Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 5 Nov 1915, 1, p. 6

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North Cobalt. Timmins. Phoiie 8!. 3 Head Oflice and Mills, Yard and Storehouse, g “wowowomoommw +++om~ '-;~.- :~:~':»~ ii he the {its all modern improvements, Baths, etc. and the very best i e. ; AT nmmms Of 1E of Board 'l‘lu- sitlmiinll ill Turn!!!" is; j‘dsi HH' mum. Sovvrul play-rs I'vm-iH-«l lulu- grams in stntv their tm'lns tn play all ”10 (must. but “try clvl'vrrml aw- timl until Hwy I'm't'ivc hulm‘liliug ill llw slmpv ul' 5! clvflnitv ulTor. Sammy Livhh-ubviu. proaiclvn the anlvrcrs. I'm-ohm! Lw fn ing dvsmm-h (run. “.1 Cunt. u roads as fullmw ”Sam M. lm-ulvuhmu. .‘3 on .r-o.: I: ”liar-'- .. d . 32' :4.. Hum l' (Ii Kl-nmdy m-c-Imm fimu ut' inning ru- tored intu a private zurm‘mcm “if: my lt-nmw. As this c-Iun'm! is nbm- Iutoly t'nlsv. I mu quitv ugrvmhlv fur yam tn pmdmm I!" u" my mrrkun- «have m yum' lougzw mm'tilg. ulm Hm! yam mu give tlw same tn the press for pnhlivuliun if ya" wish to. In lumclin: um thv h'lvuml publin-utinn, the prmidcn: u Wanderers mmlv nu munm-nt. luuks as it it was up In (iourgt' newly 01' the. ('mmclimls. In qukc his rhurgvs ur e'lsv km-p quivl. flout League haw «tn-lured war, m. town“ MI! make rn nttmn :t In sign him mu fur thr sons-m. to is «hm vlnimml hy thc- “Mutant-rs. hut as his vmrk will harp him in Httnwn. it is likvlv that It' hv plays it will he wSt': the Sennturs. Sn for the Patrivks “M‘t‘ t‘ntlml tn mmm‘o N'vn I! reply from may ut‘ the Ottawa stnra. 2"} '-: 0000004- W I .0”. nDFPprppp’rb”>"*””#”'*"”””’p"’,’""”'}* Scare Hm lint 3min! far 1'“: .\°.ll..\. in Nu- iw-k-w muahhlo fur Pm! TM. lur, hour!“ kmm-n m Ull‘ ”('yrlnllfiu \um no: net-II transferred In ("tau-n by the Dopaflmrm M’ ”w Interinr. and n i" leave fur Ilw East at «new. The I’Mrirks made wwml unsuorom- l'ul rmms In have his tmnsl‘vr re. minded. hm failed. and mm "ml the am. Score first Blood in the Big squabble With the Beast league “CVBllIIE” man, "if HUM? 5MB Iflfllflflflfll EAST Thé fronlenac House is the fii'St Boarding House you meet in coming from the Station PROPRIETQR, BIX ”Sammy" Reccivcs a Wire. flPP. EMPIRE THEME Sigurd) “ l’mnk BAKER and CONFECTIONER Players are Waiting. 1311's]! Brmul “(‘“Vt‘l'cd In Ymu‘ Home ‘livimls Pius. Calkvs and I’nsll‘v (Slutmessor tn .lulm Watt) Daily on lezlvst. TIMMIN S Pflh‘il'k. ' ram Mr 0" Hm I. but it I'L'C‘ Kon- 'HH'IW gum! lm'il hf ."‘t '.'n- ' utit'rm' tm n lit-t'c- «Wt-itc- ma-m in (tttuwu hm'kt-y vim-[vs ntt Saturday \vlwn lu- arrived in tuwn. Russ is Illlth't't-flnml tn hun- hovtt in tuttvh with l’t'vstdvttt lhttv mu! ('uuvlt Smith M ”w Hvtuttm's. lh‘ dwhtt'os ho hm playml his his! hm'lwy. hut mmhl ttxsist thv Uttathts if they mmh'tl his st-t'vic-vs. 'l'ht't't- ttt'v t'tt- .nmt's that! Nu.“ will t-utt't' tlw field as u mnmmtv. hut the-m» mulcl llnl lw runtit'mml. llv suit! hv was just "missing: thrnugh” t't'um at hunting t-xpmlitintt up ttnt'th. “1m w “vnwh'. injuring lm i‘HHi and sustaining: ammo painful hrnism. Nu inmw \wt‘c l‘rnkt-I'. it was Hmng'.‘ that he would be akin to rmnnn- dntv in U'" c-umm- n" a l'urtnigiil m' aw. ih'cwvilwnt's mm; any vxpm-lml In 3:.» In Franco slmrtly. and his mishap may know him «ml «of nation fur a few months. Harry Urundbmxt. tlu- Ivmlin'z ,1: In}- "rfivr "1' 9:" HHnwn Hm-kcs‘ ("uh lust wintrr. is laid up in tlw lumpiml m Slmnu-liflr. ling" as n rvsult ul’ n ml! 'I'Iw: mum. .\ lvttvr “‘01.: n vwmlmr u?“ ”re mum lmttztlium x14 Hv-und'ufl, 'tfnh'd ”'13. \fi'lih' ”‘0 Mikt- Quinn's nnnmmvenwnt HIM tlw mujurity of tho Quchoc plnwrv wrro aln'mly umlor wntmrt. and thus immune t'rnm the Patrick raids. Sam loir’vh'°tlw5"'a WW" fa" dismissal ul‘ l’rcsidrnl Quinn cm tlw L'rmmd I'm! ho mu! Nimru u. u . «limmhy thmug': “ailing tn mnko H20 tum-«9m; .Hzn-cIm-M mm Hm I’M- rlc'kh The nilulliml in Montreal is as fol. lows, awarding In In oulem «luv patch. a’mI’ iI Imks u if the MM. wrn going In In“? a guml deal more pf the smoke of lmllle in "Mr mm Ianlu. than they are in llw conflict MW “‘9 Veal. [73» lo ycsjr’nlay llzc situation was as follows: Frank lrivk's refusal In rmhm 'Itjznl'nl‘ «W 2 II!» V.“ ..\ II pnsiIWIl l Inmell Quinn 9 llnmt' hall (”'1 "I" . ll .lle ”hr?“ “3|. larder Patrick 9 nmmunccmcnt Ilml I I «a m slur! mmlcl “0 signal ln ”w l'.( H" L. lI‘IIm llw N. ll..-\. .‘. , um‘ «so. '9 "It?!“ to sm- fimrn‘ Kenneth fur lilIol IIIIIoss“llw lnllvr aIIlIslnnlInleIl lIIs I-lmrges II- gniInI IlII- “andcn‘m' nmmr. ll! REA. Oaznp Tmnblcc. ”‘M WOWPPIWI‘ Brnadbent Injured. A. R. FREEMAN PHflNf N0. 29. Ross in Ottawa «Mllim: H‘ “'11 53mm his I ""' i\". l :1: d is in lung and gun-r n yonr hummf: m ”w l’nln War tlu- «lm-uvorm'. Finding the Dincovcrer. 'l'lze Hntarin tisherv re'rulntiuns are Ming: re\'i~:e«l. The new rules will «in away with the eluse season l'nr white fish on the Great Lakes exeept the lay of Quinte where the eluse seamm will euntinne as at present t'runl Nov. lst to the 30th. The restt‘ietinn is let't cm in this hit)“ ”wing: tn it being: a spawning ground tllltl u suuree t'rum whieh the huteheries are supplied with eggs. The new regulattiuna are being,' adapted he'ause nnne is in three an the Ameriean sule. (.‘unsnlerahle wurk is hem}: «lune by the hateheries and this will enable the. fiSlICI‘H‘S tn he kept up H'HWllll- standlng the reinuval of me l’estt'te- tinn regulatinns. pruvuhng the fish- ermen ennttnue tn provide t'aethttes for gettin" spawn. The work by the hatenenes on the lakes 1:; very sutâ€" tst'ztetury. ()n .::l.:e line in twelve \mrs. 1m: eateh has increased t'rnm 400,000 to 1,000,000 punmls despite “it" 'w" *'-er'\ in nu e'nse sezHun there. ()1) Lake Ontario at one tnue .V C‘ 1. 0'» at :“e Franco River, Lake Nip- is..ing and Mattawa River; and that the op cu season for hares be extend- ed for a period of f "1' months, from the 15th day of December, 1915, throughout thc above portion of the Prov‘zzce, said extensicns to apply to bona fide residents of the salt terr- tory only. Hm {n.1i‘."ifl'.;‘ 1:: :1 rue}: m' :m WHY-ii»!":"W'ii :.|‘-;\l'u\'('«l ’5' ”is lluzmr the lieutenant (hn'rrun'. the 139:] «hf ul' Hct .lwr. AJL 11317). Upon the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works. the Committee of Council ad- vise that pursuant to the provisions of Section 8, Clause (c) 01 um Unc- ario Game and Fisheries Act the open serson for deer, moose, reindeer or ari'cou be extended for a period of one inc-nth from the 15th day of Nov- ember. 1915, in all that portion of the Province lying to the north and 03E}? SEASON FOR BIG New Fishing Rules and Reguiations IBIP ABfl 153 ALIS“ Blllllll IIflB THIS Fairbanks. .\lnsku,.\ uv. 3.--.\t‘ter a 12"" mile trip "was Alaska behind I: dug team. t‘apt. Innis I. Lane. the man “hu t‘umut \'i|jhnlnmr Stefan» sun at. t'npe Killett. an the Smith- westem em! out" Hanks Land. after the (lismnervt‘ hm! heen .ltltlwnl‘I' 0f l'ur tl year and l‘mtr niunths. reached l-‘niro hanks yesterday. Stefan-son Goa North. t'upt. Lane hrinm mm! that Stet‘. mmm. \ihu pnrehnsed fmm Capt. "me "'n e-temm'r t'ulnt' Hoar tn enn- tinm- hi: explut‘utiuns. sailed for the .\ ... .umi lu't‘ai'ht'll [Slutttl oott September 3. “i”! n mniplete equip. m1 nt He nlw henrn n minmt fmm “tet‘ntlmm. “"I". he says “is better titted nut nun- thnn he ever was un any ut‘ hi»: trips. nml that the disem- t't~i' .4“ l-i'u~-t o . 9 «mt uth' .Vcttt nt'ti't' tar present m the ttmtit. Captain lm, Mm fund Sinf- ansm, teaches lerhanks Ill! t 11' W fl '3‘} .u- “M! «f hiv ware}: ml «lih'nw'ly "I. Stofnmum in «Many mun-sting. ”0 had been | year hunting: in the l’ulnr er Certificd,â€" J. LON SDALE CAPRBOL, (BED. .\- O ., 0 TO 33 B221; “.3113 '1 o i. ‘5 .A.(‘ 015.1 400 0"" lbs Clerk, Executive Council. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE W can :1 last 96.00””9000906099060 CEMENT WORK â€" BRICK 'WORK, STONE‘VORKâ€"PLASTBRING. IN FACT ANYTHING IN MASONRY Will Iflflflfllfll " lllllElIlV MIMI! Change Balm to I: Result of Emperor’s low of Belgnim i Opp. Station - Timmins 3 00609000690090.0900.” TELEPHONE 62 ACID SURVEY OF HOLES FURNISHED IF REQUIRED lamclcm. .\'m-. :t--â€"tl«~II. SmIlwrawoig. the military gm-rrnur ut‘ “meals. has left that I-ity. and his suave-«Ir. ““039 name has nut yet. been lvanml. has been ammintnl. arm-ruling tn a Rutter-clam IlrspatrlI tn Tlm Daily Telegraph. which says that Saulu‘rz. wetg. wmv is a Prussian I'malry um. N‘r. Sllt‘t’t‘t‘tlt'tl tlrtwral Yum Run-wall almut a "math agn. llis m't'essiult. the Ilvspatch aIlIls. llllt‘mlllt'ml a mm tmlt' IIt sewrih. alIiI-II mlmiuatul in tlw t‘St‘t'lllltm nt' l-.IlitlI t‘a'.\I-ll llv sigtII-Il the tlt‘ttlll sentence aml lu'pt tlw matter a seorvt. whit-II IrmIittnl IIt‘ tlw oantiuu lvvt‘uw am)" vapval t‘flllltl sum-owl. His last me-lIIIIIIItinn tlIrI-atcnml «(were ponaltim S'ur mIIIrI-IIIIIII-III nt' arms. “ H is nutmvurthy." ”w mrrvslmn. «lent I'nrth says. “HIM lust wm-k Hu- I'lmlmn-r mud» :1 war m' “w primi- |m| («was in lh‘lginm m-c-upimi by tlw Germans. ”in prvwnm- "my lw us. «mum '0 have I'm-mum! in Hu- H'IHH- ml "1' Gm. Saubvrzwvig." llmzh Boy 10. Ru- T. E. Strain Dominion Diamond Drilling Company N. RACICOT For Signs Of All Kinds TIMMINS, Autos for Hire Day and Night I’llani 3:3 MILLER BROS. - Proprietors. Repairs on cars at shamst Notice SOUTH POROUPINB Ilun By White Peopleâ€" ' For White People Laundry Called For and Deliv- ercd at Timmins Every Monday and Thursday. Automcbilec {or flirc- . Open Day and Night- Phone 31 The bust and must-up-tn- «lat-c Livvry 01' its kind in South I’m-cupixw E. Schelletter Livery and Transfer S. WHEELER SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY “ERNIE the BOATMAN" Sou ' ~. Porcupine TIMMINS CORE BORING SOUNDINGS CONTRACTORS Scheulcr’s Saloon. LIMITED South Porcupine SEE Contractor o'“.‘. *2. '5‘)."!‘|0 3‘“r ONT. BOX 506 ‘- {o {o 0:. J. w. BRISSON - . - rnornmron 0:0 0G'4‘é403$¢~K¢°§§¢¢¢éé¢$iééi¢¢é{uh-{94'€°$++¢4utnifi-fié-i-ééééd-éfid-d'i’fi- m9¢.v.v.v+%¢.v¢.v*vv+.véé .9é...¢¢%.v.v.v.v.v'u:v.u3u.¢.u3v .v¢¢¢*+¢%¢§¢¢++¢?¢§ ...¢§¢§¢QOO¢¢O§¢¢¢§¢¢¢¢§¢Q§¢O§QQOQ+O§¢¢¢¢O§O§0¢§OO+OOFO 0:9- oxoaqvovo 6V". 0 0k 09‘”. ext-o c_ 3-.‘\.'. .2. (.4. . . . . v. “5:?¢¢¢%9+¢¢.¢++¢+¢90+§¢¢¢¢¢9¢¢¢ov+§¢¢v¢¢fio¢¢.n..v.9.v.u:u..v.v.v¢.~. o- '0 ”Ryan/“@010“.- yo ..M«.€J\o . 90%,! o ”0.x 0‘ Most Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter in the North Special Rates l'm' anml by wwk m' numtll. Rugulzu' mulls, LlHH'lH‘S propul'ml ll)!‘ l*‘l.<lllllf_{' l’nz'tit-s and Min- ingmcn. Bust Cull'uc. in Canada. (Hm; all the tinw THE REGINA Sanitary Lunch Moved To Next Door ARE THERE-WITH BOYS WEAR TIMMIMS Ostrossser 81' C0. Clean Beds. Steady Board for working men Terms on Application. P.O. Box 286 Algoma Hotel Steamritter. Sheet Iron Worker. Cornice and Sky-light Maker. Smoke Stacks Modo to Order. AGENT FOR HBOLA HOT AIR FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. Cal! and Give us a Trial. . Brazeau, Timmins L. 5. NE WTUN. Newton’s Dining Hall “'0 “an? :1 Cumplctt- “'inlvr Untlit :Railroad Street, Opp. Station Brazea u PLUMBER P.O. Box 262. Opcn From 5.45 to 8 p.132. TIMMINS Board by Day, \Vcck or Month A TIMMINS AND DOCYCOT 'v“ 2' Phone 51. I'HUI’RIETOR SCHUMACHER ' \ ~. \( 0.. run...) - . ‘ oooéflo.) «.3 (v I.\ O; (0" .) ..\ .\

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