Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 26 Nov 1915, 1, p. 3

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mural MIME \Vlfllfll MIST TIME“ IIWIBE The annual report ut' the ('uiamia- aim: of (“ohm-Nation, just t'mm the puma. is a \or}' i-uiilprahvnsire alTair, aml a-viilcm-m a degree ut' imlustrimis applivaticm lu puliliv duty. whirh is oumnwmlahlo. It i-uvem a «it!» tlclcl, omhraving practically awry ito-m that may limiwrly ho rlassith-cl muh-r the name nt‘ c-reatml nl‘ primary \u-alth, and is partii‘ularly innervating. tn thmw who t’nllaw minim: pursuits. The l'ullmvim: oxtrart is: taken I'm"! an artic-h- «m Misti-fill mining. and is Worthy nl' Ht'l‘lullh nttvnliml. Results of Wutetnl Mining. “Whilv \u' t'tlllllnl hulw lu ilirri-asw our mim-ral rvmurvm by any prumvss ul' vulim'l'vuliun. it in of tlu' groan-st llfl'iflflllllt't‘ that, in win-Icing: thmi. all waste slumlil lw tu‘niclml. 'l'lw lussvs Wlllt'll haw lN‘L‘lt suntaiiiml in uthor cmmtrivs t'rum lack nl' t'lll‘t‘ aml tlmught in this realm-t arv i-iiurmuus. l.)r. llmiglas mtinmtm. t'ui' lllh’lllllt't‘r‘“ tn take amly mw oxamplv~tlmt at thv lliu 'l‘iiitn mines in Spain. in a iwriml ut’ mam thirty yvars. thruugh an im- skilt’ul ll't‘fllmt'lll nt' tlu- urn. almut 7,,000000 hills uI' sulphur. \‘lllllml 1H. IInt. loss than aTIDmINNHNNI \u-H- “IL-II- ml, whilv tlmmgh Iumluru impmw- IIII-nts in the IIIotlIml ul lmmlling thv Interesting 10pm Named in Cut out and Return this with your Subscription to the “PORCUPINE ADVANCE” Keep Posted on Porcupine I Year 35.00 6 Months 1.15 5 Months 1.00 I Year 52 an 5 Months 1.25 5 Months 15:. Rates: "WEI! STATES Perhaps we could suit you; we would like to try Run in often, dont take long vacations mum KEYSTONE COMEDY A To “Tlm' Porcupine Advance" State or Province (h-ntlmnun: vlosc the sum 01' 8! I'm} Xd‘s'am-u" I‘m: it \' or Town :um- .5 La”. ”1 I116 11 “It“ Geo. Broadhurst Novel by STEWART EDWARD WHITE, featuring ROBERT EDESONu-In 5 Acts E “'I’ he primnry enttse of n large part «if the wnste which has taken place in mining enterprises is m-er-enpitnliz. ntiun. This necessitates n large unt- pnt. at any sneritlee if the dividends are tn he paid an the whale ninnnnt. tM‘er-enpitnlimtinn thps demands tw- er-pruduetinn. whieh in its turn al- most invnrinhly involves waste ntl same. stage ut‘ the pmgress ut‘ the metal from the mine tn the eon-nutter. ”n the ether hand. it lnek ut' sntli- eiettt. enpitnl tn dew-lop n milleml cle- pusit. in the pmper manner has in mere tlmn une ease in t'mmdn led tu seriuns wnste. sinee. in the endem'nr tn nmke the mine pay the mm! "1' its mm develmnnent ns mining prueeed- ml, ultl)‘ lltt‘ rieher tire was taken nltl, leaving the letmer put‘tiuns ul' the de- pusit in pnsitinns whieh rendered Mil)- smpient. extrnetiun dillieult nt' impus- sililt'. Mining of Metallic Minerals. “It, may lu- stntml. lthl'Vt‘l'. that in ('ammlu ut ttw prvsont tinu' tlu- waste “lllI'll is imm'rml in working uur dv- “nails ut' nustnlliv minerals is mm”. It. is. as n gvm-rnl rnlv. tn tlu- miner's interests tu «'xtrtu-t. his un- mmplete- ly and to await! wustv. ('vrtuin lustsvs Please outer my Subscription to "The Porcupine am about 1,000,000 tuna of sulphur are annually saved tn the wnrhl which would ntherwiso have heen hnmml and served simply tn pollute the at- mcmphon. The same writa-r points nut that cmly mmc sixty per «ml of "IF hundreds nt' mtlliuns ul' dollars yiehlul by the ('nmslmlt lmlv was re- «won-«l at thc- time. nml at tlrst the onnrmmmly rirh tailing! mm: nut own mllertul, surh was the hnste nt' the miners fl» rmpty thnt stupendous deposit whirh shmllcl have tnmh- N0. vmln prnspomm I’m- gcneratimm in- stoml ut‘ whirling the wlmlo mmntry int" a mod clam-v. of reckless spfl'll- lntiun. A Famous JESSE L. LASKY Feature Entitled Yours truly, 'l‘lw sm-rvhu'y's rogmrt was rmul mul fmmcl vurl'm't. 'l'lu- Irmmm-r's report was :14 ful- laws:â€" take plaee in the. mneentration of am hy allmring values to pass away in the tailings. ltnt. in reeent years, the inetlnuls at“ enneentrntiun have been greatly inipmveil and the tail. ings are inneh luwer in grade than in t'nrnn-r years. It is ilnnhtt‘nl whether there is in t‘anada at. the present time any mnsiclerahle waste in the mneentratinn nt‘ metallic ores whieh ean well he avniileil. Furthertnnre, where the tailings. as in certain pla- ees in lllt‘ ('nhnlt district. Whilt‘ still montaining in the aggregate large anninnts nt‘ metal. are too low in grade tu permit «if further extraeliim at the present time, they have. on the auxin-stint! nt' this t'nmmiaaian. heen stirred in smell it way that. if. in the future it lieenlnes inmaihle to treat them again fur the. further extraction nt‘ their nietallie enntents, they will he readily available far that pur- lame." 'l'lu- rvgulm' sum-ting ul' tlu- Inmll hrmwh ul' tlu- ('xmmlilm Rm! (‘mss Sue-ivty mm hvlcl at. the (inlcllivlcls Huh-l. Timmins. 'l'uosduy. an'mlmr Nth. W15. witih tllirtm-n nu-mlwm 'm-M-m. Receipts humuiuu frum mupluyws ul' Hu- .\'urth 'l‘lmnumm. ml- lm-tml by W. I.. "may ...$Tfi \Ivmlwrship 1'00. Mm. H. U. Luv 3 Dunutiun . :- Local Red Cross ‘ Regular Meeting l'nrwhich I on- .. N0 ........ COMMENCE AT 8 P. )1. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE .1") .0” An interesting sketeh at Mr. 1’. A. Ruhhins, general manager «if the llul- linger Mines, is one ut’ the features at' the eurrent issue at the (‘anatlian Mining Institute Munthly Bulletin. It. is always interesting tu knnw same thing ut' the histury ut' unr leading men, and the reprmluetiun ut' this sketeh. whieh l'ullmrs. will he read with even greater interest hy the puh- lie 01' 'l‘iunnins and the l’ureupiue «listriet. where his present aetirities lie. Sketch of Beneral Manager of the Hollinger Mines--Brilliant career of Busy Man "Mr. I'. .\. Robbins was hurt] In (‘Itit-agn, nt' liritish parentagv. in IIH' year 1874. In 1894, Imt'urt- attaining: his nnijurity. In- graduated t'rmn (‘nr- nvII l'nivvrsiflv in mm-hanival ('Ilg‘Ill- poring. IIP ('HUHHIHIHNI his prnt'w- sinnal l“:ll(‘0l° In standing I\\u \':'(‘Hs in the cnnilny ut th I’IiilacIvIpIiia 'I'rartiun (‘unnnnnu IIis assmiatinn with mining: «Iatos, however. from glh'SIT, when migrating tn th 'I‘rans- vaal. In.- Wt!“ lirst‘ t-ng'agml in tlw IwacI uIIim- nI' H. annann ('n.. and later 'l‘lw Iuvnl lmuwlu is wry :mxicms lu lw xtlnlv lu M'lNl lu llw l'l'ulll, :1 gm- m'nus slnimm-nt mul urgva llu- \mnwn ul° llw clislrivl. In :wm‘l ln llu- luvnl hmulc'uurh-rs M tlu- llutvl (lulclllvlcls all that am pmsihly lw slmrml. 'l‘hv Sm-imy specially asks tlmt. ull "um-rials luv turned in as prumptly as pnssiblv tn llw (iulcllivlds Hutvl. flflflflllfi HISTflflV ll IAflllllll fflflM INTERESTING MIA It was mud-cl by Mrs. Nnmgh and svmmdml by Mrs. Snm'tnn In [my bills (0 «Into. us t'nllmvs:~â€" Mnlmlm . . ..... . $103.50 .‘lrs.Hmwn............... 1.00 Mrs. .‘Ivllmis ....... ...... 1.00 H. J. RH“). Sm'mtury. An attic-lo of great mluv in Red ('russ \mrk mu! nm- l'ur whit-l: tlw scwic-ly is vmira-ly «lcqwmlc-nl. "pun the gt'llc-rnsity 01' Hip mum-n, is "M wllitv Imltvrinl. ”ch linen and Milton! mm! M lmil- ml lu-t'nrv slupwng and ”M "alum-l must. hv uhsnIIm-ly vlmm. .\ mutiun \ms mmlo Ivy Mrs. Hum. man and sm'ulldml by Mrs. .‘lc-Innis (a «mud n [H‘M'iulls mutiun (u {my fat nuprrinh brim: mnduyp. - Mr. .\. J. Hagan «lunntml hm pairs sm'ks {awards ”In sham-r. film-ting mljuurm-«l until wanilm’ 23rd. 19]."). Per cent fmm subscriptiunu Merrlmmlisv . Pllflflt‘ fur ‘Vaml Bnlnmw in bank Bills Plid Scream from Start to Finish ....... $15.17 $105.50 $15 . 87 SHINIJM «an . 55 m at the gIIlIl mines III' the Vugelatrnis Deep. t'IInsIIliIl. Main lieeI‘. Knight} t'entrnl. \Vitwatersrnml lleIIp. Nimvl IiIIlIl .‘liIIes. Limited. and Shelia tiIIld Mines. Limited. .'\Iter Imsuing three years an the “and. he “as Mr a time agent at the Ileneral lIZleetrie I‘IIIIII» any at. lInrhan. Natal. During the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIg Iivc years he was IIIInsIIltI ing engineer and. at. times. III'IIIIL’ general manager III" III-lteeIIII t'IIIImIi. IIaIeIl Mines Limited. eIIIIsnlting I-n- gineer III lmlwe t'ulliery. IIIIIII-Iial I'IIIII Sitll‘flfll'. I'II.. and Deliver! "iXI'III- give Wurks. anIl IIIInenrrIInIl)‘. I'ur t'IInr years was examiner in t‘t'lIlItIII- tiIIII with the jnniIIr IIIIII III-nine engi- neering IIIIIIIIIIIIII III the l'niversiI} III' the I‘IIINI III' IlIIIIIl IlIIpII. l'pIIII I'II- IIII’IIIIII: III the rllill‘ti SIIIIIIII NIIIN' nine years-I as". Mr. liIIlIhiIIs engaged in general praetiee in New YIIrk. and tiles" IIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIII I'III‘ IIIII sinking III' pnenInatiII eaimms I'IIr I'IIIIIIIlIIIiIIns in that eity. Ile assumed the general nmnageruhip III' the .MeKinIev-IIIIII- ragh-Saxage mines at I IIlIaIt in UNIS. l‘he IIIIIIIIesIIIIIl rIIIIIIIIII IIt'llit'VI‘ti IIIIIIIIII his IIirIIIIIiIIn III that Immerty are. III :t'tHII‘M‘. well lInIIwn. They were IIIIII- ‘tlIIt'IVI' III his appIIintInenI. I'IIIIII years age In the general managership III' IIIII I'anaIlian Mining and l‘inanee I‘II.. Limited. and its .IIIIhsiIliaIIiI-II Imuing the IIIIlliiiger. .\IIme anII MIIII II IIII gIIIII mines Int l’urenpine. During these IIIIIr \Iears the III-\eIIIpnII III III the IIIIIIingIIr has reIIIIIIeII in its he. t'tIOIIIiIIg the premier lII"UtlIItII\t' L'Ulti mine in tIIIIIIIlII IIIIII IInII III the im- 'Ittl‘lfllli- 20'” minus III the maid. MII. IIIIlIlIinII is II member and IIIIIIIIIIs. lmIIIliIIg IIIIIIIIIIIII' III' I'IIIIIIIIII III' the lnstitntiIIn of Mining tIIIIl Metallur- ;.:y; a IIIIIIIIhIIII III' the Mining and Met- IIIInrgiIIal SIIIIier III' Ameriea: a life nIIImlIeII III the Amerienn Institute at Mining IIIIIgineeIII-I: an asaneiate III' the AIIIIIIIiean Institute III' lIIIIeIIIIiIIal Engineers: an assueiate III' the .\m- eriean SIIIIietv III' .\Ieehanieal Engin- eIIIIII; and a menIhI-II III III-spIIIIIiI'IIIv the lIIIIgineeIIs (' lnh III' New York and III 'lIIIIIIIIIII. lle IIIIIIIIIIIII a IIIIImlIeII III the ('anmiian Mining Institute in 1912. and was IIIIIIItIIIl II t‘tIlIIIt'IiitIl' I'III' II IWII-yI-IIII term in 19] I. ”a.¢.v%.~:n:a.....u:vou. $.fl:a.¢.v¢*%¢++.9ra¢ .v.u..n..u..u:n..v.n..n..n..v.n.¢.v.v.n:v.v+4.9...fié" YOU SEE ON THE STREETS. THEY ARE MOSTLY HOB- BERLIN TAILORING, AND EACH WEARER HAS RECEIV- ED SATISFACTION AND IS PLEASED WITH HIMSELF. WHY NOT YOU? WE GUARANTEE FIT STYLE. WORK- MANSHIP, AND ABOVE ALLâ€"â€"THE PRICE. For the Dressy Overcoats E Next Imperial Bank Monday and Tuesday November 29th 30th. HOBBERLIN TAILORING WATCH ! ADVERTISERS IN THE AD~ VANCE SHOULD MAKE SPECIAL NOTE THAT ALL CHANGES FOR THEIR ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE IN THE OFFICE AT TIMMINS NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY EVENING BEFORE SIX O'CLOCK Ln“ rom‘o ll'flnny. alias The Earl ut' l'nwhwkvl. alias laml l'nnlinglon. alias Mummmwry I’umam. will bv the gum! nNmNiun next .‘lnmclay and Tuesday. at lhv limp-inn and Hum- Mm lmw hml Hm guml furlmw lo» am. this mumtlv ul‘ lit-nu llrmmnoliam in pm‘sqm «m llw stage. m'ml Imt lu' lull! that am human laugh is nlwml "1’ thus:- wlm see this so! «of l mwml lllma. llv is dottvvclly English. t'ttrimtsly t'nnny ntnl must intvn‘sting. H0 in "no ui' Nttm' rhnlm. tlntt't i-lwr kttmv, win» win rnrry n attic-k nt jnnt "in right. nttglt‘ ttttti ktttm‘s lmw tttttl “hr" in put ”I? t't‘tmk "\‘t'l‘ his '1'“ ttrttt. “t' tins ttnnh' snvh pmgrms un-r lnvrv-nl- that lw mm mm drink ln-vr-nli with- uut. permitting n single strntnl nt‘ lliN wwnitn: tnnstnolws tn kiss t|n~ t'mtlt. And. lty jaw. 0M vlnw. tlwy'll tel! yun in Intnnun it 'n n pmlilmn tltnt, tnkt-s it hit. nt' thinking. yi-r knnw. lint. llt‘ I'll" sip nr punr inn with mttiil vnw. [Ii-'3 u clvnr I'vll-lu. yvr knuw, just. llw mm" M' a rim]. yuu Iikv tn lmwii with. for In: sips his mum su 3401'“)! and lw ti-lls suvli cloliglntt'iilly t'mm} Murivs. In t'm-t, lw lmmlm ycm right. imu paying llw vhm'k. vignrx and all. 'l'lu-n yun im'itv him in mmw Mung Ilw m-xt any! 'l‘lmt lulu-s in hit 0" ciuillL’, ym' kmm'. The “I'Im'l ul' l’mvtm-kvl" was writh-u l'nr Lauvrmu-u h'Hrsuy by Auguslus 'l‘lmnms, and haul lw nut. lix'ml. tlw \mrlcl would lmw I’m-n do- niml «mu m' film has! rummlic's vvor w rit lvn. At The Empire The Season's Scream BY! Timmins

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