Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 15 Nov 1912, 1, p. 7

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Amati“; Goldfields Apex .................. Big Dome Dobie .................. Crown (Bastard ......... .02! Dome Extension .10 Dome Lake ............... .1! Eldorado .................. Foley O'Brien ............ 6 ‘26 Gold Reef ..................... Hollinger ..................... H. H4 Jupiter ..................... .38 Moncta ........................ .m McIntyre .................. :27: Pearl Luke .................. .23. Porcuoinc Imperial .023: Porcupine Timlnlc ......... Preston East. “01110 0‘35 Ron Mines .................. .35 Standard .................. Swastika .................. .05} Vipoml .................... m. .13 United Porcupine 00.5 West. Dome ............... .10 Crown Charter :-In financial «? culties Temporarily vm-wd ci-- Their Davidson claim i4 1' m-wh 300d. Best smculatiw any in camp. Dome Extension tâ€"Goad Well located. Have provcn ies. Opportunities For FOR SALE zâ€"Eight thousand six hundred and forty acres 0! Mineral. Timber and Agricultural Lands. This big proposition con- sists of 54 "Veteran Claims" of 160 acres each, lying in the Town- ships of Murphy and l'loyle immediately adjoining 'I‘isdale and Whit- ney Townships in the Porcupine Mining: IliVision. These properties will be sold for the value of the timber and pulp-wood alone and the mineral possibilities are immense as they lie directly in the line of strike of the principle ore bodies of the camp. These pro- perties have never been prospected for mineral but have been cruis- ed lor timber Value. 'ra a capitalist or promoter able to handle a deal of this magnitude it is a sure thiner from the stand point of timber values alone to say nothing' of the immense mineral possibili- ties. Full particulars upon request. WORKING OPTION :-â€"We are prepared to offer to responsible mirlng men a Working option good for six months upon a group of claims in the Porcupine (.‘amp. These properties have large dykes of unartz and schist heavily mineralized and earryim,r consistent gold values right, on the surface. No money need be paid on this option until" )he expiration of the. six months and then only if satisfied. This: is an unusually good oDDortunityi Write for further parti- Porcupine Mining Ontario Charter. Capitalized for $1,000,000. par‘ valuef and owning 9 full claims or a total of 3M) (limb: 120.0 Property shows free gold in several places: 22“» kn; This Proposition offers excellent chance- for .stoc . . ['0 Sir are who want a good clean cut floatmn. Propmtlfk: (. '4 tire capital stock can be delivered Without any entang _' _\__.l A,_. nnnlh 111. {\n FOR SALE :~-â€".r\ fully organized WORKING ()P'I‘IOT‘ miflng men a working: claims in the Pm‘cupil quartz and schist hem; values right on the su unti“ )he expiratinn of TWfiéfis an unusuaHy q culars. Porcupine Stocks part iml MININF‘ CLAIMS :â€"â€"-.\linim,r claims in. Porcupine, Cripple UI‘CCK, Swastika, lowg-zmda, Cobalt, South Lorrain and all mining camps of Northern Ontario for sale by us at ches ranging from $100 to $1,000,000. We especially solicit the business of Brokers and Pro- moters. Our intimate, personal knowledge of the country together with our staff of corrmpundents and mining engineers in the, various camps puts us in a prwition to give excellent service. Write us your w a.“ t8. m' 1'ng and aevcuuuucm Wm,“ of ,_;opertics in Pnrcupine, Sm tricts are at the present time shares of their Treasury stock to be underwitten at. a low opportunity for a broker who clients with every possibility management of this company i should not be oVerlooked. Writ UNDE RIGHT Comments arS, maps. reports. )ERWRITING PROPOSITION :â€"â€".-\ large and favorably known and deVelopment company owning and controlling a number erties in Porcupine, South Lorrian and Sudbury Mining Dis- .re at the present. time willing to place 100,000 to 200,000 of their Treasury stock with a responsible broker or promoter underwitten at a low price. This is an unusually good for a broker who wants something to place before his with every possibility of making good. The'organization and :ment of this company is especial good and this opportunity not be overlooked. Write us at once. mity )ERWRIT l NU I’Rl )I’OSITI UN and development company om attics in Porcupine, South L0: to at the present; time willing Cable Address. “Fuller-Porcupine" Assessment Work Mine Management Diamond Drilling Properties Sampled Reports and Maps -;\ fully organized Porcupine Mining Co., having Capitalized for _$1.0()0,000. par value shares $1.00 l claims or a total of 300 acres, is oflered lors‘ale. ree gold in several places. Now being developed. offers excellent chance for stock brokers or promot- g'ood clean cut floation. Properties. charter and en- :oan be delivered without any entanglements. Full _ reports, etc., furnished on applieatlon. Bid. Asked. 40 14.80 0M .18} '10 p.'( In my ore bod- 15.00 I)“ Capitalists and Promoters 002 {“55 18.5 .01 .03 log (I 03 ;' “Kl im- \\' n . the ey in the bank. Buy the stock for investment. Now paying dividends at 'thc rate of 39 per cent. per annum. Will do better. One of the world's createst gold mines. Finances weak but wil. come out all. n’ght. We advise purchase. Foley-O'Brien :- 'l‘o be reopened soon. In good shape financially. Re- ported about $140,000 in treasury. Considering par value $5.00 and present 10w price should be bought for speculation. i Hollingerz-Just as good as mon- xey in the bank. [3in the stock for investment. Now paying dividends at Imperial pl‘uficflt PT the stock. Vipond :â€"'I‘lie one best. bet for a. long pull. Buy the stock at present low quotation. When changes are completed at. mill stock will double or treble present price. Big Dome :-â€"-.-\ real mine and big- ger then some people have any idea of. Will soon issue statement that will be an eye-opener. Stock should be bought. one [’1 'c ston Ea ' s t l) 0 m e 14!. '3 v c it. Kc ms in. Pormxpine, Cripple Creek, l1 Lorrain and all mining camps at [M ees ranging from $100 the business of Brokers and Pro- 1 W mes daisy speculation at Will ~'o«m reopen. Buy thl boon reopen. (mom 200 L1 be bought. of Bu y P" ore ()l'll OBJECT l.\’ LEASING TlllS l'LVTlRl'I PAGE IS FOR 'l’lll". l’l'lll’HSl’. 0F CALLING THE ATTICN'I‘IHX ”l“ ('Al’l'l‘Al. 'l'U 'l’l'll“. TREMBXIMUS M(").\'I‘J\° MAKING ()l’l’Ull'l‘lTNlTll'IS OF Xllll'l‘lll'ZRN ONTARIO. IT IS (IUNCEDEI) THAT THE GREATEST NICKEL DEPU- SITS IN THE WORLD ARE LOCATED IN THE SI'IHII'RV MIN- ING DISTRICT; ('URALT IS TIIE RICHEST. THE HIGHEST GRADE AX!) THE MUST LAVISH I‘RI’H)I’(’?EIH)I’ SILVER THE \VURIJ) HAS EVER SEEN. AND WE. WHO ARE "RIGHT ON THE (ERUI'XIL" HERE I.\' I’HRPI'I’IXE. HAVE BET (HIT LIT- TLE I'IILE. I‘IXNEII UI'R I‘IVI‘IRIAS'I‘IXH I’AI'I'II A.\°l) ARE KILLING TU STAN]! HR FALL RV THE I‘REIDH‘TIUX THAT 'NIE I‘HRPI'I’IXI". (EULID IDISTRH'T WILL SHHX I’RUVE T” RE THE (ERI'ZA'I‘I'IS'I‘ (|.\' THE AMI'IRMTAX (’UN'I‘INEN’T IF NOT IN THE ENTIRE \VHRIJ'). The attention of the market trader is A. S. FULLER COMPANY have been b4 years standing in Boston, New York and to the experience we have had there in V and LaSallc Street. we now have the furtl particular instanee Hf heim: "Right ()n 'I‘h eupine is Com-erned. We have been actively with the camp for the past three years, The attention of the market trader is called to the fact that A. S. FULLER COMPANY have been brokers of a good many anding in Boston, New York and Chicago, and in addition we have had there in Wall Street, State Street we now have the further qualifications in this "Right ()n The ”round" as far as Por- years st to the experience and LaSallc Street. particular instance of being: We have been actively and financially identified cupine is concerned. are thoroughly famil- the camp for the past three years, and property of every mining com- thereiore, that we are in a information regardix with iar with every corner of it and the panv operating in the district. We feel, better position to give you ALTTII EN'l‘JC PORCL'l’l.\Y '3 STOCKS than outside brokers. I“urthermore we are in wire with theTor onto Exchanges and can give your 1“ . ‘ .].-.-n‘-c\tm direct touch by wire with theToronto Exchanges and can give your Our especial advantage, knowledge of the actual direct touch by buying and selling orders prompt attention. however, comes from our intimate personal working conditions of every mine here. IF YOU WISH TO SELL, send your stock to us by registered mail,properly endorsed in blank, with full instructions, i. e., state, if you desire to sell at the market or at a stated price. If the latter, state the price. We will acknowledge receipt of stock the same day it is received, and a statement of sale. and remittance, to cover, less commission, will be forwarded to you immediately up- on completion of sale. 1F. \"Ul7 WISH TO lilTY send us your order. We will acknowledge receipt of the money the same day it is received, and the day stock is bought we will mail you a statement. You can remit balance due us and we will immediately forward to you the stock, if you so desire, draw draft on you with stock attached 25 per cent. is deposited with us. me for or we Call. for the balance due us, provided In placing orders, explicit instructions as to price, length of ti which order is good, transfer instructions, etc., should be supplied. ’I. If the investor requlres trans ing only the transfer fee we pay. for each new certificate. Where a ‘ not matter in whose name the c< To Avoid Delays and Misunderstandings SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO, CANADA. “Right on the Ground” THE PORCU PIN E ADVANCE investor requires transfer Of Interest to Stock Buyers r we will attend to same, charg- This generally amounts to 25 cents ader buys for a “turn" it does regarding Local Real Estate Department FOR SALE :--Finest reside! tion Main and Broadway. High house practically m: FUR “Al Jar --Thc finest vacant bus L 100. Corner Golden Ave. and Pi rat .‘ valuation $2500. A big bargain. Lot, 25 Rounds Townsitc $170 FOR RENT :â€"â€"I.arm~ double store and six Bruce Avenue for $40. This is a bargain {or map in town. FOR RENT :-â€"-:'3 Room cottage well located hood. Price $250 per month. Always in remitting, or settling your account. use accepted onecns cash or money orders, otherwise we will be justilied in holding cer- tificates until collection can be made on checks. Your bank will not accept checks in payment of drafts therefore your broker is entitled to the same rule. Never ask a broker to place the stock in your name before it is paid for in full, or you have deposited funds in the bank: to cover it. Reputable houses will never fill an order of this kind. as the stock certificate transferrml in your name becom- m- u'nl‘tlllnsfi m the brol'ozr in case you (lie or are unable to pay FOR RENT zâ€"(Eood stores, houses and offices a reasonable and right. To" us your wants. name before it is paid 101' the bank: to cover it. Rep Lhis khul, as the stock ce es uxnfllfless to the broker for it upon delivery. -\d1l '35 cents exchange to all checks and dr pmahle at 11:11 at South Porcupine. ()n checks :1 change at the 1ate of 1-4 to 1 pm cent. An obse1vance of these rules will rende1 mista establish a high degree of confidence between you handling your business. Alvays in ordering send remittance have an account with us, or we know not fair to assume that the broker is to for you without some guarantee. The ha the investor should be ready to do his 0n stocks under 10 cents 1-4- ce nt per share; on stocks sold at 10 cents and under 50 cents, lâ€"‘ZI cent per share ; on stock sold at 50 and under $2, 1 cent per share ; on stock sold at $2 and under $4, 2 1-2 cents per share; on stocks sold at $4 and under $10, 5 cents per share; on stocks sold at $10 and under $25, 10 cents per share. On stocks selling at $25 and upwards, 1 per cent of money in- volved. Minimum commission $1. .: 3 I llzllalslllmmll Our commission rates will be found to charged by brokerage houses in Boston, Ne other points, and are as follows: FUR SALE FUR SALE 1~Stnrc and (Wu 2’) x 80. Good location for F‘ H: SA' a“: mm 8 .\I E van sun! I: FOR SALE :â€"~Woll located vacant lot ~43 Room Bungalo w and new : wired [or electricity --I.0t on Railm -Rcsidcnce lots Vacant, lut on Bruve Aw. .50 residence mmor in town High an (1 dry. Price $32 Commissions .ailroad SL. with large tom ncant business mrnor in the town. :50 nd Fi rst St. Price $1500. Assessed two moms up em: for small business emitta'nce in full, or part, unless you . we know your financial standing. It is “30ka is to use his money to buy stock Lee. The bank requires it of him and! to do his par; at $100 upwards e found to be much less than are Boston, New York and Chicago and and corner render mistakes impossible and between yourself and the house 'or someone. The biggest with :‘ricc $1100 airs un Railroad St .3. Price $400. A snap drafts unless made ; above $100 add ex- moms upstairs 1U” lot small building on in good neighbor- at prices that are P! ‘i" ‘\ $4500 accepted checks well located rice Mr, on

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