THE I’RPOCUINE ADVANCE Gost of Living in Timmins WW" I" 27 no More Than Toronto "nummslmflfsw COST TO KEEP FIVE OF A PAM ILY IN TORONTO. (Hull. 5 (“us at $8.5†. l rul'tl light \\'uml ...... Light and gas“ fur runkiu $7.50 per qullth . . . . . ('luthing fur umuz-v I suit a yvur . ....... 1 [mt at year ,......... 4 shirts a your . . ..... 4 pair SM'kï¬ a: your . . . wwk. 5v. . l. l'nrsuips. pvt 'l‘ntul. $13K. l’ï¬bitzw The uric-o ut' goods. at the pmnl time. as against the p the tar. un ghouls hearing the sumo vnlm', have inert-«ml all tn the inlhility lu purrhnse these nrtirlm t’rnm uther rmmtr howl on insurmwo «ml {Wight ratvs ut' tl la 7 per "‘3“. .~ if It purrhasor wishes tu pun-hose nnw tlw sumo vlnss uf maul! ting (fum- tlw war lw will lmw to pay on an Moran? of 25 pm Following are a t‘rw nl’ tlw items shaming the inrnvagpql 'n-r pl Nothing has inrrmsml 25 per rent“ hats nml felts 2" “mullet! thunk, it" per rent†lmuts mul ï¬ll"?! l7 [u-I‘ m'tll" It «with. leather mauls. 20 per rent" and nrtivles that are usually lmlc dozen haw an inc-renu- ut‘ 25p" rmt. ’ Groceries nml pmvisiuns have invromml sinm- tlu- war 2" lumw [mlnrts and uh imparted gumls hotwm-n 75 per cent. cont. ('ullm's and ties at yvm' . l'mlerwenr a your . . . . . 'l'utnl. $35.1". An equal mnmmt. I'm- his wi 'l'hrvo vhihlrml. vlntlliug $20 vnvh .............. “nuts and slim-5:»- Tln'vv l'lliilll’t'll. 1! [mi mwli at 2.25 . . . . . . . . '2. pairs men s hunts at $4 1 pair men 's uvc-rslmvs 1 pair nwn’s I'lllnlwrs 1 pair lmlivs' rublwrs .. .3 pair lmlius' hunts at $3 Ht pairs furl family . . . .. TM 1....) ï¬lll‘lliilll‘t' :uul utensils:~~- hurries . . . . . . ...... Preserving gthrw hasL 'pem-hes .... . . . . Preserving twu husk pears . . . . . . Preserving ullt‘ hasL plums Sugar l'ur Mmu' . ..... Total, $17.00. Produce lmttvr. t'hrov lbs. week Lard. half lb. per “142}; H, ,11.. duz. per week . (‘heescg half lb. per week Flour. 25-"). hag per mu glalsM-s ............... Stave lmlisll ............. Sinw lmlin‘ll .............. Hem-Walk nt' t'urmlnrv . . . . Total. $29.50. Hruml. 1 large lum' lwl' clay alt 16¢. . . . . ..... . ........ ('ukes. per day at Sr. ...... Milk, 1 qt. per day all 10v. Mont at 35v. pvr day . . . . . . . . l’ntahws. H) hugs per yvm‘ . Sugar, 4 Hrs. pvr week at Sr per lb. ............... 'I‘MI, half “I. per wvvk at '. ('ul'fet'. 4 lbs. per your 11! ~ Hrvnkt'ust funds and «WW 1350. per week ....... . Vegetableszw I ruhlmgv per \wek. 7n Unions. pm' wwk. 5v. 'l‘uruips and rall'ruls Vol 2. No 48 ‘anned Gmndszâ€"-â€" 1 can fish per “cek 008T OI“ LIVING IN 1916 AGAINST THE PRICE BEFORE THE WAR HA8 INGREAGED 25 PER CENT.â€"â€"TBE COST TO KEEP A PAM~ ILY OF FIVE IN TIMHINS AGAINST THE COST OF TIIE SAME IN TORONTO 18 AN INCREASE AVERAGE OF 273‘; PER CENT. - “'9 lwlivwo that this tum: slmuhl smut rvpt'vnvuttttin-s- “"tt'tt thi-s in- wstigathttt nlwtts-‘tu chtth. M ht)’ thc- mmphtittts hvt’un- tlu- (inn-ru- Im-nt un tht-sw tm-rmtsml t't'vight t'tttos. rtv. Itt tht- tm-tttttittw tht- hwttl vitizens and nuthuritivs slmuhl tu-titiuu tlw (Emu-rmm-nt un thi-s smro. If this is ttnt thlltt' \w mttttmt hulw ta guilt uttr just rights. “hit-h i~s c m- m as a new muntry, WIWI‘t' ttll such q-utlttttmlith-~' shuttltl Iu- miminizwl nr 'tlu- uphuihling um! "mutating at this "fair land or ttu- nurth." 'l‘he' t’ulluwittg are the lists nt' mmpm'isun lu-twm-n tho twu multivitmli- tit-s, base “It tht- sutm- class of gumls m â€w illt't't'ttst‘tl ltt'im- nt' 2...") twr «out. The t'ulluwing are Ilw lists lies, lmsv un llw smm- (-Iuss ul' with prnrtivully uu luxnrivszw 1K hl'uums at an. lh'usht-s . . . . . . (ins “mun-ls 0).. _c)“ straw'wrrivs ... . . . . . . . ’l'eserving huh' rmtc rasp- bills. npplvs m $3.50 reserving. lunl‘t’ 113"" ‘0... l..... ‘1‘" I‘ vs :1 your . . . 3'01! 1' \\ wk. 51‘ COST TO KEEP A FAMILY OF {)v. baskets bush-ts IIJSkt month rl'alu' lump IN! 1 rs w i t'v r u t. I w I" 51‘ I all mm 10.40 20.2.") SAN) 21.00 LU“ Hm (3.4)“ JUN) (3' mm) 34“ 15.25 36.50 .,â€" -- -IJJ) 2mm :st 3.00 1.60 :h’. I†18.490 31"" .1. '20 M24 23.60 2.60 22m ",un 3.0“ 4.3")“ 1,00 1.4m 4.80 3M†.30 .7)“ .30 IND UH m at lh'v lwr £3 ('ukvs per day Milk. 1 qt. per day a! 12% Meat 40v p01“ day ....... Potatoes, 10 bugs per .vmn' Sugar. 4 lbs. lwr work at lbs. fur$l Ten. half 1}). per work a (‘uf’fee, 4 lbs. per year : “rt"lkfust funds :11ch W per \wck "Jv . . . . . . . \ t-gvtublcsâ€" 1 mblmgc per wwk ."n (minus pvr “144; 7r. . 'l'urnips mul NH'l'uL-z week’ .............. Lard, half lb. per 'WC'ek Eggs 1‘3 (102. per week . Cheese, half lb. per week Fluur. 2.5olb. bag per 11 bulbs . . . . . . ..... Sicn't' [mush . ....... Shoe lmlish ........ Rom-walls ul' t'urnitlm 'l‘ntzll. $30.2." “road. 1 huge half [It- ut lh’v per 2} lb. Lmt' week 7e . . . . . ....... l’arsnips, per week Te. 'l‘utal, $13.52. Fruitâ€"â€" 1 hbl. apples at ....... Preserving half .- strmvhet‘ries Preserving half rrate r berries . . . . . . ..... Preserving three has uf peaches . .. . . . . . Preserving hm basket: pears . . . . . . ....... Preserving une huskl‘f plums . . . . . . ...... Sugar for ahuu- . . . . . Total, $17.50. l’ruduee butter. three lbs. at $1.95 ................. Canned {words-â€" 1 van fish per week ....... (Continued to Page 5.) COST TO KEEP FIVE OF A PAM- ILY IN TIMMINS. to. as against the wins hct‘ure 9, have inrrensnl all 'nmml. due 3 fmm utlwr rmmtries. and the J It tn 7 per "mt. Stunting that m salm- rlnss uf grants 3"- was get. an arc-mm- ut‘ 25 lwr rout. more. ll‘lll'll 1' I‘|Il.‘| ll|I ll v I ueu's hunts $4.50, ['11 's nvvrshm-s . . . u '5 rublwrs . . . . . . divs" l'uhlwr:'. . . . . divs' hunt; . . , . . . 'ur family ....... Ilu- war 20 par N'NL. cm ’5 per WM. «ml 1"" per lmH' crate ramp- two buskvts ut' FIVE. threv huskvts at I". 00...... 000...... 4g...‘ 0.0.0.... | your . . . es 1: your )'(.al I. O O O O :w. all 230v. all «HIV. m-rmlls month 11H r m t (- "1'"! ‘EH I u-r pc Hug: u _\' ll Hf all ll Ill '93‘ the TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER um. 191m .‘H $55.qu 12,00 18,00 49.27 .1 46AM) 25.00 20.00 .‘HND .HH .3†.5†225.00 (35.70 ') .5)5) N’ 2‘ (HUN) 133.00 19.00 SL4“ 1.130 15.00 70.21) 0.124 322.76 6.76 SUN! 13.00 :HND 5.50 37M“ â€.00 2.60 $3.64 1.00 mm 3. (54 NH M .5†.50 .50 .00 50 h“ .')U The house and its euntents were a total loss. “will“: tn the rapidity with which it burned, it was found utterly iiupussihle tu save nnything but u sewing nmrhiue. The urigin ut" the tire was stated tu he the muse ut' nu urerohented t'nrnuee. whieh eaught fire to some paper used t'ur lining the house, and spread to the reef. l"il'e. hl'uke Hill at the resident-e ut' 'l‘uny l’reste. an Italian, â€1' ll] l'llin street. on 'l‘hnrmlay at'ternuun. “etu- her 5. The fire had made euns‘icler- ahle headway het'ure it was «lisem-er- ed, the m-enpants at the building he- ing “at at the time. A little lmy, whn was asleep in the upper story. was awakened by the snmke and gave the alarm. In a few minutes the hunse was a mass nt‘ â€1â€le. The fire «le- partnient, however, was man an the. seene aml under the able supervisinn at Fire t‘hiel' llill two lines ul' huse were quivikly laitl and hrunght tu play upon the flames. ()nly the prmnpt aetiun ut' the Volunteer hri- g‘atle prevented the tire t'rtnn spread- ing tln'uughuut the adjoining huuses. 'l‘nny l’reste '5 hnusc was prm'tivully a new one. and had only been m'c'u- pied but a few days. “is 1055 was ulmut $1,200 to the building and $300 to mutants, the lmnsc carrying an in- surance of $900. l’flllMl’I MINI!" BY HBE DEPT. PBEVENIS EPBEMI Fire Destroys House and Contents Loss Estimated in the Neigh- borhood of $2,000. (il‘nss prul'itsâ€"x $221 .5415 (‘urrc-ut assets-m 595.73.") HUM 35.5145"- Surplusâ€" 5.5!; HH- “'0lech (10115)"- 50,177 "- I )M'ivit . Pete Snider. also an Italian, and uu'uer of No. 33, suffered damugv to his building and furniture tn the US- iPni 0f $300. llulliugvr is taking «11- mm' {rum u clt'pl'l â€I. 1.34.)" MM. MUM Hf tlu- ul't'. lmm-n-r. is lu-ing lulu-n I'rnm tlw LEM-fun! lowl. Hullingt-r "my Iw Iixt- ml nu Ilw Xv“~ Yuri; Sim-k l-Im-lumgv. Fulluwiug are vmnpm‘miw l'iggros shuwing ulwrntiuns during: tlw t\vmny-vigln«lay poriml muliugzm “'0â€;ng \Vul'kill}: The m-cupuuts of No. 29, a Frruvh family, got all their valuables out safely. and the building, which is owned by Mr. Paul Shannon, of Hai- leybury, was slightly damaged, prob. ably in the neighborhood 01' $50. During Hm hx'omy‘eight day period ending Soplmnlwr 3th llullingrr Fun. w'iclnlml Mint-'4 lmmam' pmdm‘t'd Running .\ \‘r Value of Ore flown". Wu Below Previous Pcflod-‘Doflclt Inctuud. mtg:- r mm (m purity [wrt'urinmm-s. 'n'illg 50.17? In"! «mind “.387 during Hu- previuns [ti-rind. The rum" in mi prams. lmw. owr. was nni pmlmriiunnlly Ian-gnu Hw hotnl bring $221543! against 9.322!» 357 in August. This was nppmxnnniv- ly MilJNNI ln'lmv iiiViIiI'mi minim» nn-nis. le «vertigo mine «1' â€no are was «1in $9.59 against $9."! in An- gus-i. $10.15 in July and $8.00 in .lnm'. 'l‘uinl milling rush, 01' Nurse. Wl‘l‘l‘ lwnvirr. ln-inz: “82.0!“ ngninni $104.- 15!" in Autumn. lmi tlw mm per tun m-n- rvclnm‘cl i'rum $3.735 in $3.62.“. 'l'ln- c-mnlmny nnw vnrriml n doi’ivii ui' $211,033 ngninst $332577 tln' Inunili gun-Vinny. 'l‘ln- clol’ii-il i4 vs- plninml liy lln- I'm-t that the mnnpnny llnw ilim in |n|_\‘ $240.0!†vmnpnl‘mi was mum llnw Ill Wit It $1 who-rm rem-hm imm- 'II’Q'VlIDNS. 'l‘ln- clol'ic-il H vs- } liy ilu- l'm-i ilmi ilu- mummy m: in pay $240M!†I'nllllml‘ml ‘JIIJNNI lwl'un- lln- m'imliclmiun. a milling mnmvil)’ lin-' nut yo! I in paid! when: anl'l‘ivivnl lun- Llll lw Irmm-cl. This is unly :1 «if n l'i-w inuntlis. us milling NI- is lwing steadily im-rmisml. 182,045! 164.11%" tum millmlâ€"~ ZLli‘JB 3.785 linw pussihlv~ \ alluv- “241,033 1-0315»- ‘ ’ .. '0. 90.4 pm. .’..I | HT 42H “\‘IQ'I' lummgv '1' than (357.151 3!!†‘|'_’l| 123.387 ’H 8.131 ‘.; ‘0). â€â€™4‘ ll. Igfl' Full. pruduml aninus 2$15 ,151 July H. 921.8 pm 202.! l.‘ H «up» “$9.771 7:39.335 3.746 9.1.") F‘JU THE BAlUMH Ml] MflNTANA NllW IN Bfllll PflflPEflIV Negulintiuns nrv nuw umlvr way and. .wmraling tn rvpm'ts t'rum 'l‘u- rnntu. m'v m'alrximlly vmuplotecl t'ur tlw talking «WW of tho Murray-Mug- ridgv pmlwrty alt Hurkvs Stutiun by tlu- (‘uluuu-t allul Muntmm ('unsalidut- ml. H is ln‘ulmsml tn farm at «'ululmn)’ with u mpitzll nt' $2.000,le alml'vs ul' :1 par value u!’ $1 van-h um! tn issm- “no share 01' tlw Murruy.hlngridgv fur vwry slmrv ut' tlw ('ulmuvt issued. llwrvfurv M'vry slml'vlmlclvr in thv Im- tvr mmpuny will, wlwn thv «lull is ('ulllplvlml. I'wvivv «mo sharp Hf HIP now mmmuu' t'n-v. II' n mining culnp is knnwn hy the dividends it pays., then the l’urcnpinc district has achieved considerable t'unic. It was in 1909 that the first real discovery was made, three and a half years later the Hullinger was put un a paying hasis of it per cent. for each :28 day pen-ind. Since that time the llullinger has paid $0,330,000, the Dunn- $1.000,000, and Porcupine ('i'uwn $000,000, 01' the total fur the three cmnpzinies ot' $7.990,000 and by the end of the present. year it will have increased to $9,150,000. For the seven years ut' thc camp’s existence this is a remarkable record. Out of 88.500.000 00ch Output for the Year 1915. Porcupine Ounp Oon. mutated 87,954,566. 'i'lw .‘illl' 'ai.\'-.\lugriil;:0 is Mir â€1' the must prmuising lunking prulwrtivs in tho gultl arm. 'l'w†shafts Imvv lwvn sunk in an «Ii-ml: â€1'50 I’M and lumitccl 2,000 I'm-t apart. mum \vliivh llppt‘fll's tn he the 5mm \‘cin. .\ sampling «0' this lii'ulwl'l)‘ :4;in mi uvm'ugv â€1' $10.10 I’mm c-hznwv samples lulu-u IH‘I’HSS lllv win mu! in tlw slmt'ts.~~-('n- bail! Nugmot. Never het'ure in histury were the dividends ut' i’urettpille ('alnp sn gmni, says I". 1'. Sutherland (‘u., «if 'l‘u- runtn. 'l'he llullinger ('unsuliilated is distributing $3,120,000 per annum, while «let'ieits are small. The “nine Mines ('0. are paying,r 20 per eent. ur $800,000 yearly. and net prut'its are well ahnve these figures. The l’ureu- pine t‘rnwn is an a 12 per eent. basis, with a dishursement of $240,000 a yea r. These three eutnpanies are pay- ing their sharehulders far this year a total 01' $4,100,000, whieh is at the, rate of H per unit, on the eapitaliza- tiutl. HulJJXttt-th. er); vt't'urt is hving nuuh- tn ï¬hut‘t- vn thv than which muss! vhtpsv lu-t'urv Hullittm'r mm tmtkl' tlw itwrmtm- in prmluvtinn. tum-vssnry tn t'ult'il thu- plmw ut' â€â€˜1 tlil‘t’t'tfll'i. «minimum the Junmnl. Sim'v thv morgvr with .\c-mc- thv oltslrilmtimt tn slmt‘vhuldvt's has horn im't'mtsml tn One-h mu t-xtmlt that thv hig surplus is lwing usml up. With lhz- m-w mill c-mnph-tml. pt'mlttv- than will hr hu'gv mmugh tn wnrmnt thv lwmvnt rutr ut' «liviuh-mls mu! nt tlw smm- timc- huihl up u surplus. 'l'lu- t'uumhtthm t'ur thv mhhlitiun tn lhc- m-w will has horn mnmph'tml, and NW stumps shuttle! lw druppimtg m'xl spring. It)“ that time tlu- m-w m-utrnl shut't :zhuuhl ho ready t'ur uporutiun. If the prawn! miv ni‘ prmluriiun is maintained "nut-in slmulii "IN"! the "HAHN“! mnrk I'm- Ilmi. as mm. mm! with $8.5MMNND fur 1915. says HIP I'mmlinu Mining Jmmml. m‘ ilw Inml yield the l’nrrupiiw Vamp mu. Iriimimi all with Hm C'KI‘P'fliflll ni' $515.4iH pnuhlrmi by the t'mosml in â€mm. 'l'uwmliip. the Hagan". m'nr liryclvn, â€w Tang's-nukes M Kirkland laiiw and â€w t'nnmlimi I‘prlnmtimi lutko mm "w Immcmm luxplummm (V... «I Lam: glmko. m-nr Smilmry. le llnllilmor t‘unmliclnml and “mm .‘Iilws nro' Mm big pmclum-rs ul' Hu- l’urrnpilw vamp. "('3'ch Ilw rml ul’ tlu- yu-nr "mum ('m'k will probably lu- c'umri'nflilm In â€Murin's gum pru- «Inc-Hun. 0mm“ Bfllll 5W" l59th Battalion Held "[“ctwgingfliguflun T‘mh'igm Process“ From an investment standpoint, there is none other more attractive than the Porcupine camp. Mr. B. )Ivl-lnaneny, staker uf the Mel-Inaney c-luim, was a mid-week business xiaitur in lonu. HUlllNflEfl fllVIflENflS â€lul'ieet‘ l'uttltmtttclttm. held :I sgwelttl parade a \trrk agu Saturday :‘nd ad'- l'ieially int‘urmed the hattalio-n nt' the amvruaehing departure the praetieal e\hihitiun ut' amn'reiatiun we" snelt lls c'uttltl Hui he INN-"ml 8“ ii Wipt'tl away all tears at heing winter â€inane guard-i.†and WIN a 'ignal t'ur rheer- ing whirh the “Myï¬ maintaiacd an- eeasingly nnttl at'ter light~ nttl that night. The rent“ was an altnnst 5|M‘l't'ltith hattaliun till the Sunday tnurniag. uwing tn the existenee ut' su tlltllt)’ ilm‘tl‘st' lllt‘mtls‘. MASt'U'l‘S LEADING. Hut llte et'lelit'nliutl mt the Saturday night was well wnrth any sneh little inecan'enienees named. and it may he safe In assert that ("anip Burden has not yet seen anything In equal it, and will find dit't'ienlty in surpassing it. With turehe-s alight the haltalinn lined up while the hand aeeninpanied with the hattaliun sung â€lhe Inns-tents at the 159th. "kitehener.H the rub hear. and '° llesaie." the yunng amuse, were hrnnght than their quarters and plneed in the lead ut.’ the parade. Cheering. singing and generally mak- ing all the nuise and raeket possible, nearly a thunsand men started out far the 228th lines, where the news had already spread that their t'elluw Nur- thern (tntarin suldiers wuald 5mm he erussing the Atlantie. (Hm!) FELLMVSHII’. The lines ut' the hil'i'ï¬mthe lltts'th Hattalinn-~\\'ere next Visited, and here it was ttutml that the exm'lletll gnml- t'ellnwship \\'llit'll has extsted all alung het ween the l\\'u hattaliuns sinre he- ing neighlnn's in ennui. was drawn- strated h_\' the return at the cheering. Httnwn. ()et. SLâ€"--'l'he Hutnitiinn (inv- ernment at n ('athinet t'unneil recent- ly, presided th'l' hy Hun. Hubert Rugers as .\etin;: l’retnier. nppuintetl u Ministerial suh-mnnnittee tn inves- tigilil‘ tilt‘ rust “I. Ii\'illâ€f. Hun. .\lr. Hugers reeeiwcl n clele- gilliull Hf un'im'l‘s‘ Hf HH' Trades and Ltthnr t‘mtgt’ess, whu hrunght before him une nr twn ut' the inure important matters dealt with at the reeent Tu- runtn mngress. 'l‘he desirability ut' regulating: it' pnssihle. the steadily- udvatneing rust of clntnestie neecssities was «me ut' these. The labor tnen painted nut that sinee the heginning 01' the war ‘t'nml priees hm! gone tn phenumenal heights, while wages haul remained staitiunnr)‘. M r. [ï¬ngers re- eeived the delegattiun synipntheticully, and pt'utnised that the sitttntinn with nml mujc-Nnrv nmmu: Hm hays "I" "It gum 11 \‘iv\\' tn [H'U\'llllll"_f pi'au-tivul rrlivl' if lmssililv. 'l'liis pmmiso was :wtml upun at 0mm in the aimmintnu'm ut' the sub- cunnnittw, which mmsisls of Hun. Robert lingers. Hull. (1. J. Dolierly and Hun. 'l‘..\\'. thhvrs. 'l'he mun- niittev will make a general investiga- tion into the questiun, but the lines upon wliivli tlw inquiry will be made.- liave 11th been determined. The dele- gation made nu concrete suggestion for reducing the cost at living. for the winlrr Hwy lmw Imw taken their last pan. mul m-mmling tn ur. drï¬ shmflnl all he hark ul‘.‘‘ hy Tun-sciny night nf miss «eels. Thus:- nul "In-ml}~ in klmki littlv kmm‘ what signifivnm \u-ight muse hm mmls HUM. GHVERNMENI APPUINIS BflMMISBIflN [IN [1051 [If [WING "last puss" rnrry. hm sut't'im- In any that tlwir l'ulfilmc'm hm lit‘lml quih' n Inml t'mm Hu- mimls uf tlw mm «1' â€w Algmmuim. “hum. it mmru! he clvniml. \H‘l‘l‘ 'n'ilm WUI‘L‘N' up in!" n smu- ut' mm'st thruugh xmnmmrv- mvmx ul‘ “HIP? lmunliuns Ivminu 9|)"le and Im nwminn M' tlw IBMII. Order-in-Council Provides for In- vestigation. Mr. R. F. Argleq has joined the staff 01' the Gordon stores as account- um. WBRN COL ARMSTRONG INTORHBD TERM OF GOING OVER- SEAS AT EARLY DATE»PARADBD THROUGH CAlIP BORDBN WITH CRBBRS AND SONGMIIAVB ROW FINISHED LAST PASS. “1W" VUIMN M'N'r many wwks c NH'I‘ "Hum-1 mzums awn-om c mem Ihzmliun as tn "wit ('qum-I H. I". Armstmng. â€w I'ummmuling. lwlcl n spa-vial II \‘crvk ngu Saturday and M'- im‘umml Hm lmltnlinu M' â€w him: departure the prm-Iivnl nu ul' nmwwintiun was: such I lmt lw «Wm-"ml an it wiped (By Charles Rinks. Secretary to 00103:] Amman.) nymc "I smmlnt inn 'mmcln 'l'hv snnnnding of first pus! ti:':'.\'mi unly tun sunn. hnt strit-tly in azo-vnnl with olisviplinv the vrowd hi'ut..- up, nml with tho hnglc call at “nachtw nut†thv linvs were just us qnio-t us thvy hml hevn nuisy half hmn' provi- uns. With Snnclny mine â€in muting ut' nnnwmns letters mnking :tt't';.:tg’t.- tllt‘ltiï¬ nt hmno Mr â€W t'innl \-i~.'. and when \\'mlnos¢lny night t'ttlnv rmnnl «only sumo t'it'ty members «if the: unt- tnliun wvrv lot’t, sumo tn tnkv Hair-l «Intii-s, sumo tn mmk nncl tlu- r. i.:lilf~ (101' In pl'm'vml with vlm'ic-nl '-.ui'3; vl'mltmi by tho ruining tit‘l'tll'ittt'“ and with whit-h t'\'(‘ll at “Last i'nu" - nil-I nut intvrt'vrv but with thv minimtinti ut' whivh wunlcl t'Ultlt‘ this aim "iVl- SUMI'I WERE ENVIIH'S. Taking thv uiuiu mm! thmugh H.» camp the. 159th “i'urrioit im '° umt tim huhhuh rnisml itrvw "ll‘ ilit't'm'vut mm nt' huttutiuus t'rnm ttwir liiu-s tn ~tuiicl iit uttmiticm In surprise uml multipr- im-m at what was giving nu. Sum" m'tmilly thuiight that n strihi' “as m pi'ngri-H uml mikml sulm‘ his.“ ut' thi' Nurth "I†"WISH". Th0 Miami-1' mu am i-iuphntii- us tn h'uvv nu ilnuht. and tho- uuly ussuuwtinu to he ilt'iHHt wit-i ‘thut tlw cliivstmm‘m wishml thvy mmht unly juiu tlu- 159th mul tqu m thv "Win-us trip ulem. ltl‘ltNl'Il) 'I‘IH'I KAISER. liming i'xhuustml- priivtivultv nil gtn'l'tlttt's iit' displaying titt'it' gum! fur- tum. ilu- Ahmuquius pt‘m‘i‘mh-ii hack to tlwir mm lines and at tlllt‘t' dartint up u hugv huut'irv. With tlw z'hiium at u tri'iui-mluus hi-ight thi-y i'uith‘igtt- ml thv Kuisor tn tlu-iu. uiul uizh ru- m-wwi rhm-ring saw his “i'vumius†turu tn ashes. .\ pimm hml hoeu ittkl'tt in â€w plum! Ur â€I0 imttl'tt'i' ("til uu i-xi-i-Ili-ut i'uti-rtniumout was given by Sorgt. 'l'ml Wright, of .\'ni°th Hay. and ('m'pl. l’uihly Gatlnghvr. nt' Knuth Purt'ttpittt'. It is superfluous in mud- are; nt' "Th0 Advimvo" tu i-miuurzit. mi thi- uhilitii-s ut' “ I’mth" as in human- ist. hut thvri- woro. ut’ munw. "my m' the 150th hays not urquuiutml with his cupuhilitii-s unil ('ullawatettil)’ hr th-t 'ttut'tl ult uguiu um! uguin t’ur m-t! d-s- served viii-ores. ().\' LY Fl F'I‘Y It EMA NIH?! '. Despite the lmrrinl amnmmruh for making up â€w pnmion Hum- nu s'musihlo hml ilwlm'nl MI rl‘ï¬u)‘ M' the Kain-r Mn :1 strflclu‘r and Inlwllml In Hm! HTML This. nl‘ murw. at- trm‘tml Inm'h «Honï¬un nml t'fl’lN‘I' mmhlvrnhlo nmuwmcnl. The «we will he «31?in in 1mg»; â€llll hy t'lt‘l‘ll'll' lm'mnulies along the haul- agv lvvvl tn the main shaft. zuu.’ ‘lwm tippul mm 750 ton. luudin; gur-wts l‘i'um tlu-n- it wil he drum; u-V'. â€N! hig lumm slmlgc-(l or «'ruslml. “2.1 will 1‘ «lmwn up in five-tun skips. At the shaft tnp llu- urv wil he timni.‘ :ntu three NH. 7 g'.\'mtm°y vi'uslwr'-;. name-5 thru trunwls and the owrsiu x'w-r :ï¬ll- ml in l'mn' Nu. 5 :ryratury whither“; \Vlwn c-rushml the um \\'iill .321 p «liâ€" I'm-fly in!†5â€â€ tan storage him. 'nt nut in llw siclv «if the hill mljaivon' t tu tha- wmral shaft. The tunnel «cuts lhru tlw aide; ~ 2’ ï¬lm hill tn llu- lmltum 0f the his, in“! i'i'um slnruge thcorv is drum. w.) an im-lixw plane {0 the top m' 2.5: mill, l'mm when! it will he dislrii: .th to tlw stamp feeds. \an Hullingor's ventral ~E.."t. is plum-«l in uporaliun mnrly twat. Mam-h u fluw sheet unique in «no: run spm-t in this mining (country 1.5.15 bu intrmlm-ml. Tho undex‘grnund bin ideal. sulm'thing similar in that, .3; use nu the (in!ilwuu-Alusku, is 1.?» main uhungv. It). I 1-.“ The advantage of this Ham Quivm lips in 11w fact that liuulagw Una-mo is .I'Hilh'ml to the minimum ft m the émpiuyuwm of simple grant", to the: gréuu-xt ['mssible extent, an mum: in the fact that, the building 03' victims: sheds uutgidc and heating m" than is ab: iattd. 'I‘o Instal Next Spring New System -â€"To Do Away With Sheds. HfllllNEffl II} REDUCE BUST ' [If flflf HMIlAE‘E Single Copies 5 Cum