('l'“'f IIII'I ' H0 . IN m: )fllll‘ liner. Boner and cz-Maycr Now English Hospital. Fighting 311mm. H. I'. Mr. :lml lwm‘ .u’ I'Zlk ('ixy. Sharla-y. .lix respect ivvl)‘, [‘5 Operated for First Twenty-three Days for 't)lll)( (U mumm \ .hl 'l'lu MK tlu- w II ml M |Itnllll(l K HIV“ ('., miner, Unmru 'n\':.'wvig3n hum-r: y. and tlw man u- lim .h't'frivs mnl .\'. in June mu! Operated for First Twenty-mm? Days for $3.87 Min H'( Jack Munro mmmu alt Mt m .\| vx-nmyur In rung“! H0 .\l “ . 5. ‘0 H .\u:.:ust tum 3U mm l†N Mn N't‘ \\'v.-: III‘ pnu' ml‘ T 0 u .\| .‘l W J Id ['10 mmml. The war- un lul' Immlha. ulthuugh "Ii! mun 0! “VP 1012 1““ :ht. ()le Sofdier {how an Ago Pound IN m :-\"' lu- “'1! I'- 1nd I‘ N «If N \V Illl‘ .Itml M" utlu It “"!'1 {rum M \l .\| irsi Prohibition Act \l Int 5! run vw Yulk tn Sam ticl ll' Edgar, alt- H I Hm sh‘c'cts Hf tn mul. \Vuulcl sin T! 21131:. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE H3 “'1' "I! ..,..:Â¥.r....::_ :3::_: 2...: 7:: 23:; E 2.7.. 2:55.... .5. ; $321.2. .5: 2:: : l‘ilflt‘ISt'J. on"- it'll New Names Grow 2 Out of the War Dawns Kan Or'mud my ad Mammal Munâ€"Bum Wire rum Building a 8m WU {WM [1:050 IN! (40:10 in â€w I mm-h imvrvsu kng'.‘ Mum! it. 'l'ht (hill 1 :1 Imn 101‘ ll glass 'l'hv ulcl sirvivlu-I' haul-r mmlwti- tiun vuusivtml in i'nmr nwn warming :1 bandaged “mm-m " un 11 slt'vu-‘xu-r Mr a hundred wards... Suuwtinws a glass n1 “am-r mus plat-ml ml the stuflval. and the 5p: â€in" u! u «Imp oliminutml the team. IMPRUVICI) HY (‘.\I\'l't'l\'S. 'l'he t'auadiaus have ilapruved this. apart by almlishiug the stt‘elellet'fl it tuuht uuw he llupruvised nut ut' the nearest available material. 'l'he u'eaers ut' the maple leaf have ulsu liupruved what is ealled the “Vietnria ('russ raee.†'l'he ultl way umuated uu-u galluped tram nae eud ut' the arena tn the ather. suatehed up a straw-:tut'l'ed l'igure suppused tn he a fallen eutarade. threw it aeruss the saddle, and rude haeh thruugrll a stm'tu «11' blank eartridges. 'l‘he t‘auadiaus laughed at the dummies. They use real men. weighing twenty times as real I mom. we); much. The war has in: mothmls. hm game 1110 \x'll‘vâ€" (Hmi in pads 11 headed wcupem his untaguzzist «:mund. Sl‘illml lbl'iU‘iil’i‘, "\mnld be killed wnm- m- was fainting. (hiclging, giving gi'annd and luuking l'ur an upvning." 'l‘lw new i);l_\'ul|('i cuntust is a kind ui' nlistzu-lc rave. in “hivh tho mun- ]wtitm' stain. jabs and Iillulgi-uns as he runs, using the point «if a naked bayunct, and the him «if a SOI‘Vit‘o rifle. always guing t'm‘nard. nuvcr t'einiing 01' giving" grunxnl an inch. Mon kniltml mule ('I'M'ket lwmllo. Hints To Housewives Swm-t oil will rcnmvc finger luut‘ks rmm furnitm'e. Fur pcmh stains, \wt the stain, speard it with cream of tartar, and plat-c in the sun. Then wash as usual. At the remnant counter hits of law insertion can be licmml. These will be good for binding the seams of this fabrics. Bread should not be put intu a tan but an oven. It should not brawn fur the first ten minutes, and then only graddaily. ' ()nv vm'i me m u! m hulking m PM thaw i'vxwvs “11'0- (‘al ml wiel‘lil M. n the l wielding: :1 kn urriml and thrust lmxh standing: t! 'HHI l'nzml baytmw tigut- mi u: nld Imymw! (ml l’om'm', swzul- IN nwvear wit ll :Irv :Hl 'l'nu‘. The n- lum‘lod. is thirty ,vmblvs ill WI" (‘ll‘ H)- at 1| All Kinds and Dimensions of Mine Timbers Supplied. Hmumitu Spurting: (iruuml. All Kinds lh'vssml Lumber. E Tie and Lumber Mcvchant o o 0 o omoowowowomwwowmwoowmon OOOOOOMOWOWONOWOOOOOMWN W 0060009696000OOOOOOOOQOOOOGOOOQOQG09206396990030. O 9000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOG00600060000000000090000600. Steamfmcr. Sheet Iron Worker. Cornice and Skylight Maker. Smoke Stacks Made to Order. AGENT FOR HBOLA HOT AIR FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. I-‘ I km-w you and 3 "Nu .Ivlalum \H‘ “m Hut m-wr having 1 1mm MIC-n Fail m cm 'l‘hnt â€nt'h intruds m And trvul mu'h nun-r llnw Hutu In vmmvln ll EY'I-ZRIC xw shlp mm by mlmnko Hr In ,wmr hm me a-rrnr make; l‘rmn Irmnuun yuu'd Rm mm. H l km-w yuu and )‘Im RIM-w mu nr Mu-n m.- vhmmm- mm't mum-«m limo, .\:ul ('u-lmm-rs mm! nu nary a lluu Wo-‘d wait withmlt unxh'u. H l kuvw yuu and sun know mu. I’IIUNI'I "I" Y!“ I knew yuu and y: . Brazeau, Timmins SYDNEY NORMAN, Managing Editor n \u- mmlcl mnnun'v; having: 5'†Mas-mu! hands all In understand Itrmls m (In \\ nan ï¬rm. MATT mm: m-zAusr: mm A T MEAM'RE mum “mm ' In“ “he Ind Oh. MOW 8:0“.me A» W land hm GI": and con»: “and...“ Mo ;. nmntmm‘nh and Int-:2; r <3â€! 3:." tlrv "Sim! haul) ~Imz'ig- <lurt4. P.0. BC): 262. c! you The only publication in the North- west giving fearless and truthful analyses of Cocur d’Alenc, British Columbia, and other mines and stocks of the Northwest. Twenty pages of live, readable matter in attractive typographical form. If you are interested in North- western stocks you cannot afford to miss a copy. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. 1300-1 Old National Bank Buildi MlNiNï¬ TRUTH (In \um‘u rhrm “mmur hrlvzm" u lhcrv'd M. m knew nw. Subscription $3 a year. Jailed anywhere, postage prepaid. Imvw mo. 0" “Wm me unmld 31m Hr" hunk. Hr maln- n "kirk" «m mi.- hr that. , Wm! lulu- It in cuml mun ynu we. If ! ism-w ynu mm ym: km-w mv. 7‘ Wun vu-tmm-ru a mnunmd strung. (N'o'mtulmlly "tint!“ an \\ runaw- Smm-umw uur mun. Hum-mum mlwniâ€" Fnrln-ornlu-v mmm dm'ro-nw all run-u. Mm! irh-m'- lum vim-um things \vuuldho H I kmm .Vuu and sun knvw mu. IOIVEN ill-ZN M no «Inuhun: "much": uhhlc 0! ï¬rm uuml MINI nlI vltlu-r 5MP. (‘chMc-um- m NW3! ullwr give: I lvtm: HUI“‘('I\'I". IN NHH'I’!‘ live; hm. any lmw yam vmm- ml! wnv. '. ha: you! \\ ill run “1- lamp and may: Thom mm- In mm- m- I'BI'II mull mm. Am! rn km.“ vnu and ynu’ll kxmw mc. Phone 51. “LURE“ TU v4 1‘ .o