Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 12 Nov 1915, 1, p. 7

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"A wry sperinl Him: is nnw home: made On mvo- ”w Hum nt’ rhildrpn. Hdnmtiun in Hm mwmu nl' lm‘w‘micm and rum is mm M ciw must mworfui ‘1 upon: that can lw :m-J. \ '3”: this abject in view then is u gonvml mm- mm! in dirt-rt nth-Minn m the wnrk «I' the Naticmnl Sanitarium .hwwin- "an, and tllc'rl'l'un' tlw Minn-Irv ah» aims to nntify 90:"qu ’umnl‘. and through llu-m Hm pnrvm.‘ ul' Um .m- pils anal mh'pay'rx uvnvrnlb‘. I'm! Hm Dc-pnrtmvnl "worm-vs ut‘ llu- uh- jm-t. aimml M by Hm Arm-influx: :uul IBBEBCIMSIS ll" I8 III Bi Hill] ll [MIMI Sflflflflls iort. nimml m by Mr .‘suuwinliml :mcl rm-ommomls Hm! un Mummy. ISM Nm‘cmlu-r Hu- Prim-”ml: mul Tran"- I'm ul’ hm svhcmls c'u" :Ianliun In NH- m-t-csaity uf puniw: furth all "uninh- The [0|anng is dn ntrlrt frum *0 rirrulnr 331mm! h)- the Minn-hr OI' Educ-Minn to H. 2.: Svlmul Tourin- cra thnmglumt tho- I'rminro. with rv- fan-nor tn Hm Third Tnbm‘mllusis Day in HIP SPIMM". ho ho llt‘ld ufl Mundny, the 15m Non-mMn-r. l' .. "7‘ "V‘ V"? 7" VVV‘W‘W" F’ " " W‘V‘ V‘“"’ v ' mum. .wwu. w“... (1‘. Everything in the line We Always carry of Prospectors' Full stock of Hard- supplies Can Be ware and Builders' Obtained Supplies LAFLAMME’S Bldg. m-J. “'3!!! this . a gamma! unw- t I: nuw lwmst « nf children. ‘ ul' pn-wnlum must _p_mvorfui ntrlrt {mm the Minn-IN ~'vlmol Tour}:- inre. with m- Tnlwrminsis nml ml. Hm! cult- WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT Your PATRONAGE This Stock when all complete will have a value of approximately $5,000 and you can rest assured that every pair'of Shoes will not only be Brand New, but will carry exclusive style features for which this Store will always be noted. ' We desire to Announce to the Public of Timmins as District that we have opened Our New Exclusive Shoeh Building, Opposite King’s Picture Palace. '_ - eflcvrts to. vent: the ‘ "Pad uf the dist-au- n of waiting t emu-Ives uf thr mans summed fur this pun-me and M making surh mo of thv print- ed statements that Imw been Issued u _may_ be deemed expedient. ' ' In addition to the Deinflmom Vin ml", an «aniline uf lecture and a small pamphiei. “Tuiwrmlnsis. what it is!” will be distributed for me in the whims. asking! and nnsxwrimz n number n‘." pnpntar questicms regard. in: the nature (If the disease and itn prevention and t'ttfl‘. giving in simple farm n germ clenl n! exemiingly use. ful ianIrmnlicm. All the Ieaehera. nml IIIIrtieIIlnI-ly tlIm-e II lIII lIaIe been stimulated tII ne. ticm hI commas delivered {mm the Imlpitii on TIIhureIIlnsis Sunclm'. l-lth .\'uIemher. will he able to giIe their nelmlnn the benefit of their inspira- tinn "It tlIO Munilny. Tenehem in this «listriet Imuhl he well tttlIlWl tn use the questiun. ra- ther than the lecture. methml «II this sIIleeet~llncliIIg nut IIIIIIt the ehilcl- rm nlremly kimw IIml. insteml ut‘ "lN'lttllllz.’ time "II that. emphasize llw iIIIImrtIIIIt [mints IIlumt Wltlt'll they are still iemmmt. lt slmuhl IIhm he their emlenmr tu «Mum nut que nt the IIuIs suggested in the lmtlt't‘lttl umpliml tn them. of giIIIIg llu' t'lllllllt'll Ntlllt' prm-timl THIS STORE ‘vVILL FEATURE QUALITY AND STYLE IN ALL KINDS OF SATISFACTORY FOOTWEAR FOR MEN, ”WOMEN and CHILDREN. IN ADDITION IVE HAVE A WIDE ASSORTMENT CF THE BEST GRADE 0P RUBBER AND LEATHER BOOTS FOR MINERS, RUBBERS OVE? SHOES, SLIPPERS, AND THE OTHER LI‘IES BY \VHICH AN UP TO- DATE STORE IS "‘IO‘VII. mzs. nskmg and answering a "1' mpulnr quostinna regard. nnhm- «8' the disease and it: an and mm. giving in simple rem! deal «if oxcmiingly use- .\ \‘orimlilv ili-lugi- "1' when! is flaw- in: l'rum Westvrn (‘nmnlu lu Allnmiv ht‘illml'la’. Sim'o il lu';.':!l| Six wm'ks ugu.100,000,000Imslwls' Maw “"02! sulil by tho l'urnu-rs. 'l'lu- ('muulizm l’nrillc- ulmw lms ln-vn shipping mul muvinu qu‘ 2,000,000 lmsliclx daily. Who" the Mk“ parts vluso early in Ih-vvmlwr. 200,000,000 lmslu-ls will lw .m ”w my tn l'Iurupi-un umrkets. 'l'lw \\'vstm'n nr ('mnulimn l’riiirio wlimit «my» will tutul 315,000,000 ltlHlIOlS in 15“.). and of this 270,000,000 lillslwln‘ rill lw umrkclml. leaving 40,000.00” in l'arnwm' lmmls fur sm-«l. with $511375. 399 u your an: ,, 'f'cmp- nrnry loans. whirl: mvlmlv war loans. summit! to $130,140.35". While Hm increase In rm-nnnc. :-l thnngfi sniisfnrtory. is nut very large. the expenditure is mad: lm. During sown innntiin last year. ii wM $65.- 211503. while this your it in #53347.- mm. an that Mac sumlus in?! war was unly half Hu- JSINMNNLOM betterment this your. ('ustmns. excise. pnslniiii'c and public wnrks. wiiivli include rnil- ways, slmw inc-roams in revenue. 'l'lu-rc- is an inc-name in Hm nntimml 110'" nl' nn-r $7,500.00" during the mumh ul‘ ()Mnlwr. 'l'lw tutnl not dob! mm' stands at “92.332.19.192. mmlmrvd The Domininn nwpmm .} r n“ 00:. "her was $14,440.?!M. whio'n is nearly $4,000,000 more 3' an ”0' Jwr. 1914 Fm- tlw seven months "1‘ t m preach! fisml your it was “1‘33”“. mm pared with $80,972.4l26, during the some period last year. rev nf mmflting with the Anti. Tuherenh-sis Amiation, to empha‘ site in the minds of the ehildren that their mm active help is «me nf the must im'mrtnnt wenimns in combating this deadly disease. Deluge of Wheat Montreal lnundated Federal Revenue Climbing Upward Z Chas. Pierce Opp. King’s Picture Palace SONS. LTD. General Merchant ‘PHONE 28 - - TIMMINS m roman: ADVARCB THE Hw sli‘uugmi pluis vu-r min-'vixml; (Kilnu'ih hunsvs simulc! lw dumu fug' this nttrzu-tiun. . ()2! Mummy and Tuesday m-Vi. Nnv- “I vmhvr 15 um! 16. llw limpin- Hwntrv '. will {nu-sum t'n its putrmm u gripping s and form-Yul dmmntiv nuwlt)‘ in “w i1 pm“ under $0 titlv uf ”'l‘izv (Earth-nu, m' Lies.” This phutupluy is by Louis". Hooves llurriaun. and is mlnptml from the mwol by Justus .‘Iilt's Furlmm. me find. the lwamtil'ul uml lmlmlm star. and um- ul' Xvw Ynl‘k'fi t°a|\'m'~, flex, “'1“ vzu'ry tlu- lmuhng rule. amp; l purtml by n Ilflhllllt' must. I! is luv: ishl)’ staged and without cluum «mo 0 r Tapper lave given their runs?!“ tn 3 +4.. l. «lrtail‘ nf “‘liivlt will be arranged by Sir Just-pl: Pom. Under- K‘nm ., ut' State. who has ganc tn Halifax an behalf nf tlw O'womtnmtl. Tl" fn'wrztl Will lu- held in llalifa’t. and must ut‘ the members uf the Pub. inul. int'ltttling llte l’rimv Ministlnt‘. w H M -. a'tomlam'o. It is under- stand. also. that tho lumps anw in traittim: l't Halifax will parade with their hands. as a trilmto tn Hm late laawatml statvsmaa. 'l‘lw lowly is an “1- WW t‘rnm England. cm lmarol tlw "1- WW :‘rnm England. cm lmarol tho Motngmmn. and will likely arrive no but“ November l5lll. wms mmlvcnusms 3 m m mums m g a mm mm Halifax to Be Sum of [Inspects 'ved in Memory of Great Statesman Empire Theatre Coming Attractions (be In to . S' If ('3! n? .lv ,5 Before Buying Your Hay. Flour and Feed You should give us a call In the awantimv the urn must g- ntt. and tho stronuth nt' tho allim "mat hath ht- invrrasml and lift” arm-Irr- Mod. Wht-a (h-rmany apprnm-hm tlw woakvning paint that 's (Em Itmv tn tightt‘n tho vhvkin: mm]. 'l'ht' kaizuyr hogan the garm- am! ha must «it ut out. 'l‘hv 'l'ttrk ahm tumk up a haml and must stnp with tiw play. 'l‘hv \sar i4 nat hv‘m: t'nzzzi‘t in t'u- trotwhm am amvh a~t it is being: fumuht in grant rings that lll‘t‘ hoing pa: a- hmtt Hartvmtw's trade. hvt' sttmnlics. her mum-y. lwr awn. hor allim. mwh as (la-y tlt‘t‘. Uormany is lusim: aav «radar: she mu-r had. tn Iu-r hrntal- it)’. '0 MW lusts nt' emittiutt M' “w world. (‘iviliaatimt is «liamn'diug Gomtany: tho clay mum's when thc- hully has an hvatt lvt't. .\ kaiser may start a watgdb‘ut a,_tli_~t.v-u"""*j"'°."'°"I Wlwn‘ them's smulw tlwrr'a tit-r! All this talk ut‘ ware twins «night by some mw has a l'mtmlatiutt. liven if Gonuauy «train that it mum fmm her it may nm-ortlwlm- he t‘muulnl utt the hut that the (”tel-mam: an at the maximum nt‘ tlwir rum and that whoa that point is rvarhnl a more ur loss rapid clovlino must t‘ullmv than» aftt'r. Amt tm «mu knows this an auroly «if at qttirltl)‘ as the tlvrmaus. But all the thfltl is seeing it. mm. The runny is gutting tmwhcm-~is :mt carrying defeat into England. or iutn France. or hit" Russia. ur iutu lta'y. But she is hrimxiu': oxhamtinu tutu hor mvu "l‘ttttttizaltutt. 'l‘hu nut} vii» titua nt‘ tho uusluuuiits ut‘ the lltt'ts are Belgium. l’uluml. Scrhit. Turkey must «if all. Not Going Well "Ti 1‘ I..: :0. I)!" " p".‘.0‘.'oo .. ...' ,oo.aq ....II hum \I‘IIII IIIIII' “1,290 'IIiIHI" ‘ lIIWI‘Si [I'III'Q'I . \VIIJI I'I'I'vl'vIII'I- III IIIIIII. IIIIiI°|I III' I'IIIU'NG'. ”I0 I'lIivI' item "I ilHI‘l't In I'II' l'iIl‘I'IIpiIII' “isIIiII. it is III, IIIir In ~IIIII~ mm. ”In iIIIlIIsIrI' III: IimIllI IIIII! iI~I ilII'I'lIiiIIlI in 1131'... IIIIIIIIIIIIII lIrIulIII-Ied iII Ilw IIIII “- I‘Hiill}: II'IIm being IIIIII :NIS .J‘N. II :24; ,ISJ'I'. l'?fi|N'I°Ii\I'|). “It? )0“! I!" IIIIWQ‘VI‘I'. IIrIIIiIII-I-Il Sill-1.086. II'lIi “L'III'I‘ WIN iIIIII'IISPIi III $4558.518 1913, and III $0.52!! III? in 19H. will in“ 5mm. IIII-‘II'I'III'I'. IIIIII I'II 11!. lmmllwrvhivl's. . Mrs. “PM (l’ul'. ('ruwll). 2 pr. J gvr sm'krz. Mrs. J. .\. Mills, 33 1”" szg'vr sm 'l‘lw lmlios ”2' tho Hm] ('russ wm'king' imlustriuusly. and draw tho thanks nt' tlu- mmmuuity fur t self-salm‘ifiving h’t'l'Vit'U in so gum HHISU. The laulivs ut‘ Ilw Hm! ('l'uss Sari! hold a simmer m ”In 'l'uwn Hall I Mummy. wlwu llw t'ullnwing gm were rovviH-cl fur tho lwnvlit ”1° ‘ lads at the fun”. Receipts of Shower Every Little Hel Y7. ..:_ 3 ..,..,7.._..:_.:..«_. .4 .r..3_:_:./. m .12.:7. E. c 5.2.: .2 ._ :7. 2.2:: N £427. E. _ ........£. .127. ..r..’_.:..r. ...L N .2 W3 AISâ€"r. Araâ€".51. ..:_ m .r..::.. v.7. M rs silo mu-r hml. tn lu-r brutal- I'l‘ Imus nt' ulliniun 01' NW (‘ivilimtimn is «lismn'diug : ”w (My mum's WIN'II "Iv lluuslun 'uffc‘t' 5 Wit‘ a Germany ') pr sm-lgs. Mn lta'y. diam in!» uni} viv- Hm Hurts Do You lntend to Build? It 50. Get our prices on Lumber Meeting of Local Red Cross Society 'I'hv movting adjourned until mum-r "Ill. 'I'n I’IIrI-IuIsI-.--«.\Ir.-. IImIsInII. 'I'u .‘ III. ~â€"â€"( 1) Mrs. .1. H. Brawn. Mrs. II III». I‘. ’I Mrs. SiIIIiIIs. Miss Sulumn. 'I'u «Iiatrilmto “Ends-Mrs. leimis. 'I'n I'Ixmninv Knit Gumls. - Mrs. fill: III'I'. 'III IIxIIIIIiIII- Swing. .. Mrs. Sum-- Im. Mm. Brunch. 'lu I’m-k .--â€"Mi.~.I (I. M. III'IIWII. Mm. SIvaI-II. Mrs. Iuiiigmurv. Fur Sui-iiil lIoIiM’.---Mrs. Mrlnnis, MN. Sinuns. M rs. Millx. I'IIII' I'IIIII-I'IIIiIIIIu-nt-â€"--Mrs. Williams. HIIIIIIII'I- iII lmnk .u IIIIII' NIWfifl. .\ "IUHIIN ‘IINN'P by Mrs. SIIIIMIm IIIIII svaIIlI-Il by Mr“. SIIIIII'r WIIII var- riI-Il. In “I'm-III MI. HIIk'u unmiticm In IIIW'I" II ”It“ in IIIII «If ”II‘ Surioh'. [WWII'I‘I' iI IlIM'S IIuI I-IIIIIIij \IiIII the Him In 'w IIIIIIIIII'I'II "V ”w (MINI-'- IIMISI SIIIIHI I’HII'IIIIII'I'. h mu mmwl In MN. luIIIgIIIIIre IIIIII NII'IIIIIII'II by MI‘n. HruIIIle HIM 3‘" hills In II;III~ III- paid: I'flmv are as I'IIHIIII‘II 2â€"- 'l'lvo Stu-Nun”! :11qu was read and fmmd corn-fl. 'l‘lw 'l‘n-nsun-r's rvpurt was as fol. lmvs: Ammunls pnynMom llwrflmmfisc . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Tripp. swing . . . . . . . . 3.1m Ellis. «spam and plume fur Wuu' fur Sncil‘t)‘ . . . . . T'w regular mming M‘ flu- Svhu- nurlwnTimmins lmmrh «f "w (an. mlinn Ned ( rms Swirl) «as lwhl on Tut-sch“. Nmendwr 2nd. at the Gold- fields “Ml". Dulmfinfl Ihlmtiom .‘lvm'n f1 l'urmmnw .‘ll’y. Tripp lemnchliu n from Dr. “'1'?th n t‘mm Mnstvr Wile foo. Mia: Trendwvll dumm- Commiztocs SEVEN 30" $111!. $101 $14; UV- .45 .00 .00 00 20 "0 1m 50 .fl "0

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