Vol.2. No 51 WI Town Council Met To Select Fire Chief Oddtellows Social Friday Evening 4‘ smill meeting M‘ the Turn 4‘mmril was called Ml Mnmlny lam r the punk»;- «1' nunsiclering the my *atinns mivnl fur fin- rhiof. In P than†"1' Maynr Wilmn G'mm- 4-illor McLaughlin was (41th Mum: mlyur cm mention uf I‘uun. Williams. armada! hy {'uun. .‘lvllmis. A! tlw «polling 0! the rue-Ming all members were prawn! with the me'pticm uf ('mm. Munro! and â€w Mnyul‘. hut sunw time Mar C‘mm. Munro nmwaml cm the mono. . THE PRI'OCUINE ADVANCE SBIJ-ZVTIUS HF «mm. 3 I ('mm. \"illimns mkml Hw ('lmirmnn: M’ tlu- Firv and Light i'nlnmiHo-mj G'mm. Bic-Innis. whu Hw c'nmluitlm'; Ind remmmrndal M n [mumblvi rhint’ l’ur Nu- tuwn. (hum. .‘lvlnnis~-â€1‘hi»l' Buylnnd. not" (‘ulmlt is the [ma-«m whum tlw mm», with!» how rm-unmu-mlml. hm'nusc- ut‘ his widv «xpcrionm‘ in tho nurth mum- try on various fin' dcpnrmwnh. â€0 has been vhic-f in Wumlstm-k (M Wu. and a half yearn, and was sumo- “luv, time assistant chief in Lundcm. mu! has been vhivt’ uf ('ulmlt l'nr Hm past {flirt-u years. †‘ï¬mun. “'illiIIIusw-“I think that m- slmuld appoint Mr. Huylauul In he uur tire «IIiI't' and building: ilmpm'hll III II snlnrv at $100 per IIIuIIlII. and that he be pnId IIII IIIlditIuIIIIl sIIlIIn ul $15 per IIIuIItlI Iur snIIitIIrs illslwvo tor. " It. was nmvml hy ('uun. .‘h'lllllin’. semnded by (‘uum Williams. â€'l'lmt Mr. lloylaml, of Palm“, he uppuintwl fire chief and fire ilwpcvlur M a sail- ary 01' $300 per munlli with l'n-v huuse, light and fuel, and that an additiuuul $15 he paid fur his services us build- ing and sanitary inspévtor.†Curried. ( uun. Gluhvmâ€! think m shuuhl make. it distim tl\ under-um"! m ( hit-'1 Bovland what his duties will lu-.' The (‘umueillurs uskvd fur the up- plimtinns tn lw read. The ('h-rk tin-n read amoral applivatiuns. Tenders for the new fire hull were received by the Board Int'.\\furks from Hill, Clark Franc-is, tu buihl the hall for the sum of $3,800. . The buunl were given the puwer tu decide upon the tender and tn go ahead with the building. ' Connâ€"cillor Bruzeuu tlmught the hull should not be built. at Hlis :imv. but he left over until the spring. am!“ that tlv The local â€1111111110115 11111 doin" all 1:1 their pmwr tn prumute the cause at (deelluwship. U11 Fridm evenin" 3'th they will give 11 social ex ening tn inmubers and their t'ricnd<,11nd 11 1111111 good tinu1 is anticipated. [he membership of the Lodge are 111 ur111n1izc 11 club to prm 1111: 1.1111111- L1i11meut and 11111usc11111111t tor (hhltcl- itms and their innuodiate t'1ie11ds. [111a club should he 11 great henetit In this communih in establishing friendship, low and truth among 11111011-citizenship. 'l'ho promoters of this organization 11111 10 he 1-(‘111111‘11t11- htcd tor their cttuxts 11111 with tn commons FOR cmzmcs t’min. "rum" vlnims "rs-ital his water mnnm‘tinn nintnry tn the by. hm asknl mo tinu- and again it’ hm mnhl uhtnin thig mnnN-tiun. and a“ the tinw l nsknl Mr. Sim it' hr hnd‘ any mun. «'rnlwctintls to» fllalh‘l‘ and Inn tuhl m» that nit hv hm! ti‘trd had been mmh-, am I asked him tn make thc- mnnm'tiun whivh wunhl he thi‘ Inqt. .\t the tinw this hy-lmr was drawn up the ritizmm paid $10 fur tho-av mnnm'tinm. and to rclin'o the citinons than this hnnh'n. it was «in. ridml hy thr t'mim-il that. 50 (’fllllll‘f- tinns shunhl hr nimle uni-h yc'nr at -$’itl nliim'i- ti: he lmrnc hy tho t'unm'ii, .nnil nt thi- time it wns shuwn that this inmnny wmthl 5mm Iw t‘t‘tliiï¬tni t'mm Hilt' thit'l‘ rntos. lint this ywir insti-ncl 0f 50 rmnwvtiuns hvim: mx‘chu thflrv m-ri- :42, which inc-nus wv hun- i-x- m'mh'ci mtt‘ limit. and nut Hi. â€to gott- o-nil t'uml wv nltuwmt $24K)†far this wurl; and this your wv‘hnw vsvvmlml that nnimint in the neighlmrhmnl at $1,400, There are svvvml c'itizmzs whu have naked inc t'ur threw mnnm-tiuns but 1 «mild not make thi-ni hot-mm- ut’ thv exit-as mnmint already i-xpcndmi. I wnuhl like tn ninkv thi-sv eminen- tiuns t‘ur i-wry i-itizvn, hut l vunnut um. whvri- Wt' ttl‘l' guing tu gut. thv immwy tn hvur the cost. It' the! t‘mm- iil van slim" mu “itt't‘t‘ in. mm guing tn gm tln- mum-v thi-n I will :0 nlu-nd in get the. Imnu-v thc n I “ill 2n nhmul and make these vudIIm'tinlIs.†("mun 'Bruzmmâ€"â€"â€Mr. Imt’huumc, whu rem-ides on Statiun street. is ask- ing fur a mmwvtiun tn lw mtuh: t'mm the Third uvc-nuv main to the rumor Int, and he- will pipe the wattur I'mm thcrv to his pruperty at, his mm «x- pvnsv. 'l'hvt‘v are utht't‘ ‘zlsvs 01' this kind that. 81'“ urgvnt and these mn- ncutiuns should he made iuuumliutcly, hemmsu the vitizcns are in howl of water. ' ' t'uun. .‘It'lllltiS--“.\h'. Lnt'httntne is the uni): resident an that street,†Cnun. Mo-Luughlittâ€"~†1 think where there is only one resident un tlntt street it Wultiti he an extra httrtten an the waterwurks tn put. a tnuiu up that street, and I think the tfuuneil euuld refuse to lay a main, the stune as the telephune and eleetrte «mummies re- serve the right tn refuse tn give their service to the unly resident on :1 street. and the (,‘uuneil wmtld be justified in refusing it.†(uun (Huhc stated that Mr. Lu- flmmuo muhl be giwu this mnmevtiun from the quin fur abuut. $30, pruvid- ing he would hear the expense of piping the water tu his prupcx‘ty. (3mm. Brazeauâ€"“l think these eun- ueetions slmuld he made nith the money that is tn be expended for the new fire hull. and let the hull stay as it is until sprint-z (‘nmL (llnhe~â€"â€'l‘he mnney fur the building «91' the l'ire hull was \‘ntetl for the hull snme time sign, and the Board of Wurks were given power to build the hull. .s‘n you see the mnney emmnt he used t’nr purpusrs other tlmu the fire hall." Ul' enurse, it' yntt etm shnw us where we are gnillg tn get the tunne)’ tn make these enn- ueetlnns then we will nrtler them tlnlte immediately. 1 eun't see where it is enmlng t'rnm. In a few weeks we have neemmts tn pay nmmmtim,r tn $9,000 t‘nr urtieles that are required and this will mean $0,000 tn he added tn the present cleht. ()n the nther lmml it' we t'nllltl Sell nur \\';|ter\\'nrks deben- lures 1 math! say gu ahead and make the mnueetiuns,†The meeting was then adjuurnecl un Illutiun 01° ('uun. “'illialms, 3190an ed hy (hum. Melnnis. pursuant tn the will 01' the Mayor. prouiotv harmony among their hreth- reu. There run he no other way than the road to sucvess for such an or- ganization, and we trust that every true ()ddt'cllow will do all in his power to support the or'auiZcrs of this club to make -it a thorough suc- 09.55. There is 111 he formed a [mall Re- hecvu lUdgt' for ladies that they may hme the prixilege ut' joining hands “1th the hwthreu tur the uplitt ut humunih at large. Ewrv huh “ho lwliews in the pmmutinn at such 11 1.111150 is imitod tu hex-01110 a Rchcccn. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary 01' St. Matthew's ("luirrlu will he held at the llocl‘ury on 'l‘lnurmluy, November and. at I} n'vliwk -â€"-S. V. Darling, Sevrclury. '9 famsm mm: 3 mm m ; mm mm from Van Wm as This Property-Button to be Cut n 300.“. Md. Mr. ‘V. ll. llnyilon. of New Yuflt. owner nt’ the llnydon Slim. was it \‘isilut‘ tn the ramp cm Friday last. and when mu hy the ropn-wntativo of The Aclvcnvo utntml that nporntinm upon llw pmpi-rty hail prmwl tn ho very sutist’nvtnry. Sinking utl'mllltll! If? in [mime-s t’mm the “JINH'imt law-l tn the llNLfonot lmvl. and at tln- 300. I'm-t level n statiun will ho rut. The preliminary plant. whirh mu inatnllml «on thin [trull‘fly Inst month is in full upcrntiun. and thn truth will lw rnrriml nu lllruugluml llw “inn-r will! lWIi viglIl-lmlll‘ sllifls. .\'u llinlnnml drilling ummlicms un- mnlmnplnml this “into-r, but it is swriuush living mmsiclen-al In Mr. llmdm: lu mlmnvm-v drilling again in llw. spring. - A _ u. 'l‘ln- prugrc-ss mul clrwlupnwnt 0" this [mun-fly. by all lmlivnliuns. is wry pmmiaing and a bright omtlcmk fur its l'umrv i~x «Mun-cl. ll' tlu- (l9- wlulmwnt \mrk minimum m slmw l'nVumhlc- «W. in all [vmlmlpilily :1 mill will luv mtulnlislwd on tlw prupvrly in tlw very mmr future. Dr. .I. J. King. uf Hatzn‘iu. wlm \‘iaitc-d the pruwrty with Mr. Huych-n. «xprvssml his upiuiuu us being high- ly pic-sum! with the almwings made nu the prulwrly. llSl'lfllIllll Blllll MINES 'l'iw Inspirntiun Huld Minn-.4. Limi- tmi. wliivh hats revently acquire-oi tin: threw vlninis. l'nrnwrly known us the Shillingtun-ltivlmrclsun. smith of the Munvlu and Millvr-Middlvtun, will start climnund drilling shurtly. 'l'lu-rv im- nu snrl'awe indic-utiuns uf min». the pusitiun ul.’ the c-luims, with I'm pussibility (if the Miller-Middlv- tun wins extending into it. being the vliici' nssvt. .\ Icwul vuginuci dmlim d the man- um uwut u! the mum.- rtv. but 113% mm- 8011“"! tn met in u mnsulting manic-in tn direc t the diamond drilling and net as lm-ad agent fur the company. 'l‘hc l’urvupine camp has «me-01’ the must tip-tu-dute and modern little set- tlements in tlw north country, and we du Hut hesitate tn say. that. for its size, it is the hast that can he t'nund in any mining ramp in this broad l)â€- miniun. 'l'his svtilvuwnt. is lumtul almut threw mile-s suuth ul' Suulh l’nrrupime and is munml tlw “Dunno." It. is su muuml lwmmsv of its vlnsv pmximity to the lhmw Mint-s, and 01' its dislinvt relatiuuship tn tlw mupluym's and mu- pluyvcs uf thv Dunne Milws (‘u., Lim- itmi. Dome Mining Settlement Greatest of All" Camps It is c-nmprisml ul' ulmul i'nl'ty huusvs. the mujurity ut' whivh zm- huih. uf mmlvrn strm-tiuu. It. has its mm svhunl, that the mnpluym‘s may send their vhihlrvn In he mhu-ntml; it has uhnmhuu-v ut' stares in which pmâ€" visiuns may hv purvhused: it has its own pnst-ut't'ivv, and various utlwr \‘isiuns may lw purvlmsed: it has its own pnst-ut't‘ivv. and various utlwr t'uvilitivs fur the roquiruuwuts and needs 01' the mupluyevs whu work fur this (-mnpuuy. l'l’-'l‘()-l).\'l‘l‘l BL'XK HUL'Sl-I. Besides all these mnwnimwes tlu- cumpany lmw erected upon this pru- perty a large and splendidly equipped “hunk huusv" (apartments). 'l‘his “ bunk house" is a three-storey build- ing, well mnslrueted ol.’ metallic. lath- ing and plustvrml inside and out. making it appear at a glauve to he ut' vcuwnt mnstruotiun. The building is up-tn-duto in Mary reanwct. an the inside walls it measures 110 feet by 40 feel. The basement is divided into twu sections. the t'runt part uf whivh is used as a sturehuuse for provisiuns, and the back part. has an heating: up- paratus. vullml thv “Sim: 00 .flstenL. A s1st11111 that 11111111111 he 5111111155111! in .111\ part 111 this muntn. It 15 i111pus- slhle 1111' the (11111111181115 to walize anv danger nt fiie 11111111 this source, be- 111111511 ut the fact there is nu tire in the h11ildi11g.â€lh(1 heat is supplied through 11 larwe teed pipe 1111111 the DOME MINES COMPANY . LIMITED HAVE BUILT THE MOST, MOD‘ EBN AND UP-TO-DATE SETTLEMENT ON ITS PROPERTY FOR ITS EMPLOYEES THAT SURPASSES ANY CAMP TO BE ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. NOVEIBER ht, 1916. '9 FOUND IN CANADA. IN IIBIIIIEIIV llfllf [IKE Illl 5“ ll lllTlfll le fltlll nt' llt!‘ Donn- Lake .‘lining t'm. “lllt‘ll has been dosed ohm-n t'ur tlw past munth. for the installation of in mm llanlingv hull mill. mutual opt-ratinns again last Monday. The mill is nuw treating nlumt 100 tuna daily. With tlu- heads running nlmnt $9. nml it is exported tlw mill will be running l0 its full vapnrity by the 13th "f the muntli, twining 200 tuna Ilflll)‘. le mtnpnny's uh' ~90er Imu- inrn'nml nmnmximntvly 23 pvr vent. .\t â€w pn'svnt time drills arv mak- ing in l'uur fawn ul‘ nrv. uml fnlernl IIM‘vlupnwut is being pushed tn Hu- wmt am this law»! in oxpm'tnliun 0" cutting n how un‘ body «hunt 1.5" fm distant t'mm X». 2 stupo 0f the N". 1 win sysstom. IIEIE RESERVES IIE Sï¬llllllBEIEfl “EVE IIBEEEISEII It i4 rt-tmrtml t'mut nu :utthuritutiw :murvt- thut tlu- tu-t. prut'its' nt' tlu- Svhuuuu-hm' t‘ur ttw um m-vks vuoiiug th-tuht-t‘ 20 \n-t‘t- itt â€I0 ttt'ighimrhmui HI' sil'iJNNL .\t this tutt- ut' prmith'tiun tlu uuuuut uvt prut'its \muhl he c-uu- «itivruhh mv r $1"",.000 Nut Htvrv is ttu tlttt'sliutt hut thut thv uutput mill lu- grvntlx int-reused us t'rurthc do- \clupuu-ut "pens up uvw m0 hmiics. It i4 h-urtu-cl nu t'Xtt'iit'M uutlmritt tlutt. tlw are rem-nos ut.’ the- mine huw hvou iuvrvusod t'it'ty twr cent. t'mut the utuuuut blacked out when the uutuutl rvtmrt was issued in August. At that tiuu- the are rescrvvs won- giveu as 64,900 tuna; with u‘vuhw ut' $39ti.7t|0. A'ssuys nu thv tww \‘etu ut the 100- mm it‘Vt'i, Wilit'il shuws iu the cross- vut. t'iw t'm-t. of are, run uwr $7 to the tuu. Visible t'rec- fluid is ulsu showing in the win, which has not been (It!- Emuuted km in tlw 8155:“. In the win in the tut-e ut tue 114- (wt drift thcre is tin! toot ut‘ are which uwrages otcr lam to the tan. engine house, itttu euils, uml the eultl uir euming but.» the cellar through a large \‘entilntur, is heated by these mils uml eireuluted tbmugbuut the building by a large eleetrie, t'an, mak- ing: the temperature ut' the building about 80 degrees. I-IXt'tlLlJiX'l‘ lmnMS. I'2.\'1‘ELLI£.\"1‘ Mums. The upper part of this huilding is laid nut in three flats. with lung eur- ridurs duwn the eentre nf the build- ing. having eight, romns un either side, making a tutal nuniher uf' l'nrty-eight durinitnries in the hnilding. 'l‘hese rmnns are fitted with every eunveni- enee, having twu beds in each ruunl. aver these heds in the wall are in- serted eleetrie lights an inuvahle hraekets that may he raised or lower- ed awmwlin;.r tn the requirements of the um'lllmllls; every rmnu has an heating ventilator, and a ennling ven- latur is inserted in the hnttmn panel at eaeh dunr that ean be regulated lu suit the atmosphere of the mom. R l-ZA DI NG RUUMS. At tlw 0nd of these. passageway an ear}: flat is a reading rwm, 40 x 12, \x'hivh is equipped with tables and vhnirs fur the purpose ui.’ reading. writing M can] playing. so that every- thing has been ostahlislnul for tho cumt'urt and pleasure of the miners. l'Iaeh flat has its own large bath- nmtns and toilets with seven wash basins. twu shower baths, with hot and l‘Uld water. Elm-trio light is installed throughout the building and till the floors are ut.‘ hardwood. Thus the building is, bar none, the best and most. modern equipped building in be seen anywhere, in city ur town. tlzmughout the nurthlund, and The Home Mines (‘0., are to be highly t-ungrntulnted on having not only this beautiful building, but its mm settlement. which is indeed a 'zreait «'N'dll to then) as well as :2 great 'Lenet'it In its employees. The Trpadwol! mun u!’ guld mines on lhvuglas Islam]. Alaska. is 5:01me ly musiclc-ml tho Inn-t prmhwtiw ul‘ the lcm‘ogruclv min“ ut’ the \mrlcl. says NW Turn!!!" Wnrlol. 'l'lw three mambo-rs ul' Hm gmnp nn- nuw run. malnlwn ul' Hw gmap an. iam‘ run: ning wry law. The Tn-aclm-ll gin-s a pml‘il ul’ "lily 46 rank pt-r In". â€I? .‘lvxiran :m rants and llw l'nilml 34 «with. 'l'lw Alaska gulcl IllNl inllu‘l‘ pru- |Iorliw¢ om liw mainland oimmsilv' llw fun-giving. swn' iii-valu'u-cl liy ll. l'. .laakliag. .H’Ivr making a pin-unaw- aal snow-em ul' 1‘: par m-nl. "pur- pliyry mmwn.†la- naturally tariml in law grail" gnlil milled. lml m l'ar lw has ant ru-pvalml liict c-arliar Iri. amplis. (Di-n millinn lulu M'lll lu llw Islamps yaw whmm nt’ nah per tun. l'ulfll :04“ WW lumi'u-r. ra- «luvml lu till ri'uls. Tlmugll llwsw ax- cumin-l}- law-grail:- "N's van lu- madc- lo pay. Hwy arr I'ar l'mm living «la-dr- alila. 'l‘la- initial am“ an. wry lwavy. llu- maipaa-al mmt la- ua a wry largo! aaalo: tlu- liml'ils. as a l‘llll'. an- nnly fair mul awn a slight ilimilmtinn in value-s may suspend tlw pawn-at nl' «liviilomla. Porcupine Ore Grade Higher Than Alaska H )S'I‘S LUW l-ZR. ('usH urv prulmhly hm; in Alaska than at Pun-"vim, lmt Llwrv tlw urc- lmdia-s at. tho "it: Damn zm- lllm'll larger than tlmw ut‘ tlu- Alaskan gram» and Wilma mm at lo-ust l'mu' limw grentvr. It. is. tlwrvt’uro', a-my in sm- a lung and prul'imhlc life l'm‘ tlw Big Dame. ‘. l'prlmive-z. sil't‘l and c-hmnimils lum- mmsiclvruhly inc-roused in lil‘im'. l'n- «li'r tlu-sce suuwwlmt mlvm‘sv i-umli- liuns it is nut. likely that llw upliun «m the hump Ex. will be excrvisml un- til the c-xpirutinn nf 11w tinw limit. The “(mm is nut now nblv in luuullc â€wing tn the Mir mining mats are unusually high and lubur is: sonrm‘. all its available urv, and this is not a fawurublt- tiuu- In mlurgu tlw pres- ent plant or In build a now mm at the hump Bx. The Dolm- is nut cssmltiully a low- grude prupvrty. They have 1m dmlbt a large» quantity "1' law-gnu!» are, hut they have pruhubly an equal amount â€1' high-gradâ€. and when thosv are prupvrly mixed the mill howls should run $6 per tun ur more. ORE OP TEEADWELL 0800? CONSIDEEABLE LOWER THAN THAT 0? BIG DOflE-COSTS ARE LESSâ€"PROFITS PER TON AT TREADWELL GROUP VERY LOW-BIO TONNAOE TREATED BIC '1‘4‘».\'.\' Hi1†TINâ€. \'l‘l-‘I). \vn largo tunnagm ulwau mean iPllul'S under $8 ur hnwr, and when the Hullingu' ( 'unsulidatmi is treating 3.500 tum ut' are per day. it. is not likely that values than: will be greater! than at the Dumv. 'l‘he \Vvst Dump. umwurs 1:» have a bettvl‘ uutluuk than any 01' the little Uuuws. 'l‘lw px'iuvipul \\-urkings are an the east vluim, whivlr ia immediate- Mllï¬llfllfll [If comm Sflll PENDING I! is I'vpurtml nu guml uuthuriiy that the lt.|llf.'."tillk9d'tlf zuualgmnmiun hetwm-u the l’urvupiuc Yipmul and Kurt]: Tlmmpsuu is still pmuling. Nu dot’inilo :u'rnngouwuts haw as yet been madp, tlwret'nre it mumut lw stated “hat the nutmmue nt' tlw ne- gutiatinns' will he. altlmugh many [ur- «lict, the muulgmmtiun \xillt take plum. l’urcupino Vilmml. slmwing gum! re- sults, and tin- rutting on tho SUD-Mn level has lu-on muuplehad, and the «xâ€" pevtatiuns are that. the shaft will b? raisml tn the 4(NJ-fuut. luw'l. Minimum-r I’uirier stutml that very I'avurable un- is lwing [muluvml nu Um On Monday last. a peculiar accident occurred at. the Anne. While a man was engaged in Work near the stone. the plntfonu upon which he was standing slicl from beneath him, ear- rying him into the stope, with the re- sult he. was buried alive. After the rescue work of two hours the prisoner was finally extx'ieatecl from his peril- ous lm-Iillull and fortunately, barring; 11 MW st'ratehe-r, was uninjured. Peculiar Accident At the Acme Mine Iy south nf Hm Wm! claim 01' Hm homo. Further west the)" have llm Pastor win. «no «f the best Ilffilfl‘t' wins in l’urmpim‘. â€m it is high in rnrlmnmos nml n‘pmms a tym- Hm mluv ut' whirl: has mt! yr! been «lama mined. UII HIP AIu-hurih' and "III Maidens:- MI‘DIIIIIIIII. III â€In THWIISIIIP ul‘ l’vloru. erv in II 'H‘Hllti hum! of rusty II'I-Iv IlIvrIIIu M‘HN‘HIIHQ‘ I‘III'IDIIIIRIQ‘. This Ia IIIIIIIII Sum I'm‘l IIIIII' and I'III‘IIII-I IN'I‘IN'A IIII' gr‘IIII'r part III IIIIIII 3m» pvrtira. TIII- Inning†IIIIIImI «I (w Imlt III°I~ HIN‘I‘IIIIIH.’ "II III» I'IIsII-III IIIIII' III' IIIIs Imml 8|!ch IIH‘ LII Haw ('IItI. IIIINN‘IIIIIIO‘LV IIIIja-iIIIIIg IIII Ilw west. 'I'III- Ifliii‘l' IHH‘I' IIIII IiUWfl IIIII ~IIIII'H III II IIPIIIII III' I'm I'm-I I'm'II. \I‘iIiII- Hm ('IIIIIIIgIIs imVl‘ IsuIIt'iIIeIl â€IQPIIISI'iVQ'S t-I Ira-III-III-s awn-u Ilw solid nwk. II'IIII-II Hwy IIrI- IIHW I'ullnII'IIII: up with II din- llmml Ilri". II i-I amid IIIIII reï¬ll!!! IIIII'I- ilm‘ll IIIIIIIII-IIIII' :IIIIIIII'III-IIIry IIII IIIIIII l'l‘fl'N‘liiO‘d. 'I'III' mI-k I~I I-IIIIIII‘I- I‘nih II sIIII'IIIv "I IN" IIIIIgIIIwIII nIIIl liIIII~ MIIIII‘IIIHII different IrIIIII Hm ('fllllunm gold-Ibeflrillg I'oruIIIIIIIII III l’urvupinv. l’rngrvss here will b“ \HIII'iINi IIIIII grout Interest. "mm vs- III-vIIIllI' IIs IIIII strung IIIIII wry mall IIIIIIIIIgI-Il I'IIIIIIII mIIIIpIInIcs are in I-IIIIrgI- III’ IIpI‘I‘IIIiIIIH. The works um :Sidc' IIy aide IIIIIII mmt'inml III III» I'M“- IIIIIIIIII- anal, and lhv visitor passes lII'IIIII (' IIIIinII-I In â€W Lu ROM‘ IIitiIouï¬ IIIII IIsIIIIc (‘\i(ICIN‘I' II! the I-IIIIIIge of lIIII llt‘l‘flilip. 'I'hv Hume lmko has now c-mnph'tml thv u-nlnrgmm-ut ut’ their will and it; is tn ho hulwcl that in the mar future) it. will lw in u pmitiun tu [my (“VF (h-mls. Them urv some high-grade om shunts nu this pruperty, but they am far thv most part small and ut'tvn dis- «uuuwtml uml tlw ground as a whole duo-s nut. appear tn he may tumrnhlu tut' tlw develuplm'nt ut ltllgt' hudio. nt [unable urv. Immediately south of the â€011m Luke in the Township of Deloro, the) Premier is now working with very fair prospm'ts of success. This property adjoins the Anchorite on the north side, but, the formation is different. The 'l‘ommy Burns has opened up in the Township of Shaw, but for the present. there is practically nothing doing in Whitney. though the judg- ment of experts there are opportuni- ties in the. southwestern portion of this township which are Worthy of vuret’ul im'estigution. There is no doubt that. in a year or two the field for mining operations in Poroupinn will he very mneh enlarged. Them are many properties in the «listriet which should he very carefully prox- 'pm-led. Government Tax on Mining Properties 'l‘lw mpitalimtinn uf tlu- rumpuny shall lw mnsidvrml five tinws the 1.11- mml 1M, earnings. 'l'vn pm' m-nt. an? tlw net earnings shall he dwiaiml t'rum tlu- vapitulizmiun, and then from tlw Imlauwo ul' tlw earnings :1“ .uEdI-o tiunul sc-vvn lwr m'nf. Shall ln‘ rhe- «luvtml. â€1' the lmlanu'v of the wt the) Hmvrnnwm tax shall he tummy? ‘m pvr «20m. .\ «unnnn1053 tku° oxatnffleu cquujtu; $000,000 tu't wnttlcl in. vuttstth-t'vd t0 haw at t-zlpitnl «0' $23,000,000. Tau per rent. of that wmnhl he $300,000, and \vuuhl lvaxc ti balance (0' $300$HNL Seven lwr wnt. at that $300,000 wo 1M leave $00,000. 'l'hv tux Wuuld be twp!» t)wfh1¢;uq'cuun. nf the $00ï¬KKL or '“â€â€™500,\\hhdt “uudd equal 334 per a.., «but, 01' Hm $000,000 not wruiur». .\ plant which Mr. Hanniifm: B. \Villn‘. Hi. HIP Standard Sim-L; .‘uxâ€" vimugv, lwlicvvs will be i'ullmsm! by the Hmuiniun (iuwruuu-ut in tannin: mining mmpzmivs I'nr war pui'pnscs is as I,‘ullm\'s:~~- FOR THE BENEFIT 01‘ THE RESIDENTS OF 80. PORCUPINB AND BCHUMACHER, WHO WISH TO ATTEND THE MUSICAL COH- EDY, ‘ ‘SEPTEMBER MORN, ’ ' WHICH IS TO BE SHOWN IN TIMMINS ON MONDAY NEXT, THE T. l: N. 0. WILL RUN A. SPECIAL TRAIN AFTER THE PERFORMANCE FOR THEIR CON- VENIENCE. SincIcCopiaSCmu .\'I‘ THE DUMB LAKE.