“â€ONWMWWOM EIGHT A "alluwe'rn Dam-v will be given in the Mnymir "all, «m Tuesday even. inst. ‘Mulzrr 319'. mad" the auspices uf Hu- Wumm's (hind. 0f 3!. MI!- thvw's I ‘mrrh. Tickets $1.50. Mr. Jun. W. William. mm of flu- nluldimc minim: men uf New "Marin. lml mm ul‘ Plin Han. Man. slapped "IT how m1 his way tn Tommi» this wwk. Mr. (‘nllimm plans In mum: to Timmins next week. Miss ('hltlnflp "we. «we united in mun-inn Srhmfl. M H man: 5 svrvic-o M II gum: nu leatna 'l‘immim. M va. J. .‘Inmlmmhl assumed the pnshimgv on" the Inca! l’ru-sbytorinn (‘Imrcln cm Sunday lust. Nev. Man-- «ltmnhl is n typic-nl nurtlwrnor. he Ems-in; m-c-upiml muro Hum mm rlmrgv in â€w murth mmntry. He mum lwrv t'mm Hnglvlmrt. whorv M has lwon fur the |m.~t oighlm-n mumlns. Last S'mcluy vu-ning Hu- luml pulim' I'aiclml n anM‘ juim am â€to rust side 01' NW 1'. c\' X. (L. and ronlim-d smm' $7†mm. Last night llwsv mcn- mfllu' l-I Illt'flfl‘Ol‘Sr-alp- [marvel hvt'un- .‘luyur Wilmm and worn mwh l'im-d $20 and nuts. IIMMINS IN NEH] flf EUflffW fflfl BHIlflBEN 'l'hvri- ain- mlxw vitizons ut' the 'l'uwu ut' 'l'immius wlm :«wm tu lmw nu r0- gaul t'ur tlwir vhiidrmi's wolt'm'v. 'i'luoy inuw tiwir Iitth- mic-s tn mum tiu- strvvts at night until at wry Into imur. tlu-n-Iiy mulnngvring tlwir lives from the mutiuuul t'luw ut° traffic at umtm' HIV" and \‘('ili(°il‘8 that travel hawk and rum]: till the struts. 'l'licsc vhihlx'vn iHH't' “00‘" $00!] mutinuully vmssing thv mud. in and t'ru, in front 01' llmtut‘a’. with It t‘ililti-likt' (hire in tlu- m-vupzmts to run them (lawn, and the rutv tlmt sumv ut' tin-so mirs travel it is inch-ml umrwlnus that sumo ut' tlwm am- nut killml ut' injurml. Sumt- t-itizvns haw- stumi aghast at the daring and huld imuiuvr in whivh muw nt’ iilt'n’l' (-hildt'cn take their lives iutu their mm hands. And we for! sun- that it' thv parents wvro tn wv their c-hildrvn in this not llttt'ntlt- mun prartim'. the-y mmhl t'm‘l that the primer Marv l'ut' their t'iliiti Wntliti he at Irmxw in itt'ti. and nut ut' harm's \\'e all haciw that "ehihlren will he ehihlreu.†and they delight tn get intu misehiel' and tn play where they shunhl nut. aml this t’mlttlltlg‘ at the streets at night is nut a tit and pru- per place plaee fur a yuan}: ellil(l. lively sensible-mimled parent shnuhl see tn it and keep their eliiltlt'elt all the thuruughl'ares at these times. If these eitizens tlu nut realize their uhligatiuns aml duty Inward their ehililt'en the authurities should adapt a eurt'ew. or same uther system wherehy these ehildren will not he ullnweil tu tramp the streets tn sueh untimely lmurs. After eight n'elnek in the evening nu ehild shuuhl be per- mitted an the highway unless aeeum- in the evening in» elulu snouiu ue [tuft lltlltt‘tl ou the highway unless aeeom-1 panied by it’s parents. ' The majority of these eases that we have eitetl above are llUlll‘t‘tl more particularly amongst the foreign ele- ment, who evidently have but little eoutrul over their off-springs. 'l'hey possihle «lo not know that their ehil- dreu shouhl not be scattered hroad- east upon the thoroughfares of the quuieipality at sueh times. If this he the ease, then the. authorities should instruet them to keep theta at Fltutllt‘. .\ml it' this eourse ot' proeeed- iugs wmw taken. there \vuuld lu- 1959 damn-r “1' any serious zu-vidents m-our- l'lltg’. The puhliv, the parents and the rhil- dreu would profit considerably hy a curfew; and more espeeially the vhil- «Iren. lwa-uuse it is a well-known fart that :1 vhihl hroughtup in these eu- \‘iruuuieuts, as a rule follow them in their future life, and deousaluputly become of no use to themselves, am! a source of worry to their parents and to the authorities who are trying to administer law and order for the ‘Sat'ety, peace and harmony of the citi- zens of this community. The best advice we can give these parents is by a well-known author, who says: “Early to bed and early to rise is the way to make them healthy, Wealthy and .wise.“ mil further nut’m- Rt .\t fimmins News in Brief *9 fl 6"? ml but mmlm I!!! ulm-t M‘n‘lt‘t‘s as lul- lhmw Minn Snmlnv m. :Smuh I'urmpino. .: «ml in tlu- Empire H. M 7.30 lam. mt Qt‘l‘t M ‘immins. and vhildron will â€u “a M r. .‘Im‘ “Tupi!!! ()rl. M r. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mathews. farmer. ly of New Links-uni. haw mmpicd â€wit new hmm. lluflll uf HIP hut". by (iiflia' Lake. The Ladim' Auxiliary. 01' "w An- gliran 1'3“"qu mm Thursday an". mum at the lmmv M‘ Mrs. Harry Slur. lvm. and I'N‘MHI In lmlcl a sale at the lmml‘ Hf Mrs. ("Mm Ill HIP Ilullinm‘r .\|im~. cm Hm Inst 'llmmlm owning! in .\u\ vm'wr. visiting her hmllwr. Mr. W. Ii. I’m". nier‘. during the past Ham wet-ks. f?‘ turned in her home It Cache Bay. last Thursday. Mr. Frank Tum-r. who» left lu-rc rc-c-u-nlly. fur tlw lam! uf Um "Blue Nun-x" with â€w inh'nliun uf juiw Sm: tln- ranks ul’ Ilw lwnmlicls. will n-mrn lu-dny. prulmhly with his. 3031's in): tlu l'i‘: urn bride 07 Last your ('lms. Pic-I‘ve I'uilml tn rv- vngnizv lhv JQ-wisfu I'vsin'itios. but this ymr In mnkc- up fur Hu- [In-Vinny; vr- rur chm-cl his slnro all day. We“ clum' ('lun'lvs! Andy lhmlvy. whu luau juim‘tl the 242m! Furratry linttulicm. was pro- svntml with a wrist Wtflt'lt utt 'l‘lmuks- giving Day. by his t'rit-mls. He left lntvr t'ur Muntt'mtl tu juin his tutt- tuliuu. We llmzr llu- I’vldmzm Dairy Imu- snhl their imvrvsts In an luvnl ('himl- 3mm. wlm is u rvstmu'uut kwpor. It is tn hv lmlwcl Ilu- \mlm' “up is In»! In t’lnsv tn this dairy. .\'ntiee is. herby given that l huve trunsmitted nr delivered tn the per- suns mentinned in See. 5’ und 9 nt' the Ontario \'nters' List .-\et, the enpies required by said .~:eetinn tn be an transmitted nr delivered. nt' the list nnide pursuunt tn said .\et nt' ull per- snns upp-uring: by the lust Revised Assessment ltnll nt' the nuid Muniei- pnlity tn be entitled tn \‘nte ut elee- tinns t'nr members nt' the Legislutive Assembly uud ut Munieipul l'lleetinns; and that suid liet wan. first posted up at my nt't'iee ut 'l'nnmius, nn the 2nd day nt' Uetnber. 1916. and remuins there t'nr inspeetinn. l'Ileetnrs ure Municipality of Town of Timmins. District of Timiskaming. vaxllml ulmn tn mumim- Hm said HM. and if any muissiuns “1' minor vrrurs are t'numl tin-ruin. tn take inmwdimv prmw-mling‘s tn have the said orrurs mn'rcvtwl au'mnling In law. ll. 1'}. .\l().\"l'(iU.\ll'Zl{Y. ('lt-I'IL. Hutu] 23ml «lay ul' ()viulwl', 1916. All \mtvl' used fur pnsvs must lu- huilml minutes lwl'urv usins'. FUR SALH~~Swund-lmml Sunshine hut air furmu'e, 50“. Apply In J. i’. 31v 'l'iuuuins. A NUMBER :3 (iml'lux mum-r3, hu- luugin: to a suldim' at the front, rust $142; can he had for $100 um! may he sum at .l. 1’ McLaughlin's, 'l‘uaunius, Um. W m S.\ LEâ€"â€"l\'-it.vhvn range. «litiuu. Apply Mrs. ('. H. 'l‘imruins. 5 I’l'HNISHEl) RHHMS In rent, with furuzu-v and hath. hut. and «uh! water. Apply 2%? 4th avenue. l‘l l{.\lh‘lll l) â€mills in rent, all (mn- u-nicmscs, nu Hillits Lake. Eu- quiro Adwuu'c ()ffiw. \VAN'I'EDâ€"Mix'l for general house- \mxk. .\ppl\' to 3115. ..\ Bunker, (315 pruw street, 'limmins. ()nt. FUR S.\l.l‘3~-.\'ice 8-mumml house, gund lm-ulity. $1,5UU: M'ms. ADM." Sullivan 6'; Newton. l°‘()l{ SALEâ€"~25 volumes 1". Marion L'rawfurd's \Vurks; 14 vols. Me- moirs of the Courts of Europe: 8 Vols. Steplwxmm's Works: 1 mahogâ€" any hall seat. 1 wall bookcase and a Small clock: first reasonable offer will be accepted. Apply 1". 0. C., care of Dome Mines (3)., South Pur- M rs. 0"“ nreday aflcmmm vupine, Ont. VOTERS' LIST FOR 1916. .‘l ,~lv«' llsvltl ill Mm I". i me! P. I NOTICE. "and. wlm has liven ll ll 1m: mnwrma ADVAflCI 0!! «lrinL fur alt .\l( H m If .\1 o waiter Ray. lung 1 1m gum! mm- Williams .\l M '11: ry number .zxughlin. I: I†vast U Big sacrifice in Coats for Women and Children, also Dresses and Underskirts, Hats, Toques, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers and Mounts all to be slaughtered. See our Underwear and Hosiery prices. Prints, Ginghams and Draperies 6c up. Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, ctc., sacrificed. ‘ 90 Pine Street, Next to Dr. Moore, Opposite Goldfields Hotel ~ 3 Mrs. L. E. CHRISTIE FIRE SALE