Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 4 Oct 1916, 1, p. 4

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% cents per inserhnn 01' $12 per your. Lodge Ouch or Notionâ€"“$6.00 per year. ml WWI IIIVIIBE To insurt‘ inwrfinn. rnpivs uf ml- rertismnonts should be in the hands of the. printer by Tuesday noou of each week. i Condensed Advertisements.“ Lust! and Found. Wanted. Fur Salv. To; Rant. oh... one inch or less, 25 rents per insertion. ‘ Advertisomonts insvrtml witlmnt: written instrttvtiuns mll appear until; written nrrlors fur Hwit‘ dismmhntt-l nnce slinll Imvc boon rowit'od. Further rates and particulars may be had an npphcntmn. hull“ ”(Meetâ€"«Reading mticcs of entertainments. etc. where a charge is to he made. will be inserted in The l’orrnpine Advanre at the reg- Illr "to 01’ 5 rents per line for news type or 7 cents per line for black {are type, oxwpt where tlu- jnh work is done It tlm Advance Printing Ofllce. when notice will be inserted free of charge. 'l‘lw 'l'innnim “mm-h «of “w Hum- dinn Rm! ('russ Sm-ioty Ims dm-iclod In umlurmlw tlu- vull'u-tinn and fur ln llll.‘ way a man will I'm-vice ”no big lmx ut' pavkagv l'l'uln llu- 'l'inunins filed ('rms anivty. tln uponing it llt' will find a ninnlwr at small git'ts t'rmn his 'avriuns t'riencls. ('flt‘ll git't ln-aring his t'rivnd's card. This will make it a real (‘ln'istniaé lmx. 'I‘lto svlwnu- wa‘s triml last year by the Hullingt-r Minus in regard tn tlmsv wliu ulnul vnlistml and tho sncvvss ut' t‘ie plan W8}: ilnqnostiuned. ln malt-r tn t'avilitale parking: and in nnilu- snrv at delivery lu-t‘nrv |7liriatinas. tlw gifts must be nnult- ready innnmliatcly and baskets will he t'mnul at l’ust ()t’t’it-e. Huldt'ioltls' llutel. Imperial Bank. Bank nt' (‘mn- vuorvo. Sue's Drug Store. Burke's Drug Stui'v. Mrlmngltlin's Hem-ml Stare. Sliipp‘itn's ('amly Stui'ctalar- bililll-l‘:t'|’lt'filttll('.5. (‘nnnning'a (‘igar Sturv, lhimyotrky'B Slurp. Nurtlwrn fanatla Supply (‘u,. )luttagalni llutcl. llulliugt't’. l’ul'cupinv ('l'nwn. 11ml Nurth 'l'lmznpsnn. [)I'U\'ltl('(l that ar- i'flngt‘lnvnte t'aln lw maltlt' ;.-‘_ llmrw plat-vs tn talw rare at them. if lltt't‘t' i.~ any tlulllli as in tlw way in Willt‘ll liH'N' packages arc: tn he ltlllltllml. any ut' tlw members at the RED CROSS CHRISTMAS BOX. If stv is :lnyum- lit-ulur t'l'ivml :zt tlu- wish tn rvnwmhcr. t thin: Hwy plvzlsv. the baskets and 51' made up in!” lmrvc ict’t 'l‘immins. tu wll been made. ' Oman . 82.00 a you United sum . 83.00 s you WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 4TH. \ list 01 tlmsv Wlm sunllld he f0 mcmbexml “ill he found in the “Pur- rupine Adulnqé,“ ”nun! Run. Professional tnd Business and: Thursday. ”timber 12th. will M :1 rod-letter Il;l)".l;ll tlw annals of Tim- xuins .‘lzisum'y.)\'hen District Deputy “mud Music!" Evil .1. MacAuIay. will install the ut'fic’ers nf ‘iUlllt‘ll Bean-r Lodge. Nu. 52§.:ancl dedicate and con- s'ecratc tho lmlge‘tu Masonry. A large number of \‘ifiiling hretln'en are ex- pected {ruin the SQDBflX..lDIl Cocliraue, and the Mnsfilfs‘fif lfih‘diéfi'i’ct we cordially invited. Published every Wednesday by BIG NIGHT IN MASONRY. 000. but. Publisher 38 . . . OflABIO thscription Rum: ’Phone 26 Market letter of A. S. Puller Co. gum shnl'mgv bull! in ‘ the host. \\'e believe we are ntl the 00 ul' \"t't\' big market. espet mm in the I’m- tttlntm- sitH‘kS and itutll int'wnnatimn HI uttt INNSQ’SSIUH We me Hi ”to ”pin- inn that inside at the next .N) (itHn the i’tnt'ttttbitte slnt'ks “I” tltult't'gu utte Hi the hixgmt humus that as uee'tut'ed sim-e 1911. The eleetiutts in the States will he M'et' album the first 01' .\'u\'etiihet' and we helieve ('utltiitintls thele [mint tn a large. atauuut at at- tetitina heiag ghen tn the l’ntenliine «.znhl ramp. in this and uther tinati- t'ttll eetttt‘es. UIH'U with with :llsn [’HH‘ ('I'HWH. INHIH‘ l‘.X.. us ('slvm'ulu) gum! buys at thv present tinw. 'l'lw ~itnaitiun in ('ulmlt is nut quite fin guml as in i’urrnpilw as tlwro are lmssihilitivs ut' labor truuhlt'. 'l'lw lyric-v ”1' silver is 11150 an uncertain t't-zitnrv which vnnnnt lw mnntml «m with any nm-ertuint)‘. l'nder the vir- mnnstnni-t-s \rv favor the l’urcnpines huth t'nr investment and spoonlatiun. Nearly awry stm-ks on tho l’urvu- pinv list is a purvhusv at the prosunt time with a tow oxvcptiuus. We h0- lit-n- than! \'i|mucl shuuhl lw lmught at ”two as nugntiutiuns are nuw pending: with thv lung-tulkml ut' mnsulidutiun with thv Nurth 'l‘humpsun. We :u'v :llsn advising the purvhusv nt' l’urvu- hixw t'ruwn. Dunne l°..\'.. as vslwrizlll)’ IHIM flf WA HUTEHISHN Crown Failed to Prove Charge: of Manslaughter. lt will '19 rotuemhorml that un the .llltfl m' August last, the lmdy at n nouly-lmm lmlw was found 011 the tun-l": ut' the 'l'. N. (l. railway by snlm' Pilas’llll: elliltlren. wrapped in ruus aml a Mail 6'; Empire nmrspuper. 'l'lu- lmlire authorities «m suspieiun urrmtml Iva Huteliisun, wlm they Ilium-1’1! tn he the guilty party. The trial at Iva llutehismn was hem-cl lest 'llmrs dm. Sept. 28th. at Suutl: l’nrl-upine,a at “llit‘ll tlie Cruwu t'uilml lu prmluee sufficient evidem-e lu pron'e the girl guilty ut' mau- slaughter. She wu~ then eharged with (-rixninnl (Ntttl‘t‘ztlltll’llt nt' birth, to which she pleaded guilty and reveived an inde- terminate sentence of nut less than three mnnths nur more than hm years in the Mercer Ret‘orlnatur)‘ at Toronto The expiratinn of the sentence de- pend.» upon her good behavior. . inapegtur Rogers, uf the Provincial threwhas- charge of ‘her; and is to superx'ise her future behavior. 'l'lu- . _'_'l'2lt'Hll financial Sitilutinn is and with tho vxm-ptiun ut' Hm Igv ul' lzn'mr mining cumlitiuns in ('nimlt and l’um-upino M0 at ('mungns . . . . Hil't‘urcl . . . . . Grout anlh. (3mm .‘leolmu err lulkv . . ”u I‘gm \‘(N Hudscm [my ldl R080 . . . . . Cobalt:â€" Hnilvy . ..... .. Humor Hui lulu . . . . . . ¢ nlmnm nml Mun ( Immln-I s-I‘ N lmnl {'mwn Rvsvrw .. Pun-ulnar liultl . lmporiai . . . . . .. . l’urmlpiuc Tisdnlv l’urmpino Vipnmi Preston . . . . . . . . Svhnmeclwr . . . Trek-Hughes . . . “'03! huuw . . . . . Tutu! sult's fur “'1 Market Letter Homer L. Gibson Co. .\lthnn;:b the turn-nver nt' shares nn the Standard Stnel; Exehaage has been fairly heavy during: the t'nrtnighti priee ehanges have been very vew in- deed. Evident-es nt' a gradual but steady neetttnnlalinn «of the better elass nt' shares by thnse best pnsted are seen. hnwever, and it \mnld ap- pear probable that the publie Wnnld slsnrtly t'nllnw this lead. The heavy nver-snbseriptinn nl' the latest ('anadian War Lnan. indieates a plethnra nt' funds in the humininn. and as there is an dnnbt that the same ennditinns exists with nur Snnthern neiuhhnrs, it seems reasnnable tn ex- peet pnblie partieipatinn ‘t'rnm bnth sides nt' the line in nnr mining.r llttll'- kets. Hiteh partieipatinn is in\'ariabl_\' am-mnpztnied by higher priees. sn that tn thnse with ennrage ennngli tn make enmmitments in nnr present praetieal- 1y statinnary market. early and sub- stantial. prnt'its n'nuld appear tn be available. ”Jun 10350 5cm Mum Sum 7m» 27.7"” (3,400 4.1m Himm ~HL725 2,80" 22.35” 5cm 1.00" :H ,500 2,!!50 7,100 35.70“ Attractions at The Empire Theatre \Villinlll Fux presents Theda Hall's! in tho sm-icty drama. Kern-ts “1' Su- rioty." at tlw Empire 'l'lwatrv. Friâ€" day and Saturday. (h-tulwr 7th and 5:11. This is a drama nt' supronw paw- ('1', prmluvml by Marshall Farnmu of NW Fux Film ('ul'pm'atiun. 1,50" 93,10" L400 :mu‘m £4.40" Theda Ham. as l tor several years hundmi a telegram her husband, {rum Theda Barn. as Lady Murchmd. alf- tor several yours of happiness is hunch-d a telegram hy Lnrd Murvhmd, her hushnnd, frnm his nvphow, tvlling hp was hringing with him his wife's former husband, \xhu sulllt‘ years ago had left her alone and destitute and went in Australia tu‘seek his fur- tmm Lard Morelaiid is surprised at this hut knowing that his wife had hcvn married het'nrv. 'l'hv answer is u druinutir vliiuzlx full “3' lmwvr and eumtiuu. I11 the phutn 111115 1-111111-1I5'. "1"1'11111 1’111111111'115 tn :1 'I'l111111»." whi1h will he the 11tt1'111ti1111 at the I'Inwhe 311111- 11115 11111I'I‘11031I115. H11. 9th 111111 10th. 1"111te1' I)e 11115911. the 12111111115 111111911- 11111. takes 11111! in 1111 111tuul tight he- tore the camera. at I 1115913111 ( it5, ('111. As 1'11st111111115 111'1'111'11 11 19111 bux- ing bout prelnninariu 1111‘ stuuml and in this case Stexe I’u'tun 11111! \11 \\ right. lightneights. [1111 up 11 1eaI tight. The main event 1111111115 this between De Haven an1I”Jucke5' ' Pierce, 11 real artist and t'unner joc- ke5. What ('artez' unnamed at was that it cost him half his 51111115 to bribe his opponent not to make the blow too realistic. - .023 .00 Ml HM w 50 “(3' cm In! 25' 0.") .30 If“ fl If CH "14 (Ni I" "5‘ H 53! f.- H 0H um Um org! “4‘ a”, (H 16 ll mmmm IIMMINS lflflBE, l.fl.fl.f. N0. 459 GEO. LAKE. WHY I should select a MUTUAL POLICY l"llt.\"l'- lteeause in a umtual enmp- auy the assets are the sule prupert)’ ul' the pnliey-huhters. Slit'UNIL~-lteeause in a mutual emu-i pan); all “ii the lll‘tllih' gap tn 'N)llt'_\'- holders: nut 90 per eeut or 95 per eeut. hut the whole. 'l'lllltDâ€"Ueeause in a mutual entitli- mny the exeeutive is «tirm-tly respuu sihle tn the puliey-hulders. All the direeturs are pulievhnhlers' (lireeturs. EP‘UI'R'I'H -â€"* lteeause mutual eump.i auies huhl the record for stability. FIFTHâ€" lteeause umtual eumpauies have all the “sat‘ety-ttrst" features of stuek eumpanies with mutuality thruuu iu. SlX'l'Hâ€"lteeause the largest Ameri- eau enmpauies are aiready mutual ur seriuusly euusitleriug uuitualizatiml. and already more than one-half of legal reserve insurunee is mutual. Sl'IVl'ZX'I'llâ€" lteeause mutual ('nlllp- auies are ant built up in the interest (if the few, but 01' the ,many. Therefore, I will take for mine THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA t'amula's ()uly Mutual Waterloo, Ontario. All modern forms of Policies issued See SULLIVAN NEWTON General Agents, Opposite P.0. Timmlns, for further Particulars BARMSTBRS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIBS. Temple Blinding. Toronto Golden Ann. South Porcupine. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC. 9-10 Royal Exchange 81:13.. Cobalt. Phone 08. Moore Bldg“ Timmins. BARRISTBR. .‘lm-ts «ivory Tuesday own- ing in their lndgo mum mi 'l'hircl sin-nun. Visiting bru- ers ri'qlu'sh'ii In “Nomi. J. W. M3110“ W. 0. SMITH. WOOOOOOOOO 0m Snell temlerers shall he x'erpiirecl tu erect a mill ur mills on or near the territory and to manul'mture the wood in!” pulp and paper in the l’rw vim-e of Ontarioâ€"the paper mill to he ereetecl when direeted hy the Min- lister nl' Lands, Forests and. Mines. ..-. Parties” making tender. will be re- lquired to deposit with their tender 3 Tenders for Pulpwood and Pine Limit Tenders will be I'om-ivvd by the un- (torsi'rnml up tn and includingr tho lst (1.1\ ()i Domiulwr ith. ,tm the l'i"llt tn (ut puhmmul and pine timber nu a vermin are: situated on the Pie River and nthvr territory mljuvont therein. in the District of Thunder Bay. .'l'emlerers shall state the manual per enrd nu pulpwnnd. and per thnu- sand feet, hnard measure. or pine. that they are prepared tn pay as a hnnus in addidtinn tn dues nl’ 4U eeuts per ('Ut'tl l'nr spruee. and 20 cents per ennl fnr other pulpu'nmls. and $2.00 per thnusaml feet. hnaril measure t'nr pine, nr sueh nther rates as may from time tn time he fixed by the l.ieutenant-(lnverunr-ia-(‘mm- eil, fur the right tn nperate a pulp mill and a paper mill nu nr near the area referred tn. II n IELY, SMITH AMOS Branch Offices:- Timmins, South Porcupine, Schumacher, Cobalt, North Bay and Berlin. Private Wire with Direct Connections with Best possible facility to handle a strictly commission business. Head Office Toronto. ’Phone 64. ’Phone 33. STOCK BROKERS )Iombvrs ut' Stmulzml Stuck Exchange Toronto and Cobalt . Timmins South Porcupine marked elieque, payable tn the “ulnar. tll)ll' the 'l'reasurer ut' the l’ruviuee utf' ()atariu, t'nr hveuty-t'ive tlmusand' dullars ($25,000). wliieli uumunt will lH‘ l'urt’eited iu the. event at their not, entering: into agreement ta earry out euuditiuus, ete. The said $25,000 will lH.‘ applied nu aeeuuut ut' lmuus dues, as uieutinued almve, will require tn he paid in the usual manner as re- turns at euttiug ut' wand and timber are reeeived. The highest of any tcmlur nut, m-(vcs- 3111'in arm-Mod. ‘ Fur pm'tivulurs as tn dosvriptinn ut’ territury. «capital tn In; invested, Mu, apply in tho unmh-rsxgucd. ‘1 W. RUTHERFORD, O. KABEL, H. H. I"I'II{GI,'S().\'. I Min. uf Lands, Furcsts and Mi 5‘. 'l'nrnntn, August 28th, 1916. if N.l:.-â€" Nu unauthurizmi publivutiou of this Imtiw will b0 paid for. “Ten nr tvn' as a sequence tn the night hvt'ux'c. and unthing hut {Wu per cent. tn takv the taste out of his mouth. brings hume to the tranggrcs- 301‘ the factlhat Hm $33,133“:ng harder. Meets wary first and i'mn'tln Muniluy evenings of (380'! qumh. ()«Mt’cllows Hull, 'l'hircl avenue. Visiting brethren ul« ways wclvmne. IIMMINS LILL N0. 2552

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