to vote in the said Muni- let day of icipality at Elections for Members of lthel‘egislativc :‘hscmHy and at T. KEHOE. 'Municipal Elections; and that the Clerk’s Notice of first Posting of Voters’ list Voters’ List of 1912; Mun- icipality of the Township of Tisdale FF”? 00x :44 't’none lb E 7 @@@@@@@@m@@@@@@ AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References 1 Address 8. W. HAT-HEWAY, gtm‘ney, 31 School Street, Boston And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. said list was posted up at my office at South Porcuoine, on the lst day 01 Nov. 1912, and remains there fqr inspection. - Co., a Porcupine cntcrprize owing several promising claims. Price $100 for the lot. Dated at Sohth Porcupine, this 1st day of Nov. 1912. W. M. WHYTE, Clerk 9f the Township of Tisdalc. 840 shares of Boston Development. FOR SALE ’Phone 16 Ont. A t-

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