0f rntcrtainmems. run. wnrre a â€18ng i! In he made. Will hf 50301494 in The I’nrrupino Advance at the "‘2‘ .III' fltv at 5 cents per him for hows type or 7 rents per line for him-k face type, “rcpt where the job work is done at the Aslvnnm Printing Ofï¬ce. yhcn nnhcc will be Inserted {roe of charge. Profeutond und Baum: cm.- 25 «Ms pm- insortinn m- 312 per your. Leda Cad: or Rumor-$6.00 per and runnd. “'mm'd. km, cm. one inch or 130: insertion. Advertisomoan insg no r. Condensed Advertpqgcnq written nrdors for tlwir (tiaountilnlc Incc shall 'lmve been ft‘t‘t‘lt‘t‘d. t T0 inmro insertion. curios of ad» vormomoma should be in the hands of the printer by Tuvsclny hum: of each work. Further roles and particular! mm be Inn] on applicatiun. CONSERVATIVBS COULD PACE POLITICAL DEATH FOR THE BAKE OF NATIONAL LIFE. t'unwriptimn miuht mpply Mr Hubert Iturtlon with It uuhlvr ruutv tn self-elm:rut-tum Hum Sir Hutu-N's inmritv. Sir Sum lluglws'. ruutv tn l-«litivul «truth. It' tlw “rum-Him: ut' the Hunk-u (iuwrmuvnt is tn mmm Hu- étrt-ngtlwmng ut’ the British Hm- ]‘iro. tlu-n m (End's mmw It-t ttu- Hur- don Un\°m‘nuwnt tu- wcnkvm-d. If the touring clemn ut’ tlu- t‘uusvrmtivo party is In menu the building up at Imlwurks t'ur liberty. tlu-n lot tlu- tiunsormtiw party lw turn «luwn. 'l'lw altt-ruutivv tn n (‘unsormtivv ms- rondelwy “'ultltl lw u lmurior ascend- c-nvy. .\ lmurior amt-mult-m-y \Vuuld 't'he tiltvrmitiw tn u t'uxm-rmtn't- 1H- H‘ltdvm-y mmhl hr it Liturirr ur-‘t't'llti-' Hwy. .\ latut'irr usrmulrtwy wmthii airitw hurt ut' its strvnuth t'rum tlwI 2.:istuka-h tit'VtIiiutl nt' Lilwrhls‘ “‘1:th hive gin-u their suns its [reply “5 ('unsrrt‘utix‘t-s hxtw giwn tlwir suns; t» div t'ur t'muuhmi lttlltutttliii)‘ and British unity. .\ Lamrivr tlSt‘t'lttit'llt'}'i \muld Imvv its the main suttrvt-s of its .H’rt'ttgth thr I'm-iiilism ut' (gm-hm- liih- -ru|s, iilt' British-hitting pru-(irt‘tuun-! imi ut‘ 'l‘mttunic- Lilu-mts in MunitMm'.‘ Alberta and Silsktttrht-wuu. plus â€it" imiit’t’et'mitism ut' English-speaking purit‘ists. The life at ii Laurivr nsvcn- .huiry “with! he deopomh-ht on the votes of riu-iitlist liiht-ruls in ()uohm- and 'l‘eutuuiv Lihorxtis in the west. ’i'he trvuanrv nt’ ('zmmliun Niitiumtlo i:y and British l'nity that this mun- try's suhlia-rs hzwv dim! tn sun- Wulliti Lr tnm'r svrttrt- in thv hands nt' â€10 ('muuliuus whu supply Sir ltuhort Burden with his nmjurity than in thv hands 01' tho ruriulists and 'l'vnttms uhu “with! supply Sir Wilfrid Litur- i-r with his nmjurit)‘. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER United Sum . Radial Redcap-n Rf 'l'he ('mxmtittee “1'. (me llumu'eu Hut its ehatnee tn ï¬brezul u hunquet ut' \utes t'nt' Hun. W. H. Hearst in Nurth Perth. But the t'ummittee ut' (me Hun- dred, (3. .\. Wurlmrtun mildly dissent- ing. helped tn furnish t'm'th the fun- em] balked ments at defeat to the first Untariu Premier whu ever served pru- l‘ihitiun with .\t"l'|U.\' rather than with TALK. Surely the t'nmmittee ut' ()ne Hun- â€0th his puiitiioul i'ni'iumos by Ills‘ P“; K in! pruhiliitinii. Untai'in s l’imuioi assmointml him- i-eli \iitli tluo l ‘umuiiltmo ul Unv Him- med nut “isioly but ion “91!. lluo presence ut' the l’mviiiioiul l’rmuivr :zt ii 11mm! Rmxell banquet \mull iei‘tit) lu tino siiuoviih and mm pau- tisaushipni iluo( (‘miiiuittmo «it 0m- Hmidi'ed. 'l'liut «omuiuitteo is ["1110- rerving “1' web a certificati- {rum Sun-1y tlu- (‘ummittvo ul‘ ()m- llun- lirod will Hut Imu- tlu- vt't'runtmgv lu ask the l’rmuivr nl' “Mario in lw; mum its guest at u hmu’uvt nt’t’m‘ml in equal Imnnr tn Hun. W. H. Hourst. who emlmngvrml his lmliliml t'nrtunos by his \VUHK fur pruhihhiun. and N. \V. Rhwvll. K.('.. .\l.l’.l’.. \vhn pm- r"HRBB. YEARS OF PROHIBITION Ontario has started on what may; It may Hut he a three-yval‘ trial 01" pmhibitiun. livideu-es are not want-7 9 0 ing mag a swtiou ut' the ('omm'vu-x til; |IIOIv -- --‘ \ tzve flatly t'vels that it has beenimluptml trickedfintn passing the prultihitot'y‘that Hz: 11838133?" and that its political \'alue;years. i3 upelé lo questiun. .. 3 But our Bttt‘flw fact remains that prohibio’, liquur 1: lion is heroâ€"~31“! p‘rqlga'bly to stayflliitim 1 Fur themajurity 'of ting Conservativte matriuu will likely decide that Wlllleiltimlght: the) all s l Hun. \V. H. Hull's! Subscription N. B.â€"â€"N0 BANQUET. 01'. (MW Hundred ~1n‘vml u lmnqm-t «W V. H. Hours! in For Salt» T0 less. "" ccnm India! "Mic?! where a II he inn-fled «9 at the “'3‘ supply Sir lmhh'l' mute ONTARIO llTH. hm! h\' his Itiglhut‘mh- cm. of c-uusuwmmv nu- lmrtamvv has hm-u tluulv nu thv Vi- tmlttt. and this alung will! â€to pl‘ltdillg annulmnuatiuu ut' the .\'urlh 'l'lmmpsuu. slmttlcl mukv Vilmttd ,mo ut' tho host purvlmws cm the list "0:“ u qmvk pm- tit. .\c'l\:mt: Igv should ulsn ho lefl‘ll of tlw mvwm \u-uk market in lit'k up such flanks as lhmu- Ex" l‘wk- liuzlw-. l’urmpinv ("rmm and Moe lntyrv. 'l'hu hy-law for tho taxation of dogs in thi~ muuivipality does not seem to haw ltlllt'll force upon the owners. 'l'ht- uuliuiitvd supply of thosv (-auiues that itl't‘ soon upon the stt‘ovts without a tug. provos that tho hy-law is of little- ow and is not worth that paper it i~ writtor on. owing to tho authori- tiv~ lilt‘li ot' vnt'orvmnvnt. liwi'y do}; should rat'i'y a tag“. with a nuuthm' upon it. and in case of trouhlu arising: from tht-sv animals. tlw authorities would know who wore the “minors, The sourvv of revenue that would he derived from thses stray dogs would greatly aid in the [t'iuauviug of improvements. etu, l l'.' lllt‘nt‘ dogs are ot’ valuv to the HAHN-l". as pets or hunters. they will lllul lwstitatv to pay $1 apim-o for this litt'lytlvgi'. 'l'ho ('alliHPS that are not {so taxi-d ahottld he dostt'oycd hy the lhuw hwn had pulitivs tn mlupt the T lllPflslll'l‘. it wuuld ho \mrso pulitics to i‘tumper with it now that it has been inclupte-l. So it seems safe tn assume lthat Hnturiu will he dry fur three :years. After thatâ€"win» can tell? ‘ But (-nrrent history dues nut make the iliquur men muoh happier. Fur prohi- Ibitiun fur communities is like unto {matrimony for manâ€"once adopted . the) alljpirtifeésiifo’ like‘ it. (MW! 'l'hme «lugs eause a great ut' tt'uuhle uutl :tnunyuuee to the eitizeus in many way. allt'll as spreading themselves mm: the sidewalks in a manner that it is nt't' times dit't'ieult fur pedes- triuu~ tn pass, without trampling tumu them, thus probably amusing the anger ut' the animal. tu sueh an extent that would muse the person in iw hitteu. Wit) dues not the 'l‘uwu ('uuueil tout this hy-law iutu nperutiun? 'l‘he tux-.‘u's treasury will he the richer and the public-'5 safety will he ensured. All these (lugs that ere an ubstt'ue- 'l'emi.~k:m.ing is inure :u'tiw. u.‘ nn-t nnuneenient nt' unuther divichud ls" exlwetetl a.t any time. i In the l’nreupine list Melntyre nndl Vilmnd are the eentres ut' interest. The .\le|ntyre repnrt an the quarter ending Sept. It". should he issued ut nn enrly date. This shnnld shuw grently inereuau-d enrnings t'ur .\leln-‘ tyre. nud nllutllll he n strung; hull enrd' fur the stnek. 'l‘he Vilmiul-Niwth 'l'lnnnpsnn mer- ger is nguin heiug tulked «if. and shuuld he definitely deeided nne \vny Lur the nther in the very near future. The emnhinntiun would he at very strung «me, with tremenduus patenti- ulities. Slluttld llegutiutinns full. the Vipund is still. in our "pininn. in n splendid t'innneinl pusitinn, us their pnst quarter hns been an exwptiuinilly prut'ituhle «me. | ' AI \' .\l11'111l1\ 5 am 011* break in tho .\11\\'l \ 111k 1111111114 \\ 11» 1'11t'tleo t1-1l tn :1 slight 1191:1111. 1111 the Toronto list 1111'l1111s1l11\. The t't.111° l111\1'c\'111'.tl111t the Mars did not take advantage 111 thv h1'1-11l; tn I111111111111' the mining 111111'k11t. is vorv u'11111l 111'1i 11-11111! that there is 1111 extenâ€" siv1- shurt i11t1'1115t 11111] that the “1111'- kvt is in splendid 1111111liti1111 t111'11 1:911- 1-1.1l 111l\.111111. \\ 11 111l\i.~‘1‘ purrhnaos 111 the butter sinclis, pt"1*\i11ll$l)' 1'1'1'1111111111111l1'1l in this 111l1111111 1111 this 1'1'111ti1111. :1» we lwhm 11 that present prim-s M1111 5111111- 1li1l pussihilitios 1111' 111'11tit \xithin 11 \111'5'511111t ti1111-. tion un til ed up an «mm-rs as rolvasv. a: In this w: 01's liw u) vlmsiuu n A ten-rent mlvame in all 341'th of sugar has 'bccOmc effective tlmmg'n- nu! ('mmea. Wholesalers qnutu nu ('zmaldiam refined sugars. as fullmx's: Royal Arzulia, gran... 1M) lbs. $7.46 A very guml brass pnlisli is made of «me cup of kerusene. one cup of am- monia, tw'.) tablespount’uls of salt and (Wu cups of whiting. Mix all together and allow it to stand until the whit- mg is dissqued. ' i th» highway shuuhl lw mund- nml put into pnuml and the assessed at least $5 fur their as well as the prim! ul' a tug. way it wuuuld muku thu uwn- up tn the hy-luw and the purâ€" u!’ the necessary tam. m roam: ADVâ€!!! l’lllS'l' llm-ause in a mutual rump-l an)“ the assets are the sale pruperty' «it. the pnltvy-llnlilez's. l Sl'lt'thllâ€"lteeause in a mutual emu-l puny all H! the proï¬ts gm lu [mitt-yd lmhlet's: nut 5'†per rent (or 95 1’0!" eent. hut the whole. 'l‘illll|)â€"~â€"ltm-ause in a mutual emup- an)’ the exeeutive is «lireetly respon- sible tn the lmliey-hulders. All the tlii'eeturs are pulieyhulders' (lii‘L-eturs.< Ftll'lt'l'll ~â€" lleeause mutual emup- anies lmhl the record for stability. 1"ll"'l'll~- h-t-ause mutual companies have all the “sat’ety-tlrst" features of stm-k emupanies with mutuality tln'uwn in. SIXTlIâ€"â€"l£eeause the largest Ameri- ean emupanies are already mutual or sei'iuusly eunsitlei'ing.r mutualizatiun. aml alreacly mare than one-half ut' legal reserve insuranee is mutual. Sl°§\'l€.\"|'llâ€"-â€" lleeausz- mutual 00mp- anies are nut built up in the interest of the few, but at the many. V'Therefor'e, I will take for mine COMPANY OF CANADA ('umulzl's ()nly Mutual Waterloo, Ontario. All modern forms of Policies issued See SULLIVAN 8: NEWTON General Agents, Opposite P.O. Timmins, for further Particulars Tenders for Pulpwood and Pine Limit Tenders will he reeeived hy the un- dersigned up tn and inelnding the lst (Ln «it l)e(_-i'einhe next, .t'm' the. t‘i'rht tn (-ut pulpmmd and pine titnher UN 21 e'eitain aiea situated en the Pie River and uther territury adjacent theretn. in the Distriet. ut' Thunder Bay. 'l‘emlerers shall state the zunnunt per enrcl nu pulpwmul, and per thnu- sand t'eet, hoard measure. nr pine, that they are prepared tn pay as :1 bonus in zuhlidtinu tn dues nt' 40 cents per enrd t'nr spruee, and 20 cents per enrd t'nr nther pulpwnndS. and $2.00 per thnuszmd t'eet. Imam] measure t'nr pine. nr sueh nther rates as may t'rnm time tn time be fixed by the LieutenzmtJ}:n'ernnrâ€"in-(,‘nun- eil, t'nr the right tn npemte a pulp mill and a paper mill nn nr near the urea re l'erred tn. Sueh tenderem shall he required in erect a mill nr mills an or near the territnry and to manufacture the Wuml into pulp and paper in the I’m- vinee nt’ ()ntariu--the paper mill in he ereeted when directed by the Min- ister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Parties making tender will he re- quired to deposit with their tender 8 KlELY, SMITH 8i AMOS Private Wire with Direct Connections with Timmins, Best possible facility ’Phone 64. ’Phone 33. STOCK BROKERS Members 01' Standard Slut-l; lixvlmngc Branch Ofï¬ces:- ins, South Porcupine, Schumacher, Cobalt, North Bay and Berlin. Toronto and Cobalt ble facility to handle a strictly commission business. . Timmins South Porcupine murkml (-huquv. puyuhlu tn the Honor-- uhlc tlw 'l'i'vusurer 01' the l’i'uvium- of â€Marin. t'ui' hveuty-fivv thuusmul (lullzirs ($235,000). which mmmnt will he l'url'uitml iu the event of their not c-utvriug iutu ugrvmm-nt tn vurry nut mmtlitiuus, ctv. The said $25,000 will lH.‘ zippliml Hll auwuuut ul' Imuus «luvs, as nwntiuuml zilmvv, will “Mill“! in lw [mid in tlw usual [INUIIH‘I' as re- turns «it Hitting: nt' \mml nml timhcr 31H? l'(‘(‘(‘| \'(‘ 'l'lw higlu 'l'lw liiglwst ut' any tcmlvr nut neces- sarily avatt-d. For pui'tioulzn's us to dvsci'iptimi of torritm'y. («zipitul tn Iw invested, ct(s.,. apply in tlw uumlm'signml. H. H. FERGUSON, __ Min. nt' Lands, Forests and Mï¬i'ek- 'l‘ummn, August 28th, 1916. .\'.l’..â€"â€"- .\'u mmutlmrized publimtioin 'if this imtivv will he paid t'nr. W. RUTHERFORD. 0. KABEIE. “'l'e-n or ten" as a sequence to the night het’ure, and nothing but twO per rent.tu take the taste out of his mouth. brings home to the transgres- sur the fact that the way is growing harder. Mvots awry first and fnurtli Mnmiuy M'vnings of our]: umnlh, Hddi'ullowss llull, 'l‘hird uvemw. Visiting brethron ul- wnys wvlcumo. IIMMINS LILL N0. 2552